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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. They kinda dug a grave in his grave by then giving Hauteclair the built-in combo of Wo Dao + Killer weapon bonuses on the same legendary weapon... Heavy Bladed Luna sounds pretty tasty right about now...
  2. Got +Def -Atk Gunnthra, which is bad but redeemable still, at least compared to -Spd. The calculator I use is here. Blizzard deals more damage the more debuffs the target has built up. Gunnthra can be run on teams featuring units such as dagger users, Arvis, Lute, or Panic inflictors. Guntthra comes with Chilling Seal (-6 Atk/Spd on lowest defense target) and Res Ploy by default. My current Gunnthra, with Blizzard and Fury 3, can hit 31 base Res (33 with Fortress Res 3, 34 with Res +3 seal, 36 with both). This does give her more freedom in the teams she can be featured on, but limits her targeting capabilities and feels much more supporty than the alternative. She also loses a lot of potential damage if she can't get Res Ploy to trigger herself. Her W-L-D ratio, assuming she has no personal buffs, is 176-12-12 Gronnblade+ deals more damage the more field buffs the user has built up. Gunnthra on a Cav Emblem team will deal an extra 24 damage per hit, which spells very certain doom for many targets. Powerful, however it does limit her teammates to Cavalry who can provide the +6 to all stats she needs for such murder. It is also far more expensive, requiring Gronnblade+ from a unit available only from 3*-4* summons.Her W-L-D ratio, assuming she has +6 to all stats and the enemy has no debuffs, is 179-13-8. I also ran the numbers through with Chilling Seal and Res Ploy debuffs, and the numbers came to 192-6-2. In both cases, she has Fury 3, Chilling Seal, Res Ploy 3, no SS, and Glacies. Only her weapon changes between the two sets. I have to ask which of the two is more worth carrying not because I can't tell which of the two gets the best results, but because I'm worried that going with one set over the other will mean that I have to use Guntthra with the unit she is paired with to get the best results (cavalry in Gronnblade, debuffers in Blizzard). I'm not even sure I'm punching in all the numbers right. At the end of the day, the question is... should I invest in giving Gronnblade to my Gunnthra? I won't be able to act on the answer immediately due to lack of spare Ninos.
  3. HA, cleared Manakete Squad on Lunatic without using a Lights Blessing! I... did kinda cheat and use Julia and Alm instead of Arvis and Rein (other two were Bridelia and Azura), but I DID IT. Also Fjorm in Wrys's bodyguards has Shield Pulse AND Quickened Pulse.
  4. I'm not really F2P anymore, but I really want DC on everyone...
  5. Can I just say that damn, 48 SP per kill when using Vanguard Ike in TT? Like damn, that's... damn.
  6. Myrrh from Sacred Memories, +Spd -HP. Not the worst, but certainly not great... Catria from Hero Fest, with a bad nature so least i got some more killer lance+ fodder Fjorm +Spd -Atk, literally useless she is fodder. Guntthra +Def -Atk. Could be worse, least she can still be a Gronnblade+ user. (or a general debuff wizard, but Gronnblade+ seems easier to set up) 2 Sanakis, +Res -Def on one +Def -HP on the other. MERGE FODDER. And what I burned more orbs than I want to admit on, Vanguard Ike... +Res -HP. So I guess I can make him decently magically bulky...? I've learned my lesson, never mass summon while sitting in a city park...
  7. 50 orbs and 5 extra got me pretty much nothing... First, pulled from Hero Fest because free pull. 5 colorless, no joke. 3* Wrys, 2 Lachesis, Jeorge, and Sakura. Next going back to Sacred Memories... Jeorge, 3* Hinata, 3* Shanna, Henry, and Robin. Second attempt... Matthew, Lissa, Mae, 3* Oboro, and 3* Sophia. As far as I can tell, only two of these units are actually worth anything to me. Care to guess? Answer in the spoiler...
  8. Asking again just in case, but since I don't feel the need to use 5* Marisa over 4* Marisa due to already having a number of better sword users, should I use 5* Marisa for merge fodder, Wo Dao+ fodder, or Infantry Pulse fodder? merge fodder: I intend to use the 4* Marisa over 5*, so the 5* would be merged into 4* once 4* is promoted to 5*. Wo Dao+: I don't actually know who I'd give Wo Dao+ to. Following are all the Swords I own and the sword they primarily wield at the moment... My issue with using her for Wo Dao+ is that Karel and Athena, one being 5* exclusive and the other at 4* and 5*, both already give Wo Dao+ and it'd feel like a waste of an exclusive unit. Infantry Pulse: I feel like Infantry Pulse is a very niche skill that can be good when used right, but is otherwise a fairly mediocre skill. Plus most of my infantry have terrible HP stats and none of who do have good HP synergize well with other infantry. However, the skill IS otherwise exclusive to Summer Xander and Dorcas...
  9. Effie can use both dangerously, though it requires her to have Armor March to receive the full benefits of such. Charlotte is one of the higher ATK Lancers right now, and I can attest to her being a good Brave Lancer. No word on with Galeforce... As for Virion... 34 attack on a Brave Bow is decent, but 34 speed is very low for good-speed standards, never really outspeeding anything and never being outsped. Virion would need support to get to a better speed tier, and even then it's at the cost of his also average attack. I'd stick to +Atk.
  10. Okay but Brigand Boss is #212 at 1,214 votes, which is far more important information. Brigand on, you nameless bastard...
  11. 4 colorless and 1 blue... so much for potential free Vanguard Ike... Fem Corrin, Matthew, Azama, and Sothe. Of the four, Sothe is the only one I care about because LnD3 fodder at 4* booyah. ...oh the last one? Faye, +Res -HP. Which, according to a calculator, is worse than +Atk -Res with Guard Bow, DD6, and QR3??? Well whatever, guess I got more Firesweep Bows I'll never use... seriously can we trade units already, I know I'll never give anyone but maaaaaybe Setsuna these Firesweep bows.
  12. Wow, I'll bet IS and Nintendo are all laughing at us right about now. Least this is a Tempest anyone can get good scores on thanks to Fjorm.
  13. Hector has a little more significance to me than just Distant Counter, as he was one of my earliest units from my days as a noob. He still gets used occasionally in fact. So yeah Ima throw a vote at him. Consider it the 7th vote that I never got to spend in CYL.
  14. I don't know why you guys are spoilering Ike's stats. They were in the video. I even snipped them. Also I thought about it, Vanguard Ike is superior to normal Ike. Same legendary weapon, slightly lower Speed, better Atk/Def/Res, better Aether, passives are better in some ways (Seal Atk/Def isn't the best but Ike would want Quick Riposte anyways)... I think old Ike is now officially Aether fodder, he doesn't even get to be Heavy Blade fodder anymore.
  15. I already have ideal Sanaki and Siegbert (+Atk -Def and +Spd -some pointless stat respectively), so Sanaki will be merges and Siegbert will be Atk Tactic fodder or merges. Though I first need to exhaust my pity on Sacred Memories...
  16. I kinda wonder how the new training maps will compare to Warriors maps? I certainly appreciate having them, but what'll the point be if you can't throw even the lowest defense hero at the enemy and expect high SP profit? Also I need to aim for Summer Robin this banner, I absolutely need Lance Valor. Oh yeah, we should probably rally for Hector...
  17. Don't worry, it seems Ikes don't fall far from the Ike tree. Ike: 42/35/31/32/18 B!Ike: 43/36/28/35/20 I didn't forget. I am both enraged and still waiting.
  18. For anyone who cares, here are Ike's stats from a snip of the video the moment you get to see them: Ragnell is 16 might, so that appears to be 36 base Attack. Looks like a Resistance based version of Steady Breath. Radiant Aether had a cooldown of 4, and added 18 damage to Ike's attack (became 34 damage from 16) while recovering 17, half of the damage dealt.
  19. Whose ready for Ike Emblem, cause it's looking more and more plausible. And we... still don't know the results of CYL2. God- Wait we cane vote for a hero and they'll be available to everyone at 5*? IT IS TIME, ALLIES. FOR THIS IS THEY DAY WE ALL RECEIVE... ...uh...hm... er... can we all agree on free Elise for everyone?
  20. It is possible to run both for different situations. Celica I'd never say is a good baiter though. 22 base RES with Distant Defense on 42 HP is fine and all, but other red mages lure in better and even then I feel Red Mages are best built to be furiously offensive rather than defensive. I've been using +Atk -HP Celica myself (+2 merge), and she is a very power nuker all things considered (LnD3, Renewal 3, Moonbow).
  21. I'm still bitter about the QR3 seal I swear to god if they do y'all better find some neck protection cause my hands will be hunting for strangling material
  22. Oh, I feel I should mention it since I went through with it, @Ginko @Dayni @mampfoid @Humanoid @Ice Dragon, I gave Distant Counter to Brave Ike (end of the day it doesn't really change what I use him for, it just changes who it is I throw him in the path of), and it actually shot my Arena Assault teams score up to around 706-714 once I also gave him some slightly more expensive other skills (Drive Spd and Rally Def/Res) and the QR3 seal. So yeah, that's the end of that story. Stay tuned for the sequel in about another year when I approximate I get another off-focus Hector.
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