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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. The following is about all I could find, her official timeskip artwork. This, in contrast, is her in-game timeskip Armored lord and Emperor models. And lastly, her in-game timeskip portrait Sometimes, I wonder why I do these things...
  2. Yeah, and why would he? He placed Second, Alm placed first and got Scendscale. They were saying that if they didn't give Eliwood a personal skill when he placed second, why should Claude get one when he's in the same situation?
  3. I know, but even Legendary Lyn/Hector had Personal skills referencing their origins (Laws of Sacae and Ostian Pulse), so it fits.
  4. Legendary Eliwood had Vision of Arcadia, which is very much not his origin.
  5. I don't think so. Legendary unit personal skills have been shared with later alts of the same unit, such as Light and Dark with Julia, but so far CYL skills have remained on their CYL variants despite later incarnations of the unit being released, such as Brave Hector with Ostian Counter (though thinking about it, he does have another personal skill in Ostian Pulse...)
  6. All this talk about F2P guides and PhoenixMaster1... I don't have any place here whatsoever. I already know I'm gunning for Edelgard, Dimitri at the first Sparking, and praying I get anything good with all the summons.
  7. @Yexin I feel like you're really undervaluing these skills for the wrong reasons. Rein skills, especially one like Atk/Spd Rein, are theoretically valued by just about everyone, not just a select few units, and ESPECIALLY since they're almost essentially Lull skills in the C slot. Units other than Brave Ike exist. And waiting for Rein skills to get tier 4? We'll sooner have a Distant Counter sacred seal than Tier 4 skills of a skill that was just released. As for unity... I don't see what there is that isn't as good as it sounds. It's Atk/Def Bond 3, but 2 range (which is very appreciated in environments where standing next to an ally will get you killed) and completely reverses stat penalties on Atk and Def as opposed to just nullifying them like a theoretical ADBond4 would. Lastly, just about every skill these guys are carrying are valuable in some way (aside from Chill Spd/Def) Again, I feel like you're undervaluing these skills for the wrong reasons. If they aren't skills you think you'd be able to use because they clash with your playstyle, then fine we play the game differently. But saying they don't sound amazing or that they probably can't be inherited by one unit is not a good reason to undervalue these skills.
  8. Here's hoping... God, I even did this knowing CYL4 was less than a week away... There's a chance I reached the point where the game just gave me a 5* unit since I went so long without one... and no joke, doing this pushed me into Play points platinum. I really don't know why I wanted this skill in the first place anymore... my Cordrlia is already amazing, she's been in just about every one of my Abyssal cleats, what would having this skill have done for me? You haven't looked at my sig, have you. I AM THE HOUSE.
  9. It's more than that now though. Null Follow-up is still being put on Flier weapons despite the skill being Infantry only. Blazing Durandal has Special Fighter on it despite that being an Armor skill, and now Steady Impact can't be used by Cavalry. I could keep going with bullshit SI limitations, but point is that there is nothing stopping IntSys from making Rein skills limited to certain move types despite the very extensive history of Rein effects. Also that name is stupid, I keep thinking we're talking about Reinhardt. and yeah I remembered the moment I stepped away, stop responding to me faster than I can remember things about skills I don't have.
  10. Ooooh I misread it, I thought it was literally just putting Sol into his special triggers, like Solar Brace. Well then... Dive Bomb. Assuming one infliction of Fury 4 doesn't put him under 80% anyway, which a few boosts of HP should mitigate. But if it puts him at under 75%, then he'd rather take Desperation, since he'll always be under 75% hp regardless. I REMEMBERED THE SKILL INHERITANCE RESTRICTIONS NEVERMIND
  11. Ah right forgot that part. Then uh... probably just Desperation then. No reason not to if he has Fury 4. And you say that, but bullshit inheritance restrictions on skill effects have been present before, see Special Spiral on Dark Mystletainn. @Sunwoo They gotta get use out of that dictionary somehow 😛
  12. ...yep, we'll definitely begin getting DC weapon refines... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaany day now... maybe even after the CYL2 units get their refines! ~Dimitri looks pretty simple but still effective. Stay near his allies, never die. Well, to physical damage, no word on magical damage yet. His Personal skill looks good, having a completely unconditional Quick Riposte and damage reduction. I'll bet he's not gonna be that fast, but hopefully that just means he's gonna be super strong and bulky. ~Wind Parthia has Spectrum Blow and Sol built right into it. Fury 4 means he's gonna has very high stats in addition to the Spectrum Blow. Chill Spd/Def... probably just gonna be replaced with Desperation or Lull Spd/Def, let's not lie to ourselves. But Atk/Spd Rein... ooh boy, that's an inheritable skill. SO MANY UNITS will want that skill... wonder what the limitations on it will be, considering similar effects were on Infantry unit refines, but the skill is on a flier... ~Lysithea's OHKO nature is a little compromised in this case, but I still think she's got what it takes to usurp most other Red Mages... again... good thing is that high Spd and guaranteed follow-ups means she's technically immune to Null Follow-up. I do, however, wonder if Null follow-up will also cancel the Desperation effect of Dark Spikes... ~Edelgard has a lot of Res, doesn't she... and she just HAS top-tier movement abilities? Damn, Aymr wanted her to be alone, but now she doesn't even give a crap if she's alone or not. Hm... hard to say who I'll be free-picking, especially considering the next update will come with Trait changing, so whoever I pick will be less than a month away from being even better if I wanted to go that route... probably Edelgard actually. I give her crap, but I do admit she's a good character with views I agree with, plus she just has far too much good going for her with that skillset.
  13. You people who say that sniping is better for getting a certain color off a banner are liars. Or you're in bed with IntSys. You know what percentage I got up to trying to get Pirate Tibarn? 7 FUCKING PERCENT. And you know what? I DIDN'T EVEN GET HIM, I got Fallen FemCorrin and Valentian Catria. You know how many orbs it took to get to that high a percentage? A FUCKING LOT, CONSIDERING HOW OFTEN I GOT COLORLESS ORBS TO EVEN APPEAR. You know what? Screw Dive Bomb. Screw Tibarn, screw meta, screw spoiling Cordelia, and screw whatever regret I'd have by not having this stupid skill, I'm not going to keep wasting perfectly good money on this stupid banner. The only benefit I had from the fucking $350usd spent trying to get a stupid SKILL are getting Valentian Catria and Pirate Veronica, both neutral. There went the entire CYL budget and then some, wasted on a skill I couldn't even get in the end...
  14. I, personally, have Clive, Naesala, Legion, and Walhart merged up, and am currently working on getting copies of Groom Hinata, so they're the ones I have the most investment in giving Assets to. ...I merged Legion long before he got a Prf, fun fact.
  15. Hm hm hm... I see I see I see... A lot of these units it's very easy to say what they want. Walhart, for instance, would probably like to take as little damage as possible, so +Def. I find it funny that now that they can receive an asset and flaw, Masked Marth is literally now just Lucina but with a different pose.
  16. Yes, but I have multiple personal examples of summoning 11 of a 5* unit, a few extra even, and not getting the Asset I wanted. We're still playing a glorified Fire Emblem-themed slot machine in a casino remember. Nothing is truly guaranteed, and unrelated but I would recommend against thinking you can summon a +Atk Spring Palla or Santa Ephraim if you value your wallet. @Ice Dragon I'll be honest, I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to be arguing. I had like 5 different things typed up, but I'm not sure what for. How units will now have the same build and traits? I dunno what to say, I guess imagine the battles you would have against whales, but now at any arena score/AR level because the players with no merges don't have to worry about having to use a +Def -Res Lysithea, they can run +Atk -Def like the big boys, but at the end of the day people who run at least 750 arena score/AR level 21+ won't notice any difference in the end anyway. I guess personal example, I had to use +Def -Spd on my Witchy Nowi, and someone told me to try using a build that can take hits from DC swords better. If I could change her traits, I would have been able to use a speedier build, but that just flat-out wasn't possible.
  17. Perhaps, but there's still a few units from the early FEH days that aren't quite sure what they want to be doing yet, and even a few units these days who are a little diverse in their spread. Ross immediately comes to mind, I've not been able to see even one single consistent build on that kid. At least some of that can be chalked up to "I couldn't summon the best Asset, so I settled for second/third best", but now there is no such thing as "best asset" because, again if you are a dedicated resource gatherer, best asset now just means "default asset/flaw". ...also non-functional asset means you're doing the same thing as everyone else, but noticeably worse.
  18. Oh me. Oh my. Traits can be changed? ...well I now feel very dumb accidentally +10ing just... so many units trying to get that one good asset/flaw... but on the other hand, YEEEEEEEEE- As long as a person remains dedicated to resource gathering, Traits no longer matter when summoning. Get the base unit, and you're golden. Get a merge, you're even more golden. Have access to a website or a forum with at least one person named @XRay, and you now have an ugly yellow border around your gold. The only thing that saddens me now is that now every unit will be the same 2 or 3 builds and statspreads. ...oh yeah, uhhhhh Lysithea looks pretty. The others... certainly exist. Uhhhhh new game mode, looks neat I guess?
  19. @XRay If the thing stopping Dive Bomb from being a good skill is the missing Movement options, wouldn't there be ways to circumvent this? For instance, the easiest way would be to drop WoM and invest in Escape Route, then let the dancer drop to below 50% and now she can teleport to literally anyone. Given the frail nature of most dancers though, especially the strong ones like LegAzura and Peony, and especially given the lacking combat performance of dancers overall I could see this being an issue, but it does let the Dive Bomb holder keep their +80% HP. Reciprocal Aid would probably be the easiest way to drop a dancers HP without putting the dancer at risk, assuming the RecAid holder can safely get to lower than... what do most dancers have, like 40 HP average? So about 20 HP? Otherwise, the only other thing one could do is use movement range extenders like Duo Palla or Annette to let the Dancer keep up with the unit being used.
  20. So since I still don't have Dive Bomb... has anyone had a chance to give it a whirl on units other than Tibarn? Like, does it make Cordelia into the red demon she usually was in the first place?
  21. For other Spd focused units I'd say that Neutral is better than any defensive asset since 3 Res wouldn't impact direct combat, but in Sothis' case it could actually help her take some hits better... if you don't want to use Sothis for much of anything other than specific battles, then perhaps leaving her with +Res would be smart, but that depends on what her flaw is.
  22. Ex-CUSE ME?! Before I help with the Flora as SI fodder question, LOOK AT THAT. She legit has 56 Defense on initiating against a melee foe, and she takes low damage overall as a result even when a dragon targets her 42 Res. Cause of her automatic follow-up attack against DC foes (and that second attack usually being Bonfire charged), she generally has always secured a kill against them. And thanks to Sturdy Impact, even if she doesn't get the kill she herself doesn't die in retaliation since (in a no-Null-Follow-up scenario) the enemy can't counterattack. So yeah, circumstantial, but REALLY good when given the chance, and in an environment where the only skills more valuable than Distant Counter are tier 4 skills, Close Foil, and Distant Ward she is only sometimes not necessary. I may have +10ed her on accident, but Bob Ross would approve of this happy little accident. ...but anyway, Cecilia. I do think she would get some good utility out of Quick Riposte, and Atk/Res Solo I think is a good match for her as well. She might appreciate Atk/Def Solo more, since the most frightening units are Bows, and even Close Foil would be a good option if you have it since she'll get to counter melee enemies and still get Atk/Def +5 against bows and daggers, but hey they are still rare SI, no pressure.
  23. So uh... Laevatein decided that I didn't need... you know, any pirates at all, and now I have some Spd Wave fodder I really don't know what I'm gonna do with... ...but on the other hand, +Spd -Res Apotheosis Anna! Which on the one hand is definitely better than the Sparking ApoAnna I've had! Just... now I need to figure out what I'm gonna do with this Joint Drive Spd... maybe since Brave Ike now wants Spd he'd appreciate the extra spd...? Sigh... guess I gotta spend on this stupid banner if I want to give Cordelia Dive Bomb...
  24. Honestly, if there were any skill names I found funny a few years ago, I've become jaded enough with this game that I flat-out forgotten. One name I still find funny to this day, however, is the epithet of Hector, "Just here to fight". That's just getting to the point of that one hero in every Seasonal banner who's not sure why they're dressed sexy and using a shower curtain for a weapon (which I guess Hector says NOPE to that last part).
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