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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Why wait? It's the last minutes of round 1, just use the dang things before it's too late.
  2. The most flags that can be used at one time is 800: Up to 100 flags can be used per ballot used. There is a maximum of 8 ballots that can be held at once
  3. You know what actually, no I like this new seasonal refines thing. Witchy Nowi was the first Red Tome Flier in the game, and yet here we are 4 years later where she's a joke even compared to summer tana, who was released the summer after. And for years it was always believed that seasonals were just screwed because they were seasonals, and that just isn't fair to someone like me who heavily invested in Witchy Nowi among other seasonals. So no, I changed my mind MORE SEASONAL REFINES PLEASE. Also I dont know why you expected Staff refines when currently only 5* exclusive staves have refines in the first place.
  4. Very divided on the whole Seasonal refine I see. Personally? Doesn't bother me even with my confessed Nowi bias. The only thing I have to mention is that we seem to have forgotten Soleil... that or they skipped her for the moment because they have 3 Red units getting a refine already, with her it woulda been 4 red 1 blue...
  5. You shouldn't generalize an entire movement class like that. I would argue that Armor units actually care the least about Spd compared to other movement classes. In most cases, Armored units are carrying a skill like Vengeful Fighter to gain an automatic follow-up, or if they have automatic follow-ups built into their weapon or Prf skills then something like Special Fighter or Crafty Fighter. Generally speaking though, an Armored unit is expected to be making automatic follow-ups Out of the 70-ish Armor units in the game, only 20 of them have a 5* lv 40 base Spd stat of 30 or higher, and even among them they don't really utilize their Spd to any significant gameplay outside of outspeeding units with only middling Spd. Again though, you shouldn't generalize. A units preferred asset and flaw are fully dependent on the unit themselves, not their movement class or weapon type or whatever. Heck, flying units generally don't have the best of times trying to play with an enemy-phase set (most of the time they have to dedicate their SS slot to Iotes Shield because otherwise they just get offed by a Bow unit), and yet Ashnard proves to be among the most defensive of units purely because of how he was built.
  6. You select as many flags and ballots as you want to use in the moment. Some people choose to hold on to their flags and ballots for when their team is losing to capitalize on the score multiplier, but ultimately it is up to you.
  7. Hm... you know what, screw it Ima support Corrin and see what happens. I don't care how this goes, I honestly think Seiros and Edelgard are automatically gonna get to the finals, and I wanna see how Freya vs Corrin goes on the frontlines.
  8. That is a humongous waste, you essentially minimize the number of feathers you'd get in the end, and no one likes getting a low amount of feathers. You select the number of flags you want to use on the right. That boosts your score. The ballots, which you choose on the left, determines how many times you use that number of feathers, and no quests ever demand you use a larger amount of ballots, in fact all the Voting Gauntlet quests require you do battles. The goal is to get as high a score as possible before the round ends, and you do yourself no favors by never using a single flag.
  9. My first 5* +10 of a Forma Unit. ...by the way, look at this... Something about that Forma +10 border... something about it bothers me...
  10. That is the Attack portion of the voting gauntlet. You select the number of Battle Ballots you would like to use, the number of flags you would like to use, and then watch as a bunch of random people charge toward something. Some tips on this screen: Each Ballot automatically regenerates at a rate of one per hour starting from the moment it goes below the max (8), so it is usually not beneficial to hold onto ballots unless you are trying to save flags. There are quests that require you to battle 5 times in the Voting Gauntlet for a number of otherwise rare resources. This is actual fights, not ballots used, so when doing these quests don't use your ballots in such a way that it becomes impossible to get all 5 reward bundles. When your team is currently not in the lead, you will gain a substantial score multiplier, which gets higher and higher as the current round goes on. Your Voting Gauntlet score affects your tier within your selected side, and your tier determines how many feathers you get at the end of each round. I wouldn't worry strongly about this if you do not have the time to maximize your score, but if you do care then I'm sure someone else would be willing to explain it for you.
  11. I'm not sure other non-modern Sinnoh dex mons are likely to appear (god, that's actually a thing we can say...), heck I'm not even sure some Sinnoh dex mons will appear like Rotom or Magnemite, since we're in ancient times. Or at least not as wild pokemon, gift pokemon maybe. I'll admit I'm not completely sold on the game either, but that's more because there's so little we know about it that I don't want to become invested just in the promise of "Pokemon of the Wild, also ninjas"
  12. Ugh... no Dive Bomb or Wyvern Flight. I did get Alert Stance, so I took that. Distant Counter was also offered to me, but I wanna use Mininerva with her Masakari so I skipped it. Not like it's that big a loss compared to dropping AS Solo 4, since Hector is a 4* special summon now and DC is decently common for a 5* lock. ...oh well, probably woulda used Desperation anyway. Man I looked at that comment I made earlier... didn't age well, eh? Mininerva is less than a day away from being not just my next 5* +10, but my first +10 of a Forma Souled unit. Wild, and all it took me to change my mind was a reminder the Ninja Masakari existed...
  13. From what we've seen, I wanna say it's gonna be a far more story driven game compared to standard main series games. And if there was a region to have such a game, Sinnoh was the one. Can't go one town or city without coming across some new myth in that game. I don't want to get my hopes up though; it looks very experimental and unlikely to go over uncriticized by the less open-minded fans. It probably won't have all the pokemon like Sw/Sh, likely just the ones native to Sinnoh, and it probably is going to feel very empty since this sounds like the "beginning" of Sinnoh I wonder what town or city that turns out to be...?
  14. Hello damage reduction, meet damage reduction and Brave Bow-force Honestly, while it took a little bit to figure out the exact positioning needed, I was done with all of Claudes maps before the first hour, and the only reason the video is 5 minutes is because I insist on combat animations being on, and Leif has to be a dramatic chuun about it. I mean sure using 4 OP heroes might have something to do with it, but I've had more trouble on past maps using Ike, Lucina, and Azura before, so I don't think it has as much to do with that as one would think. I dunno, I just wanted the orbs...
  15. Huh... I forgot I +10ed Sanaki during her weekly revival. Oops. To be fair... it's really not like she's doing much of anything. I pretty much just gave her something in case I needed to nuke a Green Tome and wanted Drive Atk stacked twice.
  16. @Ice Dragon@XRay thanks, looks like I have some inheritance to think about. Dragon Wall would be tempting, especially on a tank with as many defensive boons as Robin, but that line of thinking will have to wait until we know if Seiros will be in the Hero Rises banner. I don't like summoning off Legendary/Mythic banners from colors that aren't the new hero.
  17. There's something almost somber about the way Elincia looks here... it's a much different look from the honestly kinda bright-eyed look her normal art has. I guess that's another Resplendent that I already +10ed prior. With Resplendent stats on top of her already good Spd and refine, Amiti really doesn't even have a Spd penalty anymore.
  18. I summoned 3 Halloween Robins, and one of them turned out +Def -Spd. Another was +Res -Atk, nothing a merge can't fix, which leads me to my question. Is Dragon's Ire a desired skill for Dragons? I would normally imagine yes having QR4 and Null Follow-up on the same skill would be desired, but I wanna ask just in case. Would it be worth it to give DI to Fae, who I eventually plan to integrate into my AR-D Anima team? And lastly, is Def/Spd good to keep, or would +Res be better? It'd fully depend on the kind of threats Halloween Robin would be expected to fight of course, but if I go +Res I'd need to cover up that -Atk with a merge, which costs a DI fodder...
  19. Their legendary variants were pretty deadlocked to be fair. Brave weapons was where they could have potentially shined. Edelgard and Claude have budding talents in Black Magic and Axes respectively, while Dimitri could take up the Sword. That's a Colorless, Green, and Red unit right there, and Lysithea could probably have used offensive White Magic to cover Blue. But not legendaries. Not when they each have established Heroes Relics that they actively use.
  20. Hm... looks weak to Brave weapons. There's not much he can do to disable a unit with two attacks, especially if they're using a Brave Bow or prf variation of. If his defenses are bad, which I expect even with the +5 boost he gets, that'll also spell doom for him, as he can't endure a continued assault. Offensive Galeforce units, Lunge strats, and dancers won't be kind to him. Fortunately, I have grown warmer to units with Brave weapons lately... kinda wish the Genealogy banner was better so I could try to get Lex, going off-topic.
  21. Any units work. The event encourages sending units from the same game as the focus of the lost lore, but I'm pretty sure this just improves the quality/quantity of rewards received at a time, which may prove useful to you if you don't have many resources. Otherwise, it's alright to just send whoever the game automatically picked for you.
  22. oh my bad i thought it was top 4 of the initial voting. Welp, then the only thing I know is no duo heroes. I can't pick between 5 units... I guess Dimitri since I kinda wanna get some Odd Tempest fodder for some of my units?
  23. Hm... I don't actually know who I want to support... I certainly know who NOT to support. Coincidentally, they're all duo heroes. Seiros, Duo Lyn, Legendary Dimitri, and Freya were all in the top 4, so maybe not any of them since I could just summon them later... So... either Corrin or Edelgard... hm...
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