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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. ...also am I the only one here who just likes looking at his army? Like, not using them, not really improving them, just... looking at my 5* units and their mini-portraits on the Edit Team screen? No? Okay, cause that's another thing I like doing that never lets this game get old to me... I'll just be over here looking at my army... again.
  2. Here's an alternative scenario: Reinhardt with Life and Death 3. He's a Player Phase unit, and many of his most dangerous counters simply disable his damage and return with death via Triangle Adept 3, if not just sending in a Cav to one-round him on enemy phase, so he really doesn't need to worry about the defense loss. Neutral Speed Reinhardt (23) loses 5 speed from Dire Thunder (18) LnD3 nullifys the speed loss (23). Horse Cav buffs grant 6 speed (29). If only going regular old Hone Speed, then the boost is (27). Phantom Speed 3 grants 10 effective speed (39) or (37) That disables a large number of neutral speed targets, which might not mean much when most of the highest speed units usually further boost that speed, but it still disables anyone with a Brave weapon not names Elincia and everyone else. And the loss in attack is only two points total (1 attack from each hit of Dire Thunder).
  3. I don't want to say I'm ready to promote another unit to 5* for the sake of using them as a unit, because... well, I'm not. Not by a longshot. But I do have some units who need weapon+ and only enough feathers and soon-to-be-free units to promote one of them. I know it's not a whole lot of promotion options, but it's not like I'm thinking of who to promote next as an active unit (I already worked on neutral Reinhardt last week anyways).
  4. So... has anyone ran into any particularly annoying teams lately consisting of Brave Axe Frederick, LnD3 Elincia, LnD3 Brave Bridelia, and TA3 Blarraven Shigure, under the name "Ishi" and with Freddy as the leading unit? Asking for... a very concerned friend who got 10 defense wins with this very team in the last week and is very confused as to why.
  5. I just noticed that Phantom Speed gives +10 effective speed at level 3. That... jesus, what? -Spd Rein with LnD3, Hone Cav, and Phantom Speed is at 36 Speed to trigger a Sweeper skill, and if he doesn't have a -Spd nature then it becomes 39. Watch out world, Reinhardt just got EVEN MORE INSANE THAN HE ALREADY IS.
  6. FEAR THE LOLI. FEAR. Also now that we can not only upgrade Sacred Seals but also make a few, notably ones that disable Desperation, Braves, and Reinhardt... I don't know what to do next. I suppose I could go Panic Ploy, but I feel like I'd benefit from Attack +3 a lot more. then again Distant Defense would more or less make my Shigure as bulky as someone like Sophia...
  7. Probably not a permanent thing, just preparing us to have the ability to upgrade at least once. And if it does turn out to happen every time there's a Voting Gauntlet (135 coins assuming you get 15 coins from 3 quests in each round of a Voting Gauntlet)... well that's pretty sweet.
  8. I think Dagger users have it just as bad, given how Daggers have low might, Dagger users generally below average attack (we're talking 32 with a benefitial nature) and how the "best" Dagger and the best "Dagger user" have their niche being "targeting Infantry units", which used to be what kept them in S+ in the old days of the Wiki Tier List. They're pretty much meant to WEAKEN enemy units with no alternative. At least Staff users support their teammates by keeping them alive, which...well it can let someone trigger Quick Riposte more than once or twice per match.
  9. +Spd -Att easily. The +Def nature won't do him many, if any, favors, while +Spd lets him avoid being doubled by anyone with 40 Spd or less. If you want to use Inigo offensively, give him Gronnraven and TA3. It offsets the Attack loss by giving him an essential 46 attack against any Blue or Colorless units not running Cancel Affinity, and also lets him tank hits from Reinhardt, Bridelia, and Brave Lyn well enough. +Def -Spd would let him tank Bows especially well, but he WILL be doubled by the popular Bow users if you go that route. Otherwise the +Spd will let him tank more hits by not taking as many hits in the first place.
  10. Heroes has yet to get "stale" for me, if and only because I don't feel "complete" yet. While the progression of my units largely depends on what other units I have, I do still have a number of units I wish to complete. I only yesterday completed the +Att -HP Celica I pulled a month ago, which yes was really only because I needed Life and Death 3 for her, but it was still a good feeling to stare at +2 merge and all that Attack that she will have. Seeing a complete unit, anyways, will never be old to me. I might be immature in that way since, in counting all my "complete" units I'm now numbering somewhere in the 30+ complete units since game launch, but screw it that's just how the game has me hooked. Hows that going? I wanted to get Warriors before holiday season begins, but given my current financial status and the fact both my Birthday and Christmas will be coming up in December, I'll have to wait on it... that or give up Pokemon, and lolno.
  11. Sigh... so I made the dumb mistake of summoning all 5 times from Threaten Speed banner, and I've been using orbs on that until I finally got 5* Jaffar. +Res -Def, fed him to my Celica to complete her training. Just now I did a full pull from Dancers banner to boost pity rate... let's just say my pity rate didn't get boosted. 5* Mathilda. Neutral. Guess that's better than crap, though at least if she were crap I could feed Cancel Affinity to one of my archers...
  12. If FE becomes anymore anime than it already is, then we're only a few tutorials and kingdom invasions away from getting a badass grandma.
  13. Assuming you go the Gronnraven route, Inigo shouldn't care as much about the loss in speed. 43 attack being boosted by TA3 against Blues and Colorless can usually secure the kill in one hit, so if I were to recommend one over the other I say merge +Res -Att into the +Att -Spd. This does of course mean you give Inigo Gronnraven and TA3.
  14. Know what we need? A Ranged, Cavalry, Veteran Dancer unit.
  15. Azura couldn't be better. Her defense is about as good as a wet sponge (which is better than Delthea who has the defense of a wet paper bag, but not by much), and her speed at that level, combined with Fury 3, leaves her nearly impossible to double save for Cav emblem or TomeBlade users (who usually have high speed plus speed buffs). Inigo... well it's not great, but it may as well be neutral in Physical matchups. Since they'll mostly be dancing, their stats shouldn't make TOO big a difference, but it's always good to have good stats when you suddenly need them, I suppose.
  16. I decided to snipe Green orbs from now on to get Azura. I don't care about nature, I just wanted Azura at all... ...and I got her. +Attack -Defense, which to be honest... that seems deadly on a Dancer with a legendary weapon. Also got a 3* Nino, 4* Mae, and 2 Lon'qus at 3* but who cares, I got the unit I wanted from the banner and I can spook a happy man. Since I don't think I'll be needing Olivia or Inigo, I can also start saving my orbs again. Mother and alternate-dimension son, singing to the song of lonely thought... amazing.
  17. Noted, I'll have to remember to record if this actually does anything good when Shigure becomes a bonus unit next week. Beast units are a thing I've always mentioned, since they technically have no color affinity (Ice Dragon has mentioned how the different martial art attacks can be linked to each color, though it could be seen as a bit of a stretch) and can run parallel to Manaketes being melee-range magic units, where here we have melee-range colorless units. Another possibility I thought of is simply altering the range of daggers, so they'd only have a range of 1. Maybe build Distant Counter into them all as a default, letting them keep their range while bringing their stats up to that of melee infantry. Not like giving them Distant Counter by default will do much to save them otherwise, but it could be appreciated in some weird way.
  18. Well he has WoM right now, but I'm sure I'll end up giving him Bowbreaker as well. I mean... when I saw what I wanted to do, I saw TA3 Robin but able to give up his turn to someone else once his target was eliminated. ...it secures the kill on non-CA Bridelia, it's fine!
  19. Making the best of a crummy situation in no Azura, building +Att -Res Shigure +1 merge as TA3 Blarraven unit. I don't know why I'm doing this, but I'm doin it and NO ONE CAN STOP ME except maybe try a little, I need saving from my own insanity.
  20. Two full summons, nothing. Third summon...5* Tharja. +Spd -Att. Not sure I like that on her as much as I like that on Nino, but... I dunno, maybe I can make it work... on some other Red Mage. Blue orb... Shigure. +Def -HP, coulda been worse I suppose, but whatever he's a Singer, not a fighter. 4* Fir +Spd -Def. Guess I won't need to use the neutral Fir we are sure to get. A while later... another Shigure. +Att -Res this time, so...I either have Merge fodder or the ability to feed someone Geyser Dance or B Tome Valor. 4* Oscar the next pull... can confirm, he gives Lancebreaker 3 at 4*. Awesome. So... no Azura, but 2 Shigures, one good the other bad, and one Tharja, who I can feed to someone for Rauorblade... I guess I do have all month to snipe Green orbs...
  21. Well my phone charger is dead, or it's covered in tar-smelling chocolate, don't care that thing is NOT going anywhere near my phone. Thankfully the Nintendo Switch charger works as a replacement, but... I need to be able to transfer songs to my computer... maybe I can link my laptop and Verizon LG G5 via bluetooth or something... Not just that, but Manaketes all share breaths, despite color differences. Fae can get Lightning Breath+ from Adult Tiki for instance. It wouldn't make sense for just the weapons to be shared, right? Same. I don't even bother giving units who clearly like Quick Riposte the skill unless I have a promoted QR fodder ready. Besides, Abel does that just fine. But... I mean, how do I make them work for the quests? Do I just reset Training Tower until I get all Greens or all Reds?
  22. No matter what I think, I can't think of anything I could do for Fir or Sully... ...but good thing Frederick is mah main man! Hee hee hee. Also, can we just get an Askrian unit with "Heroes Valor" or something, just so we have ONE unit to use for all SP grinding instead of what is looking will become freaking 9, 12 if Breaths get 3 separate Valors?
  23. I was this close to starting to train my Effie tho...! Oh well, I needed to do some Pokemon stuff anyways...
  24. No worries, I ran the calcs already. Dead enemies have a special Nullify Existence Sacred Seal that basically renders them almost like ghosts, to the point where anyone can occupy the same space as them. The SS also seems to make it so no enemy units can target them for combat, ally units can't use assists on them, and no matter what they can't inflict any damage, charge any skills, or even trigger skills like Poison Strike or Fury. The only reason why you don't bother to tank them is because you don't get anything out of it. It can be, since BK is an Armor, which means his only other way to the enemy is LOTS of positioning skills. Only thing to remember is that he won't have any other skills that might be more desirable, like Vantage or Quick Riposte.
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