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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Soren Rating: 7.5/10 Soren can run one of two ways: A Gronnblade set that is weaker than Nino but still a Gronnblade set, or a Wind's Brand set that focuses more on absorbing hits while near his allies. Either one works with Soren's statline, but he needs to still keep an eye on if there are Physical enemies nearby, as his Defense remains a problem on all ends. Mist Rating: 5/10 Mist's direct combat ability is shoddy, with bad Attack and Speed leaving her many steps behind other healers. She is able to enable her team to sweep the enemy however, with Slow nerfing the enemy overall, but I don't find this a point in Mist's favor when she has to get so close to the enemy with her shoddy defensive ability (that's her physical defense, her Resistance is decent enough). Miracle helps this, but it doesn't charge fast enough on her bad Speed. Overall, she's support and a lot little of much else.
  2. Still hoping for some sort of Battle Arcade-style chain challenge mode. I just put auto battle on half the time, and I only get slightly mad when they go straight for the big fortress when the smaller ones are literally unguarded/suicide right into the enemy.
  3. Eyyy... Azama is bulky and can kinda pull off a Close Counter-Pain-high Def set... ...well I gotta justify giving it to him somehow...
  4. I took Ike because it was either him or Lyn... and I promptly summoned Lyn soon after... ...and then I promptly summoned a Brave Ike with a nature soon after taking the free Ike... I probably should have taken Lucina, cause it took me months to get Brave Lucina...
  5. Plzletustradeunitsplz insert here. ...well I dunno, she may be the only Lucine I've gotten since the crummy first one, but she's also +Spd -Atk... Plzletustradeunitsplz insert here.
  6. I only noticed recently, because I took the time to train my Lucina a bit, and sorry to be bringing up the... boingy boings again, but... Does "Marth" look a little too masculine, and Lucina a little too feminine? Because I've been staring at some of Lucina's art between Cipher, Awakening, and Heroes for a few days (when I have the time), and I've come to notice that Lucina's chest, in most Cipher and Awakening depictions when she is in her Lord outfit, isn't big enough for Lucy to be hiding the royal guards in there, but also not small enough that she IS a dude. Which makes sense, because she passed herself off as a male for a little while. Yet when I look at any of her Heroes art, she does have a little bit of chest even when standing still, as well as a bit more hip, meanwhile "Marth", who reminder/spoilers is literally just Lucina in a mask with tucked in hair, appears to just be a slim dude, not having a chest or hips to really speak of. ...what, it's been a boring few days for Heroes. Most exciting thing for me was finally getting Lucina's 5* Lv 40 convo into my game after it's been the only one I could have gotten but didn't (not counting most fodder units).
  7. Ike Rating: 7/10 Ike has many of the advantages of a solid DC weapon unit. Good Attack and Defense, solid enough Speed, only offset by bad Resistance. But Ike is in direct, very one-sided competition with his Legendary counterpart, and his default Aether doesn't synergize well with his more defensive statspread, weapon, unit type, and default A Passive. Heck no, none of those are reasons not to use him, even if his superior version is... free to... get... Titania Rating: 6.5/10 Titania fulfills a unique niche, with the Resistance and default weapon to counter Blue Mages pretty well. Her Attack and Defense both don't let her dual melee units all that well, but she can still dual lances perfectly fine. Overall, not the most spectacular of units, but still worthy of any praise she does get given.
  8. You have nearly an entire month to decide, I'd at least wait to see what the Legendary Banner has in store.
  9. So the two old Summer banners are back, and on a whim I decide to try a little at the Ylissean Summer banner. Of course the unit I want, Robin, is not available... but you know who were? Summer Tiki and freaking normal Tana. Tana, get a goddamn swimsuit on, and Tiki, deage by a couple thousand years, why are the two of you here... Anyways, Tana is +Def -HP, and Tiki is +Spd -Def. Not sure what I'm gonna do with Tana, since I'm not exactly looking to improve on my current +Spd -Res Tana, but Tiki... I'm gonna give Axe Valor to my HNY!Azura. It's been a long time coming.
  10. Huh... FEH is actually kinda dominating this thing so far... But why did those guys use Warriors footage for Heroes?
  11. Clair Rating: 6.5/10 Clair has the ability to cleave through Cavalry and Armor foes, which itself is a reason to take her. Lack of Defense and low Attack, however hold her back from dealing with the problem in one hit and from being able to survive some problems in one hit. Faye Rating: 6.5/10 Faye's not amazing, but she isn't horrid either. She can run a good mixed defensive set better than some other archers can, and is also the only holder of the Firesweep Bow, making her a decent option for chipping damage onto the enemy. Keep her bad speed in mind though, because she isn't outspeeding much.
  12. Freakishly big? I don't think I'd use that to describe my being against larger breasts. "distractingly big" is better. I mean, I'm not that much of an outsider, but I'm well aware of how big breasts in the US can get. I just still don't like them, and most sexual flaunting, to get in the way of the media i consume, and 9 out of 10 times it does. Just keep the coconut ammo where I expect there to be coconut ammo.
  13. Freakishly big? I don't think I'd use that to describe my being against larger breasts. "distractingly big" is better. I mean, I'm not that much of an outsider, but I'm well aware of how big breasts in the US can get. I just still don't like them, and most sexual flaunting, to get in the way of the media i consume, and 9 out of 10 times it does.
  14. What the... I fell asleep right at the beginning of the boobie talk? Okay, even I, a socially awkward inept, am pretty sure that's not something that just happens. Also I'm of the camp that bigger does not mean better, and that sexual use of breasts and such in media is just distracting, but you didn't hear that from me, also I am a male nerd so apparently my type are supposed to become mindless zombies at the sight of anything bigger than double Ds?
  15. Ah... I see a number of very samey reviews for DC weapons in the future... Absorb+ Rating: 4/10 Absorb+ wants to exemplify the supportive trait of healers, but only manages to be one of the weakest staves in the game. Still, being able to heal up to 21 hp to your entire team is a pretty neat trait. Alondite Rating: 8/10 Alondite has been given to two Armor units, a unit class that struggles to get to the battle. That itself is a great boon, and is enough to not consider replacing Alondite with anything else, something the AI... heh heh... had a little trouble realizing for a good while. So @MilodicMellodi, how are we going to handle DC weapons for the future? Because I honestly don't know how we'd be able to rate the weapon properly without going into the units who wield it.
  16. Alm Rating: 8/10 Alm's player phase is among the best in the game, but he still suffers from many of the problems he had before the refinery update that made him among the best. But that doesn't stop him from being a force of nature to watch closely for. Lack of care does mean he will end your units. Lukas Rating: 8/10 Lukas's bulk is absurd for an Infantry unit, and puts to shame even most armors. Making him bulky enough to take almost no damage comes with the benefit of one of the strongest Bonfire/Ignis triggers as well. Just keep him away from magic.
  17. I already spent 40k feathers getting a Subaki and free Takumi to 5* for the A and B skills (really, why was Close Counter not available at 4* if you aren't even going to make Threaten Spd available at 4*...). I'm all out of trash to send home too, at least if I don't care about my SI reserves. Give me feathers a chance to recover. I dunno really. I know he's gonna be quite the Red wall, gonna be quite the boon to have for dealing with all those pesky Green threats in AA as well as Squad Assault. I have no shame to admit I liked Henry in Awakening, so I'll have fun using him here. Raudhrowl is gonna be interesting to work around...
  18. Well... uh... I just did quite the thing. Normally I'd just pull up the unit as a screenshot from that unit builder, but... well, point is, this is a screenshot directly from my phone. ...I wasn't going to do anything better with that free Canas anyways, and I was gonna send home so many absolute trash units anyways (I summoned so many freaking Seliphs and other similarly SI useless units), so one free Takumi and spare Subaki later, this Henry is ready to promote whenever... ...if it could be justified because 4* +5 is literally the same as a 5* +0 unit... well, at least I'll have something to do with Henrys now that I have this one built up...
  19. Well since it's basically parallel to Rate the unit, no reason not to partake in this as well. Armored Boots Rating: 6.5/10 Unlike the more used Armor March, Armor Boots enables an Armor to go off on his or her own without support, or even fit in on a mixed movement types team. On the right armor unit, this lets them start the fight much faster than their compatriots, and the right armors can also be enabled a frightening Player Phase set not dependent on their allies. The biggest drawback being a 100% hp requirement may not even matter depending on the skills on other units. What stops me from rating it higher is the fact that the effect is so similar to Armor March, and movement problems can easily be fixed with excessive positioning skills, that the Sacred Seal may find trouble fitting in on some teams.
  20. Priscilla Rating: 6/10 Arguably the worst Troubadour, Priscilla still has all the advantages of one, but without the speed that Clarina and Nanna have, or the evenly balanced offensive spread of Elise. Jaffar Rating: 5.5/10 Jaffar's AoE crippling ability is strong, and his ability to safely initiate on Tome users is appreciated. But in direct and fair combat, Jaffar is not that good, and I feel he is overall weaker as an AoE crippler than staff users because he can only safely initiate on tomes. But he is still not to be underestimated.
  21. Got Summer Cordelia with what I think is a decent nature in +Atk -Res. Anything that keeps her power up without impacting her more important defensive stat is nice in my book. Also, she's the unit I wanted most, so... yay! (I also only now noticed that her artist is Mayo, similar to her bride form but unlike her base form being Ueda Yumehito... guess she has a new artist now.)
  22. With Fury 3 she hits 32 res, which is... decent? The benchmark I'll give as an example is Est, who is a stronger Brave Lance flier than Cordelia or Hinoka because her Res is at 32 at 5* Lv 40, meaning she can trigger Def Ploy on more targets than the other two.
  23. Lucius Rating: 7.5/10 Lucius has the right build to run a powerful offensive nuke build, at the cost of not being able to take melee hits or Dragons... at all. But given the right skills, he won't need to care. Rebecca Rating: 4.5 I'm being fair when I say that Rebecca is the below-average standard of an offensive bow, and she still doesn't quite perform. That's not saying she can't be used, because she can still be pretty fast, but others are more specialized than her.
  24. @Ice Dragon @Usana Makes sense. I'm not absolutely desperate to build Jaffar, since that requires me to dedicate an entire Divine Dew refine to him, but I'm also in a situation where I've not gotten a lot of good fodder lately... I guess I'll just sit on crummy Jaffar and see what happens. To Usana's liking Jaffar comment... I used to use him in my early days, until I realized his nature was kinda very bad, so I eventually foddered him off. Then every Jaffar I gotten since was foddered for LnD3. Was a much easier time, before Deathly Dagger got a refine... and these are the first Jaffars I've gotten in months...
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