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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Screw yall, Sha-ree-na or bust. Sometimes I wonder if name pronunciation is complex not because we (and I) don't try to understand it, but because the universe (and also people) like screwing with people across years, maybe even generations...
  2. Sharena also says "...there are actually Heroes who can turn into bunnies!" Hrmmmmm... Hrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... HRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...
  3. Decided to splurge some again for this banner, but with just the free orbs from the last few days and from Paralogue, I somehow got another 5* Mathilda. +Res -HP, which is pretty neat I suppose. Anyways, Green orbs do not exist. But I did manage a HatF!Kagero +Res -HP. Could be better, but hey whose complaining. A different HatF!Kagero is +Res -HP. I guess at least now I have Lethal Carrot+ fodder? Sharena decided to appear... eventually. +Atk -Spd. ...also Genny that same session. +HP -Def, but she'd be Wrathful Staff fodder anyways, so... neat. 5* Jeorge. +Res -Def. Later, another Sharena. +Def -HP isn't good, but it also isn't -Spd so forgive and bring up bitterly. Last 5* is Alfonse, +Def -HP. Neat. And that's my lot. Overall, goes to show that Green Orbs remain a myth only seen by some.
  4. I don't remember the last time I needed build help, but I am stumped on this one. Young Tiki, +Spd -Atk. Quite unfortunate, but given she is 5* exclusive I'll have to live with this nature for a good while. I also have Nowi and Fae who can give their respective Breaths to Tiki, as well as Distant Counter (Vhector) to go with Light Breath. I do have the feathers and spare Subaki for QR3 as well. I've been trying to find their "best" set, but always come a little short. The best I've been able to manage each required Attack forges and Attack +3 sacred seal, but after that I get stumped. If there's a better set idea out there, especially one that can be considered "flexible" to accommodate any nature, I'd appreciate learning it.
  5. Interesting... even though the weapon exists post weapon refinery and post Wo Dao upgrades, Giant Spoon+ has the might of pre-forge Wo Dao, even while Lethal Carrot has the might and effects of a post-forge dagger... Also finally some non-personal variants of Wo Dao. Also flying Dagger. interesting I guess. I'm at least glad there's nothing overly tempting this spring banner. I'll use free orbs on it, but that's about as far as I'll go. Also hey, I guess Spring is the season of bonus Shards and Badges if these units have those skills as well.
  6. No video, but I can tell you that my FeMorgan continues to pull her weight in my army despite her -Atk bane, as expected of the Avatars daughter. I only needed one turn to set up Flier Emblem buffs on her and ToD!Nowi, and from there I was allowed to pick off the Lance Flier, retreat and let the enemy advance on me, pick off a few more, let Lissa think she could be an attacker, and then crush the little welps dreams of being like big sis Em along with her spine defeat her on the next turn.
  7. -Hp on Shiro (despite being an HP superbane, you don't usually want to hurt Shiro's Def), and I'd personally pick +Spd on Sothe if you don't plan to give him Poison Dagger or Kitty Paddle.
  8. I mean nothing but light jester, but imagine what it felt like for me making that list and going through it again to see how many 5*s I got. No scar will be deeper than the one given reading that list. I'm at least glad I got a technically neutral Chrom and workable F!Morgan so that I never have to summon again... until the legendary banner. If ToD!Nowi is in it.
  9. Coming live from this corner of the "greatest country this side of the galaxy", it is time to summon en masse. Gonna hope to get at least one DC or CC unit, as well as Female Morgan and Chrom, without spending too much to save for Legendary banner. Yes I know I could just not summon en masse now, but shut up I want Morgan. Well that overall sucked, but at least I got some neat things. Here are the 5*s I got in total, along with comments. And to get what I wanted, all it took was...
  10. Probably just never being able to summon them is all. I personally only got one Cordelia in the last few months of summoning.
  11. Since Al/Sharena/Anna/Fjorm/Guntthra feels kinda like a "free" row, I won't be counting it. Rows: Olwen, Roy, BH!Roy, LA!Roy, Lilina Seth, Lute, Innes, Tana, Lyon Black Knight, Micaiah, Sothe, RD!Ike, Sanaki Cherche, A!Tiki, YS!Tiki, Nowi, ToD!Nowi Columns: Fjorm, Abel, Caeda, Jeorge, Catria FH!Celica, Leon, Sigurd, Eldigan, Reinhardt, Lilina Priscilla, Ninian, Eirika, Lute, Amelia, Ike, Oscar, Micaiah Funnily enough, I have a Clair and Mia who, if I just got them to 40, I'd be able to make two rows and columns each, but... nope.
  12. It is usable, since Morgans default kit makes her very enemy phase anyways, and in fact triggering Iceberg is made easier if she can be doubled. Quick Riposte 3 SS helps. Give her Dull Ranged on Flier Emblem and she could take on any magical foe bar TA3 greens and anyone who doesn't double her.
  13. @Selena4Lyfe Seems both Gamepedia wiki and Fire Emblem Wiki refer to Feh with female pronouns (Gamepedia even lists Feh as Female), but I do also feel like Feh was given a feminine pronoun in official material somewhere... but I can neither remember or even begin to guess what.
  14. This banners very few pulls gave me the best results I could have hoped for, for I got... ...4* Athena. ... ... ...and also 5* Tharja! Neutral, but who cares about that, my M!Morgan (+Spd -Atk) has been waiting for a spare Tharja to appear for Raudhrblade, and here she is, but at 5*! Saving me a lot of feathers there, she is.
  15. If that mystery archer is Virion, then... well it kinda matches, but also the head space looks very wide for a normal infantry unit. Like, you can see the back of the units hair, but also there is something popping out from behind the front of Seths face. It can't be the other side of Virions hair, because it's not the same color as the back part of the hair, and it's shape doesn't match the front of Virions hair, so...???
  16. @Nanima I mean, no matter how you try to build him he will always be a below-average unit with that nature. Nobody asks for the natures they get on rare units (I certainly didn't want +Def -Spd on my ToD!Nowi), you just have to either patch the problem or fodder the unit off, which isn't an option here. And making him Player Phase isn't doing him any favors either. -Spd means he won't have the power or speed to use Flashing or Heavy Blade, and most Arena teams would tear him to shreads. If you want Ryoma to be different, give him a breaker skill. Swordbreaker, R Tomebreaker, Bowbreaker, all good options and make him only have to do one job in a given battle. Like Xray said, TA3 is an option. Make him duel Greens and win. Give him Brazen Atk/Spd with Vantage, he'll be all the bmore powerful when weaker. And just because Fury 3 would make him an "underwhelming version of my Lightning Breath Y!Tiki" doesn't mean giving him the skill is a bad idea. It just means you have two units with the same job. Nobody ever said that was a bad thing. Also I feel like there's something not being understood, because you are saying that QR3 wouldn't do any good on him. Yes 32 speed is fairly low and would make him be doubled, but that's why you make him undoublable. Spurs, Drives, Hones, Ally Support, even just one of those and Speed +3 SS deletes the double and lets him trigger QR3 safely. You aren't just fielding Ryoma remember.
  17. @XRay He unfortunately seems to only have +Def -Spd to work with on Ryoma...32 Speed doesn't stop him from being doubled, but there are certainly ways to stop being doubled. @Nanima If you want him to avoid doubles and still want Raijinto equipped, you'd need to give him Speed +3 SS to get him back up to the 35 benchmark, which stops doubling from units at 39 spd or lower. Do also always remember that Hone Speed, Spur Speed, Drive Speed, and various other C skills and weapons can help him as well, to the point where he won't miss the lost speed. Eirika and Ephraim make good partners since they can both give him 4/4/4/0 Field Buffs. Fury 3 is a general stat increase that any unit enjoys having, Speed/Defense Bond keeps him bulky so long as he remains near someone, Attack/Speed Bond is Lnd3 without the defensive penalty so long as he is next to someone, and Steady Stance is still a good option (get his speed up, give him a powerful 3 charge Special and release death). Unfortunately they are all rare skills, and like you said they are all on units who are usually worth keeping one copy of or are just impossible to get ahold of nowadays. I also do not think making him player phase is a good idea. Not because he's bad at it, but because he is a Melee Infantry, which is boggled by a number of weaknesses that other units don't suffer from (2 movement, restricted by forests and rivers, Hone/Fortify Infantry does not exist, other movement types are just generally better at player phase) and he is a possessor of a DC weapon, which all things considered is one reason why he's been so high on tier lists for the first year of FEH.
  18. He does retain the stat boosts. Here's a link to where you can read more about how merging allies works. Generally speaking however, units only lose the stat boosts when they are promoted to a higher rarity.
  19. Quick Riposte 3 can help fix the Speed problem. Steady Breath would help him take hits with his +Def nature, or Warding Stance lets him take magic hits better. Either way, both boost his Special Charge by 1, letting you trigger a high CD special quickly. If you don't need the boosted charge rate (maybe you run Moonbow), Fierce Stance 3, Steady Stance 3, or Sturdy Stance would make good alternatives. If you don't think Ryoma will be able to kill in enemy phase, there's always Threaten Defense 3 to butter up the half-eaten toast. They're all expensive options unfortunately...
  20. I have a video , but let me just say that Infernal looked SCARY. ...until I remembered that I had just spent most of last night training a +Spd -Def Pain Lucius. Lemme just say that dealing 24 AoE damage to Armor units, even when one of them has 90 HP, makes the enemy team a joke no matter how much Combat Buff Def and Res they have.
  21. We will be nearing 1 year since the initial release of the Spring Festival Banner last year, on March 30th. I'd like to know, do you think the banner will be rerun? If yes, do you believe the banner will be updated (due to existing before the changes to summoning where 3* units had the higher summoning chance than 4*)? If no, what do you think will be in store for us coming late-March (since the current Event Calendar ends all events on the 21st)
  22. Let's face facts here. Achanea is the forgotten sheep of Fire Emblem. Even in the games where Shadow Dragon and MotE are focused they have to share with someone (Smash Bros with Binding Blade/PoR/Awakening and Fates and the other 2, TMS#FE with Awakening, Warriors with Awakening and Fates and even has to share their DLC session with the non Awakening/Fates chars) and they still only have one whole Seasonal Unit to their name. I mean, no big deal, Achanea is only the original Fire Emblem continent and may as well be the face of the series. I dunno what that sword that represents FE in Smash is supposed to be. For those skills, we just need a skill that enables counterattacks if enemy skills would prevent them otherwise.
  23. Interesting thought since skills of such nature are still 5* exclusive... but I dunno how "broken" such a system would be. For instance, while Death Blow 3 is still a semi-rare skill given Klein is colorless, Darting Blow 3 is on 3 separate units available at 4*, one of them even being 3* available. I'd be excited if there was a way to "breed" Drives onto units, though. There is a bit of a light at the end of the tunnel, since Sothe made LnD3 a 4* available skill after a year, and some other skills were made 4* available over the year (Lancebreaker 3 no longer locked to Narcian for instance) Probably edited down if so. I personally hope it's ID Hope, which I guess is now Robins "theme" since it played when he fights in Fates and Echoes. I at least assume the final boss will be either Grima or one (or maybe even both) of the Morgans. Speaking of the TT, does this mean we will have 3 separate Awakening TTs when other games have 1, Echoes has 2 only because separate ones for Alm and Celicas separate paths, and Fates doesn't even have a full non-seasonal TT?
  24. It made sense for Dorcas because he was a meme, so it's justified. ...and I guess he was also a "Brave" hero and the other 2 in the unit pool got personals why not him as well. But I kinda think the number of personals needs to be toned down at least a little. Save for seasonal units, there have been very few new inheritable weapons in recent months, hell the Fallen Heroes banner had all Personal weapons even from the GHB unit. The last "new" inheritable weapon comes from Olivers Shine+ in fact, and that's just the Silver+ of Blue Magic we didn't have until Radiant Dawn banner. The last new inheritable weapon from a unit in the normal unit pool is Soleils Firesweep Sword+, in December. It's not like there aren't ideas. We now have two separate weapons with Distant Defense built into them, Wo Dao is still the only weapon in the game with Special Damage +10, pretty much all the Refinery weapons are still locked behind the Refinery when Divine Stones would be better spent upgrading one of those weapons, and there's always the fallback plan of "just give the weapon Atk/Spd 2" that we all know will be replaced immediately anyways.
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