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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. ~Gee Edelgarde, just say you wanna be left alone next time. Don't gotta make it so painfully obvious... ~Can't say Dimitri looks all that impressive at first glance. Conditional follow-up is kinda neat, but kinda limits him to either be good for one battle of, more likely, as a quick picke-offer kinda unit. The kind you send in to clean up. ~Claude... I guess he's be good for a debuffing team. He will love Daggers. ~FemByleth... ohey Fury 4's in the normal pool now. Otherwise 20% of Foes Atk, or 40% of a dragons Atk... sorry, that doesn't sound that good. At worst it'll be 8 additional damage, 16 on a dragon, but if I wanna counter a Dragon... well, that's what Falchion and Naga are for. I dunno what to really say about these guys. I dunno how they're supposed to be in Three Houses. Are they not at all like their original selves? FE4 is Claud. Three Houses is Claude. VERY clear difference, uncultured one... just kidding just kidding.
  2. Units with new skills have been demoted before, though the only ones I remember off the top of my head are Libra and Brady...
  3. Well it's her, Claude, or... uh... ...who was the other one? Ferdi-no wait that's Echoes...
  4. I actually find it more likely, of all things, for Byleth to be the 4* demote... I mean, best guess is that the other 3 units will be the House Leaders. Edelgard could maaaybe be the demote, but otherwise the 3 are equal footing in terms of status. Byleth meanwhile... we don't know much about them, but they are the most different of the potential 4 units. That or, best case scenario, all 3 will be demoted and Byleth will be 5* locked. But hahaha, that'd never happen these days...
  5. Is it bad that Luke's new Rowdy Sword is juuust meh enough that I'd rather make him a dedicated Safeguard+ unit? ...yes? no? Too late, gave him the refine already. ...I mean, it's not bad, per say. May as well be a Death Blow refine if used right. But... I'd rather just have a defensive swordie than a Brave Sword that's only good under certain conditions. Plus my Luke is +Def so he's better suited for defense anyways. Also not having an XX0 amount of dews suuuuucks.
  6. Still think the merge is better. Again, Chrom is more available (especially now that lucy is rarer), and if you really need Aether he can just be promoted. Not like there's many cases besides building an Arena team where you'd want Aether over Luna.
  7. Merge her. Sealed Falchion + double Brazens will add up her Speed tremendously if you just invest it, and that asset/flaw combo could not be more perfect (unless you have better). Besides, Chrom is 3/4 star. Just promote him if you need Aether.
  8. Finally... the day has come... Lucina... do away with your -Atk weakness.
  9. Sigh... I really hope that the next Seasonal Dancers banner has a Bow Dancer on it... training up Bows is a bit of a pain when one of the slots has to be dedicated to LA!Roy or Nina, neither of whom can dance, ergo one less action the trainee can perform...
  10. Small clarification, the Bane is not completely removed: the stat is still considered lower than other stats internally for two circumstances: >Merges and Dragonflowers (as the order of boosting stats is determined by highest to lowest at Lv1, and then in the order of HP>Atk>Spd>Def>Res if two stats are the same) >Promoting to higher rarities (as all merges are lost upon promotion, so the Flaw will return) This might seem trivial, but I'd like to present a personal example I have worked with: Odin. (more in the spoiler)
  11. ...yeah? Not in the June/July calendar either. Probably no reason to put a weekly occurrence in the calendar...
  12. I could honestly see them leaving out the obvious rerun summer banners on the calender because clutter. Just look at how many banners we're getting on top of the weekly year 1 banners...
  13. An orb for the sea I dream for the Blue Bowed Wings Instead I get this So... I +10ed both Corrins... and they're both Adrift... Sigh... the things I catch in getting all the units...
  14. @lightcosmo side note on this, the summon rates reset at the moment the 5* unit is summoned, not at the end of the session. So if you summon a 5* unit at the beginning of a session and the rest are 4*s and 3*s, then summon only once in the next session and get a 3*/4*, the 5* rate will still go up, though you won't see this take place until you leave the summoning session (as the results of the session are pre-determined) (If I got it wrong, let me know. Don't wanna give the wrong info to someone who doesn't know)
  15. None taken, it's supposed to look even worse than a 6 year old with paper and 8 crayons. I fully admit to having low artistic ability anyway. The last time I tried to draw something, it was when people were doing outfit swaps of characters (I did Beruka wearing Ursula's outfit) and the result was... eh??? Actually the "best" thing I ever made is that sableye icon I use...
  16. Oh man, Legendary Eliwood's map would have been interesting to see with Spy Dagger, but... oh well. He should be back in a few months.
  17. ... Cynthia stat line: 38/32/37/27/29 Fiora stat line: 40/32/37/26/28 Both also have a Spd based Link skill. Cynthia has Spd/Def, Fiora has Spd/Res. And a bit of a stretch, they have Atk based C passives. Literally the same unit.
  18. So turns out Brady was the drop from the Future Past banner... huh. And his 4* skill is Atk/Res Push... huh. Yeah I'm just learning this, so... Also this banner is bull. After getting pity broken immediately by 5* Reyson (go away you're already 5*+10), so many orbs were spent on full summons of a 4 color banner, and not one 5* until a lot later. Fortunately, Summer Lilina is +Atk -Def. Couldn't be more perfect~ So then more summoning happened... +Def -Atk Wolt... +Spd -Atk Ursula... and +Spd -Atk Wolt. And in the very end... a Brave Veronica. ...I'm stopping here. I'm sick of these New Hero banners holding out on me and making me spend so much on Orbs, only to give me the luck of a person sniping a certain color. I don't need Lyn, she can wait a while longer, at least if not able to play the abandoned puppy.
  19. @lightcosmo Just so you are aware, there are currently 398 individual Heroes in the game (Oh my god that's a lot of heroes). While at this point it is unrealistic for you to obtain all of them, that at least tells you how many barracks slots you may want to look into acquiring. Just as an example, because right now I have all but a few Summer and Halloween heroes (not counting the recently revealed Summer Heroes), I have 600 Barracks slots, and are using 405 of them. 388 of those slots are one copy each of the heroes I own, while the remaining are made up of lower rarity copies of some of the heroes. Different Assets and Flaws and the like. Because of Combat Manuals, in my honest opinion, there's no reason to go all out on Barracks slots, as you just won't need all of them. Just going on cleanup every once in a while and converting useless Heroes into manuals will keep you well under whatever barracks limits you are at right now. As a rule of safety I try to keep to though, always keep your Barrack limit to at least 100 above your current number of used or saved heroes. That way if you ever mass summon, you don't have to go cleaning as often. As a tip, make sure you have Asset/Flaw Color Display on in the Settings, so that you know immediately who is worth keeping and who is not. And if you're ever not sure... well, that's what asking is for.
  20. That's the funny funny. This is the part where you do a chuckle chuckle.
  21. Ahem. FREAKING FINALLY. How in gods name did it take this long to get Steady Stance as a SS?? The first Stance SS was in October 2018, Darting Blow. Fierce Stance was December 2018. Warding Stance is the most recent at March 2019. I mean, I guess it's probably the "best" of the stances (if they can be considered good), and yeah I'm saving my sacred coins to get this on my Lukas ASAP, but... Glad to know we can wait til February 2020 to get Death Blow SS. ...oh they're all good I guess. Atk/Res is a minor throwaway seal (still waiting on Def/Res SS) and Chill Spd is pretty neat. And then Fiora... wait didn't we already get Cynthia?
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