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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Normal New Hero banners normally are never rerun, though for the past year they have been rerunning banners from about a year ago, granting a second chance at getting the units (in addition to applying all new heroes released after the banners original run and Sparking, in which if you perform 40 summons on the banner then you can pick one of the focus heroes for free). Seasonal banners get rerun typically around the same time as the banners original run, so expect a run of the Christmas banners in the next month, and then New Year banners in the weeks after that. As for when individual units get rerun, you typically see a new unit get rerun in two scenarios: the first is in a Skill Focus banner, which typically runs the most recent 3 or 4 units with a certain type of skill. Fallen Julia for instance would probably be run in a "Units with Solo skills" banner. The second would be Legendary and Mythic banners some months after the unit is originally released. Legendary and Mythic banners are never rerun though, so after that you pretty much have to wait out random chance and future banner plans. You may see additional chances for a newer unit to appear in a Bound Hero Battle banner (which always features the two units featured in the banner plus one other unit closely related to the two), but I wouldn't count on them. On the topic of Fallen Julia though, based on the current results of the vote for the rerun banner, you may get a shot at her in January when they host the next Event Revival. As for the blessings, certain heroes known as Legendary or Mythic heroes can provide other heroes with bonuses if they are of the same element and during certain seasons, which rotates every week. Legendary Ike provides a bonus of HP +3 and Atk +2 to any heroes who have been given an Earth blessing during Earth season for instance. Mythic heroes provide similar bonuses, but only in Aether Raids. All heroes can receive any blessing they want (Flora is blessed with Fire), but Legendary and Mythic heroes can never change who they give blessings to, their elements are locked. Another benefit of blessings is that heroes with Fire, Water, Wind, or Earth blessings will be permitted use in the Blessed Gardens, although this matters far less once you clear every garden. You receive blessings as rewards from various quests, events, and weekly rewards, as well as receiving one blessing of the matching element any time you receive a Legendary or Mythic hero.
  2. Impulses are good, follow them more often. I got +Atk -HP Ninja Lyn! She was the only reason I kept summoning on the ninja banner (...that and hoping Zihark would appear with not +Res, which he never did...), so between her and my +Def Laev I think I can call it quits now! This was... overall a good banner for me, I got two units I didn't even have before this banner, a spare Spendthrift Bow+, plus the three ninja girls and even a spare set of Ninja Katana. ...now to wait for when they add a Ninja Bow that I need to summon for...
  3. Oright that too, forgot about that (and it's literally the first bonus too)
  4. The only scenario where Flayn would have 2 extra Res on top of a +Res asset would be if she was equipped with Res +2 (or two Res +1s). No other forms of Res +2 exist outside of Allegiance battles if Flayn is being used in the 4th slot with a unit who would provide such a small Res bonus. As stated @Sil/phire, an asset or flaw only ever change a stat by +3, +4 if its a Superboon or Superbane. The only time a stat would change by 5 or higher is if the unit in question is being changed to a Superboon from a normal asset at +1 merge and the Asset stat is being pushed into being the highest Lv1 stat instead of another stat, such as if a +1 merge +Res Annette were changed to +Atk.
  5. People on the FEH reddit are all bringing up how old she looks as well, negatively I might add. Sigh... I don't even really mind how young she looks now that I'm used to it and have gotten beyond the initial surprise, so now once again I'm like the only person who likes what they did while everyone else doesn't.
  6. Lucina looks... almost younger? Not gonna lie, I do like it (unlike some people once again...) and I do think I'll resub for her, but it's a little off-putting how small and younger she looks.
  7. Arle Nadjah (Puyo Puyo) Mr Saturn (Mother/Earthbound) Pyramid Head (Silent Hill) Yu Narukami (Persona) ...dakota.
  8. I woke up to everyone in America singing hallelujah, meanwhile I, someone who doesn't follow politics and doesn't understand why Biden won already, can really only smile and nod. Like... seriously, I'm looking at The Associated Press map of the US by votes, and all I can understand is that my homestate, Oregon, voted Democratic.
  9. Another day, another Laevatein. +Def -Spd though, which while not Atk... is still galaxies better than the Laev I had, and bonus I dont even need to merge if I dont wanna, so I have AD Rein fodder! ...oooooh boy, Ashnard would kill a nation to have this skill...
  10. I only noticed today, but the Sacred Seal from the latest Squad Assault, Squad Ace AN, is the last seal possible for dual stat seals (Def/Res). Are we gonna loop again and get a third set of dual stat seals...? And what about after that?
  11. ...huh. Lilith is neither a Ninja nor is she on-focus, but... she is Neutral, and I'll be glad to have her. ...but... I want a Ninja... EDIT: Larcei is... ALSO not a ninja or on-focus. +Spd -Atk could be better, but could be way worse. ...but... I still want a Ninja... EDIT EDIT: Midori is... the daughter of a ninja? Wait does that... +Res -HP, don't care cause I have TWO perfect Midoris as-is. ...um... where the Ninja? EDIT OF THE THIRD DIMENSION: Laevatein IS a ninja! -Def +Res is... well technically harmless, and I'm long past caring about natures that only affect the defenses of strong heroes. ...Laev really doesn't look that bad now that I'm getting a better look at her...
  12. We haven't no. All added weapons before this usually just had one or two effects, almost always reflecting the weapon that they were replacing on the unit. The closest to a weapon getting a "stat boost" would be Leif's Light Brand getting an additional Special Cooldown -1 effect when given the special refine.
  13. Most any unit who uses a Brave Axe+ already will prefer Masakari+ over the Brave Axe, even if they're slow bulky Brave Axe users since these have an additional point of Might (though you may want to make sure that the loss of bulk doesn't affect their gameplay) Thing about that is that Hana already has a great 36/40 statline to work with Masakari+, and most other axes don't match up to her Spd or Atk to make the axe work to its best (heck, she has almost the exact same raw offensive stats that 35/40 Duo Alm has). That aside, Jill has higher Atk and flier status compared to Hana (coming with all the best default skills to make the axe work great as a bonus), with Spring Fir having similar stats. Groom Marth and Spring Alfonse have the highest offensive stats among Axe Cavs to make Masakari work to its fullest. (31/36 and 35/33 respectively)
  14. Mist I could see getting a pure Spd variation of what Arvis and Saias got for her base effect, as she doesn't really have the Res to run with Sabotage and Chills... these days seem to just be thrown on as a throwaway skill. They could give the staff +3 Res to help trigger a Sabotage effect though...
  15. Hana is already one of the best Grail unit for me hands down, I have my next Grail +10 AND Trait fruit recipient decided. Seriously, I don't think many other grail units have one of their most important stats be their superboon, and Hana can reach 48 Spd with a +Spd and her weapons alone? I know there's probably better users of her weapon out there, but I +10ed Groom Hinata knowing that already too.
  16. Hm... I think this is the first time there's no "winner" of the refine treatment outside of CYL. Every refine batch has had at least one dud, but this one it's all real good. ...I could be remembering wrong of course... ~I'm glad Micaiah's refine works on both phases. I use mine as a PP Armor/Cav killer instead of a ranged tank. ~Fae has an even better Tactics effect than the Robins, and she doesn't even need to be in a mixed move type team. Not to mention the refine itself... ~Elise could be considered the "loser" only because they gave her an effect that most players already have. But giving her what amounts to a Foxtome for herself and allies is awesome, and the extra Spd is appreciated. ~Vaulter upgraded to straightup Fury 3 on his weapon. He should appreciate the extra stats. I... might need to +10 Fae now. That weapon is too good to pass up, if you ask me. I've had Elise +10ed too, so she'll appreciate this new weapon.
  17. I mean, even units who received a Brave weapon to start with (that isn't a prf) would rather have these new weapons, and Brave weapons with extra Spd were always given less might to compensate, but here... If they brought in a Ninja Bow, I'd have to summon it specifically to give it to Nina or Brave Claude.
  18. ...hey wait a... Why do these weapons have 1 more Might than the regular Brave weapons despite otherwise being absolutely and completely better in every way?
  19. Hm, Spd-based Brave weapons? About time we get these... queuing up a LOT more Desperation fodder. ...oh yeah, the Feh Channel revealed the stats of everyone, including Hana. All spreads remove their respective weapons. ~Laevatein's art isn't the best out there (if you ask me, they nailed her the first time), but her skills... oh boy, her skills. She basically has a full Bravetome effect on her weapon given she always attacks twice, and her entire kit makes her into a nightmare to battle if you can't kill her in one go. (stat spread: 41/42/18/37/34) ~Navarre is going all-in on Spd. Not much to say here. (Stat spread: 41/39/42/31/23) ~Zihark... I mean, it's cool he's here I think, but when there's an abundance of Swordies who would love to get their hands on his weapon... he should be glad he's the demote this time. (stat spread: 43/37/42/30/24) ~Lyn and Florina look great, both artistically and skill loadout. Her weapon and duo skill... could be a little more inspired, but nobody ever said special cooldown reduction/Spd brave stats and self-refreshing was bad . The only real dud is Chill Atk/Def, but that's what Desperation is for. (Stat spread: 40/38/42/21/26) ~Hana has a very basic starting kit of Glimmer, Life and Death 3, and Wrath, in addition to the bonuses of the Ninja Brave weapons. Looks effective enough. (I think her stat spread is 42/36/40/28/30) ...I hope I'm calculating these stats right, and that the stat mods on the weapons are reflected in the physical stats...
  20. Kinda wonder where Frontline Phalanx went... wonder if it'll make a comeback...
  21. Atrocity is good and all, but... yeah a Lull does sound like a good idea for EP... Given his having an Evasion effect in his weapon and the ability to stack it with another Evasion skill, +Spd is great to have on him (and it makes Flashing Blade work all the better for a Galeforce set). Despite the superasset, I don't know if he really NEEDS +Atk given he already has 41 at base, +5 from his weapon effect, plus a 25% damage buff if the foe is healthy, but... you know, more damage is never a bad thing. So yeah, +Spd is probably his BEST asset, doubling as both his offense and defense, with +Atk being a good secondary asset. Don't quote me on if +Atk is best for scoring though, I don't really pay attention to that...
  22. So I was thinking, LegDimitri could probably be used as an EP unit since his Prf skills don't have PP-locked effects. I was just wondering, is there a "best" way to go about it? Just to be clear, I'd like to try and avoid having him inherit an Evasion skill if I can help it, as I only have one to spare (Close Call from Mareeta) and I'm not sure how invested I actually am in Dimitri beyond giving him Distant Counter...
  23. I managed +Spd -Def LegDimitri, so I'm glad. Also got +HP -Spd Fallen Lyon, which made me mad, but hey since I don't care to merge him up that means I can replace my Neutral and have some... uh... hm, Lyon's fodder is not that good actually... Not a 5* summon, but I also got +Spd -HP Rath, which is literally the first good-natured Rath I've gotten since his demotion... and I've gotten a number of Raths. I swear I'm gonna +10 him out of spite someday.
  24. ...huh, thought I posted in here already. Well... there's this MMORPG I play every once in a while called Maplestory. Played since I was 12 and had a laptop to play it on. And there's a class in it called Xenon. When the class was first being released, I heard somewhere that their original beta name was Automata, and I was in need of a name for my character. So I did some math. (Xenon - second N) + (Automata - Auto) = Xeno mata ...yeah, young me wasn't exactly the paragon of name creation, not like I'm any better now. Over the years I just kept using it (I had other usernames), and eventually it became the only name I responded to online. Fortunately, it's not a popular name whenever I need to make a new character in an MMO.
  25. Bout time to update the list, Othin. Now that we know Staves are on the table... I dunno, we'll just have to wait and see. If they limit it to just 5* locked staves though, that means Mist and Genny are also up for refines from Book 1. If they wanna stretch it to staves who used to be available at 5*, that'd add in Sakura (who honestly I think will eventually get a refine anyway), Lachesis, Lucius, and Priscilla. If they're extending a refine to ALL staves though... god, so many units I haven't thought about in years...
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