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Everything posted by Zelgius

  1. That's actually really cool, I like how he included practical aspects to the design.
  2. I like how the personal themes were handled in RD, it was appropriate for the characters that had them as they were not only powerful but important characters. It didn't feel intrusive to the gameplay. I liked how each theme matched the character's personality and circumstances, like Dheginsea's theme being imposing but with a little sad hint to it.
  3. I think Awakening's endgame content did it the best so far. Though it was through the form of DLC, I liked that you had R&R3 as a maxed stat challenge with some really interesting characters to face, and then of course Apotheosis for the ultimate challenge. The best part of Apotheosis for me was after completing it once, I often went back with different types of teams. Fates' endgame was more to do with PvP, though to be fair that did hold interest for a good time and once again gave people a reason to max out characters and interact though my castle features. Echoes' Act 6 was fun and interesting, but once completed that was it.
  4. I really like how much lore they've given the Tellius games. I hope that if they do go down the road of a remakes they give alot of time to the story and history of the games, I'd quite enjoy big text files ingame to learn of the series' lore, like in the old Resident Evil games where you can read them at your own time. I get the feeling the developers enjoyed what they were doing when they were creating the history, and there feels like alot more to explore, such as the origin of Alondite and Ragnell as just one example.
  5. I would think a strength, defence, or speed boon would compliment a Vanguard Corrin. Even without a speed boon, he would still have 50% speed growth, 45% if you went for a luck bane. I don't he really needs that much in terms of skills that Corrin doesn't have access to already.
  6. Sephiran's will be interesting, for some reason I didn't think to wonder what would be in his profile. Hopefully something about Ashunera.
  7. I'd have to agree with this - if they go down the multiple paths route, at least make it in one game. I remember in the early days of the Gamecube when Sonic Adventure 2 came out and feature different paths, and when you completed both the third and final path which acted as a conclusion became available - this could work well with the endgame/part four as the final part of the game after you've seen both sides of the perspectives.
  8. There is a method you can use to recruit multiple characters from one castle visit by saving onto a blank save file, which updates the logbook with the character allowing you to get the skills.
  9. It's been a while since I posted in this thread. These should be on my castle, let me know if there's any issues.
  10. "I liked the animals that would be around on the map, but then was told, “This is a serious scene, take them out!” So they were removed, and I was furious." Ha, that's quite funny. I actually started a new playthough of RD last night and one thing I seen and really appreciated was the background map animal interaction in the game, I think it was the second chapter of part 1 when you start with Nolan. At one of the final turns a Begnion soldier runs though some birds on the map, making them fly away. I always thought that was a really cool detail.
  11. So Rhys joined the GMs after healing Titania? That's a cool little bit of information, was that ever mentioned before?
  12. This is something I'd quite like to see. I'd like to see a main character, maybe in their 30s or so, that already has seen a few battles and has some experience in commanding an army. This could set up some cool rivalries - maybe someone that has already battled against the MC or worked with each other in some way.
  13. I'm not really sure about the value of my older games, so I'll say it's between Metroid Prime Trilogy and Radiant Dawn.
  14. I wish they put a little more personal information in some profiles, I would've liked to read more about Sigrun's life.
  15. I was quite happy to call it quits at 40k for the final seal - although I have to admit the tempest is a great way to grind up SP without thinking too much about it.
  16. I got some decent point opponents this time round (a bunch of 694/696, and a 700) so I'm hoping a score of 4868 might keep me in tier 20. I made a Horse Emblem defence team but forgot to do a quick battle to set the team on the server, so it meant I have a few non-bonus defence scores.
  17. I haven't been playing this game that much, but lately I've been trying to remake my Ike after I noticed that I never really used him that much with old build I had on him. So now I'm look to get Fury 3 and SB 3 to replace Heavy Blade and QR 2 - I've gotten him Fury 3 and need about 200 SP to get him SB3.
  18. Thanks! I've been pretty lucky with him in this game. That's unfortunate, it's a killer getting a unit you want with a bad boon/bane.
  19. Pulled a +att/-res Ephraim - with the older versions I had that means he will now have 55 attack.
  20. I had 7 orbs sitting there and decided to look at what banners were there. I thought 'why not' and clicked on the Hone Att one, where I got two reds. The one I clicked on happened to be another Sanaki! She is now +3.
  21. So far my MVP has been Zephiel. With a Ward Armour near him he just stands there and things bounce off him.
  22. I have to say that this TT has been great for helping my SP grind a new Priscilla I decided to start building. As well as healing it's also handy for giving her kills on weakened opponents. I agree - for whatever reason this one is more enjoyable and feels less grindy than the previous one.
  23. I actually need some feathers myself - plan on promoting a Priscilla to 5*, but I just promoted Xander so I'm pretty much out of expendable feathers. I have about 60k feathers but I've reserved them for an eventual BK GHB, so it'll be a while before I can promote her.
  24. The gameplay of Conquest is excellent, although with a few tedious maps. My main issue with Fates is how blatent a cash-grab it is with the different paths that featured much of the same content, such as maps. By the time I got to playing Revelation (after completing Conquest) I already lost interest in the story, which is difficult to take seriously not long after you start playing Fates. And the boring map design of Revelation does not help. Come to think of it, I didn't really like most of the characters either.
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