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Everything posted by shroudening

  1. I do like the layout better. I think facebook is incredibly ugly and filled with incredibly ugly people. Too bad facebook is the social networking monopoly. One heck of a bad grade. Worse than a B+.
  3. Welcome to Serenes! I exist in a manner most quaint.
  4. Thread must be renamed to pingas.
  5. *lands on eye* "I be hasing an eye patch now..." *throws fire spirit*
  6. Welcome to the magical land of Serenes. Be on the lookout for the wild dragons that lurk this area. Have a delicious time.
  7. Huge list. FE3 FE4 FE6 FE7 FE8 FE9 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13
  8. This looks awesome! Gotta say... I'm super excited for this. But when school starts I won't have a lot of time to play it.
  9. Oliver x Reyson and Valtome x Zelgius Eddie x Mia would be pretty funny, but they don't interact at all during the story line, so it makes absolutely no sense. Vika x Tormod would be interesting... I think Gatrie x Lyre would have been freaking hilarious. But I could really care less about pairings, really. When fans start pairing characters, it tends to become... obsessive at times. If anything, some of the seemingly canon pairings (Haar x Jill) could have been brought out a little better. The epilogue hints, but doesn't directly confirm it.
  10. Woooh! School in two days! Time to start that summer reading! Procrastination level well over 9000 healthy limit. Is that red thing over Ghetsis's right eye supposed to pass as an eye patch?
  11. "AARGH!... Release... the Raptors...!" *explodes* I would save myself, thereby creating a time paradox in which one version of me dies in order to let the other version of me live.
  12. He looks creepy. I prefer Count Von Count, quite honestly. R.I.P. Jerry Nelson
  13. If I had the pingas I could terrorize all of Mobius!
  14. I'd rather be forever alone than drink that much warm water, doesn't even have to be dirty. *forever alone*
  15. whatever makes you happy
  16. Pokemon would be so much more fun if they just let you go wherever the hell you wanted for at least a portion of the game.
  17. *lets fall into pit of aforementioned spikes of doom* *throws General!Wolf*
  18. *catches, but impact causes self to lose balance, ultimately leading to self falling backwards off the ledge of a cliff inconveniently placed above deadly spikes of doom* *throws dracozombie*
  19. *Catches in a giant butterfly net* *Throws Chef Krom*
  20. He doesn't look all that bad. I do find it annoying that they made another Fire/Fighting combination though. I do kinda hope they are done with Eeveeloutions.
  21. I've actually been thinking about finally purchasing Black/White, since I only hate 75% of the new pokemon, and I like at least 6. I probably wouldn't use a starter because although Dewott's pretty cool, I don't really care for Samurott. Screw starters, I'm scrapping whichever one I pick for Axew asap if I decide to actually play the game. Electivire's pretty cool looking, but not as cool as Zapdos.
  22. Not really sure. Rock as well. Favorite RPG character?
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