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Everything posted by BluBlaDe

  1. Pretty good, sounds about right. Nobody gives a fuck about you except maybe your family. Everyone else is out to get you in one way or another. This is reality especially for men. You can make a good friend or two but meh, real life is not a Disney movie except maybe if you were born with money, good looks and social skills. it happens to everyone. You can be tenacious ( read stupidly optimist) and try over and over again with different girls and you'll land one or two one of these days. But the real question is why would you want a girlfriend? Peer pressure? Companionship? Why? Having a girlfriend isn't like all those stupid movies and like what you see from other people. When you see a random dude with his GF in public you only see a facade. You don't even know if he or she are faithful to each other. You don't know anything about them but you think they are happy? If you asked me the con of having a girlfriend far outweighs the pros. You don't need to lose confidence over something like that. You tried so that put you ahead of tons of people... You might get better if you tried more. It might also have told you a lesson : The niceguy never wins, only the badboy wins and even they he can loses too so nobody wins. And who cares about relationships anyway? Is your whole life about trying to get only one girl to like you? Your life should be about doing something that you enjoy, be it traveling, video games,whatever. If you enjoy being told that you are useless and stupid than go ahead and keep on finding them girlies ( or you could improve yourself like hell and they'll naturally come to you. Take some steroids and it will work just fine). But living your whole life for just finding a girl isn't worth it IMO.
  2. Confidence is for losers. Take it to the next level and become a grade 1 narcissist. Who the hell could be unhappy/unconfident when they seriously think they are the best in the world? Nobody that's who. Also being socially awkward is usually determined by your body build, social skills or something else like that. You can change some of it but not all so if you are socially awkward don't feel bad about it, it's not your fault. Try to find a hobby and others interests and stick to them. Picking up girls is only a number game. The more you try the more chances you'll have to get one. If you bother to do so, picking up girls is more trouble than it is worth IMO. If you have the the time to feel lonely or forever alone then you have the time to make money/ get a good body/ upgrade your social skills instead of feeling sorry for not getting women. Attitude is a big part of it too. Even MR Universe Full Cash Social Hero would not get any if he had the attitude of a loser. Well he would probably get some but still... When you have Cash, Muscle and Social power you usually aren't a loser heh? Chivalry is old-fashioned and should not exist, it's sexism. After all women are the same as men so they should be treated the same as men. Or well I think that's what political correctness dictates. I think people confuse real life with video games and fiction because they have no clues whatsoever how real life works and nobody will ever tell you the truth because they also don't have a clue. They will tell you what you want to hear and that's all or they will tell you what worked for them which may not work for you.
  3. FE4 is the best written IMO and I've played most of the series. FE4 had really awesome character developement for an old school rpg. Trabant, Alvis, Levin and even Eltshan were very well made. SPOILERS
  4. He's not an archer, there's no way an archer could tank better than actual tanks.
  5. Best is Sleuf : Sleuf: Lady Amalda, please withdraw your blade. It is me, Sleuf. Amalda: Father Sleuf... What are you doing here? Sleuf: I have come for you, my lady. The Liberation Army is waiting for you. Amalda: Are you telling me to betray my country? I can't do that, Father Sleuf... I wouldn't be suffering like this if I could. Sleuf: Lady Amalda, a nation isn't the personal property of the king and nobility. If they have been misled, it is the knight's duty to see to it that their paths be corrected. Are you going to let your country do wrong for fear of being labeled a traitor? Amalda: No... But when I think about what will happen to my troops... Sleuf: ...You are a kind lady. However, what they do is up to them. You should follow your own heart more freely. Amalda: ...Very well, Father Sleuf. I will join the Liberation Army. I will rescue the kidnapped children! That is my only wish!
  6. I don't understand but if you are calling out the media on their bullshit than you are right. Media only care about their own interest, not the truth.
  7. Keep up the good fight Klokinator. And you google plus fuck off! I'd rather recruit Xavier than deal with your stupid bullshit.
  8. The worst archer in the series isn't actually Ronan but Tanya. You have to defend her in 8x with only Dagda during at least 5 turns. She's the only archer in the series where it would have been better if she simply did not exist as 8x would have been MUCH easier without her. All the ''good'' she can do the rest of the game do not make up for how much she sucks in 8x. Also if you didn't give her and Dagda vulneraries 8x is impossible and you have to restart the game all over or waste physic staves. Basically she is a mediocre unit that has no use whatsoever except weakening already weak enemies and pissing you off in 8x. Most others archers in the series can at least be benched the whole game and not piss you off. This is not the case with Tanya. One of the best would probably be Shinon FE10. An archer that can Tank better than actual tanks? What the hell IS? Although his game is full of badasses.
  9. This makes me think... If you used all these sucky units together ( Glade, Kein, Alba, Robert, Selphina) Would they not get some kind of insane support bonus and be actually useful? Thinking about it I think this is where IS was going with them. They have nothing good about em but if you used them together then maybe they'd be a strong fighting unit? Well they aren't gonna be as good as strong characters but that may explain why they suck so much. They have to be used together and even then it would not be a good team.
  10. Looking back I never really used him. Glade has a leadership star so it's + 3 avoid to everyone in the map and he is almost as good as Fred but with lances. 3 isn't much but if you use Finn too + 6 to everyone is nice. I guess you could have an easier time in chapter 14 putting an unequipped Fred with Olwen behind him to practice her magic for fun. Other than that he might be useful with A sword... only less than Fergus, Shiva and even Leaf if they have an A in sword. Dean has some costly malus indoor so maybe Fred would be a good A sword user if you don't have any others? 6/10. Usable but there are usually better choices.
  11. The best use for a sleep sword is getting two more in 16 A ha ha ha
  12. Ronan, the worst archer in the game where being an archer suck the most.
  13. I think they may give you stats up but otherwise they are pretty useless. Sure is nice to see some interaction although.
  14. Why do you want to get a sex change? Is it because you hate everything about men/manliness ? Maybe you were brainwashed to think that only men are evil and that everything feminine is perfect. It's not the case. There's good in both manliness and feminity. A girl by heart? It's hard to know how girl thinks when you aren't a girl. You may think girls are like that and that but you don't know for sure except if you take tons of androgen. Anyway the ''dangers'' : If my girlfriend used to be a man I would never talk to her ever again and I'm pretty sure 70 % or so men would do just the same. Just... no. I don't think I need to explain why. So if you wanted to have a boyfriend or something you'll have to lie to him forever. Or maybe pick someone really accepting and probably bisexual. Pretty sure depending on your parents they may disown you, especially dad. Or maybe dad isn't there? You'd basically have to start a new life and if someone ever found out you were a man before I'm pretty sure they would avoid you.
  15. Can't believe you guys. I did not know half the forum was personally friend with Facebook suicide girl. My bad. My thoughts on insulting the deads : Insulting the dead in front of their loved ones now that's insane stuff and should not be done. Insulting some random dead person over the internet is stupid too. However people that are comitting suicide are a special case especially when it's a stupid reason like say not getting access to facebook. There are people that lose limbs and friends and they don't go comitting suicide all over the place for that. Killing yourself when you have no REAL LIFE DAMAGING problems is spitting in the face of people that have them and are trying hard to live with them. So it's okay to insult the dead when they do something that isn't logical and pisses people off. Like say kill themselves over something extremely stupid. Nobody is going to force you at gun point to commit suicide.
  16. Philosopher didn't have porn, videos games or work to do so they basically had jack shit to do. When you have nothing to do you basically start thinking like hell and you come up with all sort of crazy stuff and even sometimes they came up with pretty good stuff. So why do people doubt reality? Because they had nothing to do and basically came up with theories or something.
  17. They actually are amazing. He nailed it with one fucking word. One could say she had mental issues or others problems but it all come down to one thing : She was a big pussy.
  18. It's fine dude. Especially olders movies, they all have something over the stuff that is made today. And they certainly aren't as childish as the new cartoons/movies. You don't have to grow up too. Some people marry and start working like mad just to fit in more. You can do what you like for the rest of your life and if some people don't like it then it's their problems. You don't have to live your life for other people.
  19. Without warp you are fucked. Sorry. You can't sleep or silence her, it will be impossible to recruit her. YOU COULD come into the chapter with like your units with the best magic stats ( maybe juste 3 units that have higher magic than her) and even use holy water to boost the magic of your others units and basically Tina would not be able to steal your stuff but that would be not worth it at all and a waste of your resources. Not to mention units with good magic would have a problem just getting to Tina. You would basically make the chapter much harder. Anyway to get everything you'll need the following : Sleep staff for Trewd. Warp Lara to recruit Pahn. Use Pahn to steal the Thief staff. Later on Safy will recruit Tina. Don't open the door with Pahn. When you recruit Pahn everyone starts running away. Move your guys and try to kill some people if you want to. I don't think the thieves will try to get the treasures after Pahn is recruited. Trewd will run away and you can't get him without Sleep or warp. He's pretty useless anyway. I think you can catch and release the dancers but haven't played the chapter in ages. Anyway if you have the resources it's a really easy chapter. Edit : Just thought of something... Come with high build characters that have no weapons whatsoever and give your weapons to people that have high magic. You could micro manage you army so that at the end of each turn you give all your equipment to people that have higher magic than Tina so she won't be able to steal anything. Your high build characters will be attacked but they won't be caught. I don't think it could work although, there would be too much enemies and it would be a pain. The thief would steal all the treasure and you probably would not be done in time to get the Dancers with K proof and W staff
  20. Exactly it. A lot of people try to shame other people into a mold by telling them they aren't real men. They say a real man is someone that does x and y and usually x and y benefits someone else than him. A real man is just a male over 18
  21. 2) You don't have to feel bad about it. In the time of your grandfather he didn't have to compete with women and immigrants for the same number of jobs. Simply put everyone could be financially independent more easily in his time. Getting shamed by your father/family into getting a job is simply them not being in touch with reality. If they were in your shoes right now they would not be able to do anything. This is logical but it seems most people can't understand something as simple as this. ''Wiser'' and older, buahahahahaa yeah right. 3) Same. At the same time are there really that many jobs in that sector? Anyway people really sucks. Having friends will most likely hold you back in what you really want to do but is it really what you want to do? From what I know of Japan they hate outsiders so they probably have Japanese people teach english anyway. There aren't that many teaching jobs out there either. Your cousins attending X school does not make them intelligent anyway. 4) Does not exist. Women that takes commitment seriously are really rare and those that does will stop dating you in 3 years max anyway. Humans aren't monogamous anyway. Same but I'm not unhappy about it, everyone needs to accept it one time or another since it's reality, better accept it when we are young. Having ''dreams'' is quite naive and means that you aren't quite in touch with reality. In reality the only person that wants you to succeed is yourself and everyone will try to drag you down to their level no matter what. They don't want you to be the only one happy.
  22. You are a realist and won't easily be fooled. Welcome to real life man. Hoping is stupid anyway. We don't need to hope since we can make our own life the way we want to. Hoping is hoping someone else will do things the way you want them to do which truthfully never happens.
  23. He doesn't have a choice to reject it, it seems he has been failing for long enough to think that his next attempt will be a failure too. If he could do it he wouldn't have thought about it for three years or so. It is a view imprinted by society, introverts are seen as weird if they don't try to be social butterflies. You don't have a choice at least until you are 20 or so years old. He will need to drop whatever he was doing sooner or later since it seems like it did not work. It's the same as trying to be a doctor or something, not everyone can be doctors or get something they wanted for so long. Look at any nerds wanting a girlfriend, they won't ever get one but some still want one.
  24. You care too much dude. It's like that everywhere and you can't change it. It also doesn't affect you so you should not care about it.
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