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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. God I hate posting so soon after somebody else, I feel like I'm taking the spotlight. Anyway here's my second +10 Lucina.
  2. Hm... Pent could fully charge Ophelia by himself. I'm not that interested in the banner, I'm kinda all summoned out after Double Special Heroes, AHR, and Dagr's Mythic banner.
  3. @Sil/phire Spurn AND Joint Drive Atk. Fury4 from F!Kris is still good, but not applicable to as many units (since there's so many A passives that a unit could choose from in any given scenario). Joint Drives, meanwhile, are one of the only ways that Infantry units have to boost their in-combat stats.
  4. First thought when I watched it: "Let's summon the beat" haha summoner is Lucio. New thought: Oh man if the next Dancer seasonal banner doesn't have a super out of place DJ techno theme and also have Reginn on it, I will be severely disappointed.
  5. Pulling en masse (yay pay day!) gave some pretty good results: +atk Legelgard and Guinivere, merge for Freya plus one extra copy, Leirika copy, a number of 4* special summons (pushing Brave Veronica into my +8 gang), and +Atk -Res Dagr. Pretty sweet. I'm actually... after an extra merge for Legcina. She was summoned at one point and is now a merge away from +10. I know she isn't great anymore, but I do not care. And hey, Guin and Duessel are good units to be broken by.
  6. I wish I could agree, but we're also playing a game where the conditions for any number of effects winds up being simplified to one slightly tricky to trigger condition (no bonuses on foe, foe's HP being above or below 100% HP, if unit is within X spaces of an ally, etc.) and also one of the two following: if unit initiates combat, or if foe initiates combat. Heck, Divine Tyrfing got a great special refine that guarantees a follow-up on low-Spd units, and all it asks for is for the enemy to be above 50% HP. It's a separate check from the base effect to be fair, but that's still a refine that has a simple trigger check for great effects. Again, I wish I could agree. But Quan's trigger condition is dated as hell when every other weapon has one of those two trigger conditions above.
  7. Honestly I'd just drop the condition of no fliers in addition to the above upgrades. It's a "fun" reference to how Quan was murdered in cold blood by Travant's army, but the lance itself was never actually "ineffective" against fliers. Hell, if we ever get to refining Earthly Gae Bolg I'll say the same thing, it just doesn't make sense to have a unit be good against everything except fliers. It's like a bow from the reverse world or something...
  8. Hm... the Limited Code units this month has FemKana in it... I can +10 merge her this month! Woo!
  9. I believe last month was the beginning of one TT unit per Limited Divine Code selection. You shoulda been around when we got all those copies of Marth. I think a dedicated player could get enough copies of them to +7 them across all their free appearances, up until the release of the Grail shop.
  10. And there you have it, a new month of refines and an officially "confirmed" new trend: 5 refines a month, with the 5th going to a Seasonal unit with an existing Prf weapon. Marisa: Shamshir Sumia: Flower Lance Male Morgan: Grima's Truth Quan: Gae Bolg (yay I +10ed him!) Berserk Armads: Valentine Hector (and by extension regular Hector)
  11. Linde unfortunately I think is just a product of... well, not exactly age, but Harmonic Mia has a much shinier weapon, harmonic skill, and default skillset to consider, and I'm sure people immediately see Year 2 seasonal unit and go back to ogling Mia and Marth's Summer Strikers. Though Courtly Fan on Linde is very fun. It's like her own personal Firesweep weapon, and she's not even that much worse off than the other two DagCavs in terms of raw offense (wait all the DagCavs aside from Merlinus are from summer... hm...) And yes Witchy Nowi has a fun refine (no way in hell I'd be able to pull off some of those maneuvers with any other unit), Grima is eternal praise Grima join the Grimeal and all that.
  12. +Spd will help enable the most follow-ups for Eliwood. His base Spd isn't very impressive by itself, but it can be built to a high amount, which the Spd asset helps. Keep in mind that on Player Phase, Eliwood can't be doubled, as the refine for Blazing Durandal is built with Steady Impact which disables enemy follow-ups (requiring Null-Follow-up or similar to counter). Enemy-phase is a different story, but by that point in AR-D he has hopefully wiped out at least one enemy or weakened multiple and allowing a WoM play. I don't know how well Eliwood does outside of Aether Raids. A lot of his Spd and bulk comes from Mythic bonuses, which he won't have in other game modes.
  13. Dangit, I didn't get Dagr, but I got Edelgard instead (+Res -Def), also +Atk -Res Brammimond. Sigh...
  14. You are forgetting the part that Hel was an evil villain who repeatedly murdered her daughter until her last life, just to boost her own power, and also multiple/infinite timelines. Literally anything is possible the moment you bring up infinite timelines (or universes, whatever). Hell, freaking fanfiction could be considered canon if you shout INFINITE TIMELINES loud enough. (and didn't write a terrible one)
  15. @Hasechi There is a topic for this. I really don't think this is even a question.
  16. Now there's a simple explanation for all of this: Veronica allied with Muspell long enough for them to emass an army. Hel murdered all those heroes to make them a part of her army. It was all a dream. Uh... the Nidhvellir tinkered with all those heroes in their employ until they were more machine than man! Or dragon/beast/spawn of the gods, whichever they are. Or... they're androids? Hm... there really isn't a good explanation there right now, is there...
  17. That's not a problem, that's just the Complete Purchase button, which you go to if something happens when you go to buy something but some interruption happens in the process (as in, you still spend money but you do not get any of the rewards) You can also press it to claim Google Play Points orbs manually.
  18. The Wings of the Sun have been felled by... one candy-seeking witch, a beach-going mage, a fell god, the wings of chaos, who demands candy, and also Azura. Robin isn't even +10 yet, yet she's already starring in her first Abyssal clear video I'm so proud of her. Hm... this might also be the first for Witchy Nowi and Summer Linde. Nowi hasn't been relevant in years, and Linde... well, Linde is Linde. That refine for Grimoire and the Courtly Fan sure did change things for them. Let this be a warning for how bulky Robin can be as well.
  19. Is it bad I completely forgot who Dagr was? As in, I originally wasn't sure why Dagdar was the next Mythic hero? Yes, Dagdar. As in Tanya's pops. That is how bad I was mistaken.
  20. I'm at a bit of a standstill here. On the one hand, the easiest choices would be either Sara or Flayn. On the other, I'm pretty sure I'm one of the maybe 8 people in the world who have +10ed Wrys, so I feel a bit of an obligation to support the original priest. What to do...
  21. Hm... seems I might be a little late to the party. Both because I'm only now +10ing Reinhardt, and also because I'm only now revealing him... All it really took was giving him artwork I actually liked to merge him up.
  22. For Hasechi specifically though, even just one copy of Spurn will let them build a Spd-based Brave Ike, and my understanding is that they don't really have many good units right now. Bike can function without Spurn, but it's one of the better skills he can inherit.
  23. Structure destruction does not boost Lift gained, it just makes them stop working, plus the Aether Fountain and Aether Amphorae grants some extra Aether, which will allow for more runs of AR-O. Upgrading your own Fountain and Amphorae will let you gain more Aether every day and store more Aether at a time (which also increases how much Aether you start with every week), thus enabling more runs and therefore more lift per week. Upgrading your Fortress O is probably more important, as doing battles will grant more Aether than you can lose Aether from defense. And no, you can only use Free Summon Tickets off the banner they are featured with. Not sure why you don't like this banner either, it has two units who both grant Spurn, which is one of the most important skills for a Supertank like Brave Ike.
  24. @Zeo Hey dude, been a while. 1. Between the two, I lean most towards Dimitri. Sure he can run with his base kit and utterly dominate, but his EP is very good as well, do not underestimate the power of double stacking his weapons default Evasion effect and Spurn together. LegCorrin meanwhile has one very big disadvantage to consider: as a Dragon, she cannot inherit any Evasion skills other than Dragon Wall (which is currently locked to Seiros), and her Res is not very high to make the best use of it. She is otherwise an amazing EP dragon, and being Colorless is an advantage she can tote over Dimitri. Another thing to consider on the subject is games of origin: Dimitri's Three Houses is currently not that loaded on common units, pretty much locked to demotes (two of which are Staff units, the other two being Lances, three being seasonal demotes, and the rest being Grail units, one of whom being veeeeery underwhelming) and the free M!Byleth you could have gotten for free with the purchase and registering of your copy of Three Houses. Fates, meanwhile, has a large number of units occupying its roster, even if most of them aren't that great these days. This is something to consider for Limited Hero Battles and Resonant Battles, which demand you use units from specific games. So unless you have an equally good amount of both games units ready for these kinds of battles, I would take a look at your barracks and weigh out which would be the best option. 2. The thing about Micaiah is that yeah her Spd is alright. With the absolute maximum investment, she can get up to 40 Base Spd (that is +Spd IVs, +10 merge, +15 Dragonflowers, and access to her Resplendent stats coming in 2 weeks). With some skills she can go even higher, Swift Sparrow 3 being +7 and Joint Drive Spd being +4, not to mention Field Buffs being a factor as well. Is that high enough to pull off Windsweep shenanigans, yes it very much is when you have the Phantom Spd 3 seal. Hell, that would even disable some foes Evasion skills, which would be the biggest weakness of a unit like her. Being able to double even if her automatic follow-up is disabled is pretty good as well. Would it be a lot less expensive to just build her with a OHKO nature in mind, of course it would. You said you don't like Micaiah that much, and honestly I don't think it's worth building a unit if you don't even have that much appreciation for the unit themselves. But hey, up to you. I probably would have refined her myself if I wasn't already loaded with units who needed their refines more (and a surprising shortage of Arena Medals) and used her Wedding alt more often anyway. 3. IMO +Atk is better on Duo Lyn. By default her Spd is already +15 higher than her base of 42 (weapon boosts by 4, Swift Sparrow 3 +7, and Spd/Def Rein nerfs enemy Spd by -4), and she gets a +4 boost with an Atk asset. I'm sure others will tell you otherwise, I'm just spouting my opinions mixed with the facts here.
  25. I don't think that's an issue. Even then, they're gonna run out of units to turn into legendary alts soon enough (Sigurd, Robin but not evil, Elincia, Xander, Corrin but with a Yato, Byleth) and I'm not too sure how many more times they can pull a Lilina.
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