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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. If I had Aether to just throw at someone it wouldn't be as big an issue to me, but my only Aether owner is Ike (+Atk -HP) and Brave Ike (+Atk -HP), so... I'll have to consider that. Good thing my Azura has the nature to run a Brave Axe set.
  2. Should I give Galeforce to Performing Arts Azura for the sake of boosting Arena Score? I can very easily see myself using her a lot in Arena, and all my other units don't seem like they'd appreciate Galeforce as much as any other skill. Don't worry, I have a fodder Cordelia I know I'll never use for anything else, even when considering who might want a Brave Lance+ (of whom I have nobody)
  3. Can't be worse than the last bit of news you get one week before the game releases is what one pokemons Z-move looks like, and it turns out to be implied hardcore action under the sheets. But really, it'll probably be something about an upcoming Tempest Trial featuring one of two themes: Genealogy of the Holy War gen 2, or Thracia 776 Binding Blade, aka part 2 of the mini-TT from before. And because of that, more units who we can all rage about before we remember that Infantry Swords really aren't that powerful.
  4. What I'm hoping for: LOTS MORE ORBS. What I'm not hoping for: MORE UNITS. ... ...listen my next big summoning session won't be until halfway through December, and that's assuming I don't just get money for my birthday. I'm already gonna be flat broke from Pokemon and Crunchyroll, and I've been sniping reds for the last 12 days, I NEED LITTLE WITCH ACA- I MEAN NOWI.
  5. Oh please get started on pity breakers, please do. I'd at least feel a little better if I got, say, a pity breaking Cain. At least I could finally give my Hana a Brave Sword+. Ever since I started sniping exclusively Red orbs on Trick or Defeat, which only about 1-2 appear per summoning and only sometimes 3... my pity rate is now 5%. That means I have to have summoned at least 40 trash reds since day 1... well trash reds and finally getting a good natured Eliwood (+Atk -HP) BUT MY POINT IS POINTY AND PAINFUL AND AAAAAA-
  6. You know... there are quite a few reds out there... some of them absolutely sucks, others are actually pretty good. Not all of them are 5* exclusive, but a good few of them are locked behind that elusive barrier... So why, the bloody fuck, have I gotten the SAME 3 FUCKING UNITS EVERY TIME I PULL FROM RED ORBS ON TRICK OR DEFEAT? Stahl offers fucking nothing. Fir offers fucking nothing. Cain offers Wings of Mercy 3, yeah. BUT I DON'T NEED WINGS OF MERCY THAT BADLY TO HAVE 5 CAINS.
  7. Well it's not like we can all gravitate to one unit and force the win, if Ryomas participation soda had anything to say.
  8. So absolutely stupid idea... what if the character who WINS the entire voting gauntlet were handed out as a free neutral 5* unit? ...3* maybe?
  9. The heck would that have done, give the enemy the "oh god it's 1 pm and I had to be at work three hours ago" blanket struggle status?
  10. By the way, I don't know if anyone's ever had this, but the unit I've put up front is Nowi. +Att -Res +1 merge (+1 HP and Attack) Lightning Breath+, Reposition, Bonfire Triangle Adept 3, Quick Riposte 3, Fortify Defense 3, Panic Ploy 1
  11. Chrom: Frederick, I know I'm supposed to have a daughter in the very near future, but I don't know if I can- Frederick: Say no more. C: Frederick? Where are you- FREDERICK! ...in summary, I propose that Frederick is dedicated enough to have Chrom's children for him. We'll just assume someone magiced sacred blood and a contact lens afterwards. ...we will ignore the scenario in which Frederick doesn't actually know how babies are made.
  12. Why does this situation sound so familiar... Eh, must have just been the plot of a game or something.
  13. I have two videos for you tonight. Video 1: Me clearing the map on Infernal, which I wasn't able to do the first time due to sucking. Now that I no longer suck (and also have Bridelia, two dancers, and a crap ton of units with Reposition), I could do the challenge properly. The second video is me clearing the Lunatic map while also completing all the quests in one go. It seemed hard at first, but I guess the AI is supposed to target who can't counterattack if any of it's potential targets won't die from their attack or something? Sigh... time to burn these orbs up on getting more useless reds...
  14. I've actually gotten good results from Brash Assault 3 on Bridelia with Summoner Support. If I leave her in range of someone with less than 39 speed, they usually leave her with less than 21 hp, and then everything just dies because for some reason everyone can counterattack at range.
  15. C Skill: Spectrum Siege: Gain +4 to all stats at the beginning of this units turn if standing next to an ally of the same color. If all units are the same color and share this skill, gain +6 all stats at the beginning of every turn regardless of unit placement and disables the Weapon Triangle completely. You've heard of Horse Emblem, Dragon Emblem... now feast your eyes on BLUE EMBLEM!!!
  16. Besides, screw Alondite. Just looks like any old normal sword anyways. No, if they ever make personal weapons inheritable, you give Arden Raijinto. That thing has LIGHTNING emitting from it. ...or Divine Tyrfing to pair with Deflect Magic is good to, but does Tyrfing emit LIGHTNING? I don't think so. GOD, people don't consider awesome aesthetics these days...
  17. That I am not sure of. I've sent home a number of the others just because they were wastes of space in my FEH-noob days, but a few I've yet to do.
  18. You mean this? Just press the S with a line going through it, unless mobile doesn't have that in which case... good luck friend :D
  19. Yeah I checked afterward to see who could inherit Galeforce and forgot to update. Don't worry, I have a spare 5* Cordelia that I'll never use for anything but skill fodder.
  20. @XRay A. In all fairness I only today entered tier 20 and fully expect to drop to Tier 19 anyways, so I suppose I'm not that desperate for Tier placement... I'll work on Cecilia then. B. Might finally be time to get Deflect Missile/Magic... C. @mampfoid My only real issue is that I STILL don't have any Cav buffs besides Goad Cavalry on my Rein, and because I've been sniping for Reds the last week and a half (with no luck, thanks for asking asdfgh-), I don't expect to be getting any for a while. But noted. Thanks for the answers both.
  21. Like I said, one problem at most, though I guess if you could just exchange excess for other materials why couldn't we just use that material in the first place... but it'd just be what happens with Sacred Seals we already own, so nevermind that.
  22. I did a recording of me beating Lunatic while still meeting the requirements for the Sharena and Alfonse kill quests, but I feel like it's not gonna apply to everyone what I did, as my Sharena is 5* and loaded out with skills, while Alfonse was only 4* and had his default skillset... Should I post anyways?
  23. Takumi (Infantry Bow, Armor is his Sniper outfit) HP: 34/37/40 Atk: 32/35/38 Spd: 25/28/32 Def: 25/29/32 Res: 21/24/27 Weapon: Iron Bow Steel Bow Killer Bow Skadi (Might 14): Enables counterattacks regardless of distance. All Damage Taken is reduced by 10. Ignore all Triangle advantages. Special: Vengeance Passive A: Spectrum Blow. All stats are increased by 3 when attacking. Passive B: Bold Stance. Unit has doubled Special Charge. Passive C: Bow Valor. All units using a Bow will gain 2x SP from battles as long as this unit is alive.
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