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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Thanks all, @Ginko, @Rafiel's Aria, @mampfoid, and @XRay. The following is what I can gather, after rereading all that was said multiple times over... >Raven is one of the stronger and most deserving Divine Dew beggars, especially considering my having his most ideal nature already. The set I'm leaning strongest towards is Basilisko (LnD3 refine), Galeforce, Fury 3, Desperation, and Heavy Blade SS, though I don't have any Desperation fodder and don't see myself getting any for at least a few more weeks. >Lilina is another strong contendor, and it's not hard to see why. Only big concern is that I am well aware that -Spd isn't the best bane for her, but I assure you I am checking every Lilina I get for better. >Alm is a strong option, with Dragon effectiveness on a weapon that hits twice for one attack. My own Alm could be better, but we can't all be as choosy as whales... As for Refining Stone upgrades... >Shigure, after checking in a mass dual simulator, hits 43 speed with just +Spd and Speed refine, so he'd become one of my faster units, able to run Firesweep, Harmonic Lance, or whatever else I need on him perfectly well. >Bridal Bloom Ninian, despite probably not being used in combat as often, would still benefit from the boost in... a stat. I dunno, you forgot to tell me a stat Ginko. I just assumed Speed. Only two issues arised from the above that I gathed: One, the strongest contenders, Raven and Shigure, both would want Desperation, a skill I don't even have 5* fodder of. Two, those same contenders will require a lot of feathers if I want them both to get their goodies at the same time, but in reality that just means I won't have any chain challenges after I'm done with them. Fortunately (unfortunately?), there's enough archers in FEH right now with dumb enough stat spreads that such a scenario can possibly happen. I tried the following set on multiple archers with middling Atk and Def, terrible enough Res that they don't want anything to do with Archers, and any amount of Spd and HP. And the winner is... This is actually a spare HatF!Kagero I'm considering foddering. My normal HatF!Kagero is +Res -Def, this fodder one is +Res -HP. I don't personally see any reason to boost her HP and Atk by 1 each when I don't even care/use this Kagero much, so Lethal Carrot+ fodder. I subbed Desperation for Chill Speed 3, and managed 122-28-88 with Dark Excalibur, at full HP to. I... seem to really like Chill Speed...
  2. I again have a "who to throw a lot of resources at" question, this time about Weapon Refinery. I have 50 Refining Stones that will put me at above 200 Divine Dews, which means both a normal refinery and a personal weapon refinery. It sort of ties into my earlier 20k-22k feathers question, and may in fact even affect who I promote to 5*. Refining Stone upgrades I am considering: All possible Divine Dew upgrades That is... a lot of info that might be wasted if the answer was a simple one.
  3. Wow, the Tempest Trials banner has absolute garbage color balance. 3 red and 1 blue focus unit? Just give us the Falchion banner again, Marth is already here.
  4. Honestly, I feel most units in the game are far less frightening in AI hands compared to player hands, where we have the ability to nudge units wherever we want without feeling like we NEED to go the full 2/3 permitted movement spaces and then use our Assist even if doing so either does nothing or literally infinitely stalls the game. At worst, AI Julius will walk right into a unit he can't kill and will be counterattack killed by in an instant just because they're in his range of attack, and at worst he will do that to a unit who can't counterattack, but will be more than glad to melee kill him in an instant. Plus we can more or less pick and choose who gets to counter him, and all AI Julius can do is wander where his AI tells him to. But player controlled Julius is far more frightening because we know where we want Julius, and that is usually "in the range of that mage, who will be killed by Iceberg because the mage is fast but can't hurt Julius with all his Res plus Loptous, and Julius is slow but has QR3 and a lot of Resistance."
  5. Welp, guess I have Bridal Tharja now to. Not as beautiful as when I pulled Ninian, but she is still welcome with the rather great +Atk -HP nature. I'm starting to think that the game knows that I not only want Sanaki, but also that I have lost all hope in getting what I want, because Ninian and Tharja both popped up at my most hopeless (Ninian with 5 blue orbs and only 3 chances to pick the right orb, Tharja when I had already reserved myself to the fate of a bad session with 2 colorless, a green, and 2 red), and with great natures to. I also got +Spd -HP Camilla, so I can think about having a Camilla around at 5* again, only this time with a good weapon.
  6. Actually none of those are upgraded, and even then I have them on my less bulkier raventomes to take bows and daggers better... Unrelated, but I wonder if we can finally start getting dual stat up Squad Ace seals now that dual stat seals are an official thing. We did only recently get the 4th Atk up seal, meaning we now have 4 separate sets of each of the 5 stat up seals (between the original seals, the Initiate seals, and the Squad Ace seals), and of the 16 letters left in the english alphabet, one of every double stat up seal combo would only take up 10 letters, so that'd be one more set of single stat up seals and then one of each dual stat up, and maybe M or Z could be movement up or some Spectrum Stat Up or something...
  7. I already give that to Beruka, she is now just an axe and flying Arden.
  8. On the plus side, it's something to give my Arden du4ring Arena Assault to grant him even more defense than he actually needs at this point.
  9. It actually seems to be the Atk/Def 2 stat boost skill, not the Seal Atk/Def skill.
  10. Damn, I thought the sacred seals would give me a better idea of who to use my feathers on, but all they really did was give me a seal to give to HNY!Azura or Bride Ninian...
  11. I actually don't really have any one character that I summon too often or too little... Well, besides 4* Selenas, who I kinda hesitate to use as Reposition fodder...
  12. Eh, maybe a chance to get Zanbato. Ah, my bad. But a Dancer with a Brave Sword, heh... that'll be the day. Yep, that could never happen, but oh if only it would! *hint hint*
  13. @Kaden Most of the units in Heroes from Shadow Dragon and MotE, who don't have a specific weapon associated to them, simply use Brave weaponry. The only exception seems to be Tiki, who still doesn't have her Divine Stone...
  14. Mathilda was the first Lance to have an effective against Horses weapon, as well as a new skill, and she dropped. Meanwhile Gray, who was in the same banner and got the first Horse Effective Sword, didn't drop. In fairness he did also have two new skills, one of them being a Valor skill, but still. Similarly, Leon had the Slaying Bow, as well as a new skill in Guard, and he dropped. Saber had the Slaying Sword, same weapon, as well as a new skill in Shield Pulse. He didn't drop. Plus, almost every unit who has dropped to the 4* pool after the first few new unit banners have NEVER had a Personal Weapon (Soleil, Oliver, Shigure), and if they did they were one of, if not the, only unit who only had the standard 1 assist/special and 2 passive skills (Sothe, L'arachel, Male Morgan). In every case, the dropped unit introduced a formerly 5* or seasonal exclusive skill to the 4* pool, making them easier to get. L'arachel, as far as I can tell, is the only exception I can find. As of now, Ares has completely broken the pattern.
  15. That... isn't how effective damage works? The 50% bonus damage is applied before combat, so even if 150% of 0 is 0, 150% of 41 is 61, which at least becomes 21 damage on most armors. @DraceEmpressaI mean, Humanoid still right, but... the percentage of zero joke really doesn't apply to bonus damage.
  16. Really, Ares? The Descendant of the Demon Blade Mystletainn? Not the dancer who doesn't even have very strong holy blood by default? Well okay then, I'm fine with that. Only until the day Quick Riposte finally gets added to the 4* pool, or better yet even the 3* pool. @Hilda Usually the unit who drops is the unit who, at least in terms of their original games appearance, doesn't have as much impact on the story or game as the other units that joined with them, or fail that the least popular. That kinda makes this drop an abnormal one, since Ares arguably has a much stronger presence in the world of Genealogy than Lene did.
  17. 5 Blue Orbs. 5. And I had 13 orbs. I only had 3 chances to get Bridal Ninian. ...and I did it. Honestly I've been kinda dulled to pulling 5*s lately, even when it's a unit I want, but somehow Ninian appearing was the most beautiful pull I've ever done. Her nature? +Atk -Def. I'm not worried about boosting her Speed since the Fresh Bouquet does that for the most part, but I was seriously expecting her to be like my regular Ninian with bad speed, and in fact I almost did think that (til I checked her base stats again). This is good, I like this Ninian a lot. ...oh also 2 female Corrins at 3* because of course.
  18. Bride Banner, and I pulled a Dancer. ...the wrong dancer. Not even a good nature, +Def -Atk. This Azura is literal merge fodder and not much else.
  19. This is great and all, but what about the unit who drops to 4* from Genealogy? I'm confident it will be Lene, if anyone drops at all.
  20. Well I went through each units growth rates and determined the important stuff that others already know, and in fact may already be on the wiki: which stats gets super booned and super baned. The first set of numbers corresponds to their growth rates, HP/Atk/Spd/Def/Res. Ninian Sanaki Tharja Since Marth can't get natures, his 5* lv 40 stats are technical static.
  21. Among the 5* units I have at lv 40 and favorited... HP: 30 Tie between Lute and Genny through technicality, because my Genny actually has a +1 merge, so she should have one less HP than she does. Both are -HP banes. Atk: 28/25 Azama. Between the -Atk on Azama and occasional use of one of the two Fortress SS, he should be lucky his A skill isn't also a Fortress skill. Spd: 14 Winter's Envoy Tharja. -Spd makes her slower than Arden? Impressive, though it does get boosted to 16 on counterattack... Def: 8 Delthea, as I'm sure everyone with a low defense hero with LnD3 has. Close second, however, is Lucius with 10 (-Def nature). Res: 13 Tie between Sothe and Cain, both of whom have -Res natures and LnD3. However, Frederick should be the winner, as he isn't -Res or packing LnD3, yet still manages to only have 14 res?
  22. Besides Valter with Panic Ploy, a skill I personally prefer as a Sacred Seal, I only otherwise have Subaki for Quick Riposte, which I mentioned, in terms of rarer skills. Interesting priority order... could I ask why? @XRay @SilvertheShadow I'd personally go with +Spd -Atk, for two reasons. 1) Ishtar, with her default kit and default speed, hits 46 speed, which isn't bad. -Spd takes her down to 43, which isn't as good, considering most offensive units prefer having well over 40 speed, something you can counter with the +Spd nature. 2) -Atk on Ishtar is not as bad as it seems thanks to Odd Atk Waves. That's +6 atk every odd numbered turn regardless if she is standing near anyone. Honestly, and I'm speaking as someone with a decent natured Ishtar (+Atk -HP), I'm kinda jealous you got off as easy as having +Spd -Atk.
  23. Classic "Who to use 20k-22k feathers on" question. Don't particularly NEED any of the following units to be 5*, though I do want to clarify I don't really want to make any of the following units 4*+10, even now that many of them are more accessible. Currently 3* (requires 22k feathers) Currently 4* (Requires 20k feathers) Other notable promotes It isn't urgent the question be answered quickly, as again, I don't particularly NEED to promote anyone. But I also don't have much reason to save feathers.
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