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Everything posted by Tamanoir

  1. Seeing all the people using Shiny Gren, I don't think it would be as much of an issue for most.
  2. Isn't it actually more or less admitted than there's more than one Heatran. The fact they can be both gender seems to indicate it at least.
  3. Yeah, which is why I have actually the opposite feeling. The anime having animals from the real world early on is the most well known example. It's now accepted (since at least Gen V) that Pokémons are eaten, for once, and the mythology became more and more complex (just compare the legendaries throughout the different games, being mostly an afterthought in gen 1, and being now the main point of the story (Gen V and Gen VI (?) evenrequires you to capture them before you can continue.) We have whole story counting the lore of the creation of the world, in Gen IV and V. And Gen V really expande our universe by showing there were regions outside of japan (they didn't even tried to change the name of the region back then) where all the well known pokémon aren't found. Gen VII have regional variants of ancient Pokémon. And we even have the presence of a Pokémon Multiverse since gen VI (allowing to explain why both remakes and original can cohabit.), but that's a whole other can of worm. The Pokémon is getting bigger, and while the influence of the real world is more well known and shown than before, it's certainly it's own thing now.
  4. Yeah, Golden Sun needs a following (Dark Dawn clearly was supposed to be 2 games like GS1 and 2, but the bad reception (the games isn't even that bad, though it disappointed many people) put it on hold. Such a shame) I obviously agree with Advance Wars. Dual Strike and Dark Conflicts/Days of Ruins are both great games on their own, and following whichever of those two paths would leads to good thing. We also need Grandia 4 and Wild Arms 6; because there are amazing series, in their own right. Great battle systems, great world. And Shining Force, since I'm there. Or at the very least SF2 and 3 remake for the switch. I know there are other Shining games, and the Shining series changed genre many time (The first Shining game is a DRPG), but Shining Force was quite fun, and miss it. We need a new Lufia game. And not stuff like the awfull DS Remake (replacing awesome puzzles by tiresome QTE...). Actually things like Lufia TLR (who needs a remake. This game is a real gem, with a amazing OST). We won't even be mad if you repeat the same plot twist for the Xth time, we swear. Glory of Herakles. Yeah, it's just a shameless DQ Rip-off at the start, just set in a Greek Setting (which is enough to makes it interresting.) GoH III is pretty insane (controllable massive 9-units squad, and a scenario that's just absurd (crossdressing and throwing yourself from high places is how you progress through the game.), plus people actually responding from you stealing from their house. GoH V, I haven't finished it (yet), but it tried new things at least.
  5. So... You want to removes tedious... by adding more tedious ? Well, why not, but that's not solving the mai porblem. Food The solution is actually quite easy. Keeps fatigue, but makes items that heals fighting rarer (and makes money appears more often.) And makes foodbuyable in town. Not only does it makes it more logical (because every items you find in dungeons should makes you sick 99% of the time reasonalbly.), but it actually makes fatigue meaningfull. Bcause it means you need to be prepared before exploring a dungeon. That's the logic that was behind breakable weapons. I wasn't a fan of breakable weapons, but dungeons are a way of making them meaningfull, (like with Tower of Valnii, and the Ruins in Sacred Swords.), since it means you need to prepare your trips. So, to recap : Keeps fatigue (some changes ca be made to the system. Must be discussed) Replaces all food with money (You can keep the stat boosters, or food obtained from monsters, like Dagon Fillet). Having every encounter drops a specific amount of money after battle is a good solution as well (depending of the monsters and level, Like a revenant is 10 Silver + 2*Level, a Skeleton 15 + 3*Level, and so on.) Makes food only buyable in shops (you can raises the cost as well) (some may still be available in villages, but reduces the number and food quality (Flour/Bread pièces instead f a full bread). You can even adds a CCooking system similar to the Forging ones, but that's another topic A system that may be fun is making classes relevant, like you need to have X Knights to move a large boulder blocking the path, or Something. Not sure how relevant it can be.
  6. If possible, I like to use every one, but if not, mostly favouritism I geneally prefer to use diverse type of units, and genrally don't use prepromotes (unless everyone is already promoted or something.) I alsoprefer to have everyone at around the same level if possible . I'll rarely use the Jeigan, and I'll (nearly) always train the Est, or the Trainees, because I find it more fullfilling to use units you trained yourselves. If a character is boring/have an awfull persnality, I'll never use it. (For example, I'd rather use Pent than Erk. I'll only use Pent if I don't feel like training Nino (which I did nearly every single time)). And no matter how good Kent can be, I'll never ever use him again, but I'll use Lowen every single time. For characters I'm undifferent too, it'll dépends of growths (In Awakening Stahl ended up blessed, Sully ended up awfull, so I dropped her.)
  7. The Truth is that whether we enjoy a game or not a game have Nothing to do with whetehr it's "objectively" good or bad. Sure we can find lots of compelling arguments about their qualities or defaults, but it's nothing more tha rationalization. It's just an after thought When we play, we don't check good or bad points, we simply feel the game. And like a movie, or a book (actually probably even more), it dépends of many things that have nothing to do with the game. Do you play after a long day of work or early in the morning ? How much time do you have to play ? Are you doing something else while playing ? And obviously, all your previous experience as a gamer (and as a human in general), which tells you what is acceptable or not. There's also your frustration tolerance which is important. If I had to define Video Games as art, that would actually be my main argument : the emotional value, and the influence it have in shaping your vision of the world.
  8. 7th Dragon : Code VFD. I just finished it, and it's pretty fun. It's a Dungeon-RPG with lots of fun classes. The story isn't the best, but it's a fun time. There's a demo on the E-shop that gives you pretty cool bonuses And in the VGC, Lufia III : The Legends Returns on GBC. It doesn't need previous knowledge of the other games,and it's a really cool game with an interresting battle system that takes up to 9 characters into battle, randomly generated dungeon.
  9. It's not awfull, but I have a certain number of problems with it that I haven't with FC. FC is far slower (everything is quite lowkey before the final act), but better constructed. ToCSI often feels like a number of scenes awakwardly put together (which is due to the structure of both games). Being slow isn't really a problem, honnestly. It allows to develop the universe and the characters, which is a good thing. But starting with Chapter 3, CS1 goes from OK to truly great. Don't take me wrong, I like it less than the other games of the seriie I played through, but I don't hate it either. There are bad parts (when the game is too "anime", if that makes sense.), but the good parts (and there are quite a lot) are definitely worth going through the bad ones. Mainly Estelle is just a far better character than Rean (IMO), which is why I tend to prefer Trails in the Sky to Cold Steel. Not saying than Rean is bad, of course.
  10. Nuibaba is super old (100+. I don't rememeber if it's less or more than Jedah. Which reminds me I have tons f questions about Cantors, but that would be for another time.) Now, it's pure spculation, but how I understand it is that, if you're sacrificed without consent you ends up being a mindless puppet, but if you exchange it willingly, uou can keep your sense of self. It would also be consistent with what happened to Berkut (he had already lost it at this point, but this wan't a direct consequences of asking Duma for help.). That scene brings some questions (considering Kriemhild's role notably. When I first saw the scene, I thought Rinea was the power he got in exchange, but she seems to actually be a bonus gift since Duma felt like being nice.) And then, there's the question of the difference between Vestals and Witches...
  11. Glad I'm not the only one who thought about it. Grass/Fire Jumpluff and Dragon/Psychic Noctowl as well, pretty please
  12. @Slumber : I actually already posted the PokéRap.
  13. If it means we can have ToCS III on PC on a later date, that's a good new. While it's my least liked Trails game (the first part is pretty terrible), it's still a great game with excellent parts.
  14. Donphan isn't really leeser-used though... But I also wanted to have Stantler (and maybe Hoothoot) Unrelatd, but I hope we'll be able to find Heatmor in the wild, since he got a signature move, but is unavailable in-game.
  15. According to the anime, they eat snow. Gen V also confirm Pokémon being eaten, if I remember it correctly. Given they're the only animals in the world (early installment wierdness aside), some of them are definitely eaten. Not the family Meowth, Rockruff, or your starter, since they're your companion, but definitely Fishes, and some other (Hvaing Miltank bred for Food instead of Milk, just like IRL, isn't too much of a stretch. Farftched is here to be eaten, and lot of Grass type Pokémon can produce different juice (Shuckle's Berry Juice is also a delicacy, actually.) I have pretty strong Excel Saga vibes here, with Menchi (the dog that serves as emergency food.), but that would make kinda sense.
  16. Gen 2's Alolan forms would be a good idea of their part, honnestly. It would help to promote the Virtual Console versions of GS. Plus, some Gen 2 Pokémon really needs it (Ledian is unsavalgeable at this point, but cool stuff could be done with Jumpluff. ...And we all wants Alolan Dunsparce.) Another unrelated thing, but if they could give more role to Grimsley and Colress, it would be great as well
  17. @Breezy Kanzaki : YES ! All the Yes ! I'm a Gen 1 Child, but Hoenn Music is just amazing. I can just sit ther and listen to the music all day. And I'll add this one : The Marine Science Museum : A remake of an iconic Gen 1 music in Gen 3 style ? That's hard to beat. The fact the music itsef is amazing is juste the icing in the cake. I'll add Petalburg City as well. the first musci of the game I heard. And the male trainer music, since I'm at it. Maybe not the bst music of the game, but it really strucked to me the first time I've heard it as well. As for gen 1, I'm surprised nobody posted Palet Town yet I also have lot of fondness for gen 2, especially Crystal. Eusine, Suicune (the mst epic legendary battle), and Clair. Emotion does also 100% counts. I'm not the only one who stepped down a few moment and tipped the max to the guy wehn i heard it in X Y, right ? As for anime, obviously my version of the main theme. But this one is also special as well. (And no one put the PokéRap ?) Speaking of Anime, I learned later this Pinball Music was the Japanese Anime theme. Pokemon Pinball Music is actually really great. This theme should remind you of something.
  18. Well, Hoenn's battle music in general is amazing, and the trainer battle is no exception. So bombastic and epic. Alola is honnestly also really good. It's a little busy, but it works in contest Kanto is simple, yet effective (like some of the best Sinnoh battle music, which sadly doesn't count the normal battle theme IMO). Nostalgia definitely counts as well. (and the Johto version is amazing.). Johto is really neat as well. ...But Unova have part of the Hoenn Rival in it (one of the best pokémon battle theme.), so it wins by default.
  19. If we follow the recent trend, Gen VII should be for November/December 2019. (Gen II and IV are the exceptions with nearly 4 years. Gen 2 to gen 3 is exactly 3 years, and all the gen since gen 5 are 3 years and almost a month (it can be shorter for US/EU, but only the Japanese date counts to the jump between générations.) We don't know yet when this game will come, but it won't be before a while, that much is certain. End of 2018 at the soonest, and with decent chances of it appearing current 2019. Now, having Gen VII for Spring/Summer 2019 would be unprecedented, but not too much of a stretch. And we won't have any new Megas, guys. At least not before Gen 6 Remake. Right now, it's Z-Moves that is all the rage, and who nows what it will be for Gen VIII.
  20. Well, good luck. As sirmola said, this game works quite differently compared to other games of the series. The game loves to place you against apparently impossible odds, and to urge you to advance. And fatifgue means you can't rely on a single powefull unit all the time. Some other tips : Shops are scarce and money as well, so capture (or steal) is often the way to go to get Equipment. As a side note, uits that can't fight back (healer) will get captured. Status effects last forever until cured. Also for escape maps, have everyone flees before Leif, or they will be lost (not forever, but until the near end game)
  21. Pokemon Snap is the only right answer. My vote is for a spinoff of sort as well. A new pokémon Ranger could be quite dope as well. Obviously, Gen 4 would be great (and it means geting closer to Gen 5 Remake). And since it won't be there before a while, Gen VIII is totally possible (it would make more sense to me to have Gen 8 before the remake, even if unique Z-Attack for Empoleon, Torterra, and Infernape is what everyone wants (Megas are sooo Gen 6))
  22. Not really. At least formally, it's an excellent RPGs with great battle system, and the time travel is intuitive and easy to use. I don't really have an emotional attachment to this game personnally, but it's objectivly a great game. I'm also on the league that consider the new graphisms slightly worse. It's god for EU, because we would never have got it otherwise, but it clearly wasn't necessary otherwise. It's more to give the game more visibility than to remake it.
  23. If hey did that, then when would they announce Chrono Break. ...Or BioSlug. I wouldn't even be surprised at this point...
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