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Everything posted by Zelgius

  1. Yeah, I figured that would happen. I knew Zelgius and Shiro would be a safe bet, but the third pick would either be a shared colour or shared skill. It's a shame, I don't think Shiro has been on a banner in a while.
  2. I actually have a new build planned but this is my Zelgius:
  3. I've decided to use S. Camilla, Sanaki, Micaiah, and Genny for my auto battle runs. Other than Camilla it's quite a squishy team but they are performing fairly well. The HM number is around 2500 which means I'll get some good mileage out of them. I hope we get a Att/Res+2 or Spd/Res+2 seal at some point.
  4. Zelgius being a bonus unit for next week means I'll have to think about what fourth unit can score the highest for me, I have an incomplete Adult Tiki that should be able to score quite high so I can use her.
  5. I have regular Sanaki and Ninian, so I'll use them as bonus units. The new seals look pretty cool too, I'm glad they've started with the duel stat seals. Marth having Drive Att is pretty cool.
  6. I think from the conjectured units, I only have Lyn (and eventually Marth), so I'll probably go Lyn and then Marth.
  7. I was actually thinking it would be nice to have a green Begnion unit but I'm really not a fan of this Sanaki. I hope Marth has some good skills.
  8. I'm planning on this being my next Arena team addition: I just need to get Aether and Slaying Lance on her, then start getting merges. I have enough 4* versions to get her to +4, so it'll probably be a while before I start using her in Arena.
  9. The new arena changes have made me think I need to invest in a new blue unit for my arena team. I currently use Ninian but because she's not really worth too many points my scoring is getting quite close to the threshold. I'm thinking Nowi would be a solid investment, although I currently only have enough for +1 so it would be a fairly long term project until I start pulling on blue.
  10. I'm hoping Zelgius is on the Stance skill banner at the end of the month, I think I should have about 550 orbs saved by then which should hopefully get me a few merges.
  11. My core is actually the same, I use one flier (Camilla), one armour, one infantry, and a bonus unit (usually an Askr). Part of me wants to just throw on a res refine with Camilla's Axe but I utilise Aether with her so the lack of cooldown charge could mess with that build. I guess I could just try it and see how it goes, but it would likely just be a worse off weapon that looks cooler.
  12. Camilla's Axe wasn't quite what I was hoping for, that's a shame because the axe itself looks really cool on her.
  13. I finally completed Ursula's quest, that was a slog as Nia might say. I also just got KOS-MOS there, she was the last of the blades that I wanted for now.
  14. I hope Camilla's Axe turns out good, I currently use Slaying Axe+ with res refine which works really well.
  15. I actually forgot we'd be getting one of these, the additional orbs is welcome. I cleared the maps using Spring Camilla, Zelgius, Ninian, and Genny.
  16. This is something that a potental remake/remaster could expand on. Ashera was reviving dead soldiers to fight for her so more detailed interactions could be shown.
  17. I'm glad to hear this, I actually quite enjoyed this game. I hope there will be a sequel which includes Tellius characters.
  18. I'm using the Night Forest theme and it looks really good, it's nice seeing Lehran there as well. I also just realised what he's looking so worried for.
  19. I can't help but wonder what the conversation would be like as they all wander down.
  20. I completed this game the other day and really enjoyed it, it's my favourite Switch game yet. Is there anything I should do before starting the New Game +?
  21. I think I'd have around 270 orbs saved by that point so I'm hoping Zelgius appears on a Hero Fest banner.
  22. I'm on Team Alfonse Outrealm 2089 and Anna almost has the entire map.
  23. I've started this Adult Tiki project after being inspired by what I seen in my Grand Conquest runs last night from people on my friend list: I have the Tikis required for merges, though I need alot more feathers. This will be a long term project due to the feathers and skills I need but I was really impressed by how the completed versions performed.
  24. I was messing about with this at lunch today, I need to build my brigades better.
  25. @Ginko Your Shiro performs very well on this map, it's a good build set up.
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