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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. ...THIS is how we get the second Beast Armor in the game? I thought we'd be getting someone else from Radiant Dawn a little sooner... Well, that lance looks more unsettling than any Heroes Relic ever has, and those things already don't look like anything I'd want to own. I'm not really sure why Dimitri needs three Infantry alts, but I'll stop there before I begin to wonder if Fallen Dimitri is even valid as a Fallen unit... lance looks unsettling from a gameplay standpoint. Deny his Follow-up, he just murders you even harder... I think a lot of units would benefit from that effect. The two Morgans looked real stacked when under the right conditions. Menace skills look like they'll be replacing Threatens real soon. Also, I seem to remember FemMorgan was a Griffon Rider, not a Wyvern Lord... Ah geez, not another double Galeforce unit... she's even more loaded to perform it than LegEdelgard too. WHY, she doesn't even HAVE Aymr as the Hegemon Husk. Sigh... think I might have to build a Boey now just to try and have SOMEONE to counter that Hegemon... but wait, her transformed state is massive... how the hell is that gonna look on the map??? Also, was it really necessary to extend the video 20 seconds just to tell us about Celestial Stones?
  2. "What is a DLC Costume?" Well, you give the company money, but instead of getting a fighter/stage/music you just get a costume for a character. I think most popular modern fighting game have some form of DLC costumes in them, and the Street Fighter series coming to mind immediately. It'd be like if Mario's Builder outfit cost $.50 before you could use it. Why I'm here today: I do like the idea of DLC costumes. People modding the game to give characters different costumes was cool to watch (also weird sometimes... why does Ganondorf need to be replaced with Billy Mays is a question I don't think will ever be answered sanely), but A. Nintendo has made their stance on modding very clear, and B. I'm pretty sure only you could see such modding anyway, so no going online and showing people how to really get the tough stains out. So, would you like the idea of Nintendo putting out DLC costumes for the characters (as long as it was reasonably priced)? And what kind of costumes would you want if so? No alternate colors here, we're talking things like "Mario in his Cat suit" or "Zelda as she appeared in BotW," maybe replacing a character with a different appearance like "Marth replaced with another Lord from the Fire Emblem games" ala Bowser Jr. or Olimar, or even something like "Shulk wearing a giant Riki cosplay." All examples by the way, I'm not sure how I'd feel about Shulk in a giant Nopon outfit...
  3. Why do I have to keep saying this, god forbid you summon the DC sword bro you didn't want. Congratulations you got a Red Focus unit for free, here's the catch: it's Zelgius not Ike. Whatever, it's a freebie 5* focus, I'm not going to give the game 1 star, leave a bad review on google play, and complain to customer support just because I wanted Ike and not Zelgius. I'm not even trying to make a point about anything, I never was, it was a goddamn throwaway line I didn't think anyone would respond to, or for that matter notice. If we were all in a room talking to each other I would be muttering under my breath while saying it. Why do I feel like an idiot because I have some people explaining the math and statistics of focus units to me (all subjects I get a headache over, by the way), other people seeming to assuming I support summoning from New Power banners, over a line I added because I thought it'd be mildly funny.
  4. @Othin @Ice Dragon Yeah okay, I never said the New Power banner was ideal for summoning any of the 4 units though. I don't know why that seems to be the conclusion people came to. Hell, I'd sooner wait for Weekly Revival units to appear as 4* Special Summons than actively summon for them. My comment only applies to the one summoning session that matters on these kinds of banners (and sorry for not making it clear in the first place): the first one, where you have a free summon. You're obviously going to pick an orb color that matches the focus units of the banner, and who would say no to a free focus unit? But you can't hope for any one of the three DC sword bros in that freebie summon, you can only hope you get a freebie 5* focus at all. Meanwhile Hardin gets to be the single focus unit of blue, so if you want him, then good for you just pick the free Blue unit and pray you get him for free. There is no math in the world that could possibly help you to predict the one orb that will be the 5* anyway. I fully expect to summon 3* Eirika or 3* Thea myself, if I even get a single Red or Blue orb. I don't recommend full summoning off New Power banners, or really any non-Weekly Revival banner that has Weekly Revival units on them. But you still get a free summon, and you can still hope to be lucky with it. And again, god forbid you get the refinable DC sword bro you didn't want. I fully expect someone will make a comment about it in the Official Pull Topic.
  5. Yeah that's exactly what I mean: if you want Hardin then good on you, he'll be the easiest to snipe. But the other three all have to share the same focus rate, and god forbid you summon the wrong flavor of refinable DC weapon. ...then again, end of the day LegIke and LegRyoma will probably be the better units anyway, and Zelgius... well, BK might be the better recommend by virtue of being a Grail unit...
  6. Okay I'm just as pleased as everyone else that we're getting DC weapon refines, but if I'm honest, this kinda feels like ripping the bandaid off. With sandpaper. I mean, this update is literally all DC weapons. And of course all but one of them have two wielders, so we're getting 9 refined units total (as well as the first Legendary refines... technically). Three of the units are Grail units, throw that onto the pile. The New Power banner is gonna suck for anyone hoping to summon for one unit not named Hardin... In the past they've mostly trickled out refines for a certain type of weapon (I guess there was that time with all the Falchions), but doing it this way... they better know what they're doing. I guess this also means that Hector's Armads now doesn't have any good reason not to be refined, about the only thing holding it back was Hector having DC by default...
  7. This has been an odd day for 4* Special summons... also just a kinda bad summoning day in general. Glad it's over though. I wanted Sigurd and Duo Eirika. Not much to ask, except it actually kind of is apparently, because the game certainly made its opinion heard: I don't think I've ever summoned so many 3* units, and not even ones with good fodder as 4* units. I actually had to elect to get rid of some units I've been saving "in case I ever decide to build them" as if that'd ever happen with someone like Chad or Bantu... In terms of 4* Specials, of course it was mostly Reds because I was primarily sniping Red today. I got like 2 Karels and Grays, a Ryoma, a Zelgius, and a Lene. Pretty much all merge fodder (weird to think Panic Ploy is not a skill worth talking about anymore), and one of them even gets to join my ever-expanding list of +10 units... oh shoot when was the last time I showed off my +10 units? Anyway, did I manage to get the units I wanted? Yeah, but not without some buyers remorse. Duo Eirika took an ungodly amount of time to appear (I seem to remember the focus pity rate going up to 4.5% mostly off sessions where only one or two red orbs appeared, if any at all) +Def -HP. Could be worse. Sigurd... oh Sigurd, yeah I wanted LegLilina, but I didn't need 2 extras of her plus Mirabilis and another fodder Seiros. Lilina ended up Neutral +2 merge, and Sigurd was summoned +HP -Def. Funnily the same asset/flaw as LegSeliph. Heh... some things are just genetic I guess. Gonna have to trait fruit that, cause I do not see myself doing much more summoning after this, yet still needing Sigurd. Gotta think about "Grettings CYL! Nothing to report!" after all. Hopefully this is enough overpowered units to get me through future Abyssal content. I swear it's just getting worse and worse...
  8. ...you know what'd be neat? Brave Hero Battles. Just one massive melee against the Brave Heroes of the year. All at the same time I mean, plus reinforcements. Maybe it could be done using Rival Domain map sizes and army sizes, just to expand the scope of the battle.
  9. Rating is the units Stat Total. Not Base Stat Total, stat total including Weapon and skills. For instance, my Legendary Julia has a Rating of 229, and that total includes her Atk asset, the 14 Might of Virtuous Naga, the +3 Atk bonus, and an Atk +3 Sacred Seal on top of her existing +10 merge bonus, +10 dragonflower uses, and S rank Summoner support. You can actually see this in some other Fire Emblem games.
  10. Pff, Ninja Hana is already in the Limited Time compile menu. I'm sure that'll make so many people who already +10ed her (and don't care about her weapon since they all use Deck Swabber) upset. Yeah I'm gonna take advantage of the Coma Ward. I have too many units, and no amount of organization is gonna distract from that fact, so vegetate them! ...what, that's basically what we're doing.
  11. Honestly, the only change I'd really "want" is Halloween Grima being a Colorless Breath unit, maybe make legGrima Blue if it matters. Halloween Grima's only weakness is that she is colored. The colorless thing would make her even more evil.
  12. Shush dad, you're only here because you were summoned on valentines day. ...I don't think Kiran was actually speaking hypothetically though...
  13. I'm not. I don't care that much so I often don't even try to keep my units alive, only quitting if I can't destroy the enemy Aether structures before winning.
  14. You need to consider, however, that unlike Bector, people actively build counters to units like Brave Ike, and that includes the devs. Look at Valentine Lif, who ignores half of all non-special damage reduction, as well as the Deadeye skill and Young Innes. And as stated, Bike needs support. The best Bikes are being supported by Brave Lucina and Flayn, have high Spd investment, their special refine, and Spurn. The best Brave Hectors have their refine and maybe Special Fighter instead of Bold Fighter, maybe Armor March to get them into place.
  15. I think that the big thing is that you don't have to dig through rows of garbage (that is, units you're doing nothing with but don't want to throw away) to find the units you do use anymore. If you were given 1,000 extra spaces for units and you somehow filled them all, now you're sorting through 1,000 units who may as well be combat manuals for all the good they're doing. i don't use Barst, Bartre, Dorcas, Echidna, Raven, among other Axe Infantry, but they're all units I still own (and don't wanna book cause I'm a unit horder) and so I still have to go through them if I want to find Brave Ike or Ninja Hana. I don't wanna really do anything with all these free Grail units, but I still gotta keep them in case they're needed for a quest, but in the meantime they just take up room hogging precious screenspace, not even barrack space just more icons to gaze my eyes over trying to find that one unit I was looking for. It's just rows and rows of icons that never get looked at, but must be kept (and favorited, in case I go on a booking spree)... and the reserve barracks (or coma room, as is more fitting) lets me get rid of all the icons while still retaining the units themselves.
  16. Again, it largely doesn't matter. This isn't an individual quiz, it's a massive group effort, everyone gets rewarded regardless how the quiz goes. If you participate, it'll just be for fun. Even if you get the wrong answer you still get stuff because the wrong answer will inevitably be in the minority.
  17. -Have a twitter account -Go to the official FEH Twitter account. -Partake in the quiz, don't pick the wrong answer. It's not important you take an active role. These things generally are won because a few people figure out the answer and post it in the replies to the question, and then everyone copies them. @XRay it's Fatal Smoke.
  18. Maybe? I dunno, I've little memory of the map lineups in most FE games...
  19. So the Legendary was Sigurd. So close, you at least guessed the color right...
  20. I, as someone whose barracks are max 625 and almost have them all filled largely because of my needing to have all the units regardless of how actually good they are (I don't even remember the last time I looked at Jakob...) ergo I don't even use 80% of my non-dancer barracks, very strongly approve of the addition. I think this is a change largely for the veterans like me. I think it's you who says that thing about spending one orb on expanding barracks by 5 versus spending 20 to fill said 5 slots? Um that chick has nearly the exact same details on the hair as the Awakening version.
  21. Ima write my thoughts as I watch the video. Golden week, eh. Four CYL hero fests with boosted Focus rates and 5 summoning tickets each is good. Maybe I'll try to get Brave Lysithea finally... Oh dear, Feh quiz again... hope they don't throw us a real big curveball. Legendary Sigurd. He looks sparkly. Oh god he's gonna enable even more annoying Cav teams on AR-D. Legendary Ryoma getting a very boosted Bushido II. No flying weakness, flat Damage +7 boost, AND Dodge effect. Also Atk/Spd Rein 3 to make him worthy Legendary fodder. Neat. Kinda weird he isn't getting Kestrel Stance 3, but I guess that'd be a little much... Chilling Seal II looks good. Like, real good. What I would expect from a Tier 4 Chill. Atk/Res Solo is also great compared to her native Fortress Res. Methinks she'll pair real well with Wedding Micaiah. Gives some hope for Hrid's upgrade. ...did they make a sexy My Summoner? Oooh custom Breidabliks. Kinda wish there were a Bow though, that'd be my jam. Reserve Barracks? OH YES PLEASE FINALLY SOMEPLACE TO PUT ALL THESE USELESS MEATHEADS. Me and my barracks are so happy to know I can finally put all those meh Grail units into a comatose state. Hm... no news on weapon refines? Shame...
  22. I just saw the lineup of enemy units in this Lost Lore. I was wondering if any other Lost Lores had a wrong enemy lineup? Yen'fay does not appear in Valm Castle, given that he is already dead. Yet here he is, in Valm Castle...
  23. Hm... I won't say it looks bad, but... doesn't he look kinda similar to Resplendent Roy? Only real shame with Leif otherwise is that his SI is kinda meh these days. Not that that'd be a problem for most people, but I personally already +10ed him, so I kinda got no use for the free copy everyone gets...
  24. Listen, I am a confessed Selkie fan. What do I have to add that can't be directly lifted from others who already spoken? Well... I guess if anything, Ingrid should be glad it was Selkie. Things coulda gotten real awkward if that were Caineghis or Keaton or, god forbid, Lethe...
  25. Problem being he won't ignore %damage reduction. Shouldn't be a problem for breaking through Spurn units with high Spd, but Dragon Wall, Brave Ike, Brave Edelgard, Brave Dimitri, and Spring Myrrh won't be broken through.
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