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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. 11 free summons plus maybe... 7 extra for additional Red orbs that appeared. Got 1 Fallen Lyon, wouldn't mind him going into the 4* special pool as well, as well as Young Mercenary Ike as a 4* special. I'll summon more when I buy the pack with extra first summon tickets, but I need Henriette... I'm suffering without Far Save...
  2. Just a wee bit more pulling got me a +Spd -HP Ullr. ...not exactly what I wanted most, but all things considered it's still gonna make a frightening Brave Bow unit (or just keep Yewfelle on her and still be a nightmare) Same, though I do begin tapping furiously once I realize there's no smoke to signify a 4* or greater. Still wish there was an easy way to tell if it'll be a 5*...
  3. So does anyone else have little things they do to "boost their luck"? Nothing that actually improves the odds of getting the 5* unit of choice, but little lucky charms that you THINK improves your odds? I sniped like $80usd worth of blue orbs, and all I got for my troubles was one copy of Dimitri (and 4* special Ephraim and B!Ike), all silent. I did 2 summon sessions with sound on, and the second one gave me two Ullrs one after another. ...to be fair neither one has a good asset, but that's still 4x better than the round of sessions I did before that. And that's why I always turn the volume up before summoning.
  4. Tch, woulda preferred Helbindi or Laevatein getting to go first, since I actually merged them up. Woulda been sweet to have another Legion situation where he gets an awesome refine and I already have investment in the unit... As-is, the only refine I'm interested in is Dark Mystletainn (not even for Ares, for Eldigan). I'm curious to see what exactly they could give an already mostly-perfect weapon, though if I'm honest there's no way in hell this thing isn't coming out with a +5 Atk/Def boost. Even just a simple building in of Lull Atk/Def would still be a good refine. I guess I'm also kinda interested in Punishment Staff, but my Maribelle has Flash+, and I highly doubt she'll be getting a Flash effect...
  5. Something something bows bows... god there's like nothing I can use to quip about someone I know nothing about... Always fun to use Witchy Nowi.
  6. So... a team of LegClaude, Seiros, Thrasir, and 4 Hegemons fell. Here is a 101 on how NOT to make a Fallen Edelgard team: ~Do NOT leave out the Healing Tower. ~Maybe take in a healer too, or like Reyson/Leanne since they are dancers who have an AoE healing effect. ~Don't make it ridiculously easy to be sniped by a Poison Strike FSB cav. Seriously, the enemy was agroed on EP1... Yeah that was certainly an interesting fight. Might have dragged on longer if my Bolt Tower didn't deal so much damage (or for that matter exist in the first place), but they seriously even put a high damaging Bolt Trap where 3 Hegemons would have gathered... really, she's just annoying to fight, not impossible to kill...
  7. I got Nino with the following Blarserpent+ (Def) Rally Up Res+ (filler pretty much) Ruptured Sky Distant Def 4 Special Fighter (I don't have as much Special Fighter fodder as I'd like these days...) A/R Far Save I wonder if that's worth keeping, considering A. I don't have any copies of Nino otherwise, and B. I don't have any Far Save units right now, so she'd basically be my only chance to have even one Far Save unit...
  8. I say "technically obscure" because the Rainbow Sage is one of the only First Dragons we get to see in Fates (who isn't actively trying to kill the player at least), and there's apparently a whole plethora of them in the lore of the World of Fates. Thinking about it, every single land has figures like that. In most cases it's just figures who wielded the legendary weapons of their land, but even in the case of Jugdral the twelve crusaders still got their power from dragons, and as far as I can remember the only ones named were Naga, Loptous, Forseti, and... I think it was Salamander? Rainbow Sage would have to be deaged by a lot before he would be a viable mythic, if you ask me, and at that point I feel like he'd be obscure.
  9. Maybe if it were a SS, but until then Yngvi gives her permaDesperation and half of NFU, there's some potential there outside of Holy Yewfelle... mostly with Brave and Firesweep Bow to be fair, but it's still there.
  10. Not technically "obscure" but maybe the Rainbow Sage? ...yes the old man who is dead by the end of all 3 paths of Fates, two of which he is actively killed in. He was one of the First Dragons in his prime, it could be interesting to get a version of him where is at full power and ready to blast enemies with rainbows or something. ...he did also craft the 5 regalia of Fates, sure.
  11. You know, I think Ullr could possible be another Hegemon killer if built right. Brave Bow+ Ruptured Sky/Deadeye Atk/Spd Ideal 4 - any A passive that boosts Spd (including native LnD4) Yngvi Ascendant c passive Flashing Blade This way, she gets a trigger of Ruptured Sky by her 3rd attack (or Deadeye at her 4th), which on Hegemon should equal a hefty amount of Special damage. As long as Ullr is strong enough wielding just a Brave Bow and Ideal 4 (or LnD4), she should be able to defeat Hegemon. ...theoretically of course. For all I know she's not gonna have that much Atk...
  12. Do you mean like a Fallen variant with all the purple aura and some tome named "Deadlord Contract" ala Fallen Lyon, and the version of Julius we currently have being written off as a version of him summoned post-death, also ala Fallen Lyon? Not saying it wouldn't work, and I mean it's kinda hard to believe that the Julius we do have is supposed to be the dark dragon itself...
  13. Wait it is? ...why? It looks like a video edit more than a visual effect...
  14. Uhhhhhhhh hold the bowstring, Yewfelle isn't even in the game, why are we already skipping ahead to Holy Yewfelle? Anyway... interesting that they specifically zoom in on the enemy being hit with Deadeye when... well, it's not really that exciting. So she's doing double damage... so? That's what Deadeye does, why bring attention to the enemy in that moment? Ullr herself has an interesting B passive. Aside from making LegCelica's B passive a joke in comparison, it makes me wonder if maybe she could run a Brave Bow nuke set simply by virtue of being able to get 4 hits in before the enemy can hit her once? It's something literally any BB unit can do yes, but they all require setup to do it, whereas Ullr doesn't. Something to think about when we get her final statline... The rest of the banner is... alright I guess? I mean they're all good units, but it's not like I'm clamoring to get copies of anyone present... especially when we're only a few weeks away from CYL. ...maybe that's why they're going with an otherwise unknown character for this Mythic? Lowkey telling us to save our orbs for the CYL banner?
  15. Wow, what a very boring and completely predicable voting gauntlet. Man, summer seasonals in any game have lost all special meaning to me... I guess I'll go with Freya, since I have her and she's colorless, with Hilda as backup...
  16. >Wants Rhajat. Just one. >Summons Sumia and Ced instead. That... that's not why I spent 44 orbs on the... oh nevermind...
  17. As I've said, you shouldn't need more than 3 counters to Hegemon at a given time. There "being plenty of counters" is not the same as "having plenty of counters." Hegemon is only as big a problem as you make it out to be, and acting like building a couple units is a huge deal does you absolutely no good. And honestly? If you really think Hegemon is a huge deal and you refuse to change your stance, just stop playing FEH.
  18. For me at least, I knew Hegemon would be an opressive force, and certainly nigh impossible to kill under unprepared circumstances. But not literally unkillable. It was mildly frustrating for me to be told to just Firesweep Archer her, since Faye was so close to +10 for so long and that's where all my FSBows went, but... a single person would need, at most, 3 counters to Hegemon in a single AA streak. I'd be embarassed to not have even that many by the time Hegemon was released. Flash+ or Candlelight+ are absolutely perfect as well. Hegemon is left completely open to attack from all sources, and even she can't survive 3 strikes from an armor-effective attacker, even if they don't get to follow-up. The greatest thing about this is that a direct hit from the Flash user will remove her original 40% damage barrier. Flash and Candlelight aren't common staves to be fair... maybe if Mikoto ever gets put into the 4* special pool. Also, if you don't want to make even one counter to Hegemon, then just don't play any of the heavy-investment PvP modes. Just settle for the minimum-investment rewards and be on your way, there's at least one for every PvP mode. You'll save yourself from many headaches that way.
  19. The loyalty bonus does not affect me whatsoever. It does not at all incentivise me to remain subbed to Feh Pass when the only reason I remain is for the Resplendents. I'm resubbing for Amelia/Raven/whoever of course, but they'd have to make the resplendent after that third unit someone good before I consider remaining.
  20. They have GOT to stop giving these Resplendent Heroes recolors of their prf weapons, it just makes me want the recolors even more. Also neat next Resplendent. I don't think Hel resplendents have had one bad rep since the first.
  21. That or an armor dancer. ...seems very underwhelming when I say it...
  22. Hm... how likely do you think we are to get a Staff Dancer this dancing banner? It'd be annoying as hell to deal with a dancer who can heal, but on the other hand they have been releasing the Positional Staff assists with Draw Back, Reposition, and Shove represented so far, and with how OP some units are these days it kinda just seems like a staff dancer isn't that scary in comparison...
  23. Well this has been an... interesting set of 40 summons. 10 colorless units, so only 30 on-color summons. One of them was Maribelle to be fair, so... mildly forgiven. Two pity breakers in Selkie and Fallen Julia. Selkie... is SaboAtk fodder to be frank, while Julia... I honestly don't know. Is Panic Ploy even that good in the current meta? Meanwhile in on-focus summons, one Orochi early on, 4* and +Spd -Atk, which would have been considered a joke even in Fates, and +HP -Res on both Charlotte and Nifl. Since neither of them have high enough Res to really care... I'm okay with that. Which left the guaranteed on-focus unit. I can get Orochi any time, and I have technically neutral of Charlotte and Nifl, one of whom was the only unit I truly cared about, and I don't focus on getting skill fodder when it comes to these things, I'm more of a collector... well, that just leaves Nyx I guess. If I could get Benny I would, but as is I'll just have to wait to get him... Benny is definitely on my +10 radar by the way, damn the fact that there's like 10 better Lance armors already.
  24. I don't use either of them, but I think I can answer. Olwen is pretty standard as far as Bladetome mages go, albeit she does have the advantage of being a Cav unit for boosted range, as well as a solid refine (very simple, removes 5 Spd and Res from foes near her), plus having a Prf Bladetome means she doesn't have increased special cooldown compared to giving Gronnblade to someone else. If you can keep her buffs up, she can be a solid pick for Arena purposes, but she might be a harder to recommend unit in AR where Panic can be very easily applied to units, which shuts down a lot of her damage. Also worth noting is that Nino, who will end up slightly weaker and is Infantry, is easier to get merges for and also has Resplendent stats (if you're willing to afford it) on top of having a relatively similar role to Olwen. Ishtar doesn't really have much competition for being a great unit. High Spd as long as she is either initiating or alone plus NFU effect from her special refine means she can take clear advantage of Windsweep or Watersweep, letting her safely initiate on numerous enemies. Of course that's not all she can do, but it's certainly one of her more notable traits post-refine. Also @XRay I forgot to respond to your other responses: Thing about DC2 is that... well, almost every path has something I want off it. The only one that doesn't is Heroes/Awakening/Fates. (not saying the options are bad, just not anything I need anytime soon) I was originally working to give Micaiah Lull Atk/Res from the Guinivere manual, but she's been doing perfectly fine without it... I think I'm gonna see what my Leonie can do. I'm already building her up to be a Hegemon killer in Arena/AA, so the same basic principles should apply here as well...
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