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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. ...they remixed Tiger Tiger. ...TIGER TIGER. The in-game game whose track was all 8 bit and stuff. ...I'd ask why, but I need to ask it with as much emphasis as possible, so WHY
  2. Maybe we're in the stalemate where both sides are waiting to use all their flags and ballots, so only people who don't do that are battling and increasing score now? This is a battle people actually wanna win after all... well, people who care about Seiros and Duo Lyn.
  3. Units with an Asset/Flaw who receive a merge do not get any additional stat-ups from the merge, they get the base 2 statups and the "removal" of the bane. Because Neutral units do not have a Flaw to remove, they instead get +3 to their to 3 stats in addition to the merges usual 2 statups, which is equivalent to the average unit having their Flaw removed, as a normal Flaw is -3 from the units neutral stat at Level 40.
  4. Top 3 stats technically, but HP will always be one of those 3 so basically top 2 yeah. I don't quite understand what you're saying in the second line, so I'm just guessing what it is you want to hear. The 3 statups that neutral units get is basically just the statups that would otherwise have been put into a units Flaw. Neutral units do not have any advantages over units with Assets and flaws.
  5. When a Neutral IV unit receives a merge, they get a +1 boost to the first 3 stats that would be raised from merges or Dragonflowers. Brave Ike for instance, whose Neutral Lv1 stats are 17/10/6/9/5, would have his stats boosted in the order of HP, Atk, Def, Spd, then Res, so his HP, Atk, and Def would be boosted by a merge. Generally speaking, units would much rather have an Asset and Flaw than Neutral. There aren't a whole lot of scenarios where the small boost helps to any significant degree, and for some units their Neutral base stats aren't aligned in such a way that the stats they actually want are boosted, hence preferring an Asset and Flaw. Grail units generally get by alright off Neutral IVs, but end of the day almost everyone prefers an Asset.
  6. Honestly I don't really care about the whole swordfighters thing. It turns out, lots of iconic characters use swords, shocking! Not a whole lot of iconic able-to-be-in-smash characters going around using nunchucks or seeing-eye dogs as weapons. The best they can do is try to put twists on them when it inevitably happens, and to be fair they're not doing that bad a job all things considered. Nah, it wouldn't be the same unless he shouted "Meh-meh-meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh-" while being thrown into the depths of the cloud sea.
  7. I mean, at that point I'll just play one of the actual FE games. If I wanted a CC mage or something, well... they already are 1-2 range weapons, but almost every mage is a piece of paper made with discarded wet sponge so not like I'd ever actually let them take a hit on purpose. Plus "Close Counter" is a DLC skill in fates, flat-out doesn't exist in Awakening.
  8. For what it's worth I was kinda thinking about using her as part of a new Light team with Flayn, Mila, Eir, and whatever bonus unit (fail that, probably a debuffer like Fortune Bow Anna or Wrys), but now I wanna hold a moment and see how people go about building Ayra now that she has her new refine... but failing that, Light team.
  9. Glad she finally read up on Witches, cause her being Witchy Nowi didn't exactly make much sense until she gained the ability to warp like this. Makes me look forward to future seasonal refines.
  10. Wow, real good stuff. Even the first units on each path are pretty good for one reason or another (Conrad would probably be the dud since I don't know of anyone who uses his weapon, but it'd probably actually work real well for a Lunge build), and there's so many Tier 4 skills and otherwise just valuable skills to pick from... I don't know where to- Oh wait Caineghis, I need him for another merge. RADIANCE PATH IT IS.
  11. Hm... you know, there's no way in hell I could have had the hindsight at the tme to know that Nowi would get a debuff effect that basically was the same as a Foxtome, let alone know that she would get a refine, but now this Foxtome I gave her feels kinda... pointless... Not gonna lie, didn't even notice that: I just saw the arrow from the Quick Riposte icon and immediately knew of its EP nature.
  12. ~Well I see they realized that people replaced Ayra's Blade with the Slaying Edge and just built on that. Hell, they flatout dropped the Flashing Blade effect that it originally had because now it's just one hit and charged up. She could go with an EP set or a Desperation-based set on this one... ~Small debuff and... wow, it's literally just QR3. Lyon certainly got a pretty good refine for a Raventome. ~You know I was about to say that this just looks like Hinoka's Warrior Princess, but then I noticed that Nowi can move to any space within 2 spaces of any ally within 2 spaces. That is... huh, that's actually pretty neat, if you ask me. I know it isn't Bladetome, but I'm still gonna grab it cause Nowi ❤️ ~Wow they actually made it work with either phase instead of just PP. Ishtar can actually kinda run with her native Vantage... not real well, but she can. She got a good refine for outspeeding the foe overall. ~Ivaldi got... marginally better. I'm not sure this is exactly what people were wanting though...
  13. So kind of a tough call I need to make: I have 3 Plumerias. One is +Atk -Res and has Sabotage Atk, one is +Res -Atk and has Sabotage Spd, and the last is +Atk -HP and just has WoM because stacking Sabotages is pointless (also cause I don't have SaboDef fodder handy). Obviously I have her to stack so much Spd onto my Bike and enable Spurn to disable so much damage. Thing is, this was a lot easier to do while Reginn was still the Astra bonus unit, but now that she isn't the guaranteed bonus unit anymore, I don't know if I will still need 3 Plumerias going forward. The current Astra Offense team is Bike, Bravecina, two Plumerias, the bonus unit, and Reginn. The OTHER thing to consider is that I'm now building Halloween Grima in anticipation of giving her Dragon Wall, and Plumeria's Atk/Res Rein is flat-out the best skill I could give her (lowered Atk, lowered Res to both boost damage AND further decrease damage) Basically, would it be worth it to give up a Plumeria to make Halloween Grima better?
  14. Seiros wins, I can give Halloween Robin Dragon Wall real easily. Ninja Lyn wins, I can... give Lyn a merge I guess? Give someone some good skill fodder? I mean, I got +Atk -HP too, so kinda just waiting for a Fury seal... Either way, the aHR banner will be good, I get a free unit, and also I get the usual Voting Gauntlet rewards. Usually I don't care who wins, and this time I really don't care. ...you know, it'd be cool if there was a VG reward based on the number of times your Castle Rep "helped" another person in battle, like 10 feathers per "help" or something like that. Not exactly helpful or exploitable for feather hunters, just a neat little bonus for having a good little helper.
  15. ~Guys, I think Ingrid is gonna be fast. Probably have a Spd Superboon, too. If she could, I guarantee she would have been holding Flashing Blade 4 instead of AS Solo 4. Anyway, looks neat. ~Dedue seems basic. I dunno how A/D Near Save is gonna compare to D/R Near Save... I mean, will people prefer one over the other? ~Linhardt is demote. All the "cleric" characters of Three Houses three houses (not Flayn) came so close to all being demotes, but then... ~Well this is a familiar scenario. Marianne is being put in the game the same year she is gonna get a CYL alt? Who would have ever seen this coming? Icy Fimbulvetr kinda looks like what Sanaki's Cymbeline wishes it could do. It's neat, but is it gonna be practical in use? Maybe Marianne could pair well with Flayn, getting the damage reduction from the Caduceas staff as well as the benefits of what is basically her Animal Friend personal skill. ...Marianne would be target for me if I weren't focused on wanting to get merges for Halloween Robin, but maybe if I have orbs left over afterwards I'll think about sparking her... her or Ingrid, methinks.
  16. Imo it's the opposite: some units don't want that steady flow of healing, but Reyson can become a Flying dancer with the movement range of a Cav unit, which can prove useful in the long run, especially if his team doesn't really help enable WoM very well.
  17. Well one of these recent free summons, I think the one from Heroes with Moonbow, bore a result I didn't think would actually happen: Brave Lucina. ...yes I do have a copy of her already, +10 and everything, and this one is only +Res -Spd, but I actually will need a second Bravcina if I wanna build a dedicated Light duo of Bike and Bravcina, so... guess I'll take it. ...certainly the last unit I expected to actually want another copy of...
  18. ...are you saying these people sacrificed their otherworldly lives in order to have a Prf weapon? ...anyone got some sort of cross-dimensional teleporter handy, I wanna see what happens.
  19. The weird thing about regular Hector is that he's really not even the best Axe Armor anymore, all he has going for himself is having the easiest source of Distant Counter (now that he's in the 4* Special pool). Even considering his Resplendent stats, he only outdoes 5 Axe Armors in Atk while matching 2 others (one of them being Hector who is Just Here to Fight), his Def is only the same as LegEdelgard, and his other stats... well he easily has the best HP, nobody cares about his Spd, and his Res is the worst (it ties with Halloween Dorcas). So in terms of stats, he's hardly making any stellar waves. If we assume Armads gets the QR5 treatment plus one refine effect, that still leaves him leagues behind many of the other Axe Armors. The only ones he can really match are the ones who don't have Prfs (as well as Hector who is JHtF), seeing as how every Axe Armor with one has at least one stand-out effect. Brave Ephraim is also in the 4* Special pool, and Garm does everything Armads wishes it could do. So if all Hector has going for himself is the highest HP among Axe Armors (which isn't exactly a major selling point outside of Pawns of Loki) and Distant Counter, which by the way every other Axe Armor gravitates towards having anyway, then... yeah, what the hell?
  20. I do best with direct visuals. Centered on unit means that Mila will always be in the center, so she is at the direct middle of the invisible row and column that dictates the range of her effect. Nurturing Breath targets allies within 7 rows and 7 columns. The area Mila would target has been boxed (hopefully you can see it), every square that is within those 7 rows and columns will be affected. Keep in mind that the above picture is from a Rival Domains map, which are 8x10. Map sizes are usually 6x8, so usually Mila would be affecting almost the entire map as long as she was in the direct center.
  21. Saying not everyone likes something is a very poor reason not to make a certain decision. That's true of everything in life, let alone this game, and especially of what can be considered the two most important modes of the game (they both gives very valuable resources, you kinda have to care about them to some extent) I have to assume you are not happy because Edelgard, a unit who cannot be planned for because of her permanent pool placement, did not make it. She at least can be randomly summoned as a pity breaker and have banners that focus on a skill she has (Noontime, Distant Foil, Joint Drive Res), and in fact Edelgard herself can be planned for because they always rerun the Brave Hero banners every year. Meanwhile all 4 of the winners here can never be summoned randomly, and there are some out there who don't actually like summoning from Legendary/Mythic banners because of the chance to summon everyone except the unit you are actually targeting, since each color focuses 3 units at a time. I also agree to this, as my +10 Leanne and Winter Eirika can attest to. As the Remix banners are, I very highly doubt they will ever put such a recent Legendary hero into one. The focus of those banners is on making the earliest Legendary heroes accessible without intruding on modern Legendary/Mythic banners and making a color "worse" just because Fjorm or LegHector aren't really all that desired as a hero (before Fjorm got updated at least, not sure about now). So actually yes it is completely unreasonable to expect Legendary Dimitri to appear in a Legendary Remix banner.
  22. ...you weren't playing when they had the New Power banner for all the Falchion refines, were you? Ooooooh boy, yeah they aren't gonna do anything with those colors...
  23. Ninja Lyn, Legendary Corrin, Legendary Dimitri, and Seiros? Wow, that is not a very color-balanced banner we got coming up. I'll be honest though, I'm kinda glad Edelgard didn't make it. She's a good unit, but I don't necessarily want more of her...
  24. Victory Feathers for me to. That means Legendary Corrin beat out Freya. So Duo Lyn and LegFemCorrin are confirmed for the Hero Rises banner so far. Anyone wanna confirm for the other two matchups?
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