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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. @mampfoid I went with Beruka. I was lucky to have enough crappy units to grind into feathers to afford Quick Riposte 3, Goad Fliers, and promoting her to 5*. There is no way I can possibly regret this decision. Because I said so.
  2. I think mine was either a Nino or a Sophia... I remember using one or the other very early on anyways.
  3. Well Camilla is still Green Speed, but it doesn't seem to be impacting anything so... whatever. I still feel off about it though... green numbers in a FE game usually means the stat has been maxed out and can't be increased further through level ups...
  4. Oh... wait, no, normal Tharja is greenless to. What a weird glitch...
  5. @silveraura25@Ice Dragon you say that, but my Winter Tharja, who is +HP if it matters, doesn't have green HP...
  6. Trying to figure out who I want in my 4th Flier Emblem slot. Here's what I have down for sure so far: And here are all the fliers I already have: I'm thinking that whoever I add will have Goad or Ward fliers. I have a 4* Caeda I can sack for another Fortify Fliers as well.
  7. Hey... does anyone else have Green numbers on their units? I was looking through my units, and for some reason my HNY!Camilla has a green 38 in Speed...
  8. Haven't even gotten the next 1 or 2 chapters yet, I'd wait a little longer. Gunnthra is the eldest sibling, and I can't imagine them trying to simply say "and then she said no to fighting and went home". Plus there's her 5* confession dialogue, which seems to imply some event that hasn't happened yet I think...?
  9. So I got Azura fuckin finally. +Res -Spd. Whatever, I got a 5* Titania in the process, I'll just give her Emerald Axe+ and patch up her combat ability a bit. Maybe hope to get another Hector one day and give her Distant Counter, make her a Blue Mage counter. Or just let her be a supporter with her weapon basically being half a Ward Fliers. But I am now pissed off. You wanna know the chances of getting a Green orb in this banner? Red: 30.43% Blue: 25.16% Colorless: 25.48% Green: 18.93% Well NO FUCKING WONDER NOBODY CAN GET A GREEN ORB. I never even noticed that Green Orbs had such a lower chance to appear than other orbs... ...also got a 5* Jeorge, +Spd -HP. Pretty neat. +Atk would have made him a candidate for Brave Bow+, but hey can't all be winners like that. And 5* Hawkeye. +Res -HP. Dunno about him, but hey if all else fails least I can give someone a Slaying Axe+ after weapon refinery-ing it. Just to recap, I got all 3 seasonals. Takumi was +Spd -Atk, Camilla was +Spd -HP, and Azura was +Res -Spd. Probably not exactly meta changers (Camilla at least is barely weaker and slower than Elincia, but she is also worth more in Arena so there is that), but at least I don't feel compelled to resummon for any of them. I'll just accept that the units I want in every banner are just always going to be weaker than the same unit others manage to pull.
  10. Got Camilla +Spd -HP. That's not bad... BUT IT'S NOT AZURA, AND BY THE WAY WHERE ARE ALL THE GREEN ORBS??? Also at 5* are Faye +HP -res, Titania +Atk -Spd,
  11. Welp... I WANTED to snipe greens, but I've not gotten any to appear, and then the colorless I summon from gives me HNY!Takumi... +Spd -Atk. Also featured at 5* are Marth +Res -Spd, Julia +Def -Spd,
  12. Did it taking advantage of Brash Desperation on Brave Bow Bridelia. Reinhardt took out the Lance Cav and Red Mage, while Azura sung and Arden... sniffed the flowers or something. I'd post a video but I'm busy doing not that.
  13. I do have ToD!Nowi (same nature as Hinoka to (+Def -Spd)), but you confused me for a moment with HNY!Azura... but crap wow Flier singer... guess I now know who I'm gunning for on New Years banner. Hinoka is the only one I have though, otherwise I wouldn't have tried to think of a way to salvage her, which IMO I think I did a decent enough job of.
  14. Dancing flier... things just got a lot more interesting in the game, didn't they... Azura Emblem anyone? Also now thinking about it... this is really not Hoshidan New Year. Of the units, only one is FROM Hoshido. Azura and Corrin are technically kingdom-neutral, and then there's the big one. Or should I say the big two? You of the Light, which is also a part of the "Fates" Medley played when fighting against a Fates character. In Fates itself, it is the song played when fighting against Sakura, Hinoka, and Ryoma (Takumi is excluded for... reasons). Also, it is one of my favoritest songs in games in general and I am so happy they used it. The Nohrian counterpart is You of the Dark.
  15. the units you marked for AA I already have with better natures, so... merge. Same with Alm. Already put Wrath on Lyn and I don't have Elise yet. Can't Peri pass on Killer Lance+ and let the receiver learn Slaying Lance+ via Weapon Forge? I'm not sure I understand why one would fodder a 5* unit for a positioning skill... I'm also still trying to debate Hinoka...
  16. When I think of "Sleep Advancement", I think something like Clicker Heroes where the game simply keeps doing it's thing while you are away, and in fact there are buffs that you can use to gain benefits when "alseep". In that way, I much prefer the Poke-Pelago system where you can keep playing the game while this other thing is going on, because the game is not encouraging you to not play it for a while. Also "Hen House" I feel would be better fit for some sort of Pigeon mailing thing, where you send XXX to something or someone, and in the process you get feathers just by sending away and receiving.
  17. Over the last few weeks I summoned a lot. Which while it does mean I've gotten a number of good units... it also means I kinda have some less than stellar 5* units as well. I'd like to ask about them. I'll be listing them in the order they appear in under the Sort: Favorite option, meaning these units have all had their hearts removed. I will also not be listing their natures unless noted. Generally speaking, I don't know what I could do with any of them. While some of them are technically units I don't have trained and could be an asset (Raven, Hinoka, Mathilda, and Ogma), the reason the REST of them are listed is because I already have them either trained or, at the bare minimum, Favorited because their nature is better, some examples being Brave Leon, Blade Soren, Savage Genny, and Reciprocal Alm. I'd hate to waste them, but they're also taking up a decent amount of space, so... can anyone think of uses for these units? I only listed the skills I'm certain are 5* exclusive. (I'm thinking I might do Close Defense 6 Slaying Lance +Def forge with Quick Riposte 3 on Hinoka if I choose to use her. On Enemy Phase, where the set would be used, with Flier Emblem + Goad Fliers, her W-L-D is 108-1-90, which becomes 97-5-97 with +10 merge override. Most of her losses come from bulky greens or greens who have some form of Triangle Adept 3, most draws are only because she can't counterattack, and losses where she is outright killed are... pretty much locked to Bows. After another round of calcs, Distant Counter bumps her up to 183-1-15 (169-5-25 on +10 merge override), so I'd do that as soon as I could... well I dunno what to think, do you guys think the insane amount of investment would be worth it? I'd go for it myself because I like Hinoka as a character, but it could very easily not be worth the heavy amounts of investment.) While I'm here, is there a better damage calc than Kagerochart right now? Preferably with Weapon Refinery?
  18. Finally finally FINALLY I HAVE RYOMA! +def -hp isn't bad. Decently bulky and all that, maybe he'd like steady breath if I had spare ikes... Also +atk -spd Brave Roy. Fodder or merge to neutral...
  19. Ahahaha! Yes! At least I am no dirty, rotten, sum of the earth! Hahaha... Haha... Ha... <_< >_>
  20. Are you freakin kidding me??? Great, now I have to pick between seasonals and normal Ryoma...
  21. Life and Death 3, B skill of your choice, C skill (Drive Res is good though), Repo, and... I'd actually say Dragon Fang or Glimmer with Heavy Blade 3 SS if you can get it. Pretty standard Firesweep build.
  22. I didn't, I was just kinda hoping I'd get some Google Play credit for Christmas and well... I didn't. So now I have to use my own budget to get the orbs, which was exhausted from Christmas shopping.
  23. Damnit, Ryoma and Elise are now available for me to get, but I have to hope I don't get Sigurd, Innes, and Bride Lyn while I'm at it. Greens kinda... eh. I only recently got Amelia (+Atk -Spd so I guess I wouldn't mind a new one), and Gunthrá I suppose I wouldn't mind getting... certainly an interesting B skill she has there. Spring Chrom I'm really not feeling. ...the worst part about this is that the number of orbs I can buy are limited now that Christmas has passed.
  24. To be honest, I don't see it as a problem. Reason, Arena Assault demands that you have at least 28 competent teams of units to take on 7 battles in a row in which you cannot use the same character more than once, even if you have multiples of said character. Yeah you could just pack one Gronnraven Cecilia and pray, or you could have Cecilia, Boey, ToD!Henry, Merric, F!Robin, Spring Camilla, and Inigo all run the same Gronnraven TA3 set and be completely Lyn and Reinhardt proof. You probably don't need more than a few Brave Bow+ sets, but that doesn't stop you from giving it to literally every single bow unit available. Yeah Infantry Sword is pretty much a laughtrack of horribleness, but don't worry you'll find at least a few that work for you out of the 32 available to us, as if you have a choice because it's always the infantry reds you don't want that are the pity breakers.
  25. Plus she can be given buffs from Atk Tactic 3 and Dark Aura, so she's really only missing the +6 to speed.
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