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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. You could theoretically have a unit inherit a units inherited skills yes. HOWEVER there is not really such a thing as a "better" dancer. All dancers, even the oldest dancers in the game, have the same general utility of refreshing a unit, and currently existing game modes and challenges actually encourages having a wide variety of characters from each game to use, and that includes dancers. Yes there are dancers who have flier status (overall better than infantry) and dancers who have good Prf weapons and even exclusive versions of the Dance skill (Peony being a free example of such), but you can only benefit from having as many dancers as possible. And yes, for now you should probably focus on just one or two dancers (Reyson and Peony are the most accessible and have flier status, plus Peony's exclusive take on Dance), but consider keeping at least one copy of every dancer you get.
  2. I think it wouldn't be farfetched to ask for an Armored Stride sacred seal. I mean, it's the exact same skill as Armor March, albeit with different trigger conditions, and Armored Boots already enables an HP conditional of the exact same skill. What could go wrong with having 3 different seals that give essentially the same effect?
  3. Hi yes hello I am an expert at 5* +10ing units, here's my business card [points at signature] The first thing you need to know is what you get by merging units. Keep in mind that merge boosted stats are applied in the order of their highest to lowest base stats at level 1. If two stats share the same total, it prioritizes HP first, then Atk > Spd > Def > Res. So for a unit like Marth, whose base stats at 5* lv1 are 19/7/8/7/6 (HP/Atk/Spd/Def/Res), the order his stats would be raised in are HP, Spd, Atk, Def, and finally Res before looping back to HP. At +1 merge, the units Flaw is effectively removed. This does not totally remove it, as it is still remembered for the purpose of applying merge-boosted stats and dragonflower boosts, but for the sake of raw combat it is gone. If the unit has a Neutral nature, they will instead receive +1 to the first 3 stats that would be boosted by merges. Every merge grants a permanent +1 boost to the units stats in the order stated above. This loops back to the start at merges 3, 5, 8, and 10, for a grand total of +4 to each stat. ...that's it. That's all you get. Aside from a special border that signifies that a unit has been +10ed, but that has no actual gameplay effect. And SP, but that's kind of just a small bonus. So is it worth it to fully +10 a unit? It fully depends on two factors I consider to be very important: Do you like the character you are thinking about +10 merging, regardless of what the meta says? Can you reasonably +10 the unit? Because for me personally, I don't want to +10 merge a unit who I'm never going to use again, and I don't want to fully dedicate myself to doing something that I'm not even sure I'll be able to afford. Another thing to consider: almost every unit in the game has at least one "dump" stat that is overall not important to their overall performance. This stat, fortunately, is usually one of the last two that would be boosted at the 10th merge. So in most cases, it is alright to leave a unit at +9 merge instead of going the full +10 and saving yourself some headache. I wish I had someone to tell me that when I went to +10 Festival Micaiah... Let us know if you have any further questions.
  4. I... I summoned Pale Flower Nino from the New Power banner. ...as a 4* Special summon??? Huh... what're the odds? Anyway, I'm summoning from this banner to finalize two long-awaited +10s (for me at least): the two Nins of the New Power banner. It... came REAL fast. As in, while yeah I only sniped Colorless and Green, it didn't take many sessions (or orbs) at all, like 45 or 46 maybe? Sure I had a headstart of +8 and +9 merges on them, but I've had summoning for even just one copy of a unit be an absolute nightmare on banners with higher odds for the 5* focus unit. And with that, I add 2 more units to the Hall of Merges. Also got a +Atk -HP Fallen Lyon in the process. That's neat.
  5. First, the rarity of the unit does determine how their stats grow (from their base level 1 stats to their growths when leveling up) and ultimately those stats are going to be lower than if they were a higher rarity, but the actual growth rates, as in the numbers that determine how much a units stats grow in total, do not ever change. Raising a units rarity boosts their base stat totals and how much their stats increase in total by the time they reach level 40. As for the "fully charged bar"... On the field, you will see a purple number on the units upper-left corner, below their weapon type icon. This is their Special Charge number. When the unit attacks, is attacked, or is under the effect of certain skills, this number will go down. Once the Special is fully charged and ready to activate, you will see the icon seen in the 3rd image instead, and the Special will trigger when next allowed. If you are in-combat, you will find this Special Charge number or Special Ready icon as the purple number/icon to the left of the units damage numbers. The enemies Special Charge/Special Ready icon is the number/icon to the right of their own damage numbers. You can see how long it will take for a Special to charge, or their Special Cooldown, in the Help description of each special. This will also show if the Special Cooldown is being affected by skills, such as Slaying weapons or inheritable Bladetomes.
  6. Man, I knew Sylgr was underwhelming, but compared to Courtly Fan+ it's a joke. Ylgr easily carried that entire Hall of Forms once she got it. And of course I'm Forma Souling her. None of the others really speak to me, meanwhile Ylgr was +8 before her Forma soul appeared. I sure do like the combo of Null Follow-up on weapons and Windsweep...
  7. I'll try to explain in the simplest way I can, but let me know if it's too confusing still, as I'm not quite sure what it is that confused you. As for when skills trigger, the first thing to know is that there is a difference between skills and specials: skills are the effects granted by weapons, passives, and sacred seals, while Specials are the skill the unit has in the purple slot on their skill list. As for triggering them, the description of each skill and special usually tells you the conditions to make them work: Specials that trigger in combat, such as Moonbow, Noontime, or Bonfire, will trigger when they have been fully charged, and on the units next attack. Specials such as Growing Thunder and Blazing Wind trigger when they have been fully charged, and when the unit next initiates combat. Specials such as Pavise and Aegis trigger when the special is fully charged and the enemy lands an attack in the appropriate conditions. Pavise will only trigger when the enemy is attacking from 1 square away, for instance. You can see the trigger conditions in each skills description. Galeforce and Njorun's Zeal trigger are Specials that trigger after combat. Reginn's Canto effect, as stated, triggers after combat, using an assist, or destroying a structure in Aether Raids. Reinhardt's active skill... I assume you mean Dire Thunder? As long as Reinhardt initiates combat, he will attack twice per single attack.
  8. IVs, assets and flaws, whatever you wanna call them only affect a stat by 3-4 points at level 40, but as the unit is leveling from 2-39 there is a slight effect in how the units stats are raised. Keep in mind, however, that a unit will always have the same general statline by the time they reach level 40, so unlike the main series FE games you can't end up with a normal Chrom with high Spd but middling Atk or something, for sake of example. Also keep in mind that even though they are the same character, a characters alts can have vastly different level 40 statlines, though such was more common in the early days of FEH, such as normal Nowi having a slightly more atk/def based statline compared to her Witchy counterpart specializing more in Atk and Spd. The page Xray linked to gives a detailed explanation for how growth works, but once you get beyond the beginning stages of the game (usually once you are able to take on Grand Hero Battles and later tiers of Arena, Aether Raids, etc.) you won't need to pay any attention to lv2-39 stats. If you want to see how a characters Lv1 or Lv40 stats will look between each rarity, you can check either Gamepedia or Gamepress on each websites page for each unit.
  9. In Mjolnir Strike though, how many of those units are ACTUALLY bulky? They all run their default skills plus a few extra (even if clearly better skills exist, such as Defiants vs Brazens), Prf weapon with a refine if one is avaialble, and it's not like their stats are boosted all that much, if at all. The only defensive stat that ends up mattering is the, as usual, bloated HP stat. Dragons and Beasts, despite being powerful, are actually not that numerous; there's usually only like one or two Manakete units per game, and beasts outright do not exist outside of Tellius, Awakening, Fates, and Heroes. A lot of them are also seasonals, which do not appear in Mjolnir Strike. I don't think Legendaries and Mythics appear either (if they do then I've never noticed), which removes a few more from appearing. So the actual pool of dragons and beasts to pull from is dismal. Ultimately I think a mode like Mjolnir Strike is where a skill like Glimmer shines brightest: you don't need to break through very high bulk barriers, just a huge amount of HP, and Glimmer's usual overkill becomes the perfect amount of kill. (I feel like I've been disagreeing with you a lot lately... Sorry, I don't mean to, it just happens)
  10. Alright, two sessions and I'm already up one +Spd -HP Shamir and one Neutral Brave Ephraim! The Tempest Trials man. One perfect run of Lunatic 2 gave me 6 free summon tickets. With the new 4* Special rate, you bet I'm spending every orb I can on this one.
  11. Naaaaah, no way Azama put the trap there. ...he probably just watched Lissa put it down, maybe encourage her to spread sand on it to hide it.
  12. I never see Aversa played on Offense, meaning the Panic Manor and Panic Smoke should be the only ways Panic should be inflicted on my defense teams. The team I have in mind has Mirabilis, Thrasir, and Seiros for the Anima stat boosts, Tharja and Fae to head the frontlines (and so Fae can give Tharja the field buffs she needs), and maybe a Restore+ Staff Cav to lure in debuffs that might target one of the two. I don't really plan to use Tharja for Offense for now, not unless locking my team will also lock in her element. I might consider using her on my new Light team once we have a Light element with the bonus unit adding effect.
  13. I kinda wanna run a build by some people. I'm gonna specifically ping @XRay since I remember him mentioning her before. So Tharja. Of the units to receive a refinable Bladetome, Tharja's Hex comes with the original Atk/Spd Rein (bearing the symbol of Anathema from Awakening), making her slightly bulkier and faster as a result. I was thinking that this additional bulk could actually be used to make a deceptively bulky unit, though I'd need to get some very specific fodder to begin building Tharja (+Atk). The build I had in mind: Tharja's Hex (unique refine), assist, Moonbow Close Counter, Lull Atk/Spd, C passive, Fortress Def/Res 2 [or] Bracing Stance The unique refine and Lull Atk/Spd effectively equal +7 Spd, Def, and Res for Tharja in addition to nullifying the foes bonuses in Atk and Spd. In testing I used Joint Drive Atk for the best results, but I'm most likely to give her whatever I can give her from my available fodder. I used Fortress Def/Res in testing because there really aren't any A passives that grant both Def and Res at the same time, but the coming Bracing Stance seal will change that . At 5* +10 and +15 dragonflowers, Tharja's statspread will be 46/56/41/30/27 (or 46/53/41/34/31 with Fortress Def/Res SS). Add on +5 or +6 Field buffs alongside her skill effects, and her mixed bulk goes up considerably. I understand Counter-Vantage would probably give better results without being as expensive (why endure the hit when you could avoid being hit at all), but sometimes I just wanna see what works. Plus this build would be in effect all the time, unlike C-V requiring her be hit first.
  14. Makes Rein bulkier and stronger all at once... gives me some hope for a potential Dire Thunder refine. Audhulma isn't the fanciest refine out there, but it's certainly not bad. I don't really know how Joshua was used before, but I guess it was defensively? YES that is exactly what Nino needed without just giving her bladetome damage: consistent bonus damage and more Atk/Spd. Dangit... Nina's refine is actually real good, could probably open her up to a more defensive build, but the thing is... I always forget to set up supports. So... either I'm gonna have to make a bunch of new supports, or Nina is just gonna have to live with "not that." Overall good refines. The best? I dunno, but I'll certainly be summoning off this new power banner (if and only to get the two Nin's to +10)
  15. @Hasechi Any of the Askr Trio would always be a good idea to upgrade. Not only are at least one of the in every bonus unit rotation outside of Tempest Trials, but there are also quests that require their use to clear, and having them at their current highest possible potential helps to clear such quests. Ares has a strong combo in his Dark Mystletainn of a slaying weapon with built-in Special Spiral, granting him far more special triggers than the average unit. Donnel has a simple but effective slow Brave kit that includes built-in enemy follow-up nullification, making him one of the better 4 star units (though IMO not one of the best) Roderick has a Prf Firesweep weapon that can be refined to have Darting Blow built into it. Firesweep weapons are always handy to have (and the only skill that counters them is not as common as you would think), and Roddy certainly has the potency to be a good unit. Virion's Prf bow has Sudden Panic built into it. Sudden Panic is helpful in debuffing the enemy, though it does require he have enough HP to force its triggering. These are my own personal recommendations.
  16. ...I, uh... I got Seiros +HP -Def. ... ...LISTEN I was feeling good about my chances to get something in 15 orbs, but I wasn't feeling THAT good, and now god I'm only missing Triandra why do I have almost every Mythic hero so far...?
  17. You can peep him in the 5* +10 thread, but I managed to get the last 4 copies of Raphael needed to +10 him. I even got an extra copy of him in case someone ever wants the Plegian Bow. Even though it still cost me, it was overall FAR less painless than trying to +10 a 5* locked seasonal unit (naming no festival Micaiahs). I can kinda see why people like doing it, given their potential to be real strong... might not do it again unless they do it for another unit I really like. Nowi maybe...
  18. My first 5* +10 of a unit who is a 4* unit from a seasonal banner, one of my favoriter units from Three Houses. I might outfit him with a Brave Bow set one day since he clearly has the power to decimate with it (51 Atk without a weapon equipped? Some units wish they had that much Atk with their weapon!), but for the sake of keeping his default bow on him I outfitted him accordingly. Hm... +Res with a Res refine on his bow would help bring his mixed bulk up... nah, +Atk is just too good to pass up.
  19. ...something has occurred to me. We're getting 3 of the current seasons blessing every week just for playing once a day. The 2 units who serve as the core of my defense teams is Brave Ike and Brave Lucina. If I just swap their blessings every week, I still gain 1 Light/Astra blessing a week while still being able to score high. Hm... interesting, very interesting...
  20. It's time for the Official Pull Topic to become HOT again! Yep, it's the Year 4 Special Hero Free Summon time! And mine, thanks to the one Colorless orb that appeared, is... Wedding Micaiah! (+Def -HP) Already owned, but she does have some solid skills to inherit, plus there's nothing wrong with an extra merge. In other summoning news, I've been trying to get Plegian Raphael in hopes of +10 merging him, with... let's say meh results. I did finally get +Atk, but I also only summoned 6 copies of him for merging so far, and that may sound good to some, but I've summoned a fair bit off this banner, and honestly I'm shocked I don't have all the plegian units by now. I'm now sniping Colorless to get as many colorless summons out of my orbs as possible. THAT wound up giving me a session with both Bernadetta and Caineghis yet no Raphs. This is gonna be quite the uphill battle. And lastly, my barracks are finally running out of room... I'm hovering at 583/600 units...
  21. I think I'll throw votes toward the Harmonic Heroes I don't have yet, so first off will be Harmonic Mia/"Marth". Unlike CYL where there is an absolute guarantee I'll be summoning regardless who wins, I have investment in this vote cause A. Harmonic Heroes have a dual purpose of providing extra score in Resonant Battles, and B. they're all strong.
  22. ~PFFFFFT AHAHAHAHA I can't believe these CYL results! They actually have to give a freakin NPC both a powerful Prf weapon AND a Prf skill! ...sorry, I find this funny more than anything. I stopped caring about CYL long ago. ~The Year 4 Seasonal Summons... Colorless > Green > Blue > Red is my priority order. Could not care less about Red at all, while Colorless just has more units I care about (ironically considering they don't have as many units to summon) without having as many 4* summons. ~So Gustav and Henriette get the Greil/Rudolph treatment this time? Alright, really shoulda seen this coming. Lif and Thrasir are most definitely up there in the units who do NOT belong in a Seasonal banner, but at least they aren't suffering the fate of being in a completely ridiculous costume. Actually, I quite like the outfits this time round, more than some other seasonal banners I mean. ~...well, customizable summoner is neat in theory, and I know why we can't have the free range of customization available in Awakening and Fates, but... eh. ...oh, I didn't mean the free range of skills available, god no. My barracks are absolutely filled with skills, I could do whatever the hell I want with my summoner. No, it's all in the looks... ~I wonder if anyone gave Ike and Fjorm those skills before now...? I wonder if maybe they're regretting this decision? Radiant Aether II does open LegIke to running Special Spiral effectively, and Fjorm will actually have some consistent damage to help her rival LegCorrin. These are especially nice upgrades since they're both completely free units. I wonder what they'll give Eir and Peony when the time comes...? ~...okay I'm gonna be honest, I don't get the summoning pool change. Are they just permanently dropped to the 3* and 4* pool but can now appear in this 4* special rairity thing, or can they ONLY be summoned from the 4* special rarity thing? Overall... well, let's just say this month is gonna be a good month in FEH.
  23. They do technically carry over to a 4* unit, but merge levels do not remain when the unit is promoted, so it is not recommended to merge to a 4* unit. There are veeeeeeery few scenarios where a 4* +10 unit is preferred to a 5* +10 unit.
  24. Quick question of my own, do we know if the difficulty of the chamber we choose in Hall of Forms has any impact on the skill selection offered to the unit at the end? Like, does one chamber have higher chances of producing a skill like Swift Sparrow 3 than others, or could I just spam Antechamber and be equally as likely to make the same character if I were to have spammed Chamber 25?
  25. When you merge a unit, the target unit will receive all of the skills learned, skills inherited, merge levels, and dragonflowers that the source unit had. (Found out what happens) If both the target and source unit have been given dragonflowers, only the higher dragonflower value will be kept while the other is lost forever. Keep this in mind when managing units, as dragonflowers are not easy to come by and become wasted otherwise.
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