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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. To be fair pretty much everyone who was ever an Armored unit had the wrong weapon or were the wrong class just because Awakening didn't have them like that, but hey who are we to judge the efforts to try as hard as they could. Did I mention I'm intrigued by Micaiah? I mean, she actually has a Rapier-type weapon in Heroes. The weapon that pretty much every single lord character has had since forever?
  2. *4 years later* Announcing Xenoblade Chronicles 2! ...also remember when the Black Knight was a Spotpass unit in Awakening? Dude had a serious lack of a helmet...
  3. Eh. Nintendo will spoil anything on accident. such as Xenoblade Chronicles...
  4. Did the quests finally, here's what I did. Also decided to record doing Infernal using the team I used back then (with some changes to skills and Sacred Seals) Differences: ~Frederick had HP+3 seal back then. Here he has Close Defense 3. ~Brave Lyn used to have Speed +1 seal. Here she has HP+3 ~Eirika used to have Fortify Res 1 seal and Rally Defense. Here she has Fortify Defense 3 seal and Draw Back, as well as a few extra merges. ~Ninian... if she changed, it isn't noticeable.
  5. My "regular" arena team consists of Christmas Armors and whoever the bonus unit needs to be, and as of now none of the skills they need are skills that 4* units give at 5* @Ice Dragon Well it's something to think about at least, Daggers that did get the refinery treatment.
  6. Was thinking Fortify Armor more, but point taken. Feathers are infinite yes, but even with all the events that give feathers by the thousands, it does still takes time to get the 20k-22k needed to upgrade one unit (not discounting sending units home). And like I said, you do get rocks from Arena and Arena Assault, which give feathers as well. I'd say it really depends on player need though, if it's worth it to use 20k feathers for one skill fodder unit when they could have gone toward a unit you'd use in battle, or spending 25 rocks, which the rocks could have gone toward improving on a weapon instead of bringing up one weapon to a new standard because why make changes to existing weapons when you can just replace them instead come on guys you could have given killer weapons the Dagger treatment and increased the might alongside whatever upgrade was chosen... Not wanting to do things the way that is draining on valuable resources I understand, but it's not like rocks will one day just run out. ...also going back to the original question, it could be a good time to build up a Dagger unit if you haven't already (can't imagine why you would have considering how they weren't that valuable before Refinery). Smoke dagger to support Guntthrá, Rogue Dagger to do whatever it is Rogue Daggers do, Kagami Mochi has some offensive potential. There's probably something that a Dagger can do now that they aren't quite so wimpy.
  7. It's not like all you are getting with Armorsmasher, Slaying Hammer, and Slaying Spear are an extra 2 attack though. Selena... well if she has TA3 then she probably doesn't need the upgrade anyways, but Effie and Frederick can ignore Field Buffs on armors or just take an extra 4 defense. If you've been doing fine without, then I guess there's nothing to convince you of. Wait for the next Weapon Refinery update? To be fair about Slayer availability, their availability is better from the start anyways since Killer weapons are on a good few units (except Killing Edge+), and a high tiered player can get the 25 stones needed every week from Arena and Arena Assault alone, though not needing to go through that extra step I can understand (though even if they are given to 4* units you would still need 20k feathers... though that's not an availability problem). And as for Cavs... Arena assault??? I don't know what high tier Arena Assault is like, but it's filled with a lot of Lyns, Reins, and Cav Emblems at 690-708
  8. @Ice Dragon If your goal is just to convert stones to dews, then I'd just do the other possible refines on each of your units weps. I'm kinda doubtful that Slaying weapons will ever be given to 4* units anytime soon (or that any units who have slayings at 5* will be demoted), so I'd also take another look through and see just who would want a Slaying weapon. Maybe also look to see if anyone could run an Armor-slaying weapon or Wolf tome. Now to ask my own question, which is 22k feathers and who to spend it on...
  9. Maybe not villains, but for one reason or another almost everyone we've had in a GHB is antagonized in the games they appear in.
  10. (All links lead to Fire Emblem Heroes Gamepedia website) Background: Stats and Default kit: Unit analysis: Example Sets: (I will try to work on this in the future if there is anything to add)
  11. Do not. There's no reason to get rid of a perfectly good unit with their own niche in the game unless they actively are losing you games.
  12. As a note, Nino can actually function just fine with +Spd -Atk nature, and running Fury 3 on her gives her enough bulk to absorb just one physical attack from full health. +Spd -Atk is actually very similar to Bride Caeda's attack and speed in terms of Caeda running +Spd -Def or similar, so Nino would only be a Green Bride Caeda if forced to run the nature, though of course Nino has the benefit of being a 3*-4* summonable unit, and Caeda is a 5* locked to events in the middle of Spring or randomly in Legendary summonings.
  13. More summoning from Anti-Cav... Sabre. Right game, right unit class... WRONG PERSON. +Def -Spd. Jesus I'm starting to hate this boon/bane combo... oh well, Slaying Edge+ fodder once I get his 5* Lv 40 scene. Soleil at 4*, +Atk -Def. Sigh... I would get a better Soleil when she is demoted... Pity breaking Mist, +Def -Spd. 5 Red orbs, can't miss him this time... And I didn't. Gray, +Spd -HP. Pretty good, I'd say. And one last summon from Happy New Year because... I had a feeling, really. HNY!Azura, +Atk -Def. MUUUUUUCH better than the Azura I thought I'd be stuck with. ...also Siegbert. +Spd -Def, same nature as my current Siegbert. Atk Tactic 3 fodder, neat.
  14. It's okay, she just LOOKS like a 11 year old girl wearing less clothing than The Vaike and even her own daughter. Besides, they'll just have wholesome conversations about birds or something, no reason to panic. Also you are a War Cleric now. Yes you.
  15. Pulled Rhajat +Atk -Def, already have +Atk -Res trained. Merge into -Def or save for Keen Gronnwolf+ fodder?
  16. Cav bane banner... 5* Cain +spd -HP, and Rhajat +Atk -Def... yes the same session, and i wanted Gray.
  17. Just... you know, some ideas I thought of on the spot.
  18. I will admit, besides the fact that I haven't played every FE game, I typically don't like villain-y type people (Camus archtypes are kinda exempt, but I always shout at them to shove a sock into their obviously corrupt countries loyalty...), so I really don't care for many of the characters that would otherwise fit as a Grand Hero Battle. Maybe NPCs who are otherwise unplayable, or characters who are only available to play in post-game modes? Like... I dunno, Natalie, Wife of Dorcas? That one Singer lady that Azura takes the place of in Birthright? Perhaps Hayden, Sage King of Frelia? Raimi, the Knight you fight early on in Awakening?
  19. This wild Sableye wishes you a Happy New Year from the Pacific Coast!
  20. I understand that, but IMO the more one unit is able to bait and kill (when considering one of her teammates can't counterattack, another can only counter ranged, and the other is a dancer), the better. Hm... perhaps Nowi should run DD3...
  21. It is possible yeah, but I say "better prepared" than "RETREAT". ...which is to say having a powerful enemy phase unit who can take on anything thrown at her as long as she can counterattack is pretty neat.
  22. Well you can't always have the benefit of being able to Firesweep/Raudhrblade the dragons dead, not when the maps in this game seem specifically designed to screw with you (which fliers do have that advantage kind of, but then you have those maps with all the breakable walls hindering any progress you could make otherwise)
  23. What're my options... Tharja and Camilla are immediately out for reasons, two each. Robin is out because that face of his... Chrom is out because I don't have him and really don't feel him as a seasonal unit in general. Ryoma I refuse to support for not getting into the spirit of the new year. Azura I don't really wanna support because I'll be using her if I side with her, and I know from the past that I cannot rely on the units put out by others... so that leaves... Lissa and Takumi. ...crap. ...well anyways, I'll be modifying my Nowi for this gauntlet. She will be +Atk -Res +1 merge, with Lightning Breath+ (Res), Reposition, Bonfire, Fury 3, Quick Riposte 3, Fortify Def, and Fortify Res. Let me know if you ever get her.
  24. I have a number of units who I sacrificed so many units and feathers to make good, and I still don't even have them at 500 hero merit because Bridelia... well, Bridelia and Reinhardt, but still she and a dancer are sually all I need in this game. Anyways, nothing too special on Beruka. Ignis and Slaying Axe (plan on +Def when I get the refining stones to afford it), Quick Riposte as mentioned, Goad Fliers... well I suppose Close Defense is worth noting. I was considering Steady Stance, but decided that having some bulk against Dragonstones would be nice to have considering my other fliers (save Azura) can't counterattack Dragons. I'll probably give her CD3 for her SS when I get the coins to afford it, but Iotes Shield would make her immune to bows anyways, so... hm. That effort to give her 40 Res against Dragons, and that's ignoring how she will have 62 in-battle defense. I remember somebody wanted to see Anna as she appeared in Apotheosis to appear AS SHE APPEARED IN APOTHEOSIS... heh.
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