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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. +Spd brings his maximum 0 merge Spd to 42 before any effects, which for a demote unit is pretty good, but that's if he keeps the Spear of Assal. Favoritism aside, if you wanted to give him a Quad Brave Lance I would have just skipped him entirely and merged up Cordelia. But having 39 base Spd is still good for getting doubles and erasing most Evasion skill damage reduction. On the other hand, +Atk means he can hit harder as either a Brave Lance or SoA, which matters the more Def the enemy has. His Spd means he should be able to easily get high enough to cancel out most Evasion skill damage reduction without the help of a Spd asset, and assuming an average of 35 Def he should easily be able to net a kill on doubling... Hm... I guess I'd pick +Atk if it were me. He has a good amount of Spd, but without access to any sort of Evasion skills I don't see a good reason to build it up to a super high level unless you need to combat 60+ Spd swords, meanwhile building his Atk up will enable more kills overall.
  2. Hm... Elise's Staff was just an ordinary healing staff in Fates. I don't think there was anything particularly fantastic about it either, so they're pretty much gonna make something entirely new for her... course, that probably just means she'll get Gravity with built in Wrathful or Dazzling, if even that. It'll be interesting to see how they handle the first normal new staff refine... Otherwise... meh. Fae getting a refine'll be good, Micaiah should be getting something good, Valter I can only imagine will get something that'll work with the post-battle damage he already has. Hopefully it's good, cause Special cooldown reduction and Atk/Spd 2 is NOT that amazing these days...
  3. ...oh, they delayed the update notification to midnight of the first of the month? That's fine too.
  4. STILL nothing??? They better be revealing refines for Staves and Dancers in a freaking Feh Channel...
  5. Uh... why do we not have an Update Notification yet? It usually is revealed by now...
  6. What better way to murder the boar king than by demanding a treat and then playing a trick on him? This was the first time Legion and Brave Celica were being fielded in a major battle like this. Harmonic Tiki Harmonized Skill was pivitol in ensuring that not too much damage was inflicted on herself to maintain Atk/Spd Push for a few extra battles (which as could be seen was needed for one battle in particular), though at the cost of Legion being out of range for WoM when he normally would have been. That it took 3 turns to kill the last Lance Armor kind of hurts, but they otherwise would kill everyone except Legion, who could only take one hit from them by then. ...also this was the first time I ever heard Harmonic Tiki's voice clips, so... uh... yeah...
  7. Hm... lemme swing an idea round for you... Most used A passives generally run Atk and one other stat, generally the most important stat other than Atk. But... what if that second "stat" was something else? And after thinking a little about Iago's tome, I came up with... Impulse. The below description is used for what would be Atk Impulse, with one Impulse for each of the four stats. At start of turn, grants one of the following bonuses to unit in order: [Atk Furious Impulse], [Atk Panicking Impulse], [Atk Guardian Impulse], [Atk Disrupting Impulse], and [Atk Domination Impulse]. After every combat, the status cycles to the next status, looping back to beginning after every status has been used at least once. All statuses grant unit Atk +5. Furious Impulse: Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res +2 during combat, and inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res -2 on foe during combat. Panicking Impulse: Reverses all of targets bonuses during combat, and inflicts [Panic] on foes within 2 spaces of target after combat (Sneering Axe effect) Guardian Impulse: Inflicts Special Charge -1 on foe during combat, and inflicts Special Charge +1 on foes within 2 spaces of target after combat (Guard and Pulse Smoke effects) Disrupting Impulse: After combat, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res -7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target (all Stat Smoke skills) Domination Impulse: Unit deals additional damage = total penalties on foe (Blizzard tome, Spy's Dagger refine, etc.) And the status would change after every combat, rather than every turn or phase, so the tide of battle would change instantly depending on when you are attacking, are being attacked, so on.
  8. Dimitri has all the smokes plus Pulse Smoke and Scendscale in his B passive, a form of mobility extension in his C slot, Sturdy Impact, +5 all stats/special cooldown reduction/the Evasion effect in his weapon... honestly, the only real "dud" would be Blazing Wind, and only because he can't carry Atrocity and Special Spiral at the same time. Meanwhile, LegChrom remains a powerful bow I hate, and Fallen M!Corrin has the potential to be strong... Blue is looking good this month.
  9. That was fast. You see the Big Fan a lot, but never the groom himself... his partner is Delthea cause buffs.
  10. ... ...I wanted more -sweep effects on my team. (extra pic is just the unit in question with their equipped accessory, something I wanna try and remember to show off a bit more) The good thing about not being confident about merging Bernadetta is that I had an extra book of her, and one Festival Elincia later I have the Roderick you see here. I'm actually real close to another +10... maybe I'll be back within the week?
  11. As much as I'd like to support Velouria... uh, mine isn't exactly built for combat more than she is built for not dying, so... Door squad?
  12. HD Collection please! I at least have never been one to care about price. --------------------------------------------- (A Smash Show!) WYR have... 1) Animated shorts akin to the Pikmin shorts, showing fighters going about their lives and the shenanigans that happen. 2) Animated shorts more akin to Pokemon youtube shorts (Origins, Generations, Twilight Wings), telling one larger story split into multiple smaller stories. 3) A full-on anime or show, not guaranteed to match the quality of the above two options but holding far larger ambitions.
  13. Hm... the themes of each kingdom's outfits... Askr (Cordelia, Linde, Olwen, Eliwood, Marth) Nifl (Lyn, Roy, Julia, Azura, Caeda) Hel (Robin, Takumi) Muspell (Ike, Hector, Minerva) Emblia (Sophia, Sanaki, Alm) Dreams (Eirika) ...about the only things I can figure from the above is that Askr are dedicated to a cause or their beliefs, Nifl is generally more serene or focused, Hel is... kinda dark and gloomy (maybe with undertones of hope, but I'd need to check Takumi's lines to be sure), and Muspell is certainly aggressive and focused more on battle than the others... but I can't figure out Emblia (I don't know much about Sophia or Sanaki, and so I can't compare them to Alm), while the dream fairy kingdom only has one rep and can't be determined quite yet.
  14. Cleared Chamber 25. Ironically, you'd think I would be using the two Corrins considering I know how to use them (you learn things when you +10 someone), but Xander was surprisingly competent when he got Pumpkin-a-box +Atk and Fury 4, tanking a number of ranged bow hits. Camilla got the counter-vantage build @XRay mentioned before with a Bladetome (since that's also something he likes to mention, bladetomes), and the two Corrins... really were just Rally users for Camilla. By the end there were a number of enemies who either were stronger than expected or were able to take a hit from Camilla's boosted attack and resulted in her defeat, so unfortunately I'm not completely sold on Counter-Vantage yet... but I'm certainly sold on a bulky Dancer. ...I'm not discounting the fact that by Chamber 20 these mofos are being boosted beyond the cheese of usual bladetome attacks.
  15. The next Resplendent Hero after Caeda will be Marth, garbed in Askran attire.
  16. The second attack of weapons like Ragnell/Alondite cannot be disabled in anyway. No skill exists that lets one do that. The best you can do is send out a unit with good Defense, a color advantage, and if she has her special, pray.
  17. Not really. Armor March isn't exactly a skill you need on EVERY armor, just enough that you can get them all moving to where you need them. Even the Sacred Seal alone should serve that purpose nicely. I would say armors who have more player-phase skills and ranged armors are the best carriers of it in the C slot, while an armor who doesn't have a good SS choice otherwise would appreciate it in the SS slot. As for Nah, Infantry Breath is a great skill, but it does run the risk of becoming vulnerable to Sabotage skills, Sudden Panic, and Aversa's Night. It depends fully on if you actually use defensive Infantry who wish they had both Distant Counter and a Breath skill, Brave Ike coming to mind immediately, but if you do then it makes for a good support skill. I don't know if it necessitates sacking Nah though, because she can still carry it even if you stop using her.
  18. Loki doesn't really have the Res to be doing any serious tanking or debuffing, so for offensive purposes +Spd is her best option. If you ever manage +HP though, take that instead. It'll help her get off her weapons effect better, and she makes for a pretty good Panic inflictor as an aside. Brave Ephraim's best fodder option is Special Fighter. Armor March would be a close second, but since it's now a Sacred Seal (and also available pretty easily via Divine Codes) I hesitate to say that Bephraim is worth sacrificing for that alone. As for Lyon, Bonus Doubler is probably the most diverse fodder option for him, as Null C-Disrupt relies on the scenario that the enemy has a -sweep skill or effect in the first place. Rouse AR can be simulated in many ways, but can still be considered if you happen to have a unit who you think will be too far away from any allies to get the same buff. Bonus Doubler meanwhile... I mean, it can get pretty crazy if you can stack it with LegEphraim's Bonus Doubler status (LegMarth can QUADRUPLE his Field Buffs this way too), and is just a good option overall for a PP Bladetome user.
  19. Between all the free orbs and the Forma Soul pack, I summoned enough to get the Sparking unit, which I used on Shamir (powerful conditional Firesweep weapon? Sign me up!) ...I also summoned Flora. ...I already +10ed her... ...on the bright side, she does have 3 separate and equally good fodder skills, so no harm done overall. Got Seteth to, not really good assets but I am happy to see that his 4* skill is Brazen Atk/Spd.
  20. Daft? I don't think one can get dafter than when one was a complete noob. ...when I first started playing in Soulsilver, I must have been 12 at the time, I didn't realize I could switch pokemon around, so by the time I reached the Elite Four I had four far weaker pokemon, one Lugia, and one pretty good Meganium.
  21. Hm... no one set off the fire trap? ... ... ...someone look for Sigurd and his allies.
  22. The issue there is that Javi's original build wanted to use a Barrier Blade. It'd be one thing if he does switch to your Carrot Cudgel idea (I assume you mean Carrot Cudgel and not Pledged Blade, which has the same effect as Huge Fan but is locked behind Bridal Oboro, and no premium skills like you said), but if he wants to stick to using a purely EP weapon then he probably doesn't want to be using a seal with dual-phase effects. But if he does switch to the Carrot Cudgel, then yeah the only other seal that could be recommended to him while maintaining that exact amount of Res on the SS slot is Brazen AR, which doesn't play well with QR3. DR Bond is also an option thinking about it, and I wouldn't really care about the loss of one whole point of Res. Also... maybe I'm confusing him with someone else, but I swear @Javi Blizz has been playing for a while? Maybe not long enough to have a premium skill abundance like Xray, to be fair...
  23. Hardy Bearing and similar skill effects, such as Summer Micaiah's Dawn Suzu or the Caltrap Dagger found on Julius, are the only direct ways to counter Vantage and Desperation. Vantage can be "countered" by using a Firesweep weapon or other skills that disable enemy counterattacks. Desperation has no direct counter when you are being attacked by the Desperation holder aside from simply using a unit of the advantageous color. Vantage units are typically built with being purely enemy-phase in mind, so simply letting them attack you on EP removes any of their enemy-phase effects such as from Stance skills, making them easier to deal with. Same is true with Desperation, they typically don't do that well when being attacked.
  24. That doesn't change the fact that SR Solo is still being wasted on Nemesis, who neither wants nor cares about Spd in the first place. Javi could sacrifice a few points of Res for other seals that benefit Nemesis more than Spd, like Mirror Stance or even QR3 and replacing the B slot with Lull AD to neutralize enemy buffs at the same time. If he really wants the +6 Res, he did mention Warding Stance. Again, SR Solo is wasted on a unit who has no business with Spd.
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