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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. ...yeah that sounds about right. It'd at least be manageable if it were just at the beginning of each turn, you know like an ACTUAL throne works, but not after every combat...
  2. Hm... first time using Gunnthra since her upgrade, and frankly I may have underestimated her ability to inflict debuffs combined with the bonus damage she gets (essentially 28 free damage on top of what ahe already gets). Kinda makes her ideal for finishing off the last enemy in an AA team, or at least weakening them significantly. ...a shame the mode now has more Hegemons than ever... it did make me wonder though, where the hell is her HP recovery coming from? I know what Armored Wall is supposed to be, it's just the Monster Barrier, but nowhere did Edelgard ever have HP recovery as a part of... anything really.
  3. Ugh... say it's an easy skip, summon anyway, get +hp -res Harmonic Catria. Shoulda seen that coming...
  4. I was looking through the Grail units, and I have enough grails to +10 merge one of the recent Grail units to receive a DC refine (or in the case of Camus, very nearly enough short 100 Grails). I think there's some use that can come of them in PvE modes, but I've little idea which of the three could be the most beneficial. I'm looking for ideas on: Which of the three (Black Knight, Xander, and Camus) would be the "best pick" for +10ing, and who would benefit the most from receiving the +10 stat boost. I'll probably only be using them in PvE and Coliseum modes, since I already have a DC tank for AR and don't think two will be necessary. How to build them best. I know BK and Camus theoretically have enough Spd to become some sort of Spd-tank, but I also wonder if that's the best move... Keep in mind with BK, I DO NOT have access to any Save skills (aside from A/D Close Save on the single copy of Dedue I own and refuse to fodder), so any build he could utilize from that I flat-out cannot do.
  5. Hm, two new skill types are being added to the future Seal pool? Neat. I would never rely on Opening skills, but it's certainly alright for getting an extra source of stats. Blade Session... hm, could be hit or miss. There's certainly units who would make good use of it, and it'd be a great boost in power when used in Rokkr sieges (attack with a Melancholy/Witchy Wand user, attack with reinforcements killer, boom you got the full Blade Session boost) Hm... the rewards for this TT feel kinda underwhelming overall. Zelot looks like he's just gonna be yet another Grail-available Axe Cav, except with a focus on Atk and Def. Doesn't help that the bridal banner itself feels kinda phoned in... maybe even the devs are getting burned out on the whole bride thing...
  6. ...wow. I didn't think I could say "skip" to a banner any easier, but somehow I did. The ONLY unit I know jack about is Catria, and already I was kinda eh about her. Not like I don't like her, she's just eh to me. So all unit appeal is out the window. The Prf weapons look neat I guess, but nothing I particularly NEED. Triangle Attack doesn't look very revolutionary when it demands the same three units be near each other at all times. I'll just stick to using actual Brave units, thanks. Observant Staff looks neat, but I already don't use the ally support system in the first place, so its effects are completely lost on me. And the demote weapons effects... wow. I guess it's... something for the units with no Prf but Atk and Res to spare? Overall nothing I want or need. And all this is coming a few weeks off of the Fallen banner with four of the most stacked on summoning units in the regular summoning pool. I always feel bad for saying skip to a banner, but when I know nothing about the units and don't want any of the weapon effects on my side... I guess the Harmonic effect is cool if you're a unit who doesn't already have a way to get an automatic follow-up, but even then I don't think I have enough Archanean/Binding Blade units to justify trying for it...
  7. She's wielding a bow, so her arm's silhouette is blending in with itself.
  8. ...damnit, I got pity broken by Larcei on the fallen banner. Guess I'll have to be content with the Hegemon I sparked... no way in hell I'm gonna try for any of the others. Gotta try and reserve some luck for the Brave banner...
  9. @Fabulously Olivier What units did you calculate specifically? From my own calcs, the thing that really ruins Hegemon is Pulse Smoke: if she initiates combat, she will never get to trigger her murder Special. Even though she never actually dies, she still isn't able to deal enough damage to a sufficiently bulky unit in the two turns she gets to attack. I think the best unit to use in this case would be Boey: with his Prf tome, TA3, and Sturdy Stance SS Edelgard doesn't do a whole lot of damage when initiating, and because of Pulse Smoke she can't trigger her Special on him, yet he still does a decent amount of damage to her overall, even considering the HP she recovers afterwards. After that, some support from outside sources of damage should hopefully take her down to nothing. For a PP option, Special Refined Clarisse with double Poison Strike would be dealing 27 post-combat damage, and for EP Surtr's Sinmara would inflict 20 damage once control returns to the player. ...unless it's Mystic Boost. That, frankly, makes things even worse.
  10. I don't know why it's taken me this long to show off 3 meh units I +10ed a while ago, but whatever. Presenting daughter of AR-D Infantry Pulse Dancer, daughter of Forma souls, and daughter of "why can't we be friends"
  11. I have one thought about Resplendent Nino: why does she still have a Red tome? She's had Iris's Tome for a while now, shouldn't she have that instead? Otherwise nice art. Stat boost isn't necessary by any means, but it is welcome, and while I +10ed her already I'm sure someone will want Gronnblade at some point.
  12. @XRay Functionally yes they are all different. But at the end of the day, the average player would still only see one thing when looking at any Dimitri: Blue pointy sticks. I mean, look at Lyn and Camilla, the two units everyone loves to rage on because they have 7 alts apiece. Lyn has her base form (Sword Infantry), Bridal (Staff Infantry), Brave (Colorless Bow Cav), Valentines (Blue Tome Armor), Legendary (Green Bow Infantry), Summer (Blue Bow Flier), and Ninja alts (Colorless Dagger Flier). Very diverse selection of weapons and move types to pick from. Camilla has her base form (Axe Flier), Easter (Green Tome Flier), New Years (Sword Flier), Summer (Blue Tome Flier), Adrift (Red Tome Flier), Hot Springs (Colorless Dagger Flier), and Brave alts (Staff flier). While they're all fliers, you still have a good variety of weapons to pick from. Is it fair to compare those two veterans to units who were only added a year and a half ago, not very, especially when you consider that Lyn and Camilla grew up in the early ages of FEH, but they at least have an extremely diverse weapon lineup compared to many other units with alts, and then we come to the Three Houses lords, all three of whom are not shaping up to be any better than others. Byleth is not looking to be any better either when their only alt besides genders is a Red Tome flier, and their expected Legendary Infantry alt can pick between Swords/Reason magic (most likely Blue Tome)/Brawling, a weapon that doesn't even exist in FEH. If it was just a matter of how everyone functioned, then yeah okay everyone has their uses. But the first thing people see will be their weapon and unit type, and that's usually all a person would need to immediately write off a unit before they even look at their skills. Heck, I myself am not that interested in Boar Dimitri just because I don't think I need him as much as other units, I feel I'm good on fast/strong Blue units already.
  13. Man... all I can get for Counter skills these days are occasional Foils and Wards. Makes saving my forma souls easy I guess...
  14. Every year I hope for the same thing: Bride Eirika. I'm not that big a fan of Eirika, but the alt is so painfully obvious: she was the unit who first "introduced" the class in Awakening, and it's lowkey infuriating that she hasn't been bridified. Course the chances this year are slimmer than paper, considering last month she was the Duo rep...
  15. Yeah hi, that happened to me a few months ago. Still recovering, to...
  16. It's common when he's available for summon (not that I would know, considering my luck on that banner...), but aside from Double Special Heroes (which he already spotlighted in) he will only be available once a year during the Ninja banner revival. So for the most part, his weapon will still be a slight rarity, especially if you don't have a reason to summon from the banner in the first place (and the one good reason to has been given out for free already)
  17. Largely my opinion, but as to the Forma souls: Units who are 5* locked and not likely to enter the Weekly Revival or 4* Special Summon pools are a pretty good idea. Such units would include Shannan, Larcei, and Ced from the current HoF (though I wouldn't use them on them right now) Grail units, if you managed to give them a sufficiently strong kit, are also a great idea, especially if you have plans to 5* +10 them. The only reason not to give it to them is if you have given an existing copy a new Trait, as that would waste 100 pretty valuable trait fruits. If you like the unit and the build you gave them, then why not use it on them? While I don't watch his videos myself, I would also recommend taking a look at the videos PhoenixMaster1 makes on the subject. He always makes a new HoF overview when the units for the next HoF are made known. As for farming Summoner Support, the best way would be to farm Chain Challenges on Book 1 Normal Difficulty, as the enemies in such maps are generally weak, not even using Prf weapons if they had one when the game was first released, yet they still meet the requirement of being Lv 35 or over for the kills to count.
  18. Fallen Banner gave me... Flayn. ...well I'll certainly take it, I can finally do some of those double Flayn things Xray talks about, but I'm not exactly pleased my pity rate was completely reset because of her...
  19. ...you know, the purple aura I always assumed was just a mark of a fallen hero, they're evil and it's showing, but now... I wonder if it's actually what KEEPS them a Fallen Hero. Like, rather than simply being the essence of their evil, it's rather an unnatural magic in place that prevents anything from being able to penetrate the "barrier of evil" and curing the hero of their "evil." That way, in the lore of FEH, once summoned as a Fallen Hero there is no way to "recover" from it, even though in a number of cases the very thing that would cure them of their "evil" is either somewhere in the Askr castle (or wherever the hell they are) or simply death itself. Because yeah, it doesn't really make sense that Dimitri is "possessed by evil" when what it boils down to is a person who has been inflicted with so much trauma that he begins to hallucinate the ghosts of the fallen as urging him to enact vengeance in their place. The two Corrins aren't possesed with "evil" either, just an out of control power that is never properly cured by Azura. The only thing this doesn't explain... WHO is keeping these people "evil?" What benefit is there to having two permanent versions of Grima wandering Askr Castle (plus a third dressed for Halloween) or a Mareeta still possessed by the Shadow Sword if they aren't even necessarily on the side of the person keeping them "evil?"
  20. So I cleared up almost 400 Barack spaces thanks to reserves. Some units I had plans to build, a few I had a better Asset for but no feathers, and a ton of Grail units I flat out don't use, but otherwise just units I do not use, haven't used in forever, and am not interested in otherwise. ...yeah, i needed this.
  21. Hm... LegIke clearly has the better deal due to having Radiant Aether II, but at least Ike has something to work with. 2 cooldown Black Luna... methinks Zelgius wants Special Fighter. Seems like they can both also retain Spd builds, if people built them with Spd in mind. Raijinto can go either Player Phase with a standard Windsweep build or remain EP. As above, I think LegRyoma has the better winning overall (thanks to the brand new Bushido II) Siegfried... well, it certainly does what Xander needs done. He doesn't need his Spd anyway. Gradivus I'm not sure has a definite "best choice." Camus is free but has middling overall stats, while Hardin is slightly harder to come across but has a bulkier statline. Hm... while they didn't get anything new for the base effect, they did all at least get some sort of new benefit (even if it all got the same All stat +4 if simple condition is met). Raijinto I think boosted LegRyoma considerably along with Bushido II, considering he now has the benefit of two Infantry-exclusive skills despite being a flier (and also no flier weakness and permanent +7 damage).
  22. Oh dear Kiran, there is so much more wrong with your assumptions than just wanting to be a famous idol...
  23. @kradeelav I think maybe refined Boey could withstand an assault from Hegemon. His Raven effect isn't conditional like Fallen Lyons, plus he gets a refine that lets him counter Beast enemies, opening his A slot to Triangle Adept or potentially even Sturdy Stance 3 (which could stop Hegemon from triggering the Galeforce skill, which I'm sure people will be giving her) Henry could be a potential second option, since his tome inflicts an Atk/Res -6 debuff on the enemy and special cooldown -1 (if the enemy is stronger than him, which... let's just say that condition will be easy to meet in this case), and he could also take Close Foil to counterattack Hegemon, but that'd be somewhat expensive fodder to be giving him, and Boey can just take TA3 to operate alright. Either way, those are both options available at 4*. Easier to build to +10 for the highest level of bulk available to them.
  24. Edelgard would, however, be only the second Armored Beast unit, of which the only other option is Caineghis. I don't know why you say she is "conditional." Her only condition is that she be above 25% HP and not be next to a non-inhuman ally when the player phase begins, which most teams make sure of anyways (though not ideal for Emblem-gard I guess). Pure Wary Fighter is kinda lame, but she can still pack AD Solo in the SS slot and be even bulkier as a result. She'll be a toxic rage-inducer for Pawns of Loki as well, having so many effects that work to keep her alive AS WELL AS automatic Galeforce. Hell, I'm kinda okay with Wary Fighter because now she can't potentially waste her follow-up Special Trigger on a unit who has 80% damage reduction on enemy follow-ups. Again, her only competition for Colorless Beast Armor is Caineghis, and his only effect is +4 all stat on enemy phase. Not exactly riveting competition...
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