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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Well great, I'm still undecided on who to pick as the freebie. They all look equally good (except Alm, I really don't need another Falchion user...), but I also don't wanna just pick Camilla because she's be the easiest pick when I'm not even that big a fan of her, but then do I want PP Beast killer or Micaiah?
  2. ...hello? Is this considered necro-bumping? I just wanna say, writing out your woes and such about your mental health helps a lot. I originally had some pretty depressing stuff written down (yeah the crappy ms paint sableye has some mental issues, depression spectrum and all that. You guys I'm sure have it rougher than I ever did), but once I was done I felt better having expressed it all, even if no one ever reads it (which you won't) So hey, if you ever feel down about the thing ailing you, just write. Keep writing, maybe express some rage about the people around you. And then, give it a read, and just... click away. No one but you ever needs to see it. It helped just seeing that there was a thread called "Mental health thread" and that I could type a response to it. Maybe not totally, because the demons are still there... but hey, even the smallest thing can help.
  3. Enemy exclusive then. Same point, slightly muddled facts. Still, I wonder just why Death Knight comes with Mastermind (Lysithea's Personal skill) when he has no reason to have it... not like any other units in Three Houses has useless skills like that unless they're class skills...
  4. Not his "personal" per say, but it is a skill that is, as far as I can tell anyway, "exclusive" to him, as no class in the game can learn it and it is in his Abilities slots, you know where the Weapon Affinity skills would be. I believe he has Commander, Lancefaire, and Canto as his class skills, and a few seemingly random skills for his other abilities (Lysithea's personal skill that increases Skill EXP comes to mind, even though he isn't even playable (DLC forshadowing???????)) The scythe itself has no effects besides being very powerful. Also to be fair, they kinda give that treatment to a number of characters. Walhart is legit pretty terrifying in Awakening, even some mages might be at risk if they don't play their cards right, but here it's almost laughable just how underwhelming Walhart can be, though that may be because nobody but me has actually invested in him...
  5. >Karla, Kana, and Ares are the foci units. >Summons Amelia, the foci unit from a few days ago. Wait a...
  6. A Manakete, a Marquess, a Vacationer, and a Picnicker walk into a ruins. Suddenly, the Death Knight appears! ...it occurs to me I didn't give a solid enough view of my units stats and skills... oops. Also I really like the thumbnail. I didn't get it to do that on purpose, but it looks freaking sweet.
  7. I read that Annette has a post-timeskip Paralogue with Gilbert, but... I played Blue Lions first and beat it on Normal, but I never got it. I played and cleared every other paralogue I had access to (Sylvains, Ingrid/Dorothea, Seteth/Flayn, Felixs, Hanneman/Manuela, Ashe/Catherine, Dedue, Alois/Shamir, Sothis's Mariannes, and Mercedes/Caspar), but I do not recall ever being allowed access to one for Annette or Gilbert, before or after the timeskip. Did I miss something? I never really used Gilbert beyond as an adjunct, so I could have missed something, but I'm not discounting the possibility that I simply missed it in a very strict time-frame for doing it. Beyond Enlightened One for Byleth, no. The closest you can manage is Mortal Savant, which has Sword/Black Magic proficiency, ergo it enables the use of magic.
  8. Mercedes +Res -Def appeared to me. ...let's just call me good on this banner, because I don't care much for Hubert (ESPECIALLY after playing the Blue Lions route) and Mercie was the only one I really wanted anyway... she's probably gonna drop anyway...
  9. Does having any of the Crest Items in New Game+ allow the holder of the items to gain the upgraded effects of the Hero's Relics? So say I gave someone the item that replicated the Crest of Fraldarius on Felix. Would that mean the crestholder would be able to gain the damage halving effects of the Aegis Shield? I wish I could test this myself, but I'm not far enough into a NG+ file to even have a relic... @Bk1234 yes, you do. I think you can even form supports between the adjutant and nearby units, because I'd get supports between Seteth and some random student he was never paired with.
  10. "Eh why not make Micaiah +10? It'll be the only chance I have for a long time, and besides how hard could getting two copies of her be?" In other news, I removed my card details from google play.
  11. I decided, for fun, to see just what their 4* skills are. ~F!Byleth has Even Atk Wave. Fury 3 to, but I'm not counting it since it becomes Fury 4 on her. ~M!Byleth is Odd Spd Wave. ~Dimitri would offer Lull Atk/Def. Death Blow 3 as well, though again it becomes DB4 on him. ~Edelgard would be Dull Close. ~Claude would give Def Smoke. They would all offer a powerful skill at 4*. But instead we must contend with this...
  12. >Boosts two of the units stats in order of highest to lowest when the unit is Level 1. HP is always done first because it's always the highest stat, while the others can vary, though in the case of ties the stat distribution will prioritize HP>Atk>Spd>Def>Res. In Lucy's case, it should usually go HP>Spd>Atk>Def>Res. This will repeat 4 times for each stat up to +10 merge, meaning each stat will always be +4 by then regardless of distribution order. >After the merged units update, it also effectively removes the units Flaw stat by adding one Base Stat and about 10% growth to the flaw stat (at level 40, this usually means +3 or +4 to the flaw stat). The flawed stat is still remembered for the purpose of unlocking a units potential, applying stats in merges, and Dragonflowers. If the unit is Neutral, then a bonus +1 is applied to the units highest 3 stats at level 1. In Lucy's case this usually means HP, Spd, and Atk. >It also increases the score granted when using the unit in Coliseum content, however a single merge doesn't affect scores that much.
  13. Just to let you know, there are a few points in the story where the sword automatically recharges. I honestly don't think it's worth it to use materials to fix it up anyway. When I was playing, I mostly used it to kill off monsters, using Bows + Close Counter for range, and then just resting at some later point. Even though I swear there's an excess of monsters in Blue Lions, I still never ran out of durability on it.
  14. Literally listening to the credits music as I type. Funny coincidence though, I didn't realize that Mercedes had a paralogue post-time skip that probably coulda been missed... but I had coincidentally decided to recruit Caspar only a few chapters earlier. The students I recruited were Bernadetta, Caspar, and Marianne, with Bernadetta I decided to S rank. I tried to get Raphael to, but I only managed his B support in the literal last week before the time skip. You do not know how much it sucked to have learned why he wanted to be a knight, only to then have to kill him later...
  15. "Golly gee, it'd sure be nice to get a free Micaiah from the Festival banner! But ah bullish man, it's just Cain. Hmmm, but I can check the other Red orb I gue- "Wait that's Micaiah... uh... shoot." She's now +8, and... its possible to +10 her, but do I need to? She'd only benefit from getting to +9, and I highly doubt she would bring anything unique to being another red +10, but on the other hand... it'd bother me if she were in perpetual +9 hell because she pretty much will never appear outside of another Hoshido Festival banner from here on... Well I have a month to think on it.
  16. Fair warning, I'm not @XRay or @Ice Dragon, this is just my opinion based on what I know. Summer Laegjarn does not care about her defensive stats. Does she have +Atk or +Spd and -not Atk or -not Spd? Then she's good to go. Worldsea Wave makes it so she doesn't need to care about taking hits, so any defensive Flaw is acceptable on her. All you need to do is give her the ability to kill before she takes that one hit, because most units will be able to get her to under 50% regardless, and then the ability to GTFO once she's done her job. As such, the Laegjarn you trained can be kept as-is, and the one you summoned can be a fine smoothie to your Brave Lyn or whoever. I personally prefer Glimmer. Ruptured Sky I'm sure is a fine skill, but I've yet to use it (though if you need score, then having a 500 SP 2-cooldown skill is noteworthy), while Moonbow won't usually be adding much damage compared to Glimmer (12 or 15 at most, depending on how many merges you are up against), which is necessary if you are going for a Bladetome Vantage sweeper. I'd recommend Glimmer anyway, as Laev will be doing so much damage that the bonus 50% will add on as much damage as most potent Bonfire or Ignis triggers. It'll be overkill, but I prefer overkill to gambling with if Moonbow will be enough, which Moonbow I'd rather save for less Atk-gifted units.
  17. Eh, it's not really something I minded. Granted I think it'd have been better to pick a traveler out of generic units, ala the servants in My Castle in Fates, but otherwise it didn't make or ruin anything for me.
  18. Fishing. Man Fishing is overpowered on the right days. If you go fishing on a day where there's a lot of fish, you get Professor EXP for each fish. That's at least 150 for Excellent Red fishes, and even a cool 25-50 for the small fishes. And oh man getting Yellow fish... one Excellent catch is like 2k in Gold Fish. Made buying all that bait over the months worth it to reach A+ Professor Rank. Also sending out a Traveler with a Master Seal? Turns out leaving them out for a few days will net you 71k in gold and a butt-ton of resources.
  19. Hrm... seems like the last one, they're each only interacting with one each of the Askr Trio plus summoner. Hilda is Kiran Hubert is Alphonse Petra is Anna And Mercedes is, of course, Sharena.
  20. I really and honestly have to wonder what the point of using the names of their kingdoms founders was... I mean, if their intent is to kill them anyway, what's the point of hiding the truth?
  21. @Zeo Just watched the Matthew clears, and... hm... Glad to see you found a way to get Bonus Doubler on him. Sometimes feel like my clears aren't worth talking about when I'm using two of the strongest +10 infantry mages and LegAzura...
  22. Consider that Sophia got the same Prf Raventome, but got Bracing Stance refine instead. Boey at least has the freedom to choose a decent A Passive without giving up the ability to Close Counter. Sophia can either run Close Counter or sacrifice the ability for improving her ranged defense game. Either way, she is locked special refine Eternal Tome if she isn't running a different tome.
  23. I lean most toward +Atk. It has some variable ability in the weapons he can use and adds just a little extra raw damage to his default kit. Since he has 40 Spd by default (with Lunar Ark) and gets another 9 with Darting Blow 4, he can just take a Spd+ seal or Darting Blow SS to make up the lost speed from not taking the Spd asset.
  24. What'd be a good bow for +8 +Atk Nina? As much as I like the idea of the Shining Bow... it just doesn't work as well as you think it should in practice, plus these days the enemies in Arena Assault almost never have that far a distance between their Def and Res. Slaying Bow might be alright, but it seems that it isn't that popular a bow... Brave Bow would make her a speedy Brave Bow user. Guard Bow would be good for making her a speedy Magic tank, though it wouldn't do much good for her Defense... The Bouquet Bow or Beguiling Bow might be interesting, but I hesitate on that due to them being on TT units. Side question, I have an extra Nina to make her +9 for an extra point in Atk and Spd, but I'm holding out to see if maybe the next Dancers banner has a Bow user on it. But... should I just give her the merge?
  25. Y... We are almost to Z... This is a public reminder that Scythes are not even originally tools of war, they're farming tools. They're used to effectively mow, or scythe, grass and crops. The Death Knight is just a really edgy farmer. @Diovani Bressan Remember us talking about Sorcery Blade and Inf. Hexblade?
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