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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. I +10ed Flora... a while ago. You know Flora, Red Dagger who is real good against melee units with Distant Counter? Yeah I +10ed her a while ago. So why the fuck do I keep pity summoning her? I did 2 summons from this stupid plegia banner and she was the 5* that appeared, over literally any other 5*? Well great, I'm glad I only used free orbs on those 2 summons. What a waste...
  2. One of these days, they'll give in and finally give us seals like Desperation or the Counters... but Air Orders is good too.
  3. Why are people so disappointed that the Plegia banner only has one plegian? Look at the plegian in question, she looks practically the same as her normal variant outside of some extra florishes. I don't particularly care about this banner outside of Raphael (which really why do I care more about the 4* unit than the 5* premium units, that's not a good thing), but I would care even less if it was all Plegians. And what I'm most peeved about? I'm starting to feel like we're getting too many damn dancers in the game. They could have done something truly magnificently dark with the harmonic unit, something to really upset the balance of hope and despair, and what do we get? Yet another dancer, flying dancer at that cause why the hell not. Let's also give them a harmonic skill that also serves as a refresh! Man, I made myself upset at this banner, and it has Raphael on it...
  4. Forma are essentially empty vessels that Thorr's superior Alfaðör (who has yet to appear in any canon) created, given the form of existing heroes but not possessing the spirit of the heroes until given a Forma Soul. Loki refers to them as dolls pr toys, though this is more likely a derogative description of them rather than a true statement. Here's a page with the initial dialogue between Loki and Thorr from the first Hall of Forms. Forma also appeared in the FEH crossover event that happened last year in Dragalia Lost serving essentially the same purpose, albeit the player is fighting the Forma instead of using them, though I do not recall if any further description of the Forma was present in the event.
  5. Older Resplendent heroes are $4.99usd, and 30 days of Feh Pass is $9.49usd. Buying Feh Pass and one old Resplendent hero would come to just under $15usd.
  6. Oh you meant for super tanks. Even in that scenario though, I personally would prefer to use Hinoka. I'm well aware that Corrin enables supertanks and can also absorb most Chills if you build him right, but Hinoka is an actual combat unit, and in my own experiences there comes a point where the dedicated support gets into the line of combat. Biggest distinction though: Hinoka's boosts can be used by the AI. Even if the AI sucks at positioning, having any boosts at all is better than having a M!Corrin with the Special refine doing essentially nothing because Supports don't apply in Arena modes.
  7. I don't think I agree with that anymore. Kinshi Hinoka is rarer sure, but her refine gives equally what one M!Corrin gives between debuffs to foes and buffs to allies as long as she remains vaguely near the action (thanks to 3 tile range of the debuff). Most importantly, she isn't locked to supporting one ally. Multiple M!Corrins can stack and he is far easier to get yes, but if someone is asking about who to gives a refine to I have to assume they aren't loaded with good refines yet. So yeah they should still refine Micaiah, but 3 good refines I have to imagine will get more results than 1 good refine and 2 M!Corrins. Question of my own: who would be the best type of unit to give a Joint Drive to? Not necessarily the best unit, since really anyone would love to get a free +4 to whatever stat from their C slot, normally dedicated to support and buff skills, but what kind of units would appreciate them most? If it helps any, I summoned an extra Lilith, I don't even use her, so I have some Joint Drive Atk fodder on my hands.
  8. It'd be funny if the Fire Dragon got in before Medeus. ...as some sort of massive raid boss. They could implement all the other final bosses that way as well, separate from their unit appearances. It'd be interesting, though I guess it'd also be more resources pooled into what's already being done with Rokkr sieges...
  9. Just an assumption, but the staves they gave Elise, Mist, and Genny all have a statup, either Wrathful or Dazzling, and the main effect of their respective staves on top of the refine. I know they're not fair to compare, but even the most recent Kia Staff only has Wrathful and that penalty nullification buff, and that's on a Book 5 unit. I fully expect them to want to tone down on the goodies for the lower rarity staves, which may take a bit of planning before they are willing to roll them out. Plus Tiki was the only Gen1 Dragonstone unit to have a refine for a long while, being a 5* exclusive (and Adult Tiki also existing and getting a pass), and it wasn't until the latter half of 2020 that any of the other Gen1 dragonstones got a refine. Knowing Intsys, they have no reason not to repeat history. Note that I said they wouldn't get that kind of attention for a long while. I'm not saying it's impossible, but they only just started rolling out refines to staves. We might expect to see refines for 5* exclusive dancers next (Azura and Ninian), maybe even DC weapons or Legendary weapons a little later on, but I don't think we should expect refines for all the low-rarity staves immediately. It'd be nice sure, I +10ed Wrys and Lucius so my investment in them is higher than other staves, but I'd also really like them to get around to refining certain weapons a bit faster to...
  10. I highly doubt they'll give 4* and lower staves that kind of attention for a long while. Maybe the ones that used to be 5* summonable like Sakura and Lucius, but they're the only ones I'm willing to put any amount of money on.
  11. Hm... with Young Tiki at the tailors getting a new costume, the only unit left from the original 8 focus units, literally the first banners in the game and also those who used to have a summoning move tied to literally any of their summonings, who does not have a Resplendent outfit is Camilla...
  12. Are we looking at the same refine? I know it isn't the best refine, but she still has a 3-tile debuff radius on her refine effect, on top of Atk/Spd +4 if she's near an ally, which for a ranged flier is not that hard to achieve. How would that make her easier on defense?
  13. DAAAAAAYUUUUUUUM they went harder on this batch than usual. I hope this means refinement quality is getting higher and higher as we enter... what year is this, year 5? Year 4? ~I am of the opinion that Lewyn was one of the worst of the "healthy desperation" effect, but now he's getting extra stats all around plus penalty nullification. Will he be the best, I dunno, but it's still a good refine for him. ~The direction they went with Warrior Princess's base effect is appreciated. I'm not sure I would appreciate the same effect as the Daniel-Made Bow on Hinoka, who is not bulky whatsoever. Also an Atk/Spd/Def Rein++. I'm not sure if this refine will make her at all capable of dealing with Armors... maybe if she had Atk/Spd Unity? But her overall power is definitely up, and hey she's still supporting her allies. ~Springtime Staff looks alright overall. Genny is unfortunately a unit who I never really "built" because... well... units needed Wrathful Staff... but this looks like an overall good refine. Only thing is that this reminds me there is no such thing as Breath of Life 4, and I really think they should come out with one already. ~Ah good, they gave him an effect that synergizes with Follow-up Ring. Or Vengeful Fighter, thinking about it... anyway, a good weapon. Maybe the best of the bunch even, depends on how he actually uses it I guess. ...also we now know that dual-phase Brave weapons are not at all off the table anymore if they're giving one to Arden, who is a Grail unit. Man, Effie got screwed bad...
  14. Is it bad my first, immediate thought to this was "god no, I'm not a Trump supporter?" I'm not that badly in need of venting, but you might wanna keep your PM box open if things keep going the way things are...
  15. ... I got a lot of things I wanna say about this country right now. But if I said them all here... well, I think I'd be instabanned. And I don't even like getting into political talk, it all goes over my head. Just for the sake of knowing that someone out there has dedicated brain cells to knowing this about me... this country sucks. I'd leave if I could.
  16. An in-universe explaination for why people seem to get so polarized on Resplendent outfits: just imagine Cherche had a hand in the ones you don't like.
  17. ...yep, I can indeed confirm that these... are units. I... I'll be honest, the only one I had any reaction to was Sara, and only because I actually knew who the hell she was. Silly not-Merric, you have Fury not Life and Death.
  18. The Gae Bolg is fully under my command. ...the ORIGINAL. I'm sure no one has given Quan much thought after his daughter came out with a better rarity, a better weapon, and overall better... just better. Well... I don't exactly do things by how much objectively better they are. Hm... maybe I should merge up Altena next anyway... if I make Ethlyn my next merge project, I could get the whole family together in one big golden family border...
  19. As a spender, yes I agree (hell it sometimes feels like my satisfaction goes down when I spend, hey did I mention this game is garbage?), but there's always that one thing in the game that'll appear, and since I already have a budget set aside for personal enjoyment I don't feel that bad about spending. It isn't a Feh budget keep in mind, it's literally a personal enjoyment budget, the same pool I pull from to buy anything from new games, to anime statues, to going to the movies, and of course for buying premium currency in a gacha game.
  20. I'm going to disagree with @Othin on this. While you should always consider what it is you're buying from this garbage game with garbage summoning mechanics and garbage luck and garbage unit progression mechanics and garbage garbage, as long as you can make an educated decision then you never really "waste" money on the game, but also especially when it comes to Forma units. A Forma pack costs $30usd, which gets you 60-something orbs and 1 Forma soul. The Forma unit, while always neutral, will be guaranteed to have powerful skills on them because of the free range of skills available to Forma units. This means you aren't just buying orbs and a Forma unit, but also up to 6 skills that you would otherwise need to summon randomly, which itself could end up being a larger money sink than the Forma Soul pack. As someone who does spend on the game, the Forma soul pack is one I make sure to pick up as long as I have the money to afford it, simply because of the advantage afforded to Forma units. I won't tell you that you NEED to buy forma soul packs though, because their value ultimately depends on the units made available in Hall of Forms, as well as the value of the skills you manage to get on the units. This TMS Hall is pretty good considering all 4 units are good, but there is no guarantee later ones will be. So again, just be sure to make an educated decision. As for Tsubasa, as an offensive Flying Lance unit you want her geared for player phase nuking. Swift Sparrow 3, Atk/Spd Solo 4, and Atk/Spd Push 4 are some good ideas to consider for her A slot, while the most obvious recommendation for her C slot would be Spd/Def Rein. If you want her to use Galeforce however, then you should consider Atk/Spd Rein instead, as the higher Atk may lead to an unfavorable scenario where you do too much damage in 2 attacks and can't charge GF reliably. I personally won't be using GF on her, so Spd/Def Rein for me. Her Assist should be something that isn't easy to get, which most Dual Rally+ assists fall into. I personally am taking Rally Up Spd+ since I don't have it on any of my units otherwise. Her Special can be any offensive special, though you may consider taking a rarer one such as Ruptured Skies. Her B Passive is the hardest to make any sound recommendations for. Melee Fliers do not have good skills available in that slot if they have some form of Desperation built into their weapon, which automatically removes both Desperation and Dive Bomb from the recommendations. Most other skills are worthless to melee nukes. Pegasus Flight is probably the rarest skill you can give Tsubasa that synergizes most with her playstyle, but her Res isn't the highest so it may not give the largest of returns. Keep in mind to NOT leave her with Moonbow, Blade Session, Chill Spd, or Hone Fliers, as she already comes with these skills by default. You may even consider replacing her weapon with something else just so you have a little extra to play with come the halls end.
  21. All units have a set of skills and passives they can learn by default. In battle, units gain SP for learning skills, the default being 3sp per kill, as well as s small abundance of SP every levelup. If a unit wishes to learn other skills or passives beyond what they have by default, they need to get new skills by inheriting them from units who do have such skills. Units can learn more of their default skills as their potential rank increases, with all of their skills being unlocked by 5 stars. Staff units, by default, don't come with an attack skill learned except in specific circumstances, but they do learn Assault for basic combat eventually.
  22. @Fabulously Olivier Do you have Caeda's Resplendent form? The extra +2 to all stats may be of use to you if you wanna go full oddball. The highest her base Spd can go with Resplendent, +10 merge, and +10 Dragonflowers is 45, and 48 with an asset change. Considering Spd/Def Rein and Sabotage Spd, as well as her frankly pathetic 25 base Atk (27 with Resplendent), I would personally go for +Atk and hope that a Hone Fliers buff or similar is enough to match the Spd differences.
  23. You know, they could also give her the same effect as Jorge and Plumeria's bows, with the +4 Atk to allies and -4 Atk to enemies near the holder. It wouldn't improve her own Atk any, but it would be a slight bulk increase. Slight overlap with a recently released unit too, but completely different statlines so nobody is gonna notice anyway.
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