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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Excalibur, from what I can gather across it's history in Fire Emblem, is a very lightweight tome in games featuring Weapon Weight, or has a form of speed boosting, as in Sacred Stones and Fates. One possible added skill could be the Darting Blow 2 effect that Yato pre-forge has, another could be Odd Speed Waves. We could also get Chill Spd on his weapon, for some reason. If they were lazy, they could also just give us Dark Excalibur, but with Flier effectiveness. Aura, on the other hand, does have one trait about it that could be translated to Heroes: It is powerful Light magic, among the strongest available ignoring legendary weapons.
  2. Oh boy, here we go @Ginko... Brave Ike's Speed is somewhere in the midst of "decent enough that poorly build units or naturally slow can't outspeed him" and "dump stat". The way I use B!Ike (+Atk -HP) won't be the same as you do, as I've opted to let him keep the Quick Riposte SS in favor of keeping Beorc's Blessing (not really useful in Arena to me anymore, but it does boost my Arena Score and also let him take just that sliver less damage from Reinhardt). In most cases, the one unit I need to make sure he is capable of combating without dying is Nowi. For some Nowi builds reliant on speed stacking, the only way for him to avoid being doubled (and getting killed) is to transfer speed onto Ike, and in most cases he only needs an extra 6 speed (equal to one Drive Spd and one Rally Spd/Res or Spd/Def) to avoid the double. In other cases, he only needs one because Nowi is slow, like him. From testing the build on my own B!Ike against the strongest player-phase enemies I can think of, he loses kills if he is not +Atk, and the +Spd nature does nothing for him if you have Quick Riposte on him anyways. In testing, he can't deal with Bold Fighter Blue Armors... if Hardin is +10 merge and has Hone/Fortify Armor up, and he outright fails against DB BF Effie, but I'm not sure it matters, because all the Effies I ever run into run Berkuts Lance with Wary Fighter and Distant Counter, and Hardin... well, he isn't as strong as Effie, I'll say that. As for Blues he can't kill... against all Blues with Spd boon, +5 merge, and Fury 3/Moonbow Overwrites, he dies to Male Kana and LA!Lyn, both of which I don't ever see at arena fights in 704-710, and fails to kill Gwendolyn and Effie, and Roderick does... arguably pointless combat. So yeah, I personally see no reason to run +Spd on him when he loses kills from lower attack.
  3. Meh. Even when I got a random Innes the other day, my first thought was never "Oh boy, who should I give Cancel Affinity to?!", but rather "Oh boy, merge fodder!". RavenAdepts just aren't a threat...
  4. From what I can gather, Ryoma will definitely be a strong and speedy Sword flier, given his original nature as well as the presence of Kestrel Stance. Given the nature of the Kinshi Knights in Fates, there is no way his Defensive ability will be redeemable. Bushido being a B skill is a given I suppose, but it still conflicts with Quick Riposte, which is a Seal, but for me personally my Brave Ike owns that seal, so Kestrel Stance better make a good amount of difference. Also this definitely means we aren't getting a Special Damage +10 seal... Bushido being a perma Wo Dao means that it stacks with Wo Dao, which I guess is weaker than if you simply stacked Wo Dao with Wrath, but that means Ryoma will have +20 special damage ALL the time. Is Ryoma supposed to be an Earth hero? I completely forgot that he's supposed to have an element, what with all the lightning. I like his Finishing Blow animation though. Given how DC swords are enemy-phase weapons, and how Vanguard Ike came with the Warding Breath skill, I'd say it's a safe assumption. These days, a person can't just have a skill for the sake of having a skill...
  5. The following are all the Warriors DLC weapons (taken from Serenes Forest section on Fire Emblem Warriors)... I'd personally like Olivia getting a little something, since she is our only not-5* exclusive Dancer, maybe her sword with built-in TA3?
  6. Fairs fair. That I remember bringing up myself... Hm... I should probably rate Saizo and Kagero real quick... ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As a general rule about Daggers, I personally feel they under perform compared to all other units. Where Bows generally have great Attack, access to Brave weaponry, and permanent effectiveness against the generally low-defense Flier units, Daggers fill a support role that it's really hard to justify bringing over Bows or Staves. The effects of Daggers, for one thing, are possible to replicate with Seal skills and Smoke skills, or even just using a Ploy or Chill skill. Secondly, the Dagger units we have all suffer from middling Attack, anywhere from average to below average Speed, and either meh or horrendous defensive ability. Finally, where most weapons can still be used even without a Refine, Daggers suffer from having their best effect only be accessible to you with a refine, such as Rogue Dagger+'s defensive boosting, or Smoke Dagger+'s Spectrum Smoke, or just all daggers debuffing both the target and enemies within 2 spaces compared to before, where it was just the target. Saizo, unfortunately, suffers from all the above. Smoke Dagger+ without a refine doesn't even target the enemy he initially attacks, his Attack and Speed are bad for offensive standards, and his Defense, while above average compared to most other daggers, is considered bad for defensive standards. Unlike Kagero, he also doesn't have a good reason to go full offense thanks to his bad Attack and average Speed. What he does have, however, is default access to a powerful debuffing tool in Smoke Dagger+ forge, completely crippling the enemy for the rest of your units to wail on. If given Close Counter, he can also serve as a sort of wall by getting a defensive Field Buff, attacking the enemy, and watching as they try to hurt him, which they can't because they got smoked out, and in fact keep getting smoked because they keep attacking him. Compared to Matthew, as someone who uses him a lot might not like to hear, he has better Physical defensive ability in exchange for no magical defensive ability, and default access to the surprisingly effective Poison Strike skill, further crippling the enemy he targets. Combine that with Savage Blow, and he won't even need his Attack stat because he will just slowly pick off the enemy from the shadows, as a Ninja may be expected to. Rating: 7/10 Can be effective if invested into his role as an army crippler, but his direct combat ability, quite frankly, sucks. Kagero is a much different Ninja. While her Speed isn't anything to write home about, her Attack is one of the highest in the game (among Daggers), and enables her to actually do decent damage to the enemy before they are debuffed. Her defensive ability does not exist, and in fact she can have the lowest HP among 5* units if she accepts a -HP nature. Don't let her decent Res and access to Warding Blow fool you, she won't do well against many popular mages. The most interesting part about Kagero, besides what she may consider assets that get in the way, is her Poison Dagger+. Cannot be forged, and has the lowest might among all 5* weapons, but it also has the surprisingly deadly effect of "Effective against Infantry". Well over half the units in the game are Infantry, and combined with her good Attack stat, she can be expected to leave some serious dents in a number of them, if they aren't outright killed. But she can still wield other daggers in a deadly manor. What cripples her being outright recommended with a Poison Dagger+ is that many meta units aren't Infantry at all, and in those cases she can't even debuff them, let alone deal worthwhile damage. Rating: 7/10 Also effective if invested into, but it's a niche role, and she may rather want to stick to other daggers if she wants to see combat outside of Infantry.
  7. I just mean even once the subject of Frederick was over, he still found mention under Cherche's rating, not that "I adore Frederick, therefore all other axes are inferior". And again, my personal lower rating of Cherche is because she has had competition for Flying Axe even since game launch, and they are all competent competition, compared to Frederick only recently getting competition, and he still has a solid reason to be picked over them. I mean, I like Freddy and Cherche as units equally. How I feel about them performance wise is a matter that I now kinda wish I saved that essay for...
  8. There's been backlash because Marth took over a YEAR to get even one alt, and also because he lost the second CYL poll because we had to pick between Shadow Dragon Marth and NMotE Marth, even though they're literally the same person a few years apart. I'll consider backlashing against Legendary Marth this month when it becomes clear we overbacklashed at Marth number 9.
  9. I really don't think that's fair in any way. It's completely possible for a person to be constructive about their favorite unit and still lavish praise on them at the same time, for instance I personally had a rating for Frederick down myself (8/10, a good unit with enough diversity in possible playstyles for whatever the player needs. His biggest problem is that he doesn't have competition or anyone to really compare him fairly to), and while I'm not quite as biased as @Anacybele, I still hold Frederick in higher regard than I feel most do. I'm not going to say that Anacy was perfect in their rating, because looking it over they did somewhat gush a little TOO much, to the point it kind of bled into their rating of Cherche (7.5/10, performs a similar role to Frederick minus solid defenses, but with flying advantage. What makes me rank her lower is that unlike Frederick, she does have competition as an Axe flier, most of which have niches one can argue make Cherche a less favorable option), but what do you expect, we're denizens of the internet, not professional critics. Plus, you do sometimes want that when reviewing a unit, because otherwise you would never get any deeper understanding of a unit if you just asked random people what they thought of them. I, for one, would never have even thought Frederick could be a defensive unit had I never seen Anacy's Freddybear. (The reason I never gave my rating when I had the chance is because I thought others, Anacy included, did a better job explaining in simpler to understand terms, compared to the freaking high school essay I had typed out, what I felt made Frederick and Cherche great units.)
  10. Live to Serve sounds popular... To be honest, I'd like it to, but then it'll make the Martyr staff completely useless, as that has a sort of LtS effect in it. I say that, but then again the Defiant skills were completely replaced with the Brazen skills, so maybe I have no idea what I'm saying...
  11. @Ice Dragon Little late of a response, but thanks for the correction. I desperately need to stop trying to be helpful when tired/waking up... Also have a few people to thank that I don't remember thanking. @Ginko, @Rafiel's Aria, @mampfoid, @XRay, and @silveraura25 all chipped in recently about who to promote and use Refining Stones and Divine Dews on. In the end, I promoted Shigure and Speed refined the Harmonic Lance+, who is now a very fast flier and fields well with my Hinoka who now exists for Hone Fliers support, and Raven with LnD3 Basilisko, who unfortunately still doesn't have Desperation... but he will definitely get it first thing Shanna appears.
  12. What about... the one hero whose presence and power, their story and legend, their whims and mischief, spreads faster in crimson than even Muspell's flames?
  13. Note, this thread is pure speculation and does not indicate any specific upcoming content. Sacred Seals have been somewhat interesting since their inception in April last year, starting out as simple stat boosts and slowly expanding to include special skills exclusive to Sacred Seals (Quickened Pulse was the first), Fortify and Spur skills, and at some point Sacred Seals simply became "flexible Passive Skills". They only later gained the ability to be upgraded to have stronger, or more accurately "max level", effects via the Sacred Seal forge, as well as gaining access to crafting old Sacred Seals we may have missed and a few new seals. There are now more than 60 unique player available Sacred Seals available to us, and only some of them are skills unique to Sacred Seals (though some are available as effects on personal weapons and personal skills), and with each Tempest Trial and Squad Assault, the number steadily grows. Of course that number is mostly padded out by the variations of stat boosting skills... I'd like to ask you, what do you think lies in store for the future of Sacred Seals, now that it's been a year and a month? Is there any specific skill or effect you hope gets translated to a Sacred Seal? For the moment, let's discuss Sacred Seals here, those things I remember once being referred to as "items" to be given to a unit in an inventory slot...? My opinion in the spoiler...
  14. Seliph, Julia, Sigurd, and Deirdre. Family reunion! ...in hell :)
  15. There is... one kinda GLARING hole in my roster... Of all the characters I have pulled who are 5* (excluding characters I've yet to build), there is one that I have never gotten the 5* lv 40 conversation from... Lucina. I fed her Aether to my WE!Tharja, which I don't regret because this Lucina has an absolutely horrid nature (+Def -Spd I think it was), but she remains the only unit I've ever had at 5* and never got her conversation from. Previously she shared this with Saber, who I fed his Slaying Edge+ to Arden for, but I've since gotten him again... and Lucina was never seen or heard from again.
  16. Rare...? I suppose a few months back, I got Linde off-focus twice. The first was +Res -Def, which was neat, the second was +Atk -Def, which was neater. I don't use her often since her tome doesn't offer any direct combat support, but rather whenever I just need a blue mage to nuke something. I don't know how "Rare" they are, but I get base Lyn and Brave Roy more often than I'd like to admit. As in, the Lyn I use is +2 merge and I've used 2 or 3 for Galeforce and I STILL have one Lyn vegetating, and I've used one Brave Roy for Galeforce, decided I'll just use Roy as Merge Fodder, and now my Brave Roy that I use is +3 merge. I haven't pulled either one in months, but a while back I'd get more pity-breaking Alms and Celicas than I actually wanted. This was before Alm got a refinable Falchion, and of course now I never see him... I've actually gotten Saber as an off-focus twice. Once back in the days of mass-summoning, and another semi-recently. The first one was fed to Arden as Slaying Edge fodder (he had a bad nature and I wasn't gonna use him, it was justified), and the second, +Atk -Res, has been semi-built and used sometimes.
  17. Yet another new banner, and we have another expected in 3 days time... Tis a dangerous time for orbs right now...
  18. I don't even do the tap battles anymore, I just bring up the menu for one of the floor 81-100 levels to play infinite looping "The Path is Yours to Climb". Great song, shame it has to go away in 2 weeks.
  19. Generally speaking, IMO, worrying about healing in general isn't that big a deal in this game compared to other FEs, let alone heal amounts. In a standard Arena Assault battle, for instance, each unit is only expected to be in one fight against one unit on the enemy team, maybe two depending on color balance or if they managed the first battle without taking damage Healers nowadays generally see use as, quite ironically, healers in long strings of battles such as Tempest Trials, where a single group of four units is expected to last for much longer than usual. In those cases though, you may want to consider replacing Rehabilitate+, as the -10 healing penalty is especially harsh on neutral nature Bride Lyn with Candlelight+ (8 hp per heal at base). In any other scenario though, you won't have to worry.
  20. Free summon off Bridal Blessings banner, 2 Reds and 2 Greens, where the hell was this particular set of orbs on Bridal Bloom? One Colorless fortunately, so free... Innes??? +Res -Spd, which is worse than the +Res -HP I currently run. Given that I don't even run into RavenAdepts anymore, and those that I do I can counter with a unit I had already fielded before realizing that there's a RavenAdept, I guess all future Innes will be considered merge fodder.
  21. I don't know if Slaying Lance+ can still be inherited by someone if they haven't learned Slaying Lance beforehand, but either way it may be smartest to learn Slaying Lance+ before inheriting, if the option is open to you. 200 for Killer Lance plus 300 from Killer Lance+ plus another 300 from Slaying Lance+ and 350 from the refined Slaying Lance is 1150 sp. x1.5 is 1,725 total SP. In comparison, Catria would only need 300 SP because she already has Killer Lance+ and only need to get Slaying Lance+, and isn't boggled down by inherited skill multipliers. But again, that's only if Slaying Lance+ can be inherited without first getting Slaying Lance. (I took a moment to check, and yeah it's doable.) I can't really answer who would like the Slaying Lance better though, since I myself have never given one to anyone in my army besides my crappy Hinoka. It's a good lance, I will admit that, but I've no experience using it myself.
  22. Earlier today, using orbs from the Tempest Trials, I tried my luck with the Bridal Bloom banner... ...and got +Def -Atk Brave Roy. This tells me two things. One, I will never get a pity breaker Red that I don't already own. Second, I have gotten a 5* from every full pull done on this banner, so I wonder if it'd be worth a little money dump in the future...?
  23. It may be silly of me to share a dream I had here, but hear me out. ...I only hope we never get a banner with such odd rules. Also I probably should lessen how often I play if I'm now dreaming of summoning heroes...
  24. @sirmola Yep, not even 3* copies. My next big summoning session is expected to be in less than a month, but that's still less than a month I'll just have a Raven who doesn't have Desperation. Stupid fast nukes who want Desperation... I know Glimmer would be cheaper and ensure deaths if that's what I needed, but Galeforce? Oh baby, I've been using Galeforce on Bold Fighter 3 Tanenboom!+ WE!Robin, and it is plain fun. Helps that I have a whole 3 fodders for it to, two of them being Lyn and one of them being Brave Roy. By the way @Ginko, I failed to notice a little something... important. +Atk Bride Ninian actually has the same amount of Atk as -Atk FeMorgan, which is my own FeMorgans nature... While FeMorgan does slight better thanks to better Res bulk, they are otherwise the same unit offensively. So... I'm not saying "Screw Fresh Bouquet I'm going Blarblade", but it's certainly a tempting offer again...
  25. Oh you did. I somehow got that confused with the Hone Spd description, my bad. They are both much stronger Blarbladers, Corrin is stronger and Faster, and Morgan is just plain stronger, if slower. What Ninian brings is Dancer utility, so once her job is done (or when she can't do her job), she can act as a strong support option for the other fliers. Kinda part of what makes PA!Inigo a good dancer to, since he can do his job of countering bows and Reinhardt and then go dance others around.
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