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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Innes would also get good use out of Special Spiral. Paired with Quickened Pulse and Time's Pulse (or outside support like Ostian or Infantry Pulse), Innes will have near permanent uptime on a 3 cooldown Special like Luna (which should do good damage compared to Glimmer on high Def foes). His biggest worry will be foes with Pulse Smoke.
  2. Yep. All post-combat healing (such as Brave Celica's special refine and Mystic Boost) will be triggered at the same time. I believe post-battle damage (such as from Savage Blow) triggers at the same time as well.
  3. Well these summons went surprisingly well, for only 1 on-focus and two off-focus 5*s. Young Tana +Def -Atk is kinda eh, but shouldn't matter that much considering her playstyle. Normal Lysithea is a little eh, but its Lysithea. Ylgr should be completely bleh... if it were anyone but me, who needed one last merge to add her to my +10 collection. So yeah, surprisingly well. EDIT: soft-focus? When Young was clearly misspelled??? What kind of auto-correct bullcrap is...
  4. Hm... Form might be good on Adrift Corrin since he already wants to be friends... not sure about Ward Scalies though. I might need to make Innes a later +10 grail project. Those are some good effects on his bow, not gonna lie.
  5. Innes's Prf, the ow of Frelia, accelerates special trigger, grants Atk/Spd +6 if he is healthy, and has what can only be described as a mini Deadeye (boosts Special damage by 7 and ignores non-special damage reduction) He's free.
  6. What kind of inheritable weapon could they have? It's already weird that children are being trusted with such ornate weapons I won't deny that, but they'd be wielding actual training-level weapons if we were to accurately match the theme. I'm not gonna say you're wrong, but I will say that what Inigo and Minerva lack in prfs they make up for in stats. Severa is actually frightening if you use her at her best, but the condition to set her up is admitably something that needs to be worked around... Lastly, that really doesn't make much of a difference. Any unit with a color is automatically going to face trouble against their color disadvantage, Bike is still gonna take a sizable amount of damage from red units even if most of it is being lobbed off by Urvan/Spurn. You also need to remember that Eirika comes with NFU, which removes two advantages of Bector: his automatic follow-up and his denying the foes follow-up. Since Eirika is also adding 20% of the foes Def to her damage AND her HP... Bector is gonna actually be taking some hits.
  7. THE PROGENITOR HAS RETURNED. In this bleek and dank world we live in right now, it's always good to know that every week Kiran the Summoner is gonna do/say/think something utterly ridiculous.
  8. Keep in mind they gave everyone an exclusive weapon in the Young Archanean banner as well (even Mininerva the TT freebie), and we can expect the Fallen Heroes to all have Prfs as well. I also wanna add that in the Valentine banner, we got a unit who got a huge stat boost, ignored Damage Reduction effects, and got an automatic follow-up attack for the low-low price of "be within 3 spaces of someone", which is really not that hard to trigger. Just last month we got a unit with basically unconditional and flat 40% damage reduction. Usually the damage reduction was tied to a stat check or was limited to one hit at a time, but nope, just byebye some damage intake. Tana and L'arachel do their own jobs, and be fair they'll probably be considered among the best at it (even though Tana is part of a very oversaturated unit type), but... honestly, I'd just keep Luna or grab Aether. The only "good" defensive special is LegCorrin's Negating Fang, and the sole reason for that is that it works against all units. You would have a special that only does anything against 50% of all units otherwise. ...also good joke at the end there.
  9. Okay thinking time... So Trace... I have to imagine they'll be exclusive to Cavs and Fliers. Canto is not an effect that was ever available to Infantry or Armored units outside of very specific items (the Knight Ring in Genealogy for instance). It does also enable Fliers to have something in their B slot if skills like Desperation aren't needed. Tana has a lot of stat boosts going for her (+20 defense, +10 Res, and enemy -4 Atk just off her base kit alone is insane, and of course her Atk and Spd are gonna be sky high), but honestly? I don't think she'll be quite as insane as Witchy Nowi, since she does only have 1 range to work with. Still insane though. Staff of Rausten looks quite good, and so does L'arachel herself. Having a freed up B slot on a healer is great, and Far Trace is a good fit for a freed up B slot. Combined with that massive trigger range, she'll be quite annoying to battle I can tell... Lyon honestly looks exactly like what would happen if you wanted a Blue Lyon. Now we just need Colorless Lyon. Oh geez... Eirikia looks insane. The damage boost alone would have been solid, but she ALSO gets HP recovery in combat equal to 20% of the foes Def... that will usually be somewhere in the ballpark of 5-8 HP recovered per hit. And of course her defenses are decently balanced out, and of course she also gets to cast Dodge every 2 turns. The only real saving grace here is that her default kit doesn't have Distant Counter, just Distant Foil, so at least the people who can't afford to give her DC proper can be countered with a mage. But hrm... it'll take the bulkiest of blues to take her down. As for her Duo Skill... hm. It's nice, but it does have to be compared to just using Flayn, who doesn't have a stat check on her effect. It'll be good to trigger on a unit like Freya, who can just run into the heat of battle and be expected to take seven nukes to the face, and also who already has a stack of Dodge on her back. But for a defensive ball, I think I'll just rely on Flayn... ...welp, good thing I got what I wanted from Double Special Heroes. Also would like to point out that Tana, who is probably what 13 or 14? She is almost as tall as her hair if it were let down. Did anyone think about this?
  10. Hm... I think the budget wasn't really put into those weapon names... Evasion, Dodge, whatever it's called now we can stack it AGAIN on just about anyone. I can tell Lif is gonna be working overtime. I'll give my thoughts on each unit later, when I've had a chance to think.
  11. Well I'm ticked now. Last time I tried to snipe for Pirate Tibarn, I went like $400 usd into the hole, didn't even get pitybroken until the superveryend with Fallen F!Corrin (and also Pirate Veronica). This time I wasn't even trying to get Tibarn, and here I am with a copy of Tibarn like $40usd into the banner, only a few sessions after getting Ballroom Lachesis (who I am now convinced all my copies of her need to be -Res) What the hell game.
  12. Okay not gonna lie, I'm not actually sure more Young unit banners can really hold up more than the once they've done it so far. It made sense last year specifically, 30 years since the first game was released, yeah young versions of Marth, Caeda, Merric, and the Whitewing Sisters all in SDatBoL classic garbs makes sense to do (not actually sure if Minerva's armor is "classic" armor or just mini Minerva). But it also feels like it's the only game they could pull it off with, since... well, the Archanea games are the only games with such old and archaic designs. Gaiden technically counts yes, but honestly everyone looks so different in the jump from Gaiden to Echoes that I'd almost say they're completely different units. Young designs for some units do exist yes, and I'm not saying they can't make more children designs, but... I dunno, child units feel like a one-time novelty.
  13. Hm, they have kinda dropped the whole "comparing the number of nearby allies to nearby enemies" condition a while ago. These days it's either just be near an ally or don't be right next to them. Really hope they update all the inevitable weapon refines that demand that, Walhart for instance.
  14. Whoa whoa whoa, I don't think even the bulkiest of men could wear that without losing the feeling in their arms, shoulders, and upper body after a few hours. Who was that made for, Erinys or her pegasus?
  15. Something I've been thinking about (in the past like hour): Why do we still not have Tier 4 B passives? It's not like effects for theoretical B Passives don't exist: We've had Desperation 4 in mind since Lewyn was first released, Brash Assault 4 has existed since Sol Katti was first given a refine (as tame as a 75% trigger threshold is these days), same with Quick Riposte, and that's just three of the ones which are stupid easy to upgrade. I could come up with Tier 4s for most of the other B passives in my current tired state. Chill skills? Target the unit with the highest stat for -8 and triggers a Threaten effect around them for the same stat. Poison Strike? Remove 12 HP after combat and inflicts the Poison Strike debuff on the enemy for 1 turn, removing 5 HP after every combat they participate in (not counting the combat that inflicted the debuff) Seals? Inflicts stat -8 on foe and removes bonuses to those stats on foe. Breakers? Same effects as now, also inflicting Guard on the enemy and/or granting Alert Stance to unit. Is it meant to be a way to keep "common" units from ever being able to score as high as "premium" units? The ones who has Prf B Passives? Is there some other conspiracy at play? Dumdum game devs? What gives, they'd probably make a cool extra few thousand off the premium players summoning just for Desperation 4 alone.
  16. I do take a staff unit, but not to heal: because Staff units are the only units who can both reset enemy special charge as well as inflict Guard (via the Witchy Wand+ or Melancholy+), which some formations do not account for and inevitably make their teams themed around GF Eliwood a lot easier to handle. ...also because my healer has Sabotage Atk and inflicts it on just about every enemy possible.
  17. Res Smoke would mean more damage, Spd Smoke would mean more Spd... What's his Asset and SS slot looking like? Spd Smoke is a SS, so if that and the slot are free then you can go with Res Smoke and reap the benefits of both. Otherwise if it's just between those two, I'd take Res Smoke if he's +Atk, Spd Smoke if he is any other asset.
  18. IT SHOULD BE NOTED if two units with Dragonflowers are merged together, only the higher number of dragonflowers are kept. The two totals do not merge together, effectively wasting dragonflowers used on one of the units (and wasting dragonflowers overall)
  19. From the sounds of it, we will not be receiving anymore Code 1's for the forseeable future. However, we can still use Code 2's on the Code 1 paths, though the units in Code 2 offer such good fodder compared to Code 1 that I honestly don't think it's worth it.
  20. It took 30 summons, but the unit I really... is wanted the right word? Well, the unit I wanted the most of the 4 present I now have in Farina. ...to be honest, the only reason I was even bothering to summon is because I wanted that Celestial Stone, but hey that does mean I can spark Pent.
  21. But Staff units with Prfs don't have their weapons learned (ergo leaving them with generic assist staves in their default sprites), even though their artwork all prominently displays them with their Prf staves.
  22. I cannot kid, on the last possible battle I could have done for this Hall of Forms I got Distant Counter on Celica, just like I wanted. Brazen Atk/Spd 4 might be rarer, but anytime I can avoid using DC fodder is a good time for me. She will also be taking Ninja Katana, Harsh Command+, Galeforce, Spurn, and Time's Pulse with her.
  23. So Wrys won. Shoulda just picked him from the start, but I went with Sara instead because I thought she'd at least get through round 1 and then lose in round 2. Also because Sara can actually fight, unlike my Wrys who can really only take hits and wields Melancholy... For the record, I did not know Wrys was a meme at all. When I +10ed him, all I saw was a really high potential for Res., ergo guaranteed Sabotage Atk triggers. Kinda makes me wonder what exactly people are thinking when they see my AR-O Light team with Wrys on it...
  24. Quan's refine... sigh, it woulda been better if they just made it possible to Evolve into Earthly Gae Bolg. Even my +Atk +10 Quan won't be able to out-defense Altena with this refine, and she's not even merged. There is seriously something wrong when the refine for a 5* locked unit (who isn't even out of the New Heroes 5* pool yet I'd like to add, so we can still be pity broken by Quan) still doesn't make them much better than Altena, a 3*/4* unit who can very easily be merged up and easily outdo Quan. Sure there's a supportive element, but it's not even that amazing a boost, it just has a good reach. The one unit who would have appreciated it, Marianne, can't even benefit from it.
  25. Wow... okay. Marisa's is not bad at all. In fact they completely forwent the easy path and just put the Wo Dao+Slaying effect in the base weapon. That... actually kinda cheapens what they gave Hauteclere and Shanna's Lance, what the hell? Anyway, refine looks great. Time's Pulse and semi-Swift Sparrow 2.5 is good. Morgan really punishing anyone who dares be anywhere near him. Grima's Truth probably coulda been given Spectrum Smoke and the refine effect and still been good, but this way Morgan at least doesn't need to set up on anyone. Small shame he lost the Smoke effect and support effect... Quan now... just gets +5 Atk/Def if there is an ally like that on the team? Okay. Giving it to those same allies is neat, but... something about this refine feels very underwhelming, not even regarding the fact that he's still not "effective" against fliers. I'm sure he still likes it, but... hm... Sumia is actually insane while still maintaining the Awakening Chapter 3 cutscene moment. She enables WoM play beyond any that has existed in the past. Imagine it, even if her ally isn't that badly hurt she STILL gets it off, and she still gets +9 Atk/Spd and +4 Def/Res (if the enemy is healthy, otherwise just +5 Atk/Spd). AND she gets Canto 2, so she can go even deeper into enemy lines than previously possible. I imagine all those one-turn clear Abyssal video posters are frothing at the mouth. Good to see Berserk Armads doing more than just having Wrath. Both Hector and Valentine Hector will appreciate this refine. Weird they'd give him an effect that could potentially hurt him, but as long as he still has that debuff effect I'm sure he'll be fine. ...not gonna make me actually use them though. I'm already invested in Halloween Grima as a Green with Special HP Recovery%, but hey Hector will be a MUCH cheaper option in that regard. So Sumia is the winner here. Marisa is definitely a super close second. I'd say Morgan and Hector are about an even just-as-close 3rd. Quan... I mean, it's just so "not a whole lot added" feeling. But overall a good batch of refines, though I'd say not as insane as Witchy Nowi's refine IMO.
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