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Status Updates posted by Ansem

  1. honestly dude i recognize very few people here anymore. 

    hows things been with you? still trying to make it to the city? 

  2. you're a mod now? holy shit 

    how has adulthood been treating you old friend? 

  3. ^_^

    Two in a row

  4. ._.

    well, its not as bad as brooklyn...

  5. ....................................................................................................................

    Hika alt banbanban

  6. .......................................

    Damn, I got nothing

  7. ......................

    'Kai said = You're forgetting one. =3

    'You said = What?

    'Kai said = I seem to have forgotten.


  8. ...........

    I forgot.

  9. Ansem


    I would spam on your profile but it seems i cant find it in me to do it.

    If you have a problem with my generic greetings please fill out a complaint card and submit it to someone who gives a shit -_-

  10. .....

    I'll take it out of my sig T_T

    Good luck getting BK to do it >_>

  11. ...


    why are you still awake? @_@ its like 1:35

  12. ...

    and you survive around lumi how?

  13. ...

    son of a bitch

  14. ...

    What AlS said....

  15. ...eh, you don't celebrate Christmas...

    Well, have a happy new year I guess =/

  16. ...you didnt take my post srsly riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight? "I mean c'mon, its kai, he's like never srs, we're never supposed to take him srsly, even if he is right, we just ignore him and make him feel left out."

    Camu Camu stop crying >8]

  17. "B-But...Kaimelia? :< Lookit your comments! He even gave you flowers on VD!"

    "And your point? You wouldnt give Karina flowers on VD?"

  18. "Consider investing in a copy of radiant dawn, I heard it also has stuff from radiant dawn."

    i lol'd too hard

  19. "Gungnir"

    Son of a bitch >=(

    There is no way Damian can have Major Noba and Dain.

  20. "Misc Clain: Fala bloodline"

    Fuck you

  21. [5:15:07 PM] Iris: 14 and facial hairrr woah

    [5:15:08 PM] Iris: loljk

    [5:15:13 PM] Iris: Kai is not shota.

  22. @_@

    What the hell, man.

  23. *Has no idea how to do that*

    I'll ask Pheeny later.

  24. *Kicks*

    Mine...... or at least used to be.. ;_;

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