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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Welp, knew my 5% pity rate would be broken by someone I didn't want... +Atk -HP Male Corrin, which to be fair is better than the +Def -Atk that I pulled before, so this is definitely usable. But if this is how my luck is going to be, then my hopes are completely dashed... then again if it took me until 5% pity to get a 5* at all, maybe this next round will go better?
  2. I made this suggestion before, and it wasn't well received. But then again, the middle of a Bound Hero Battle thread isn't a great place for discussion. So take the concept of Voting Gauntlets giving you two random teammates alongside your one. One from your friendlist, the other... pretty much random. Now take the unit taken from the random bucket, and multiply that by four, and also remove the one unit you bring (but use the first unit in your current team as a basis for the unit pool the game takes from in terms of equal investment). Bam, you are battling with four random units taken from the world round, and you have to use them despite what overwhelming or underwhelming synergy they might have. ...or take units with preset builds (their default kit plus the empty skill slots being filled in with... something) into battle. Renting units. Throw some battles our way that can take advantage of you using units that are not your own. Might be interesting being forced to work with what you are given instead of what you have.
  3. Back when Performing Arts units were still bonus units, I ran the following: I don't know how, but in the 2 or 3 weeks that Performing Arts units were bonus units, I got somewhere between 10 to 11 wins both weeks. I didn't even mean to make them my Defense Team, I just kinda left them in the same team slot I made my Arena Defense team. ...of course now that I changed my team I'm only getting like 2-3 wins per week, but I'll never understand how such a barren team got 10+ wins... I was probably getting a lot of pity wins though...
  4. ...so this is what it's like to have all quests cleared and nothing else to really accomplish for the day with no 2x sp going on... Huh... guess I'll go to sleep and play Splatoon and FEW later on...
  5. If by Daily Units you mean Hero Battle units (Stahl, Olivia, Gunter, Virion, Sophia, etc.), then they are all one-time obtain only. ...oh that reminds me, @mampfoid, I did send home the two Hero Battle Gunters, so looks like I'll be cavalry buff-less for a while longer while I keep trying to get ToD Nowi.
  6. Maaaaybe I should have mentioned a few things... I am talking about Male Corrin (the one who is availale at 5* by default) I already have Nephenee and Genny trained up (+Spd -HP on Neph, +Def -Spd) Though everything else checks out. I'll have to think about it more though, since I most certainly have at least two weeks to think about what I wanna do...
  7. Or... considering how edgy the Slaying Edge is... ARES CONFIRMED NEXT PATCH???
  8. As much as some of us might wish otherwise... Oh right, it was a sword in a game... how many years did it take for that to happen? At least 25 years since the release of FE1, and in the game with the luckiest bastard this side of Valla?
  9. I mean it makes sense in explanation, but just take the last batch of new units. We had 3 new Sword units in a total of 6 new units. I know swords are on the freaking logo more often than anything else (even though I don't think the Fire Emblem object has ever been a sword...), but I think it's okay to chill out with swords now. I'm having more and more doubts that the Robin we seen in the Christmas Datamine is a Sword user despite looking like a Sword user. ...also wouldn't Daikon Radishes fit the theme of some sort of Harvest Festival? Are Daikon Radishes something you harvest? Also thinking of the 4koma strip where M!Kana and Siegbert complain about getting Bronze Swords meanwhile Ryoma is using a Daikon Radish, then another one where Xander breaks the bottom off a Bottle and is ready for battle... man the FE Fates 4komas were good!
  10. I just had a thought... Why have we never had a Seasonal Sword unit? Whenever new units are added, of course expect at least one or two swords, but if you're going to dress for Halloween, god forbid you further saturate the already oversaturated Sword market we have already. Hell, the one Valor skill not on a seasonal is Sword Valor... why is it okay to keep throwing Swords at the regular unit pool?
  11. Ah... feels good to have a decent counter to Reinhardt and Brave Lyn... ...I probably won't be able to act on the answer to my question immediately, but I honest to god don't know who I should focus on promoting next. For the Unit: For Skill Inheritance: By the way, I also have all these other 5* units I don't know what to do with... If you can think of something that I could do with them, that'd be awesome because I've been drawing blanks for weeks now.
  12. I'm not even done with all the Sacred Seal Forge quests, and I'm already only 10 coins away from being able to fully upgrade a SS I already own. That's... absurd, especially considering we JUST had a voting gauntlet, aka 135 Sacred Coins total.
  13. I'm not sure if Orochi or Kagero are really "old". At least Kagero seems to be around the same age as Saizo, who I'm pretty sure is about the same age as Kaze, who himself was at least in his single digit age if not early double digits when Corrin was first kidnapped? I think they just all have older mannerisms and speech. But if you wanna talk older women... eh. You do you. I'm completely out of place in that regard. Don't even care much for women my own age, and I think I'm still going through annoying hormones. To be fair I am of the "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice jklol" mindset...
  14. I was Ryoma because he clearly has the best hair, but then went to Takumi because second best. I stopped caring who won once it became evident I was locked into Takumi. As a long-haired gent myself, I feel a deep-seeded need to always side with the guy with the best hair-do in a contest of hair, females... well I'll side with them if there are no good male doos left, but damn them otherwise.
  15. You know what, great idea. let's voting gauntlet some sonic things. Who wants to hire the salt miners?
  16. @Zangetsu @Faustino I don't see it. You could probably replace all reference to FE with literally any other franchise and get the same results. I'm still salty that Splatfests system of "can't find an enemy team OH WELL go play with team ketchup AGAIN you ketchupian loser" renders the less popular side the winner.
  17. Can i say two things? 1. Still don't care who won, enjoying my 5* Cecilia, though it's annoying that people kept bringing up the "no bonus points" thing. 2. We all know who the TRUE winner of this gauntlet is... ... ...I can't find any cool images of Ryoma's hair...
  18. Heh, what do I care who wins when I'm guaranteed to get the feathers I need for another 5* once Arena rewards are distributed tomorrow? ...but do win Takumi bros, having an extra 500 feathers would be pretty neat. 200 flags left to spend in one last game, final push go.
  19. Yep. It really isn't hard to outdo Jagen (who requires heavy investment to do... decent against certain mages). Abel can run a simple Brave Lance+ build with much less investment costs than Jagan (DB3, a breaker or Hit and Run/Drag Back, Cavalry Buffs, Attack+ SS, Luna).
  20. The scores haven't updated for me yet, but I've the feeling Shanna will win just because Takumi players will all spend their flags at the last hour realizing there isn't enough time to hope for a Losing Side point bonus, and that will push Takumi ahead just enough for Shanna players to get the point bonus in the last hour. That's just how close the scores look to me.
  21. Unless Jagen has been built, replace him ASAP. His statspread doesn't do him many favors, and he's generally outdone by most any other Lance Cavalry. Camus would be a good replacement since he has Gradivus.
  22. Light, lightning, who's keeping track. Not me, I spent all morning playing splatoon and undertale. Everything is one big blur of ink and... friendliness pellets.
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