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Everything posted by shroudening

  1. A FE7 + FE6 remake would be pretty cool, if they did it right. Give those thieves their rightful assassin promotion, and I'd be in. It has fairly good potential to make use of the inheritance system as well. I think it would be really interesting if parents from FE7 were able to transfer skills and stats to their FE6 counterparts. Roy might actually become usable then. I doubt it would ever happen though.
  2. I cannot die until I have fulfilled my duty.
  3. I'm going to have to get a PS3 now... Because there is no way I'm missing out on this. I haven't tried Dawn of the New World yet, and I wanted to try Tales of Graces f anyways. It's at times like these where owning a Wii doesn't do you any good (except for the fact that you can play the original ToS, but that's besides the point since I still own my Gamecube and play it on that). I hope they add in a ToS ending where you can keep Kratos and Zelos...
  4. 1. Fire Emblem 2. Tales Series 3. Golden Sun 4. Pokemon (including spin-offs from the main series) 5. Metroid
  5. I really didn't like Heath. His character was okay, but the green/white hair did not work out for me at all. And in comparison to Cormag, Glen, Miredy and Gale, he didn't leave much of an impression on me. I could say the same for Vaida.
  6. I would like the next game to have two lords: one who is a protector of beauty and of similar appearance to Oliver, and the other being a bandit like Gonzales. It would be great! The beautiful vs. the ugly rather than good vs. evil, which is clearly cliched. I'd be happy with a non-lord protagonist that mains in bows. Just as the lords have special weapons, he could have a short bow (1-2 range) specifically for him or her, or knives for close combat. A protagonist that wields dark magic would be pretty cool as well (but could turn out horrible if inaccurate). Though I'm sure we can expect many more blue-haired sword-wielding male lords who are facing invasion by an evil country.
  7. Hmmm..... I wake up at 6:00 A.M. and go to bed anywhere from midnight to 4:00 A.M. Sometimes I go to bed right after school (4:30 to 5:00 ish) so that I can work on homework in the middle of the night. And then other times I just don't sleep. But on weekends I have literally slept for 14 hours. I have literally woken up at 5:00 P.M. before. I am really bad at enforcing a sleep schedule.
  8. Wabbits. Dragons come as no shock, being one of the integral components of the series. Even the laguz were not all that surprising to me. But I was not anticipating giant killer rabbits taguels by all means.
  9. FE4 > FE10 > FE9 > FE6 > FE8 > FE12 > FE3 > FE7 > FE11 FE13 will likely compete with FE4 in awesomeness, though I haven't been able to purchase the game yet so I can't place full judgement.
  10. He's referring to the fact that we both used the same hair and eyes, with only a difference in hair color. In a way, it's to be expected, since the number of possible MU appearance combinations isn't incredibly high.
  11. Nice to meet you! I'm Isaac55, known by many as Supreme Raptor Chancellor. Welcome to la forums. lol narshen
  12. Why public when you can go magnet? oh wait magnet is public..
  13. Granted, but you do not get to choose the things you get to do. I wish I had the motivation to write my rhetoric paper.
  14. H5 is only tough early game. At some point it will become much easier. Though if you want to make things ridiculously easy, reclass Wolf and/or Sedgar to General. Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay!
  15. So you have a much better chance at getting in ED than 99% of us. Unless you're white.
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