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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Olivia: While I would do that, I really don't have any units besides a Seth to give her the skill, and he is 4*. Sophia: She will be a TA3 Raven mage. Lilina: I was working with what I had at the time. Death Blow 3, Raudhrblade, and Moonbow are her current skills. Cecilia: I can't get a better one to appear, and I'd rather be ready for when I do (I do have Distant Defense SS fully upgraded to). Leon: Has Death Blow 3 and Swordbreaker 3. I do have a solid number of units for Arena Assault (it's just deciding WHO to use that troubles me...), so I'll have to think about who needs what the most. Thanks for the unnecessarily large overview of everything. ...also Bonfire will definitely give the most damage.
  2. Man, I was dreading using Arvis this Arena week, but he was actually a lot of fun to use, putting him in the spot WAAAAAY in the back where he wouldn't be caught in battle and still nerf units like Hector enough for Bridelia to kill them in two hits from Brave Bow. HECTOR. Usually she has to tank a hit from him before finishing him off, but Arvis noped that idea so hard. ...he could also kill Brave Ike in like one hit after Valflame ploy. That's just the power of a general debuffer in combat...
  3. 20k feather time again. Here are the options I have laid out tonight: For the Unit For the Skill Inheritance
  4. Nephenee from Crimeans was on either the first or second session. Only reason I shelled money on that banner was to get a not crappy Elincia... it took 5 crap Elincias to get one good one. Sigurd was an almost immediate pull from Holy war, though I just wanted any of the new units in general... was great to get the best of them though.
  5. She clearly was waiting... ... ... ...to BLAZE IT. *insert Smoke Weed Errydaaay*
  6. Speaking of which, it feels like every banner introducing new characters has had that one unit who, on paper anyways, doesn't seem as interesting as the other two or three new units they join the cast with. I wonder how it's decided who among those units will be added...?
  7. Innes has just the right stat spread to make for a good Brave Bow+ user. He would have been better off with +Spd -Def or +Att -Def, but +Att -Spd is nothing to be ashamed of... well mostly. But either way, he can run an effective Brave Bow LnD3 set similar in style to Bridelia. If you'd rather not run LnD3 because it costs 20k feathers to promote Hana, you could always do what most other Brave users do and run DB3, but Innes does normally have the speed to take advantage of LnD3... normally. I think the only reason you don't see Innes is because people were able to get Bridelia or, better, get Brave Lyn and give their Brave Bow to her. Brave Lyn is also a Horseback Ranged unit who has more BST than other Horse Rangers, and her personal passive B skill can also be worth a few extra Arena points. You can also give the Brave Bow treatment to Leon, but I guess you don't see him often either...
  8. Since Hero Fest mostly contains highly desired units, I'd have to wager any of the following... Red: Eirika, Lucina, Brave Roy, Celica, Leo Blue: Cordelia, Effie, Ephraim, Brave Lucina, Reinhardt, Linde Green: Minerva, Amelia, Nino, Sonya, maybe Fae Bows: Leon, Klein, Brave Lyn, Innes. ...what? Bow is totally a color. I would paint my entire house Bow if I owned it. ...or if they wanted to TROLL US ENDLESSLY... Red: Fir Green: Bartre Blue: Oboro or Est Colorless: Wrys
  9. All this Merric talk, meanwhile I'll have to contend with using Arvis because it's either him or my kinda niche Anna... you know, giving her Vengeance seemed like a good idea at the time...
  10. ...the last time I got a unit who gave one of those desirable skills who also happened to break my Pity Rate, it was Tharja. The last time a Brave Sword user broke my pity rate was when I got a Cain MONTHS AND MONTHS ago... All I can say in response... what's it like having your pity rate broken by Skill Inheritance fodder? Sounds nice...
  11. Got Arden's 5* form. I'd hate to ask, but he has a Brave Sword+, and usually I prefer starting to train the unit at 4* if I have to choose... should I keep both Arden intact or am I allowed to sacrifice the 5* Arden for someone who wants a Brave Sword, specifically my Hana? I have to wonder why it took so long for someone with a weapon desirable for inheritance to appear... I suppose Clive COULD count... in some weird way...
  12. What I mean is that "if the match ended in a Draw, it's still a loss". You know, you might have come in second place but you didn't get first place, so you still suck and should kill yourself. ...I was wondering where you were getting that Lilina had almost 3x the amount of losses that Tharja had, shush. Because Lilina is raw power, I think that's where I'm either getting confused or thinking too much and coming to the wrong conclusion: Lilina doesn't have the speed to do the same Desperation thing, but she has the raw power to just deal with it in one hit USUALLY. ...of course they may just make all this irrelevant one day and release Brave Tomes for all units. Then I'll just start having arguments about why Lilina is totally the best Brave Tome user over the only mounted red mage we have right now.
  13. My luck on the World of Holy War banner spoiled me. I went in thinking I could snipe for Nowi in one or two goes... Cain, Stahl, Olivia, Fir, Lazlow, Lon'qu, Marth, and Eliwood. Didn't even bother checking their natures.
  14. Where are you getting +5 Attack from and what sets are you using for both? This is my basis for my argument: With the above, on Attack Initiation, Lilina has 11 attack more than Tharja, 9 if running LnD3 on Tharja. Everything assumes that both units are receiving stat bonuses of 3 attack, 4 speed, and 2-4 of either Defense or Resistance from Eirika. Tharja relies on doubling her opponents to kill and isn't immediately threatening if her opponent can one-hit her before she can trigger Desperation, Lilina only has to hit them once, that was my point. Tharja I suppose has the advantage of being easy WoM3 Dancer bait, but not the point. Both sets I laid out for you only cost 20k feathers at minimum, maybe more if you are going through Colorless Hell (or if your name is @Vaximillian lololol cheap blow sorry) and promote one of the units who have DB3 at 5*. Also I'm not sure where you are getting that I'd ever consider LnD3 for Lilina, let alone Desperation.
  15. That... sounds very Owain, are we talking about the same person that Nowi did things to while they slept in the middle of a Harvest Festival?
  16. I was lucky because I didn't need to invest feathers into a Tharja for Rauorblade+... well I say lucky, but I certainly didn't appreciate getting a 5* Tharja at the time... To be honest, I think Lilina is the better Blade nuker compared to Tharja. Tharja has good speed and decent Attack, but she needs time to trigger her fullest potential (assuming you don't just Ardent Sacrifice Desperation), and needs to be able to double the enemy to outdamage Lilina. This opens up scenarios where Lilina, meanwhile, only needs the buffs that Tharja is getting anyways to OHKO most of the cast, even some unlucky blues. Yeah she needs more investment, but her payoff feels more immediate than Tharjas. Plus Lilina isn't known for having "the best body in the army" and stalking poor innocent tacticians who now that I think about it it's never actually explained why she has that fascination with Robin... but anyways I'm okay with having Lilina.
  17. Are you using Bolganone+ or Rauorblade+/Raudhrblade+? Because +Att -Spd Lilina can one-shot Hector, even with Fortify Armor and +Res or +HP, with just plain Eirika Buffs (Sieglinde, Hone Speed, and Fortify Def or Fortify Res 1 Seal). If he has a fully upgraded defensive Seal that's another story, but she only needs one more bonus point to secure the kill. Besides, all that seems like one very big IF. She is actually on my list of units I want to 5* promote. Still need to figure out what I want her B skill to be, but otherwise she is just waiting for the feather shower.
  18. Mjolnir could easily provide both a Speed bonus and some cool Wrath effect to Ishtar, given the massive bonus to Skill and Speed she gets from it. Besides, she seems naturally fast and pretty strong, only thing I'd be worried about is if they give her Vantage as well... unless they were to do something neat and add another Close Counter unit, hint hint?
  19. Loyal and responsible... huh, sounds familiar. Wonder where I heard that before... Eh, probably nowhere. Ishtar... I dunno, I wanna say she'll be back-burnered by Julius, but at the same time I wanna hope we stop getting so many Red units in the same one-month period. Doesn't exactly sound like a hard task to accomplish to be honest. Wasn't Thracia in the earlier days of giving proper characterization to its cast when before you had... what, recruitment one-liners and battle-begin one-liners? Defeat quote maybe? I know he has more character than others, but it just doesn't feel interesting. Also DB3 wasn't that hard for me to get copies of when I needed it most. I think I only have one or two units who need it now that don't have it, but I haven't even leveled said units yet, so whatever. Git gud, Vax's luk.
  20. But it sucks all the more just because Reinhardt is so simple to build. Rein needs Death Blow 3. That's about it, you could probably get away with using his default kit + Death Blow 3 in the Arena if you really wanted to, and his only real competition for ranged Brave user is Brave Lyn technically. Yeah you need a 4* Klein to get the skill, but that's a relatively simple order compared to what so many other units need just to be decent at worst, and that is including the units that counter Rein. Besides all that, Reinhardt as a character feels bland and uninteresting. At least Hector or Bridelia, if comparing to other S+ tier characters, have quirks that make them alluring. I don't get anything interesting from Rein besides Dire Thunder. That doesn't sound important, but would be for someone who would rather try to build units he or she is invested in as characters. Sucks for me being that person. I can't find anything interesting about this guy...
  21. I mean I hate fighting Rein just because my only really good counter to him, my Fae, doesn't have a full skillset yet (she's still waiting on Quick Riposte 3), but it seems like other players don't even try to put a Rein counter on their teams. You mostly see Hectors and Ninos who are pretty terrible at headhunting him.
  22. How do people use Reinhardt without feeling dirty oh god. My Rein isn't even good, he is pure Neutral, only has a very standard Rein set and Attack +2 seal, and doesn't even have Cav support, and yet I had to use him just to make sure I could tier up in Arena.
  23. My Hector doesn't even have Bonfire, he has Noontime. Though Bonfire probably would have been better...
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