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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. I could try to explain each of those (some were entrusted to the given character (Aura, Excalibur), some were featured prominently on the given character (Alondite), and the Magvel weapons currently are on the noble characters from each weapons kingdom, also does Naglfar really count when it's obtained via non-canon means? Not to be rude.) and still fail to explain why Volke got cheated out of Peshkatz, but Meistershwert isn't a "rare" weapon that is ever associated with a specific character (again, Ilios, Amalda, and Galzus all have it in their recruitment inventories). You know what actually? This was their chance to introduce an inheritable Sword and Green Tome with Close Defense and Distant Defense 3 built into each respectively, even if they were going to give us repeat Rein and Olwen, and they once again gave everyone personals! Damnit, I brought this anger upon myself...
  2. Capture was somewhat there in Fates (even if it wound up being trivial in Birthright and Revelations) and there were capture specific units to capture, even if afterward they wound up being soulless mutes. Just gotta make the capture units not soulless mutes and bam, Thracia capture is a go.
  3. They are, but Meistershwert is not specific to Reinhardt (Ilios, Amalda, and Galzus all have it in their recruitment inventories) like Dire Thunder is. Well him and Olwen, but still.
  4. It might be the anti-Reinhardt in me, but I kinda feel like Meistershwert's effects were supposed to be on a personal weapon belonging to Finn... I mean, it's not even like Finn is wielding any old Brave Lance, he was given that specific lance by Quan, and it was later turned into his Personal Weapon in Thracia. And all things considered, the Meistershwert is not specifically associated with Reinhardt like Dire Thunder is, yet they still give the character who you can't even play as yet another personal weapon, and give the unit who has specific lore behind his weapon... the same weapon that such high and mighty units as Abel and Donnel wield. ...yeah I don't even personally know much about the character, but now I'm a bit peeved he doesn't have a personal. Also why the hell can I go to Reinhardts Fire Emblem Wikia page to find a "Who is Reinhardt" video that is mostly found on the pages of main characters.
  5. I... i don't know what to say. First pull, free one btw, was freaking Lyn +Spd -Res, which is the same nature my current Lyn has. Galeforce or merge fodder, this one is. Second session, in which there were 4 red orbs and one colorless, I only took 2 because i was very short on orbs. Colorless was Niles, and the Red I pulled from... was Elincia +Def -Atk. I can make my Elincia +7 merge now if I wanted to. So I didn't even get to build a pity rate before i was broken by two off focus reds. At least they were actual 5* exclusive reds thanks to the recent changes, but STILL... Well whatever, I'll be able to come across some money in the near future, so I'll just get my Thracia unit then...
  6. It, uh... this is quite over the top, but I'm still proud of what Selena has become. She used to be + HP -Spd, now she is +Spd -HP, yet the Wo Dao forge and merge still gives her the HP necessary to trigger Infantry Pulse 2 on low health allies. And yes, I sacrificed Marisa and a Nephenee for Selena. Yes I may be going nuts. But at least Selena was built first, before her mom. I'm willing to go crazier to, Steady Breath plus Bonfire and a Defense +3 SS will deal at least 39 damage, just gotta get the freakin skill.
  7. Lucius is evil, man. I took him in with Bridelia (she was supposed to take down the Wyvern Rider), HNY!Azura (she was supposed to provide Guidance and Dancer support), and Lute (she was supposed to Ploy everything with less than 40 res (turns out, everything) and take out Tiki) thinking he'd only be able to get in a little damage at a time before I'd have to start using the other two to pick off as many foes as I could thanks to enemy Guidance and how tight a group they were. Well he couldn't touch Nowi, but he still did enough damage to the Wyvern Rider that, on the next turn, Lucius could finish them off (Bridelia instead took out the Green Manakete) and more or less trap the entire enemy team behind the treeline, where his only worry was a little damage from the Blue Mage. He more or less chipped down every enemy to one health without even meaning to, they just happened to be there when he was attacking the next target. All Azura and Lute could do was Reposition things around a bit. I don't remember what I gave him, was it Savage Blow 6 and Pain+ or Avada freakin Kedavra?
  8. So, uh... eheh... some people might give me weird glances for this but... Well, does anyone know that +HP -Spd Selena that I've always been saying I intend to merge into a +Spd -HP Selena? Well... I think I'll just leave it at that and see if you can guess what I did. Here's a hint, nothing from FEH channel today convinced me to use my feathers on anything special.
  9. If thats the case, then i hate new Rein/Olwen even more if I cant tell the difference from their headshots. Though this would be a good time to really put my Resilient greens through the ringer...
  10. I got the feeling they'll make Master Sword Rein a pain to take out on the highest difficulty, so I might have to take Nowi along for this trial to... She's my only TA3 blue with any worthwhile bulk.
  11. Ooooh, I thought you were only counting combat/field buffs in addition to the higher might (+1 might and DB6, LnD3 works to but slightly weaker), my bad.
  12. Not accounting for atk field buffs on Forblaze builds, close. Raudhrblade will net a slightly higher atk bonus on teams using Tactic skills (even without Speed Tactic still), which should now be even better now that Olwen will get a legendary Bladetome (with no cooldown penalty to boot). In thinking though, it's still a more applicable weapon than Raudhrblade (don't need to hover around buffers as often, RES debuff benefits everyone) and also lets Lilina run, say, Speed Seal to let her be support for the army. Also Forblaze is only 1 attack more than Raudhrblade+ (bladetomes all have 13 might instead of the 12 common on ranged weapons), so where'd you get +14 atk?
  13. So as for weapon refinery... ~Guess we're in a sort of "Chill" craze right now. Forblaze at least looks cool, but like Soren I don't see it outright replacing Liinas Raudhrblade nuking, just being an alternative when Bladetome nuking isn't available (arena assault and used up all your buffers, for instance). Though DB6 is certainly interesting... ~Nameless Blade did about what I was expecting given the original weapons of both. I expect this will drastically improve Fir given her Sonic the Hedgehog level of speed, but I'm still not that interested. ~MAH BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIII- okay it's not the BEST of what we got, but it'll certainly improve Roys performance a little, especially since QR5 with Roys speed basically lets him avoid some doubles and double attack anyways. Also i already bought the upgrade. ~Not that amazed by Regal Blade, but I'll admit it's certainly interesting to see them continue to expand on the idea of a unit being in range of specific other types of units. ~I'm not sure how to feel about Ephraim and Hector getting their alternate weapons, mostly because Vhector is better all around and I don't feel I need two separate same units, as well as never using Flame Siegmund myself. I don't know if I'll go for it myself since I kinda prefer having two separate bladetome buffers. All in all, a decent refinery update, but nothing I'm throwing feathers at right now (already have Roy and Lilina at 5* with decent natures, have Ehraim and Hector if I really wanna go for it, don't care much for Fir or Lloyd and don't have Karel)
  14. It's at least clear Nanna will be dropped to 4* unless they decide she should be 3* to. I kinda don't approve of dropping everyone to 3* tbh. Just 4* would have been fine, but now there are so many units with good skill fodder that will cost 2k feathers for their skills. It was already a bit much with Hinata, Shanna, and anyone with specials...
  15. Arden can hit 76 with +1 merge, weapon forge, HP +5 A skill, and similar sacred seal.
  16. I am now 80 Divine Stones away from 400 Divine Dews. If this FEH Channel doesn't show off what the forged weapons will do, I'm blowing them on whoever the hell I use most.
  17. That's just plain evil. Makes me wonder what happened to the days when staves were more or less useless outside of extended battle chains like Tempest Trials. ...welp, have fun making hell out of people who were once mere healers.
  18. I think I just had the first case of a battle I couldn't have won if I still had an older unit. In this case, it was Arena Assault against 3 armors (Effie, Amelia, and WE!Tharja) and Flying Grima vs my Flier Emblem with HNY!Azura replaced with Beruka. Amelia was at Ward Armor x2 with full health, and my Nowi, who only had Fortify Fliers because Azura wasn't there, did EXACTLY 55 damage, as much HP as Amelia had. My ToD!Nowi used to be +Def -Spd, but she is now +Atk -Res. I seriously wouldn't have won that battle if Nowi were still her old self. ...also I kicked myself for not remembering I had a Pain Lucius that could have just cheesed that battle with 3 dancers, but my way was satisfying.
  19. I think I was on team Ninian during the Blood of Dragons gauntlet, in which case that was the only time I was on a winning gauntlet...? Close follow-ups would be Priscilla during Healers gauntlet and Sigurd during Dauntless Love gauntlet, both of which were final round losers.
  20. I only had to give HNY!Azura Iotes Shield SS to win the battle. I can't remember why, but she was at some point able to survive one Clarisse attack with 1 hp, but I wasn't able to replicate it since. BTW water team is Marth +Spd -HP, Setsuna +Atk -Def, HNY!Azura +Atk -Def, and Fjorm +Atk -Def.
  21. I think it should also be a solid point that saying things like "I think you guys are missing the point of xxx" and "Don't you get tired of saying xxx" also does nothing but continue to let the argument never die. I mean, if you really want an argument to die, you don't hold up the argument and tell people to stop bugging it, you leave it be. Same as how most anti-bully messages say "don't acknowledge the bully and eventually they'll realize no one is laughing with them and they'll stop" or similar. But hey it's also my fault for not saying that I was kidding about not liking Kagero because she was pure fanservice, and also my fault that I felt the need to justify myself. Y'all Kagero people need to chill out a bit, having nearly a 2 billion lead over Lucina is overkill even for modern VG standards.
  22. I mean, like who you like, hate who you hate. I personally think Alfonse was getting better since book 2 was released, and turns out none of my Friend List was on Team Al til Aria added me.
  23. I want it known, I am not defending Lucina in any way. In fact, I may go as far as to say that even the most well-liked FE characters aren't quite that developed or build on established backstory. But Lucina has far more interaction to go on compared to Kagero, with not just being a story-important character AND supports to go off of, but also DLC that specifically exists to build further on each character AND an important role in DLC that serves as alternate timeline bugaloo which changes depending on who her mom is. Kagero, at least as far as the United States cares, ONLY has her small role in the story and supports to go off of, plus small quips in some of the DLC. I don't even know how much of a role she has in the Festival of Bonds DLCs because they were never released in the US (and I don't really want to go looking for "unofficial" fan translations). ...also Kagero was voted 27th most popular female out of 33, 35 if counting the two Corrins and Kanas, in the Fates char popularity poll (to be fair I'm not sure if NPCs and Capture units were counted either). Lucina, meanwhile, was THE MOST popular female in the Awakening Popularity poll. Not even among child units, among all the females. While I'm not sure how much has changed over the years, at least initial impressions were quite the show.
  24. If you're going to bring up personality, then Kagero doesn't have much, or at least compared to Lucina. Some of the retainer characters suffer at least a little from it, but Kagero's loyalty to her clans traditions displays little personality compared even to Saizo, who is loyal to a fault, and as a result has fewer opportunities to show her engaging side, if she has one. She is also a damsel in distress character who, in each instance, never gets to do much more in the moment than that. I even went through her supports, not many of them expanded on her character deeply or stray far from what be established already, and as a side character who can be perma-deathed, that's kinda bad. Lucina, in comparison, has far more opportunities to show her character because she is a main character, and not even in the way Robin or Corrin are paper bags we can draw our faces on.
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