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Time the Crestfallen

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Everything posted by Time the Crestfallen

  1. I really enjoy difficult boss battles, specifically because I think pushing the player to the limits is what a Boss Fight is supposed to do. It's not that simple though, cause there's a really thin line between legitimately challenging and just being cheap imo. How would you caption this image?
  2. Now if only the OG Saber could get a buff >->
  3. Perhaps, but we've only had one year of Trump compared to eight of Bush. I sincerely doubt we'll be getting another term of Trump, so we'll have to judge by the legacy he leaves behind.
  4. 1. Summer or Winter? 2. Damage, Tank, or Healer? 3. Tea or Coffee? 4. Do you listen to any Podcasts? 5. Favourite Youtuber/Twitch Streamer?
  5. You mean Bush Sr. right? I'm pretty sure Bush Jr. is considered one of the Presidency's biggest disasters, but idk. It's less ass-backwards and more the standard of how people like him get through; the moderate vote was divided between several tendencies while he had the unified crank voting base. You say that as if the GOP isn't already pretty nationalistic. Trump just took it from crypt-nationalism to overt nationalism. Besides, borderline fascism won't be the only remnant of Trump's presidency. His rhetoric and campaign tactics will likely linger like a bad smell.
  6. They'll bring the first two banners back + a seasonal anniversary one featuring Chrom, Xander, Azura, and Camilla
  7. Fair enough, but you know how it is; give away free stuff and people will complain it's not the free stuff they want.
  8. She got No. 8, which is still pretty great. I'm a solid contender for the biggest Azura fan on this website, but I'd honestly be shocked if she got more than +/- 1 space. It's not impossible though; the difference between her and Cordelia is only 164. Optimistically speaking, I see no problem placing Sharena in the 7-10 range. It'd be very hard for anyone to get higher than that, considering that there was more than 2000 votes between Eirika and Cordelia. I think the extra exposure would be worth more than the gameplay benefit. For every person who loves how useful Reinhardt is, there's another who hates him for being so pervasive in the meta. What about the people who paid to roll for her and didn't get her at all?
  9. It's a matter of pragmatism. Personally speaking, I don't particularly care to gear Refreshers for combat since I use them for, well, refreshing. Which nature is best comes down to how often do you anticipate on having her hit things. You already said you like units being able to carry their own weight, so you've obviously got combat on your mind. In that case, stick with the +Atk nature, especially considering you've already put +Spd!Slaying Axe, Luna, and Fury on her. Sunken-cost and what-not.
  10. Villains mostly. Walhart, Julius, and Ashnard are the stand-outs though.
  11. At this point, it's basically just doing stuff with other friends. Even stuff I used to enjoy is very dull by myself.
  12. Sorta? Whether or not this deserves to be put in the same category as DID isn't something I'm going to argue, but hopefully recognising it as a separate condition can lead to a more specific treatment plan.
  13. It's a matter of what they stand to gain vs. what they stand to lose. The Republicans had plenty of opportunities to get Trump impeached already, and they decided to stick by it so they can try and push their legislation through with minimal worries. At this point, there's no benefit to dropping Trump imo; the GOP brand is basically radioactive to anyone even remotely left of center (by US standards) at this point in time, and whatever good will they get from the moderates within their own base will be matched, if not exceeded, by the huge rift they'd draw between the moderates and the Trump voters. Not to mention that given Trump's tendency for highly public meltdowns, the split will be far from amicable. Going into 2020, they already have to deal with what looks like a renewed passion amongst Democrat voters. Ousting Trump would be tantamount to conceding. To be frank though, I'm not exactly looking forward to 2020. Reagan gave us Bush, and Bush gave us Trump. Based on what I've seen so far, I'm definitely not looking forward to what Trump will give us. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if one or more GOP candidates openly ran as a fascists at this point.
  14. Cool aesthetic, but otherwise I'm rather ambivalent. If you could instantly master any skill you wanted, what would it be?
  15. 1. Sci-Fi or Fantasy? 2. Damage, Tank, or Healer? 3. Winter or Summer? 4. Tea or Coffee? 5. Day or Night?
  16. Scathach from Fate/Grand Order Do you have a New Years resolution?
  17. Only takes 4-5 to make a party, I'm sure you could make a thread in general gaming looking for players. I'd be up for it as well if you want to.
  18. I disagree quite heavily. In fact, I'd say it's the opposite; once a unit hits a certain level of maneuverability, the only thing that matters is performance, since movement and range only matters to the extent of which you can outplay the AI, which can easily be done with Infantry Melee units. Besides, if you cared so much about movement, you'd go for Flier Emblem rather than Cavalry Emblem, since most maps are designed in such a way that the movement of Cavalry is rather heavily impaired. BH!Lyn and Reinhardt have more going for them than range and movement. Also, Reinhardt is absolutely a joke when he decides to attack a Green Mage just because they're in attack range. All units are a joke in the hands of the AI.
  19. Well for one thing Leo doesn't perform well compared to other units, so there's not much I can do about that. Furthermore, blanket statements like all armour units and melee units are not only just flat-out not true, but indicate to me that your placing an absurd over-emphasis on movement and range, when those things are only part of what make a unit good.
  20. 1) The tier list doesn't put Ryoma or Ayra above Leo cause they're in different categories. 2) Tier lists are a community thing. Not to sound condescending, but you can like Leo as much as you want but if the majority of the community puts say, Arvis above him, then there's not much that can be done about it. The difference of 3 places was less a comment on player preference and more a comment about differing situations i.e. Ryoma is more useful than Ayra if there's a high number of ranged enemies.
  21. Same That's the best summary of it, but the best short-hand description I can give would be Orwell's 1984 with a healthy mix of Red Scare. It's also a comedy game, so as long as you don't take it too seriously it's a great time. Besides, you're just as likely to get yourself killed accidentally in a variety of amusing ways. Trust the Computer. The computer is your friend. Not trusting The Computer is treason. Treason is punishable by death.
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