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Everything posted by Yexin

  1. Valentine Ike, because why the hell is he the only valentine banner-leader without a PRF weapon? Alm-Celica and Hector both have their own
  2. my answer is Yes to all 4 questions, and i'll explain why Byleth is a silent avatar in a game which features many dilague options, so players have "more empty space to fill with their own personality and ideas" the problem comes when taking into account that Byleth is much more relevant to the game's plot than Robin and Corrin were for their, so he has an established role, but not an established personality, and despite lacking a personality, for some reason he isn't customizable, and this is Byleth's greatest weakness imo Robin and Corrin basically were regular main characters except for the fact that they were customizable, but IntSys tried to treat them like avatars, which they clearly weren't, since they have their own personality and leave players basically no empty space to fill, so this strange combination simply results in a very boring main character which happens to be customizable for no actual reason moral of the story: please IntSys enough with avatars, you've already proven that you can't handle them properly
  3. if IntSys and/or Koei (can't remember who made the roster picks for FEW) somehow manage to fuck it up once again, then people surely will bitch about it, and they'd be justified also 3H's 100%-guaranteed bias will cause controversies as well, if CYL4 is anything to go by i guess we have to hope for the next FE title to flop or be a remake if we don't want this kind of controversies anyway, yeah, i think chances for a sequel are decently high, but similarly to what many have already stated, i don't see it happening in the near future
  4. in no particular order 1) 2D graphics with sprites and so on just like pre-Tellius games I don't know, i just feel 2D graphics and animations fit Fire Emblem so much more, and i'd love to see what they could do with modern technologies. I mean look at Octopath Traveler, that game's damn gorgeous, and it really shows how a bunch of pixels can convey emotions just as (if not more than) 3D models 2) No avatar (nor the main character being just an avatar except not advertised as such) Just stop, i had enough, i want an actually compelling main character, not a bland representation of myandeveryoneelse'sself, because I AM NOT compelling. When i play a Fire Emblem game, i want to be inspired by its characters and story, but if the main character is empty, the whole point of playing it becomes empty as well. 3) No child units, unless actually relevant to the plot, ร  la Genealogy Luckily 3H got rid of them, but i fear they might return someday. 4) Good amount of support converations, but not Fates level -> No excessive focus on romantic relations of any sort; background informations or interesting topics discussed instead Self explanatory, i want good supports, and if a conversation wouldn't be interesting, just cut it from the final game, there's no need for oversaturation or filler conversations for the pure sake of quantity. 5) Base is back, with Bonus Exp, Info conversations and Forge (with customizable weapons) as well They were simply amazing, why did they even scrap them in the first place. 6) Linear story, no multiple routes, no "your choices matter" stuff Imo branching stories hurt writing and consistency so much, FE shoud just forget about them. 7) No World Map, no farming -> Limited resources -> Good difficulty even when playing Normal I hate it in every FE game except for Gaiden and Echoes, it allows you to farm exp and/or items and annihilates any sense of tension, when the situation requires it. "Yeah, we're about to take on the final boss, but WAIT, a random encounter popped up so let's go clear it, then we should have a look around every shop in the continent just in case." 8 ) Return to %-based skills I doubt many will agree with this, but maybe i'll create a thread where i talk about difficulty in FE games and ask for other opinions; for now, let's just reduce it to "for me, %-based skills are great for SRPG, which FE should technically be". 9) Good map design: most of the maps, if not every map, must be memorable -> No gimmick mechanics such as dragon veins or stuff like that PoR and RD have amazing map design, they're all so diverse, and thanks to this, i can easily remember the majority of their maps (i'll never EVER forget RD's first 10 chapters, they're engraved on my mind). About gimmick mechanics, they add nothing relevant to the game, they're basically a "use me to unlock this chapter's 'easy mode' and clear it" button, and don't make me feel like i achieved anything from beating that chapter, i just wish they never come back. 10) Just a high quality game in general, filled with love When i play Echoes, i can feel all the love those who worked on it put in that game, despite its many flaws. I just wish this was possible with more FE games.
  5. i always appreciate criticism towards 3H, because far too many people praise it for being the best game in the series but actually have no counterarguments to support their statements, when proved wrong anyway, despite this premise, i really can't agree with what you said, i think 3H is a huge improvement from Fates no, it doesn't mean that 3H is perfect, in fact it's far from it and has many flaws that Fates doesn't have but there is one thing i absolutely agree with you: Fates wasn't nearly as pretentious and try-hard as 3H is imho everything crumbles when in 3H they talk about huge wars, dragons and gods, but then the game lets you choose something which it considers "wrong", in a game where advertisements made it look like choices actually mattered "ok guys should we move left or right" "left" "no you idiot we're going right" i can definitely see why Fates engaged you more than 3H though
  6. i'm ok with it, simply because i like to see what new skill they come up with, how blatantly stronger new units keep getting, and who knows, maybe some units i like who are not in Heroes yet can get a good treatment too (looking at you, arthur, boyd and makalov) yeah, i'm disappointed that gen1 units, most notably 5*-only gen1 units, such as ike, got so shafted, but that's just how it goes personally, if i were IntSys, every year i would boost every old-gen units' bst to make them match the new gen's standard FOR FREE, just to show that i care about those people who've been playing my damn game for so long
  7. imho "deep" is an extremely vague word, so much open to different interpretations to the point that having a discussion about "the deepest character" simply wouldn't work also, "deep" doesn't necessarily mean "good" and "well written" this said, i too must go with Rhea, she's basically 3H's lore's personification, and a very good character on its own as well
  8. Crimea's Elite Knights Kieran, Axe Cavalry 44 HP, 38 ATK, 30 SPD, 37 DEF, 13 RES (162 BST) Astrid, Colorless bow Cavalry 35 HP, 35 ATK, 37 SPD, 22 DEF, 23 RES (152 BST) Makalov, Sword Cavalry (Demote) 38 HP, 33 ATK, 37 SPD, 34 DEF, 20 RES (162 BST) Geoffrey, Lance Cavalry 40 HP, 36 ATK, 36 SPD, 34 DEF, 16 RES (162 BST) Bastian, Colorless dagger Blue tome Infantry (Instant Demote) 42 HP, 33 ATK, 34 SPD, 24 DEF, 28 RES (162 BST) Lucia, Sword Infantry (GHB) 40 HP, 34 ATK, 38 SPD, 28 DEF, 33 RES (172 BST) Ground-Shaking Dragons Nasir, Blue breath Infantry 50 HP, 38 ATK, 22 SPD, 24 DEF, 40 RES (173 BST) Gareth, Red breath Armor 57 HP, 42 ATK, 17 SPD, 43 DEF, 21 RES (180 BST) Ena, Green breath Infantry (demote) 47 HP, 34 ATK, 35 SPD, 26 DEF, 30 RES (172 BST) Kurthnaga, Colorless breath Flier 52 HP, 37 ATK, 23 SPD, 31 DEF, 32 RES (175 BST) No Instant Demote Almedha (yes), Blue breath Infantry (GHB) 49 HP, 36 ATK, 34 SPD, 22 DEF, 34 RES (175 BST) Deghinsea, Colorless breath Armor (Mythic) 60 HP, 43 ATK, 12 SPD, 36 DEF, 36 RES (185 BST)
  9. i love Makalov, but don't feel bad for him: i feel bad for those who dislike or even hate him also yeah, i love Rhea and i don't like that she gets all that hate.. i wish she got MORE hate, so that she'd be much more popular, if edelgard, lysithea and camilla are anything to go by
  10. 3H has the advantage of allowing the player to unlock limitless support conversations for every character, the only limit is the amount of units a character can support with PoR and GBA games, though, only allow every character to unlock up to 5 conversations: this was probably meant as replayability value, but for me it's just a way to block me from obtaining informations about the characters i'm controlling (i hope they get rid of this in their remakes) despite this, imho the best FE cast is the Tellius one (Makalov for the win), thanks to appearing in 2 games (most of the characters, at least), and an overall amazing writing and a world with rich and detailed lore those games really make you feel that the world their characters live in is real and alive
  11. sorry, i haven't specified this by "1 extra level up and nothing more", i mean that each dungeon would grant a maximum of 100 exp point to a certain amount of units for the whole playthrough, and no, enemies wouldn't respawn: in PoR you fight beorc and laguz, not monsters also, PoR is a linear FE game and has no world map (for the love of God i would NOT add a world map in a PoR remake), so every dungeon would be explorable only once: that would already be a fair limitation to prevent players from grinding
  12. i would keep it as faithful to the original as possible, PoR's gameplay it still really solid and needs no major changes the only thing i can think about is more base convos and supports, and interchangeable skills just like in RD personal skills would be nice, but i don't think they're necessary also, a bit more difficulty wouldn't hurt either (not the artificial "fates conquest" difficulty, i mean actual strategy) yeah, adding explorable castles and villages to read even more dialogues (that's what i love so much of PoR, just imagine exploring the prisons where daein's scientists made experiments on laguz first hand) and dungeons (but no grinding, they could fix this potential problem by allowing characters to get, let's say, 1 extra level and nothing more) would be really cool, that'd be the only change i'd really think about if i were in charge of remaking PoR and tasked to add a new feature that the original game didn't have so to sum it up, here's my "top 3 PoR remake changes" tier list: 3) interchangeable skills and higher difficulty 2) explorable castles, towns and dungeons 1) more base convos and supports
  13. from personal experience, i can say that most of Edelgard fans are also Lysithea fans i kinda developed this superpower which allows me to recognize others as Edelgard-Lysithea fans just by chatting with them a few minutes, it's crazy how accurate my predictions have been anyway, i'm generally happy with these results, i'm not the kind of person who gets upset for getting another copy of a unit i already have, merges are always welcome, so getting my L!Alm to +2 would be great of course, i strongly dislike edelgard being in the top 8, but i'm confident she'll lose during the voting gauntlet i still fail to see what part of Lรญf's character is so appealing, except for the edgy design, but to each their own i guess i'd be super happy if one between Altina and L!Leif wins, mostly because i failed to get them and because i hate legendary/mythic banners Azura is good, i don't have her (heya L!Lyn), but she really breaks the game too much for me, so i'd probably fodder her off to my Altena i don't mind those 2 sothis
  14. in no particular order: 1- Rhea (Infanfry staff/Infantry green/blue tome) 2- Kieran (Cavalry axe) 3- Makalov (Cavalry sword) 4- Astrid (Cavalry bow) 5- Geoffrey (Cavalry lance) 6- Shinon (Infantry bow) 7- Boyd (Infantry axe) 8- Sephiran (Infantry staff/blue tome) 9- Deghinsea (Armored colorless breath 10- Arthur there's only one Arthur for me, and he has white/silver hair (Infantry green/blue tome) 11- Ashnard (Wyvern sword) 12- Stefan (Infantry sword) 13- Zihark (Infantry sword) 14- Bastian (INFANTRY DAGGER?!?!?) 15- Ashera (Armored blue tome) 16- Ashunera (Infantry red tome) 17- Sain (Cavalry lance) 18- Erk (Infantry red tome) 19- Erinys or whatever she's called now, she'll always be Fury for me (Pegasus lance) 20- Elena (Infantry staff) Honorable mentions: - Marianne (Infantry green/blue tome) - Dorothea (Infantry red/blue tome) - Seteth (Wyvern lance) - Flayn (Pegasus staff) - Calill (Infantry red/blue tqome)
  15. are you implying that you expected 3H's recency not to be a pro, but a con? because if that's so, i think you're part of a VERY small minority anyway, Rhea gained 1 position, going from 18th to 17th, not bad at all, but i'd have been happier if she was a bit higher, although i'm not complaining i'm saving orbs for her so that i'm ready to summon her as soon as she gets added... so i don't know if i should hope for her to get added either sooner or later i guess later would be the best scenario, so that i can gather more orbs and maybe get more copies of her eh, i just hope she'll make it in, she doesn't deserve to be so shafted
  16. i don't know who to choose between L!Leif and Altina, i really like them, they're very strong and i'd like to get at least one of these two
  17. definitely "With Us", but also "Rally the spirit", "Victory is near" and "Power-hungry fool" are among my favorite songs from PoR
  18. i really love Rhea, that's why i voted for her during the whole Choose Your Legends event this said, i can definitely see why so many tend to prefer others over her: hell, that's exactly what the game itself wants you to do Edelgard is undoubtedly the game's frontwoman (?), they wanted you to like her even since 3H's very first trailer, also she's the one getting a Figma figure the game wants you to feel attached to her the most, feel empathy for her and side with her, and i find it so bizarre that her route is actually the """hardest""" one to access (if you choose BE, you're most likely to get B support with Edelgard and talk to her in the monastery, so that you can choose the route you want to play, when the moment comes) as if this wasn't enough, the game constantly tries to make Rhea look suspicious during the academy arc, showing that even Seteth sometimes questions her actions, so of course this doesn't help players like her over other characters also yeah, the fact that she almost completely disappear during the war arc and is not playable makes her lose popularity points but i'm sure many people out there like her as well
  19. well, can't say i didn't expect this, but it's still really boring honestly, though, i just don't care about this CYL, it was clear it wouldn't have appealed to me at all; what i DO care about is to see Rhea getting in the game, that's all i ask for
  20. Can't really post my ballot screenshot due to size restrictions, but I voted for Rhea everyday I think she's the most shafted main character of the game, and since i love her, it just felt right to support her, also because Dimitri getting 1st place was so obvious that he didn't really need my votes
  21. definitely caineghis, he's simply too awesome not to join his army i wonder what a Brave Caineghis (or maybe "Braver Caineghis") might look like...
  22. i tend to believe they don't define personalities, but they have some degree of influence i usually can guess a person's zodiac sign by some behaviors or tendencies, but of course i'm not correct all the times, and i don't read horoscopes that much i'm Pisces
  23. i'm so sorry i won't be able to help Eirika and Marth overtaking Lysi and Claude, but i feel like keeping on supporting Rhea, i think she just doesn't deserve to be so cast aside compared to other 3H main characters also, i'm so curious to see nothing against Claude, but I just wouldn't appreciate a Brave Houses banner best of luck to all Eirika and Marth supporters!
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