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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. I don't know what's being asked, but I need Atk/Spd Unity for my BK because he's been built with Speed in mind (Spd asset, Spd-based seals, Special Fighter), and I currently have no better A slots to give him that boost his Atk and Spd at the same time. Unity would be literally perfect for him, as he has a Save skill meaning it'll be active at all times, and his Spd currently needs to be higher for him to be able to withstand most offensive units, thus the need for Atk/Spd Unity.
  2. Well... my thoughts. Marth honestly just looks like a color alt. They can say it's the clothing of Anri or whatever, but that straightup looks like something right out of Smash Bros. As for Marth himself, it seemed like kind of a tall order to have greater than 60 total bonuses on allies, until I realized that they didn't care if the allies were actually NEAR Marth, so... yeah he definitely has some real good support+offensive potency. Distant Pressure is a nice-looking skill, will definitely make speed tanks even deadlier if they can offset the damage they will inevitably be losing fast. Surge Sparrow... welp, so much for Swift Sparrow 3, this thing straightup is better. Only concern is that offensive units tend to have a hard time wanting to have their HP at max, but maybe there's units aside from Eirika who would like it. Eirika herself... looks good, nothing to say much here. Binding Reginleif has solid effects, Moonlight Bangle has everything an offensive unit would want, and Eirika herself looks good, if a little too genderbent Ephraim-y for my tastes. ...ugh, they gave Marianne the artist I'm not a fan of... ruined Rhajat for me and made Mustafa just look stupid... Marianne as a pseudo dancer though? I like the idea, should make for some interesting plays. Phantasm Tome seems very basic, kinda just looks like a better version of the recently released Ginnungagap now that I look again, but basic has never been a bad thing. Atk/Spd Unity... damnit, I need to summon a copy of her for my Black Knight. I mean, I'm going all-in on this banner anyway, but I was hoping none of the skills here were "needed", ya know? And here we are, the one and only Gatekeeper. He looks plain rude to try and fight. High defenses, abilities with a huge trigger range, a default skill kit that beefs his physical defenses even more, and a B passive that is what a theoretical Obstruct 4 wishes it could be. People saying that he looks like a solid unit to put in front of Save tanks, this boy doesn't need saving, he IS the walls of Garreg Mach. Pelleas... I don't know a lot about the Tellius games, but I do know that's the guy who wanted to do the right thing, but was tricked into selling his county into effective slavery. Also I think he was a sort of Dark Mage for some reason, despite not even being a technically "evil" person? Sigh, guess that means we're getting another Red Tome grail unit... Listen, I knew I would be going all in on this banner. Even despite all the summoning I've done in the past, saying I'm saving for this banner and then blowing all my orbs trying to +10 Faye, I knew I would put everything into this banner. I'm just glad they're willing to deliver.
  3. Every single CYL event has had an associated free summon, and they all expire after a few years. They mentioned that specific free summoning because it will be ending.
  4. Has to be tonight, right? That'd give them tonight for the official Feh Channel, tomorrow for the proper banner reveal, the day after for the usual gap between reveal and banner launch, and then finally the banner itself, CYL.
  5. You would need to wait to summon Saul again, since yes he was a seasonal unit, but no, no units have ever been outright removed from the game. Also this question is better fit for the proper thread.
  6. Todays the day I buy the two orb packs with free summon tickets, and I dipped the rest of the orbs into the Perilous Seas banner. Call it one last "big" summoning session before CYL makes me regret all past FEH purchase. Only 3 5*s though, but they aren't bad. Guinevere and Flayn each came from a session on the Hero Fest, while on the Pirate banner I got Duo Hinoka (+Def -Atk... which... um... moving on...) Also snagged Vika +Res -HP. She could make a solid magic tank if I felt like building her, but as-is she should function just fine as a Sabotage inflictor. So... yeah guess that's that for the Pirate and Hero Fest banners for me. Now to just wait and see about CYL...
  7. @Naoshi If you're right, then the reveal will be tomorrow, since nothing happened today.
  8. Yeah I would never SI a unit with a Tier 4 skill like AS Solo until I had the base 3 tiers already inherited, which fortunately I do have the option (thank you Corrin) You say "readily available" and then list two units whose seasonal banners have passed and who won't be returning for a few months, one of whom I only own one copy of and the other who I do not have at all. As-is, this is the only Near Trace fodder I have available. Of the three units you listed for Stall Ploy, I guess I most often use Loki... as one of the leads of my primary Arena Assault team, and literally only because she is the healer I own who scores the highest. ...yeah something tells me I'll be holding onto this combat manual for a while...
  9. So extra copy of Pirate Naesala. That means 3 different possible fodder options: Atk/Spd Solo 4, Spd/Def Near Trace, and Stall Ploy. I'm wondering, is Stall Ploy worth inheriting to someone, or should I just stick to the tried and true Near Trace? Thing about Ploy is that I have trouble picturing any one of my units who could potentially get "great" use out of it. Even when accounting for Mystic bonuses, none of my AR-O units have that amazing HP, and I'm just not sure how comfortable I am trying to rely on a skill which only does something in one specific scenario (pretty much just LegSigurd) Other issue is that I just don't like trying to utilize Ploys. I'm never quite able to get my units lined up with the enemy... ...course I could always just say screw SI and just merge into my new Naesala, but he's +Spd -Res, which in my eyes doesn't need a merge, so... yeah.
  10. Generally I wait about 5 to 7 days before subscribing. I think you could technically do it a bit sooner, but I'm moreso accounting for my own inability to remember that some of the quests require doing Arena (which I don't do daily)
  11. Hm... Muspell Sonya is giving me some Witch vibes... wonder why... Def a good Resplendent outfit. Sonya herself does still get used by people (and why not, she can charge a Blazing special immediately if partnered right), so not feeling particularly "wasted" like a few other Resplendents...
  12. Blazing nukes. They basically get permanent special uptime with SS. Some notable nukes... Ophelia has the easiest time getting her special ready on turn 1, thanks to Missiletainn (tome)'s effect. Sothe is a 4* unit who has a very desirable refine that enables a Blazing nuke build without actually using a Slaying weapon. Merric, Sonya, and Navarre all have weapons that grant a slightly stronger Quickened Pulse effect, enabling a Blazing special to be ready on turn 1 with assistance from the actual QP seal. Navarre's Scarlet Sword, however, has the slaying effect to enable better special uptime. Merric is a 4* unit, Sonya is in the 4* Special pool, and Navarre is a Grail unit. Otherwise, any unit who has a Slaying weapon or the slaying effect in their weapon (see Ishtar, Leon, Lon'qu, Raven, etc) can run an effective Blazing nuke build, but will need some help to get their special charged up.
  13. +Def -Atk is... not at all what Naesala would want, but... I have him! Vika... probably doesn't want +HP -Spd, but... hey I also have her. Brave Edelgard... is not even on this banner, so why did I summon her... ...that was an interesting summoning session.
  14. Ooooh boy... Badges and Great Badges are used to promote heroes, as well as buy and upgrades Sacred Seals. They come in 4 colors, red blue green and colorless. The thing about them is that so few are spent when used, and yet they are VERY easy to load up on. I currently have over 20k of each basic badge and over 15k of each great badge.
  15. I'd say that'd be great for badges instead, since Arena Medals do actually have a legitimate use and can eventually run out if you get too refine-happy, meanwhile badges are... well... yeah.
  16. Got 2 Heniettes, and one of them is +Atk -Spd! Great asset/flaw, and gives me some Far Save fodder finally! ... ... ... ...now what?
  17. Yeah that's far easier. LegAzura is prob the easiest path to max bonuses in that scenario.
  18. Welp, so much for base Mystetainn. Only reason to run it on Eldigan now is for double Fury strats, maybe triple Fury if and when we get a Fury seal. And of course Ares just gets a straight upgrade. Solid refine for Finn. I'm a little stuck on the fact that Finn's base stats are... servicable at best though. Laegjarn looks good on paper. I don't know how high the stat bonus could go before though... weird to cap it at just 10, but whatever at least she can benefit from her own bonuses too. ...I'm not sold on this Trilemma++ staff to be honest. It could be good, what do I know, but I feel like I'd get a bigger bang for my buck by using the Flash+ I already gave Maribelle... Completely drop the Spd boosts in favor of Res...? I don't think any other weapon refine has done that before. Not convincing me to use Bride Sanaki though. Eh... I'm personally not fully sold on the refine for Maribelle, I was never interested in Sanaki in the first place, and Finn is... well, I'm not saying his refine is bad, I'm saying Finn himself is a little too ehh for me to care that much. Laegyarn getting NFU is good, and Dark Mystletainn... well, what is there to say? It was already a good weapon, and now it's even better. Maybe I'll finally start using Ares again, and I finally have something to give Eldigan.
  19. Hm... I've been thinking this since the Feh Channel... is the only reason Surtr, a unit who has been largely forgotten since his initial release, got a seasonal now because of this whole story thing they got going on in at least 3 Tempest Trials? Steady Breath seal is good. The Breath skills are arguably the "weakest" "premium" A slot available considering the other options available, so it was largely a matter of time before it got added.
  20. Yep I don't know why I said Caeda, that's a completely different unit. Also damn, there goes that idea...
  21. Something I don't have a way of testing right now, does the effects of Wedding Caeda's Triangle Attack bonus trigger if the unit in question is near one of the Whitewing sisters with their refined Prfs, or does it need to be units who have been granted the Triangle Attack bonus?
  22. Oops thanks for pointing that out fixed. Probably coulda worded that better, I meant for pirate banners since all the beast units are fliers so far.
  23. I guess all flying beasts are pirates 😛 Some notable details: Surtr's Portent is an upgraded Surtr's Menace, having a slightly higher stat buff/debuff and acting more as a Menace skill (ironically, given the names) Naesala has Stall Ploy, a new Ploy skill that turns Movement +1 bonuses into a limited movement debuff ala Gravity on foes in cardinal directions from the unit. There are now Def/Res variants of Ideal and Rein skills.
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