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Time the Crestfallen

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Everything posted by Time the Crestfallen

  1. I don't know if I should be more ashamed that I instantly knew what you were talking about, or that I can actually name worse RPGs than FATAL. Regardless, D&D is absolutely not evil, especially considering that many of the things that are 'evil' in-game are very explicitly called as such and are expected to be enemies of the player party. However, it should be noted that D&D isn't the end-be-all of table-top RPGs. GURPs comes to mind, but there are quite a few that don't really do supernatural stuff, such as Net Runner and Paranoia.
  2. Yes and no. When someone is asking about a specific unit, while it doesn't help much to just say 'they're good, but X is better', that doesn't make comparisons to similar units valid in terms of pros and cons. When it comes to tier list discussions, this sort of thing can't be helped. Tier lists can only be considered 'subjective' in the sense that unit placements can be moved up or down 3 spaces or so based on different situations and personal opinion, but that doesn't change that some units are going to be strictly better or worse than other units.
  3. I was more talking about how the gaming community is, more than anything else I know, extremely defensive and aggressive towards those who are considered 'outsiders'. Whether or not that's justified I'm not talking about in this post specifically, but I imagine a number of them will read just the title and get pissed off because they read it as a personal attack on them and dismiss it as another attempt to demonise gaming. Anyway, it's especially interesting seeing this come up after that whole mess with loot boxes and whether or not they can be classified as gambling. I wonder if they factored that into the discussion.
  4. So basically it's just describing a pattern of addictive behaviours with gaming as the cause? Yeah, fair enough. Although I can't imagine the reactions of the wider gaming community being very open-minded towards the issue.
  5. This is really the crux of any discussion of forum boards. For all we can discuss it and speculate, it ultimately comes down to two different things: 1) We don't have access to revenue data, while IntSys does. 2) Our board represents a very small minority of the community, and even if 95+% of us come to the same conclusion, that doesn't necessarily reflect the opinions of the wider community. As much as I am willing to agree with most of what is said here, that doesn't change the fact that we (if you'll excuse the potentially elitist terminology) are the 'hardcore' audience and thus, are more likely to care about character diversity in seasonal banners. I imagine the more 'casual' audience, which is certainly the much larger majority, probably doesn't care as much and is just happy to get more variants of their favourites (I'm going to roll every version of Azura that comes out, because I'm shameless like that). Hell, there's a non-insignificant number of them who haven't played any of the games outside of Awakening, Fates, and maybe Smash Bros reps if you wanna count that. Not that I mean to shut down potential discussion, that's not my intent at all, just that we can only account for community opinions, not the thoughts and opinions of the larger audience or the actual revenue numbers.
  6. Favourite Nintendo heroines would be, in no particular order: -Azura -Zelda/Sheik -Samus Have you ever played a sport competitively (skill level doesn't matter)?
  7. Favourite Star Wars movie? Not asking easy questions, are you? I don't really have a favourite to be honest. Sure, there's a lot of stuff I like, but it's not something I've given that much thought towards that I'd have a favourite.
  8. It's a toss-up between the new hard-drive or volume 1 of The Complete Short Stories- Roald Dahl. Do you have anything planned for New Years?
  9. Personally speaking, I'd go with silver. If you're really struggling though, you could find a way to justify the eyes changing colours. Is the character being made for a fantasy setting or something similar?
  10. 6. What books/movies/games did you used to dislike, but enjoy now? 7. What books/movies/games did you used to enjoy, but now dislike? 8. What books/movies/games do you like, but most people seem to dislike? 9. What books/movies/games do you dislike, but most people seem to enjoy? 10. PVP or PVE?
  11. 1. Damage, Tank, or Healer? 2. Morning or Night? 3. Tea or Coffee? 4. Least favourite colour? 5. Winter or Summer?
  12. I do have other Servants now, but I've been kinda lazy and haven't bothered raising any of them. I'll change it up in a minute or so.
  13. 11. Favourite Board Games? 12. Day or Night? 13. Summer or Winter? 14. Do you listen to any podcasts? 15. Favourite Youtubers/Twitch Streamers?
  14. 6. What games/movies/books did you used to love, but dislike now? 7. What games/movies/books did you used to dislike, but love now? 8. Fighter, Rogue, or Mage? 9. Sci-Fi or Fantasy? 10. Tea or Coffee?
  15. I thought you were in the anti bully squad
  16. Supposedly it is. I say that so people don't get mad at me if it isn't happening >_>
  17. Something something Hanlon's Razor. Realistically speaking, it's probably a mixture of both. He's not a complete idiot, but he's hardly some sort of Machiavellian genius.
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