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Posts posted by HTakara82

  1. Elise is reminiscent of Micaiah in that her stats are very polarizing - as a 20/20 Strategist she will on average have capped Mag/Spd/Luck and is also likely to have capped Res, at the expense of having very bad HP and Defense (Skill isn't too good either). I think she wins the award for most stats likely to be capped naturally, very slightly beating out even Mozume in this regard (who can cap Str/Skl/Spd if she promotes to Great Merchant, and possibly Luck). Mozume will be much more well-rounded though, since unlike Elise, she won't actually have any bad stats aside from her Mag

    Edit: Actually Anna is also likely to have capped Mag/Spd/Luck/Res as an Adventurer by 20/20, but no one has her yet

    I was about to say, what about Anna?! lol.

  2. Yeah, in the case of the Kamui-sexuals who come with Three Trees in their Class Set to compensate their inability to Buddy Seal, they could still work with the inheritance restriction with the caveat of it's not 100 % known which Alternate Class gets priority for any of them if the Avatar has their Base Class as his/her Secondary (we're still working with how Vincent arranged the Class Sets).

    On that note, marrying an Herb-Merchant!Avatar with Yukimura is something that should be tested at some point because Herb Merchant sounds the most likely to be the Odd Tree of the Faction Parallels (Because Hoshidan Class Trees outnumber Nohrian Ones by one) and he is among the only two who start in that Tree.

    The problem with those proposed examples is that the Child's Class Set has to completely overlap the Mother's in order to inherit a Faction Parallel: Luna!Sophie and Kagerou!Gurei would instead be inheriting Luna's Pegasus Knight and Kagerou's Spellcaster Trees respectively.

    One way to find out is to have Kamui marry Crimson.

  3. We will find her and we will waifu her. In all seriousness though it'd be a shame if the one consistent character in Fire Emblem was taken out and just made a NPC. Though I doubt thats the case.

    it's extremely doubtful that she's an npc lol

  4. She's busy counting all that sweet DLC gold.

    I miss her asking me to go into the backroom to "count gold" with her....

    Wait so she is a DLC character? You don't recruit her in the main game?

    spotpass most likely, like in awakening, but yeah she's not in the main game. All of her data is in game though.

  5. Just saying this now.

    Kamui Anna


    K amui anna


    Kamui x Anna confirmed canon!

    lol I think every hardcore Anna fan had noticed this haha

    But yeah so I went ahead and did some calculations on Anna's growths as a merchant... extremely well balanced

    if you parallel her immediately to merchant her base stats are at leve 10/--

    HP: 25

    STR: 12

    MAG: 10

    SKL: 10

    SPD: 10

    LCK: 16

    DEF: 10

    RES: 13

    and at level 20/--

    HP: 30.5

    STR: 17

    MAG: 15.5

    SKL: 14

    SPD: 15

    LCK: 23.5

    DEF: 13

    RES: 18

    and at cap 20/20

    HP: 42.5

    STR: 28.5

    MAG: 26 -- CAP

    SKL: 23.6

    SPD: 24.55

    LCK: 41.65 ( cap @ 34)

    DEF: 20.7

    RES: 30 -- CAP

    No glaring weaknesses, no real strengths either, can tank magic users like a boss, and with the use of spears, can make use of the magic spears quite well, along with the magic bows.

    to be honest, it's probably best to level her up to 20/-- and then parallel her to something after marrying to avatar. Because she has really great and balanced stats at 20/-- no matter what class you change her to, she'll perform really well in it.

    Oh and canon confirmed!



  6. I agree that some play testing is required, but I would ban Lethality. It's no fun and a little to have an instant death move that can kill off a unit right off the bat with no way to really counter it.

    Take counter for instance. You can attack a unit from range with bows or magic. If the unit has magic counter as well, then attack with a bow.

    This promotes the need for a diverse team.

    With lethality, there's no protection against it, because a unit can activate from both up close and afar.

    Yeah I don't think anyone would be against banning lethality lol. It's an extremely clutch move, everyone would just run a full team of Lethalities and break sky combo.

  7. Idk what level she's recruited at, but since it takes time to develop an S support with her, you might want to temporarily reclass her to Herb Merchant to get her HP growths up in the meantime. It comes with pretty nice skills for short-term use and it is her true calling in life anyways.

    Yeah Herb Merchant has the best stat growths in her pool of classes, giving most of her stats 50%, it's a good stand in, till you can swap her out to something else. Although it wouldn't hurt to keep leveling in the merchant class tree. I'll start calculating her stats as a Merchant and see what it'd be like by level 20.

    But yeah, she joins at a low level, level 10/-- to be exact.

  8. Thought I would check out what Anna stats would be like if she were to swap back to Adventurer from level 20/20 zerker, and the stats are actually better if she were to went straight to Adventurer without parallel sealing lol

    HP: 47 <--- 3 pts from cap

    STR: 28 < --- Cap

    MAG: 32 <---- Cap

    SKL: 25 <---- 2 pts from cap

    SPD: 32 <----- 1 pt from cap

    LCK: 27 <----- Cap

    DEF: 13 <------ don't bother

    RES: 33 <------ 1 pt from cap

    Here's a spreadsheet outlying her growths if you went pure thief > adventurer


    I honestly don't really recommend leveling as an adventurer, their growths are pretty meh, and not having any growth mods to HP, really makes Anna extremely fragile.

  9. Oh. It's enemy only, then? What a pile of crap. Not only they remove the Longbow and they give us that useless Expert Bow(5 Mt, 3 range only and no doubling? Really IS?), but the OP bow isn't even available. I was already thinking about OP Kisaragi...

    It's good for balancing, at least Anna got a good magic bow with 13 MT and 1-2 range, lol *cough*

  10. The idea with a Swallow Strike Sorc with Excalibur (or a Holy Bowman with the S-rank bow) would be to use it only when the enemy cannot fight back.

    -20 Avoid doesn't matter if your Sorc is attacking a Brave-Axe wielding Berserker from 2 spaces away, for example. Since the enemy doesn't get to counterattack in this situation, Excalibur's drawbacks wouldn't matter.

    it's true, that it's best to keep them attacking enemies that can retaliate but, it's no holds bar when it comes to enemy phase. It doesn't hold much ground in enemy phase.

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