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Time the Crestfallen

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Everything posted by Time the Crestfallen

  1. Bruh, burning the feikah is a show of dedication. I dunno, realistically speaking there's no reason why you can't do both imo, especially if you don't have any servants you particularly want to raise. Burning embers is something I don't think you can conclusively state is a bad strategy imo.
  2. Eh, they get added back into the Rare Mana Prism shop at a reduced cost latter (1000 a piece instead of increasing by 200), although I think you get refunded for for the extra prisms you spend. Having to burn SRs is a bit of a pain, but it isn't too hard. I got enough within two weeks on the JP with a Fionn and two Tamamo Cats (sorry Emerald). For KnK or this one? Sir Daniel Fortesque from Medievil, which is my favourite game of all time. They announced a 4k Remake of it at PSX
  3. I've played Warframe, WoW, and SWTOR in the past, the grind in this game means nothing to me. I have a different plan for getting the Mona Lisa's is that's what you mean by this, so I'm not too fused. Oh don't get me wrong, I do like the event. But between Uni, family stuff for Christmas, and FGO JP I haven't been able to pay as much attention to this event as I would've liked, especially when I needed to rush the main story in JP.
  4. Don't worry about it, at time of writing I haven't even cleared No. 6 (mostly cause I stopped caring after I got the Grand Prizes).
  5. Is it this thing? Cause yeah, that was an engine test by someone faking a Medievil thing upon further research, so my bad.
  6. I don't think it was really 'fake' per say. If I'm talking about the same thing as you, it was an engine test that looked very similar to Medievil that got leaked as a potential sequel/remake.
  7. They don't really need to do anything. His skills in Apocrypha would already be a pretty great servant; -Affection of Goddess -Bravery -Battle Continuation Although I must say, if Semiramis and/or Berserker Atalanta aren't on the banner I'm gonna die a little inside. There is such a character, yes. I believe she narrates his Noble Phantasm. Don't expect her to be particularly game-breaking though, they've already stated outright that they're never making a servant more powerful than Merlin because it's a mistake they don't want to repeat. I also wouldn't expect her any time soon. Too many other servants to get to, plus whatever new ones they wanna throw in. Besides, I'd rather they give us Morgan le Fay before anything else.
  8. My man But seriously, I don't wanna derail the thread and there isn't much to talk about, so what are everyone's hopes for the game? I'm hoping for some minor gameplay revamps. As much as I love the game, the way it controls is kinda clunky and outdated. Also, if the Lightning could not be a one use only weapon that'd be fucking great.
  9. I mean I mentioned in one of the other threads that I would sell my soul for a Medievil and Gauntlet: Dark Legacy remake, so hopefully we can see the latter down the line somewhere.
  10. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/ps1-action-game-medievil-getting-4k-remaster-on-ps/1100-6455533/ I've been sending this to everyone I know. This announcement has cured my depression and made me believe in God again.
  11. http://www.wcvb.com/article/roy-moore-accuser-yearbook-entry-notes-handwriting/14390831 Probably a little too late though. I've seen stories floating around that she wrote the date & time or even that she outright forged it, so I imagine a lot of people have the justification they need to vote for Moore, even though this is just one case out of many, many other confirmed instances.
  12. What else can you expect from a Randroid? It's because everything is a partisan issue when it comes to the GOP. The only reason people getting caught in scandals with men are punished is because not doing so would, in their eyes, look like a tacit support of homosexuality. Of course, it says a lot that being a homosexual is a greater crime to the GOP and their voting base than being a middle-aged sexual predator who targets teenage girls, but that's just how it is. It's probably a deliberate strategy; how could they go on about sexual 'degeneracy' amongst the left when they refuse to drop people like Moore, other than doubling down and trying to justify it in the short term so they can play innocent when they get called on it latter?
  13. 1. Sci-Fi, Fantasy, or Science-Fantasy? 2. Favourite kind of weather? 3. Least favourite colour? 4. What movies/books/games did you used to love, but don't anymore? 5. Damage, Tank, or Healer?
  14. I'm only one Quartz off of another pull. I'd like to get Scathach up to NP 4, but the fact that I haven't rolled 2030 is a bit annoying.
  15. It looks like this I will always prefer something be really weak than OP, even if it were my favourite servants. It's always better for one option to not be bad than for literally every option except one be bad.
  16. In a world without Merlin, this would be the perfect solution to his problems. However, with Merlin floating around, Siegfried being able to tag Dragon trait onto enemies would make him so ridiculously OP that he'd push every other offensive 4* out of the meta. Hell, I honestly think he'd just be the best Saber in the game period and as much as I like the guy, I'd much rather he under-perform unless placed in a specific instance or run in a specific team than have him be strictly better than any other comparable unit.
  17. Use Tamamo with him. If you can get a Waver or second Tamamo, even better. His damage and NP charge regain on his ult is absolutely fucking insane, and when he gets his strengthening quest he's arguably the best Arts damage dealer other than Archer Artoria.
  18. Please tell me you're mis-remebering. If Pseudo-Servant Sieg drops I'm gonna be so fucking mad, especially if he winds up being top-tier.
  19. @JSND Alter Dragon Boner MHX, MHX Alter, and Rider Alter aren't that great either though. IMO, the only thing they need to do with her is put Buff Success rate increase on her 3rd skill, which would give it a use outside of Divine and Undead enemies, make it so that her 1st skill can't screw you with RNG, and fix her problems without really adding anything to her kit because, as you said, it's already super solid. After that, whatever weakness she has is down to Quick just being kinda shit rather than any problem with her. Animation upgrade when? Her second skill needs a fix badly. Even with the lower than normal cooldown, 1000% critical absorption for 1 turn at level 10 is unforgivably bad. All she really needs is a Crit Damage up imo. I suppose they could buff his first skill, but even if you did that, his stat distribution is still built towards tanking. At this point, I'd just hold out for a seasonal version of him or, god forbid, a pseudo-servant Sieg, since the Siegfried we have is basically beyond saving.
  20. Bruh, the Artoria's are in such a bad state it's hilarious. OG Saber is literally the worst 5* in the game at this point Hopefully however, they buff the Servants I want buffed first. Namely, Scathach and Atalanta.
  21. Depends on the game, but I can usually play a game for 3 hours a day if I want.
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