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Time the Crestfallen

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Everything posted by Time the Crestfallen

  1. Hopefully after they buff the servants that I want them to buff instead
  2. I like them both too much to choose one over the other. How dare you...
  3. It isn't in the hands of Congress though because Net Neutrality is an FCC policy rather than a law. It's going through the FCC commission, of which the GOP has 3 of the 5 seats.
  4. The fact that she's my waifu makes me wanna contest that, but my inner meme-lister cannot deny the truth of what you say.
  5. Well I pulled Okita with a single 10-er, maybe I can pull it off again (probably not tho). I'm probably going to whale for her, but we'll see.
  6. There's almost no chance of this not passing, and it's been that way since Ajit Pai took over. Congress doesn't have any say in this, it's entirely in the hands of the commission. Congress could probably do something to soften the blow, but since Obama was in favour of net neutrality and their overwhelmingly crony-capitalist views, you can expect the GOP to do nothing about this. It's an issue of damage control until an actually competent government comes into power and hopefully un-fucks everything, although it might be too late by that point.
  7. 1. Favourite game genre? 2. Sci-Fi or Fantasy? 3. What period of history do you find most interesting? 4. Do you speak more than one language? 5. Favourite kind of weather?
  8. Wouldn't you think that someone would realise that trying to sneak the announcement through by doing it so close to Thanksgiving is a sign that what they're doing is wrong? You'd think someone would realise making an effort to hide this from the public would be demonstrative how how shit the policy is. Regardless, the whole thing is so full of crap that it's almost funny. 'Restoring Internet Freedom Order'? What a joke.
  9. Well it's kind of a pain that I can't just run generic Horse Emblem out the front like the last one, but I'm still doing pretty decent: Ayra +1 (+Def/-Res) Reinhardt +1 (+Atk/-Spd) Dorcas (+Atk/-Spd) PA!Azura (+Res/-Spd)
  10. Well I cleared the reward table, so I guess I just focus on grinding my Hearts and Talons now. I'm weighing it up. On one hand, I'd really like to try and go for Scathach, but my mom reads my brother and I's bank statements when they come in and I'm almost certain she'll fight me over it.
  11. Because those two at least know what they want to be; Diarmuid is built to be a niche tank, but sacrifices a skill and his NP to also try and do damage, which leaves him in the position of being a worse tank than other comparable units even in his designated niche and failing to be a hybrid Tank/DPS. Romulus and Hector are built as damage dealers with sustain through heals. Romulus for example, not only has two heals (Natural Body and Imperial Privilege), but he also has a potential 44% increase to both his attack and defence (which, while being tide to RNG decreases it's value, at least contributes something unlike Love Spot C or Knightly Tactics). Not to mention that post-strengthening he gets a Guts and a 30% increase to buster effectiveness. Hector's damage, meanwhile, is something I think you're underestimating; sure, being an AoE means the numbers won't be great, but it also ignores defence and reduces enemy defence for 3 turns afterwards. Debuff clear and heal helps him sustain, the NP damage up on his first skill isn't great but shouldn't be ignores, and while his 2nd skill is RNG dependent, 80% chance on both an NP charge drain and a Stun is nothing to scoff at. Paypal or Debit/Credit Card is the only way mate; it'll convert the currency automatically, and you already know gift cards bought in your own country won't work. My mate owed me money and was overseas for my birthday, so because he knew I was planning on whaling for Scathach he bought me a tonne of Google Play cards when he got back. RIP me.
  12. Well Brave Lyn having bonus stats and giving bonus points makes my team choices really easy; -Reinhardt -Cecilia -Brave Lyn -PA!Azura ggez
  13. Out of all the servants you listed, the only one I'd put him above is Benkei. Crit generation by itself isn't good enough; his skill set and stats mean he's better off passing off the stars to someone else, and there are a lot of better servants for doing that. I don't know why you wouldn't make Love Spot his focus, considering that it designates his role as a servant. Between this and Mind's Eye, he's obviously supposed to be tanky, but Love Spot means his tankiness is extremely situational and arguably worse than every other lancer other than Benkei even when it takes effect. He has the lowest Attack of all the 3* Lancers and no steroids for it, so his damage really isn't that good. Buff removal is only useful in boss fights and challenge content, which he is awful for unless the boss if both female and either an archer or a berserker, and even then you're still almost certainly better of with a different lancer. Tanking isn't a niche, it's a role. Diarmuid's niche is against female enemies, which makes him extremely situational (and he's not even that good in that niche imo). He can generate stars, but that isn't a good enough justification to use him over the likes of the Cu's or Leonidas, and his damage is a) not that great, considering that he has the lowest attack of all the 3* lancers and no attack steroids and b) not his role on a team, considering his skill set and stats. Eh, Lancer is kinda hit and miss; you're either amazing or shit with very little middle ground. Not to mention that a lot of the good lancers fall off hard latter on (Scathach, Karna until his upgrades, ETC).
  14. Eh...not really though. He's a niche servant who doesn't perform well in his designated niche; even assuming you're fighting a female archer/berserker, a 50% attack drop for one turn really isn't that great by itself.
  15. Single-target NP is useful against tougher enemies, but the entire rest of Diarmuid's kit isn't good for that purpose. Also, the buff removal is only really good in boss battles and challenge content, which he'll get absolutely dumpstered in. Unless you're fighting a female archer or berserker, there's no real reason to use him over other 3* Lancers.
  16. It was added on Dec 28 in the JP version, so I would assume it will drop somewhere around Christmas.
  17. The only scented candle I've ever experienced was at a mate's house, so I guess Jasmine & Vanilla wins by default.
  18. Aggressively mediocre. I wouldn't bother with him, but do whatever you like.
  19. I'm (mostly) just messing around. You know what they say about spooks. Anyway, I'm only about 300,000 points away from clearing the rewards table. With five days to go, should be pretty easy.
  20. I'll be happy as long as I don't get Altera. I like Artoria enough to not really care about getting another Saber and I wouldn't particularly mind an NP upgrade on the ones I do have. The Scathach banner bothers me though. I'll legitimately be more pissed if I get Gilgamesh or Kintoki than if I get nothing.
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