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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Idea. (B slot) Reining Terror At start of turn, inflicts [Rein of Terror] status on foe on the enemy team with the lowest {stat} through its next action. [Reining Terror] Enemy units within 3 spaces of enemy unit with this status are inflicted with Atk/Spd/Def/Res -4 during combat. Also known as a modified version of Inevitable End, maybe even what Hel should have gotten instead of what she actually got since a death curse was displayed during the Book III story. Targeting the enemy unit with the lowest of a stat makes at least some sense. Consider the pairing of an offensive nuke and a dancer. The nuke will usually have far higher offensive stats than the dancer, maybe with the exception of Spd. If Reining Terror targets the unit with the lowest Atk, then the Dancer will more often than not be the one inflicted with the status, thus all the offensive nukes surrounding them will be given a nasty debuff. The debuff wouldn't affect the unit who were actually inflicted with it, but then what would be the point of inflicting a combat debuff on a support unit? I think the idea of debuff skills that have an effect on units SURROUNDING the inflicted have potential for debilitating mindgames. Imagine inflicting a Reverse Geirskogul effect on the entire enemy team surrounding their dancer, or a nasty Reverse Dominance effect on Brave Ike because he was next to Brave Lucina?
  2. The following units from the first half of book 2 (From Children of Fate to Wings of Fate) do not yet have refines, are perfectly available for refines due to not being a dancer/staff/DC weapon, and are currently 5* locked: Rhajat Micaiah Chrom (TBK) Reinhardt (WoT) Hinoka (WoF) And aside from CYL2 all units from all New Hero banners after WoF do not have refines. As for demotes, we have Soleil, Sothe, L'arachel, Male Morgan, and Shigure, but they might need to wait a little longer since there are still Book 1 units from the 4* and below pool waiting for their refines.
  3. If you want to merge Larcei, then I'd keep +Def -Spd, since her Res won't come into serious play too often with her default skillset. If you'd rather book a Larcei and use it for skill fodder, keep +Res. I assume, based on what you said, you wouldn't use Larcei seriously outside of very specific battles, so keeping as much of her Speed intact would seem a good option IMO, since her default kit makes it double for defense. Personally I wouldn't use Larcei for AS-solo fodder (heh, ass fodder) when the skill exists on other units and other alternatives exist while the other two skills aren't quite as common yet, but that's just me putting a lot of value in rare skills I don't have many, if any, books of.
  4. Ahaha, I get the reference in the new Grandmaster drill. Wait... but that was one they never officially translated...? Hm, wonder if anyone whose never seen that comic will wonder why Azura and Reinhardt are wearing sunglasses? EDIT: I did not notice, but Beyond Blood is the one Forging Bonds event that I missed all the EX accessories for! Nice! Glad thousands of random moogs voted for this revival event.
  5. First Alm now Julia? I already +10ed Julia like Alm, but unlike Alm she's worthless as skill fodder... but I am happy she's getting the Resplendent treatment. Just... not happy about getting useless fodder... guess I'll be getting 1k feathers in a few weeks... If the trend is "units I specifically +10ed already," who gets the next Resplendent, Odin? I kid of course... hopefully... I wouldn't mind covering his crotch up though...
  6. Maybe before the end of the year. Gunnthra would be the earliest Legendary Hero with a refinable weapon following current patterns, and they're running out of early units to give refines to. That could change if they begin giving refines to units they previously ignored (Dancers, Staff units, DC weapons, maybe even seasonals just to keep the stalling tactics intact for another year), but the banner Shiro was from (Children of Fate) was one of the last banners before the release of Gunnthra's Legbanner, and with almost every other unit prior to him being refined already it's only a matter of time before they have to begin dealing with nothing but Book 2+ units.
  7. @XRay Do you consider Legendary F!Corrin one of those supertanks? At 0 merge +Spd, with her weapons effect triggered, and with the Darting Stance SS (for examples sake, she can run any Spd-boosting seal she wants or Phantom Spd theoretically) she sits at 54 Spd, which can be boosted to 60 with Hone Dragons (now available as a Seal). I'm not saying that's fast enough to get the full effect of an Evasion skill, but there are still ways for her to get even more Spd, and at the end of the day she will be boasting 40% Damage reduction on top of the 30% reduction from Neutralizing Fang which can't be exploited for WTA damage, which honestly I feel is a disadvantage Bike has to deal with since units like Lysithea can still deal a large amount of damage to him. Dragon effectiveness would be the biggest problem, but Duo Idunn can help fix that problem if a slot is available for her. I been meaning to ask, but I kept forgetting until this specific topic came up. I know Spurn probably won't actually do anything for Corrin, but the other two Evasion skills can be used if having used effects is an issue. There would also be the issue of Corrin being a legendary and unable to receive the full benefits of Peony, but Veronica's refine may help to replicate at least some of that benefit. Did not notice inheritance restrictions, don't mind me.
  8. Wait where did he...? Well... if it's smiles that Kaden wants, he should consider changing the recipient of all that gold. I hear redheaded merchants especially love to receive mon- I mean gold. Assuming they don't kill him for hiding all that gold.
  9. Regular Dimitri and FemByleth... ...what's with all these different Dimitris...? Least I was able to put a merge on my original FemByleth to eliminate her flaw.
  10. I'd base the decision on how you plan to use Alfonse. If you primarily wanna use him yourself in PP, I'd take +Atk. If for Aether Raids and other defensive battles, then +Def or +Res would be good, then making a team that helps get his special charged before the enemy can get to him (since the AI doesn't use Duo Skills)
  11. I think what you're doing wrong is that your BIke isn't running an Evasion skill with speed stacking. That additional level of damage reduction makes even Lysithea's hits run the risk of not getting the kill, assuming she isn't Speed invested (and in my experience she usually just packs her default skills and a Strike SS). Yes he does still want the support of Brave Lucina, in this case she's running heavy Speed support, but the biggest thing Bike has going for him is the frankly heavy amount of damage reduction available to him, which Hector, while having a large number of skills to prevent the enemy from doing a lot of potential damage, will never be able to fully replicate.
  12. You know it's kinda bad for me cause I wanna give +Spd Celica the support she wants (and that I kinda owe her for being +10 and all), but my Hector is +Def +5 and would be awesome with the refine, but my +Atk +7 Veronica would be a generally all-around useful refine to have, and Ephraim... uh... exists somewhere I think? I dunno, I kept using him for Special Fighter fodder... Celica? Hector? Veronica? WHO DO I REFINE???
  13. Even knowing how long it'll take to change just one trait, and here's hoping they're a little loose on the trait fruit pouch with events, is it weird I'm having a blast just looking at all the possible ways I could retrait my units? If I were to change my +Res +1 merge Annette to a +Atk trait, she'd get +5 Attack!
  14. Holy crap these aren't Gen 2 weapons anymore... these almost go beyond Gen 4 weapons. Celica no longer has any reason not to always have Galeforce triggered... except, you know, if she kills the enemy in one hit... but now she doesn't even need to rely on some outside help to get Galeforce down to full charge. That's awesome, not many units have been able to lay full claim to such until this year. Hector up and added two whole effects to the BASE effect of Maltet in addition to the refine. Armor effective-neutralization, erased penalties, a massive enemy debuff, and even threw in enemy-inflicted Wary Fighter. The only thing missing from this mess of effects is Special Fighter! Base Garm now neutralizes any effects that'd prevent his follow-up. The refine throwing a full spectrum boost wasn't even that necessary when we already knew he'd be getting in-combat health recovery. And here it is, the first refinable Prf Staff... and it... DOESN'T pass on Veronica's field buffs to allies like we were thinking, but instead has a 3-range effect zone buff for allies, debuff for enemies. That... actually is pretty neat, but when the other three refines added so much to their weapons, it feels kinda... boring to see Veronica get just two effects, good effects yes but still. Massive. None of these units were even that bad before, maybe a little behind the times but I still saw Hector and Ephraim, Veronica is still a powerful healer... Celica yeah no one used her, not even me and I +10ed her... but THIS. Oh man. Wonder how people are gonna try and downplay these refines.
  15. They really are going all-out with the 20k score Sacred Seals lately. Armor March is almost necessary to use Armor units in an effective manor, and this adds at least one extra stack of Ward Armor to the team. I have the three non-dancers, so bonus unit secured. I hope the boss isn't Duo Sigurd... not sure I can stand having to fight the most blatantly overpowered unit from a seasonal banner AGAIN...
  16. Are you getting the point of the weapon? It doesn't just attack through Wary Fighter, it attacks through Windsweep, the ultimate form of bulk being not being attacked at all. The very units who run skills like Vengeful Fighter do not have the speed to resist Windsweeps effects, and Null C-Disrupt seems to remain a somewhat rare skill, so anyone who runs the weapon flat-out cannot be hit. EDIT: Hm... one unit who could take advantage of this weapon is Summer Linde, one of my +10s... would certainly make using her a lot easier not having to worry about her frankly poor defenses...
  17. Besides being disappointed in how we're getting our first Ranged Dancing Cav, I do still have some opinions... Lachesis being the demote is actually pretty alright, considering her skills (Air Orders is pretty deadly in the trickiest of hands). Plus, if someone happens to have NekoSakura lying around, they now have a Flying Dagger with Dagger Valor pretty easily! Ethlyn's dagger is quite impressive, offering Daggers an inheritable version of the combination seen on units like Summer Byleth and Young Merric. Ethlyn might end up being one of the best users of the combo as-is though, considering... well, they're giving it to her. Does make me wonder if we'll see a Windsweep 4 if they're just gonna keep making units with built-in Null Follow-up weapons... Seems odd that we're still getting Atk/Def Bond 4 after literally just getting Atk/Def Unity, which serves the needs of Atk/Def Bond just nicely, but eh. Quan looks pretty defensive, and being a flying Bow means he can take Bow Valor instead of Nephenee. Sigurd and Deirdre... Duo Sigurd would almost take over as one of the best offensive dancer if he had any effective damage like Micaiah, but he still looks to be pretty bulky and strong as-is. I do appreciate that their answer for a Dancers Duo Skill is to just give them Reposition hiding behind a fancy effect. I'm not sure if having a Cav Dancer is as great as it sounds to be honest... having the large movement range is great, but Sigurd has to contend with terrain restrictions that flying dancers don't have to worry about at all, let alone the fact that a lot of maps with heavy Flier favoritism were recently released. But we'll see I suppose. How is Eldigan the first flying Lance dancer we'll be getting in the game...? ...yes I do judge Dancers by how well they can hold a Valor skill. Lachesis gets 5 out of 5 for being a demote in addition to a flying dancer, Quan a 4.5 out of 5 for being the first Bow flier in a very limited Bow dancer pool, Sigurd... 4, since Ishtar still exists and having the arguably better class for Valor purposes, but also for providing an alternative depending on which of the two you get first. Ethlyn gets a 3.5 since she is still a flying dancer, but a normal summoner is likelier to see Lachesis first. Eldigan gets 4.5 for being a free Lance Flier, but coming so late when you've had so many chances to get Azura and Summer Robin docks half a point. Seriously dude, where were you a couple years ago...?
  18. Man... seeing a Gen 1 Ranged Cav Dancer was the dream, but now BST is so bloated compared to Gen 1 units that what difference does it even make...?
  19. Welp, this wound up being Dimitri vs Edelgard in the end as predicted by... I dunno, everyone and their narwhal.
  20. I... honestly don't see why TMS#FE should be hated. I tried to play it once, but it was in the end days of my using the Wii U and got boxed with the rest of my Wii U stuff. Not like it was a bad experience or anything, I just couldn't stay interested for long enough and I forgot to keep playing. But at the end of the day, a spin-off is still a part of the series. Plenty of series these days have spinoffs that are just as popular as the main series games. I'm with @Anacybele on the FE Warriors thing though. Even if there isn't a whole lot to lift from FEW, mostly just lots of Sword Infantry when you think about it, it's still a FE game that deserved more rep than two series of event maps that spawned what we now know as the special training maps.
  21. Honestly, all I see with the left hair is early FE hair. You know... that sort of forward curve that early FE busts had that made their hair look a lot bigger than the characters head? Except like other early-FE redone characters it was done to look more realistic as opposed to having hair that juts forward like that. As for the female... I dunno, it's too neatly done for characters like Soren or Lucina, my first thought without context was Mercedes. I kinda wonder if we're getting a revisit to the Adrift theme of dreams, maybe with some aspects of the Book 4 fairies inserted?
  22. So... this is how the CYL banner ends for me at the 2nd Sparking... At the 72nd summon, I got Bernadetta +Atk -Spd. Already had her +Spd, but she does have some good fodder, so she got booked for now, since I'm still undecided on how much I wanna use Bernie. At the 79th summon... Brave Dimitri. Again. +Spd -Def this time, like that matters since I already summoned him +Def... not exactly the same as when I summoned his original form twice in pretty much the first session, but... if he's the only Brave I summoned in 80 summons, then I kinda have to wonder... As for the sparking... well @XRay after your post, I thought about it... I think I'm largely good on Magical nuclear strikes, so Claude it is.
  23. Hubert must not have been here very long, there is NOTHING too shameful for ANYONE to be wearing. I mean, Tiki is only a divine dragon and later Voice of Naga or something, and she liked wearing a swimsuit so much she did it TWICE!
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