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James Bond

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Status Replies posted by James Bond

  1. It’s been a while, just saying hi!

    1. James Bond

      James Bond

      I came back to reminisce, but then I saw the place was kind of empty, I remember FftF to be livelier. How about you? Has the forest (and life) been treating you well?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. I see you are still around

  3. 3ScwoBn.thumb.gif.4116817f4da7d829b1ca6d

    1. James Bond

      James Bond

      Is it still too late to comment on this? And I didn’t even get a notification…

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Admit it, you are too bored to change your avy

  5. Happy birthday, Sask!

  6. Happy birthday Sask. Nepnep

    1. James Bond

      James Bond

      Thank you Emerald! Much appreciated!

  7. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!

    1. James Bond

      James Bond

      Thank you sir, likewise!

  8. Happy birthday Sask!

  9. Happy birthday Sask, here's to it being a good one.

    1. James Bond

      James Bond

      Thank you Soledai! Hopefully it will be a good day for you too!

  10. i considered waiting a bit and saying "happy birthday from the past", but i'll refrain

    1. James Bond

      James Bond

      Oh you...thanks anyways!

  11. Happy Birthday, Sask!

    1. James Bond

      James Bond

      Thank you, so much!!!

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