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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. I see I see. Good luck with that, giving them the orbs. I hear bears are... well at this point they're probably already hibernating, but I HEAR BEARS ARE BEARS.
  2. Has anything been figured out for who will take Kruggov's pull? psst... I'll gladly take it :3
  3. Realizing I am a hypocrite for being so bitter about how many Reds I have trained and built while training/building Joshua and promoting/training/building Sophia. ...for reals though, I think my most amusing moment was the moment I realized how good and fairly easy to set up Brash Assault+Desperation was. They never stood a chance against the might of a woman in a wedding dress.
  4. Don't worry about Speed. Speed+3 seal and Weapon Forging Slaying Lance+ with +Spd variant can cover any speed you may have had with +spd nature. Anyways, even without the Speed nature I'd still recommend the basic build of Fury 3, Wrath 3, C skill, Slaying Lance, Assist, and Moonbow, though also think about Glimmer if you find you can't outspeed anything. The set is effective in what it sets out to do and lets Nephenee deal solid damage in just one hit. Her defense will also be high enough that most swords don't deal much damage, if any at all.
  5. I still use Binding Blade on Roy. ...because I've literally never gotten any of those "better" swords, and also he was my first ever 5*. MAH BOI IS SPECIAL SHUT UP. ...but really, it's not like he's BAD. He does a solid amount of Triangle Advantage damage. There's just loads of better swords in a game where swords are a joke.
  6. Thing is that Dancers usually use a Gem Weapon (Ruby Sword, Emerald Axe, and Sapphire Lance) or Triangle Adept 3 to make up for their lower stats if they are forced to enter combat. Olivia, even if she had a +Atk nature, only reaches about 46-48 Atk with a forged Silver Sword, and in your case even if she ran Fury 3 she would still lack the ability to do much offensively. Her defenses are a big problem, and a Ruby Sword does two things for her. A. She lowers the damage from Green enemies, and B. She deals a great amount of damage to Greens in return. She also has her A slot free to equip whatever she wants to, including Fury or, if you ever get stupidly lucky, Distant Counter. She could use Silver Sword and TA3, but her stats will suffer as a result when she could get the same (pre-forging) results from Ruby Sword and Fury 3 while still getting a small defensive bonus. ...anyways, if you can't get a Ruby Sword+ then it's okay to run Ruby Sword. The difference of 4 might won't come into full effect until you start attacking the highest tiers of Arena or Lunatic/Infernal battles, and even then it's usually best to keep your dancer out of the fight anyways, so in my honest opinion it'd be best to save your forging resources for a different unit even if you don't go the Ruby Sword route.
  7. Usually Olivia prefers a Ruby Sword, but if you want to run with Silver Sword then I would personally do +Spd to double and avoid doubles. She would appreciate Fury 3 more than Spd+3, though it may not matter anyways if you don't want her fighting.
  8. It became evident to me while doing Arena Assault... I do not have enough Raventomes or Dancers. It's partly my fault about the dancers thing (I'm only missing Azura of the summoning pool dancers we have now, but I stopped bothering with the Ylissian half of the Performing Arts banner when I couldn't summon anymore), but I don't know what much else I can do about my lack of Raventomes. I have Sophia, Cecilia, and PA!Shigure and that's about it. I could probably build up F!Robin for Green, M!Robin for Blue, and pray Henry can fill in for Red, but otherwise... hm. This is troubling. By the way, I can now say that Forged Lightning Breath+ is the best thing since the wheel. So long as she can take a hit or two from Brave Lyn, my Nowi is able to one-hit her dead. It's not even the +Atk Lightning Breath, it's +Res Lightning Breath. Oh man I can't wait to upgrade Fae and A!Tikis Lightning Breaths...
  9. The safest bet would be +Atk version since it's a general increase to Nowi's power, but I personally run a TA3 Nowi with +Atk -Res, so I gave mine the +Res variant, since the Res boost negates the negative nature and lets her take minimal damage from Red tomes and Tiki again. The +Atk variant might be best run on a Fury 3 build since it will bring her up to 54 atk (and targeting the lower defensive stat at 2 range will make her a monster at that amount of attack). BTW, give her Quick Riposte if nothing else. Vantage would be good to. ...speaking of Nowi, she's been thrown into S- on the Wiki Arena Tier list when before she was below Ninian. I wonder if Weapon Refinery changed so much in just a few days...?
  10. Well... she CAN run Raven Adept. She just does terrible against Bows and good against Rein, and also she is infinitely better with her default weapon and usually survives non QPMB Reins just fine with +4 Res and base Res/HP, but that doesn't stop me from wasting a perfectly valuable Gronnraven on her (ps I'm not wasting Gronnraven on Nino) Only issue with Kitty Paddle is that it's a seasonal-exclusive weapon, and arguably it'd be better on Olivia, who can dance, so if you don't have more than one copy then tough luck.
  11. Happy Birthday Jingle Jangle! Maybe luck will smile on you this time... ...and give you 5 bartres.
  12. That'd... be very underwhelming. My two Owltome users absolutely suck, and my Innes is far from being fully built, but I can see the merit behind it. Only real concern otherwise is that I'd feel like I'd be wasting a perfectly good Drive skill when the unit she is supporting is always standing next to her anyways, but otherwise I'll have to think about that...
  13. >Complains about how many Red units he has compared to Blue and Green. >Proceeds to build Joshua, a Red Sword, and both promote and build Sophia, a Red Raventome, in the same day. >Despite thinking Fjorm has the potential to be awesome, proceeds to not even bother with the Fjorm-related quests or even let Fjorm learn any of her own skills, let alone skill inheritance. >Cries internally at this hypocrisy. ...so anyways, what will be the next generation of "Squad Ace" seals? Every single stat is now covered, so what then?
  14. I'm not sure if the implication is that the Askr trio are the Legendary Heroes or we'll get to forge the weapons when we get those 3 Leg Heroes, but I'd have expected some sort of upgrade to the 3 sooner given how... honestly kinda crap their weapons are. That's "crap" compared to most other weapons available now, even weapons that were available since start.
  15. Can we talk about how NONE of the weapons of the Askr trio can be forged? What about how Sieglinde, literally the same weapon as Siegmund but on a far less combat-oriented unit, did not get the forge treatment while Siegmund gets boosted both in going from HA2 to HA3 and also allowing guaranteed follow-ups at 90% hp on a combat-oriented unit. Falchion, LITERALLY THE FACE OF FIRE EMBLEM, gets nothing either. Also I'm disappointed it took this long for Fujin Yumi to get it's actual passive effect instead of that horrible Pass effect.
  16. Okay then, I have stolen every single orb I could have gotten from story mode, arena rewards, and two runs of Tempest Trials and am surrounded by 55. Bring it on, banner. I'm getting at least one 5* tonight, I can feel it. ...Jakob may have heard you say something.
  17. So uh... I was frightened of the new Squad Assault... I don't know what I was so scared of to be honest, I only started to scope out the maps I'd have to do, and now 15-20 minutes later I have the final Squad Ace seal. But what do I care, TWO ATTACK +3 SEALS AT THE SAME TIME.
  18. So uh... I was frightened of the new Squad Assault... I don't know what I was so scared of to be honest, I only started to scope out the maps I'd have to do, and now 15-20 minutes later I have the final Squad Ace seal. But what do I care, TWO ATTACK +3 SEALS AT THE SAME TIME.
  19. Nah, now we just demand more for the slaughterhouse. LAMB MUTTON IS ON THE MENU MAH BOIS. ALL DORCASES WELCOME.
  20. Oh no... it seems Staff users have to pick between having innate Wrathful Staff or innate Dazzling Staff on their Staff+... Dazzling Staff isn't a common skill yet, but Wrathful Staff seems kinda unnecessary when most of what a staff will now be feared for is debuffing the enemy to hell and back... but unlike Dazzling Staff, I actually have Wrathful Staff fodder... but the only staff user I have that's even worth a damn (Priscilla, an old MVP before I was powercreeped) runs Live to Serve 2 and relies on the skill to not die... what to do...
  21. Wow, Upgraded Mystletainn gives Fury 3 effect ON TOP of Eldigan already having Fury. Maybe I can make my +Spd -Atk Eldigan work just yet...
  22. Oh god all this talk about blood types has mutated our own blood into having either the Continue, Pursuit, or Galeforce skills.
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