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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. I just throw my WE!Tharja at them and hope she tanks everything, though on my multiplier runs there was ALWAYS either a pretty powerful melee blue (she has Distant Defense SS) or a Hammer to take a solid chunk of her health.
  2. Freaking Conquest is the final map theme? Best Tempest Trial already.
  3. Well it's not like he's DEAD. What he does is just more widely available, meanwhile it's his whole shtick by default and in fact he doesn't even need to burn a SS slot to make it happen, so he has a little bit of an edge in that regard.
  4. Wow, hello world I'm just waking from my christmas coma. I don't even really remember what I got, I think I got a note saying I'll get a TV tomorrow???
  5. Mer Chris, I've been banned from leaving my room for the next few hours while everyone wraps presents. So... has anyone had an eventful Christmas morning yet? If today is Christmas for you anyways.
  6. Wowie! wouldn't it be something if she had Bonfire as her special! ...but really I'd have LnD3 on her to if I hadn't spent my recent 20k on Zeke...
  7. My Delthea, +spd -res, is actually very recent, coming from Children of Fate in my attempts to get Shiro, who took far longer than he really had any right to...
  8. All the following results take into account stats after skills are applied, so Fury 3, weapons, and sacred seals will not be removed. HP: Arden with 60, who would have guessed? Tied for second are Effie and Nowi at 51, with Hector and Fae in 3rd with 49. Atk: Effie at 59 Atk with a Silver Lance+, tied for second are Ike and Eliwood with 57, and 3rd are Linde and Brave Ike at 56. Spd: Nephenee at 45 is my fastest unit, second is a tie between Elincia and BB!Caeda at 44 (though since she has Amiti Elincia technically has the most speed at 46), and in 3rd are Caeda and Nino at 43. Def: Arden and Shiro tie for Defense Captain at 41. Xander takes the 2nd spot at 40, and Adult Tiki takes 3rd at 38. Res: Arvis is the Resistance Captain at 37, followed by Joshua and WE!Tharja with 36, and Sanaki with 34. And my 3 highest rated characters... Amelia at 199, Joshua at 197, and Nephenee at 193.
  9. It has been pointed out to me a while ago that +Spd -Def Lilina with LnD3 can achieve more kills than +Atk can, though I've no idea if this applies to 4*+10 as well as 5*+0.
  10. Minerva after a few sessions, +atk -hp... Pretty good if I say so myself. Could be worse. Even if its horrid, LnD3 is always nice.
  11. More summons... . ~Samurai 5*, +def -res. Maybe I can fodder off Physic+... ~Soren 5*, +def -spd god I'm sick of typing this nature... ~WE!Lissa, +Atk -Def. Could be worse. ~WE!Lissa, +Res -Def... ~Mae, +atk -def, finally a GOOD pity breaking Mae! ~Delthea, +spd -res... You little... I'd strangle you but you have everything going in your favor... Grrrr... ~WE!Tharja, +Hp -Spd. Could be better, but hey least it isn't +spd like I originally thought.
  12. Started with 75 orbs, hohoho. ~Ephraim, +Hp -def... Yes I am summoning from Winter's Envoy. ~Robin! ...normal Robin. ...and then WE!Robin! .+Spd -Res. Hope that'll turn out to be a good nature on him...
  13. Huh... Now that I look again, Fury 3 +def Hinoka is actually decently bulky on both ends... Well, probably not enough to warrant building her with bulk in mind. Well, that's something to think about, thanks. @Humanoid the reason Catria has Fortify is because she is running LnD3 Firesweep, so any defensive buffs are wasted completely (unless we're talking if I leave her in range to trigger WoM3 on a non-flier based team or I drop Elincia or Cherche for a Dancer). IMO it's her best kit.
  14. Bit of a personal conflict... I've wanted Hinoka for a long time, one because I wanted her and two because Home Fliers is 5* exclusive for some stupid reason... And I did get her the other day... Just one of her though. +def -spd. Now I could try to make it work... Or I can grind her into Hone Fliers for my Flier team (Nowi HF, Elincia, Catria FF, and Cherche GF, only Elincia has no Flier Emblem skill). I'm conflicted right now, so... Is there anything I could do to make this Hinoka worth it?
  15. That'd explain it, yeah. I've been thinking it since I seen his art, but that has to be THE MOST shit-eating grin I've seen ever. Just kinda... "I'm gonna jingle your bells so hard you'll be dashing through the red snow in a one-horse open sleigh"
  16. ...I kinda doubt it tbh, they don't look that much heavier, or even any thicker, than their normal outfits. ...the coat thing, not Tharja having glacier thighs.
  17. see, I always have my laptop open, so no matter what I'm doing I can just look up and check for anything new. On this thing I either have youtube or FEH open. I'm not checking this site actively. ...plus I'm not that fast/accurate a phone typer.
  18. Wow... Props to anyone who uses these forums on mobile. My laptop is being cleaned, and I already miss being able to just look at the forums tab for notifications.
  19. Can someone explain to me how Tharja can wear even LESS clothing than she usually does??? Like, this isn't even summer banner. Also once again we get even more swords added to the summoning pool and no seasonal swords. Joy...
  20. Its a Verizon LG G5, and I do usually have the sound muted in game
  21. Hey... Anyone know how to keep sound media (music or youtube videos in the background, podcasts, that kind of stuff) playing when switching to FEH on a smartphone? It's not a problem per say, just annoying to be listening to something and having the sound cutoff when switching from FEH to Google Chrome to check a units stats.
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