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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. This dude one-rounded Ernst with Zachariah. Without even breaking the silver shield. Also that Julia is still genuinely uncanny. Well. At least there was Ernst. I want to be mad at this, but I can't. It's too funny.
  2. ...Yeesh. Dude's hanging on to that beard for dear masculinity. Oi.
  3. Honestly, as annoying as it might be, I think it'd be better to let trading happen between units in the castle. Heck, let both options exist - if you don't want Sigurd to wait for a couple turns for someone else to take his steel sword, leave it at the pawnbroker, incur a bit of extra cost but you get to just leave immediately with Sigurd. And then he never mentioned his dearest brother ever again. Oof. Ladies and gentlemen, man who is apparently more broken than Seth. ...Hold on, what? Why are you surprised? You seemed so sure of yourself earlier when talking to Arboy! Arvis can't lift, he's a nerdy boy with noodle arms. Sigurd, however, does lift, and his arms are muscular and bulging. I hope jealousy doesn't spark anything between them. It's probably out there. People have built ships based on less. I do feel that's probably intentional. The king basically just has some mook bestow a strictly symbolic title upon Sigurd so as to butter him up before ordering him to conquer his neighbors. Think corporate higher-ups "encouraging" their subordinates by mean of promotions that increase their responsibilities but not their salaries. ...Of course, even then, Berwick Saga manages to do a similar concept with much more oomph to it. But Berwick Saga's just built different.
  4. Of course I was. This man's design is too good to live. Only generic ass anime teens and pixie girls allowed. Somehow I don't believe him, but...
  5. Arguments for AI: It's convenient, clear and believable. Arguments for sentence mixing: Also what do you mean you needed those bombs to fight Ganon, all you need for that chump is a book Finally, some fucking good design. He's just going to die isn't he.
  6. Most people's eyes narrow when they become angry. Arzette's eyes widen.
  7. The quote is unaffected, so proof of your goof remains for posterity. Oof. Implying Shaky is even going to look in the general direction of a Genealogy playthrough. I have already won.
  8. I sincerely doubt it's a coincidence, Kaga loves to reference LotR. Berwick Saga, for instance, has a Faramir, a Nazgul, a guy who was probably meant to reference Eowyn (but FE brainrot led the community to translate his name as Olwen, and then the fanslation's creator further tweaked that into Owen), and probably another couple of references I've missed.
  9. Arden time. Won't lie to ya, this looks like the save file of someone who was like "ok that was fun and all, this is a good place to stop, I'll keep going later" and then just went ahead and did other things. Very true. Already we're seeing improvements over Archanea's incredibly barebones storytelling and dry visuals. ...Even if the portraits aren't much better lol Cool portrait rips! I like the little FE3-esque style. It's so cool, it even turned Aideen into a pink-head! And then there's Arden that everyone just wants to leave in the castle. Fun fact: If you send him to take on the first group of brigands in the game alone, he can die on EP. Chances are low, but it can happen. Singlehandedly makes this game less of a hassle to play than FE3. I can't believe the Verdane royal family were Luthier's ancestors all along. As far as I can tell, etimologically it's a completely arbitrary change. He's called Gandolf in JP, Munnir doesn't seem to have much of an origin other than Munir being a regualr Arabic name and, well, they're obviously completely different. Kaga is not a very creative man. Pretty much. Lex is pretty much just a worse Noish/Alec if you don't get his brave axe. His entirely hidden, hintless, guide-baity brave axe. Whoop! Classist grandpa Finn wants to be forever alone so that he gets to keep his brave lance. Fuck love, he deserves it more. Look, look! It's le Three Houses inspiration moment that has basically nothing to do with Three Houses because the wonder trio from Houses are not friends in the slightest! Claude doesn't even know the other two at all! There he is, folks. FE4's invincible protagonist. Nothing can ever kill him, ever. He's better than Seth! As I recall from my run, he was... forgettable. Eh. I'm sure he'll be less harmful than Gotoh. The only thing I'm letting Gotoh get is a slow, painful death., Gotoh being a lawyer fits him really well. And not a good lawyer either, he's the lawyer that defends a mob boss. History continues to prove me right. Historials will record my name as "Ruben the Correct."
  10. Heck, the CDi remasters by the same person had multiple save slots. Wonder what that's all about. If you're on Windows you might be able to enable the xbox game bar's record functionality for the game. Then you press win+alt+g and it records the last 30 seconds. Handy for this kind of thing.
  11. Rather disappointing, I won't lie. I've not bought the game yet but if I had, I'd definitely be looking for a refund. I'd be telling that guy, I probably wouldn't, just had to reach for another clip
  12. ...I kinda wanna say it's a coincidence but someone with this much passion for CDi Zelda ought to have at least passing knowledge of the crown jewel of so bad it's good movies. (Nice song by the way)
  13. Well, I fell behind. I can't believe Marth hates sand. I won't lie, the fact that this is a constant throughout the game makes it seem really damn boring. FE12 has plenty of problems but being boring is the cardinal sin for me when it comes to FE. Still, Sheema is pretty nice. Goodbye, man who was revived for... some reason? I don't really get why Kaga would do this. He accomplished very little that couldn't have been done by just... not victimizing Minerva earlier in the game. I can only concur. I'm so glad we're moving on from games with this shitbag in them. Three whole maps of forced Merric, Julian, Sirius and Minerva. Bleh. Grass is green. Holy shit, why is he so bad though? I always thought of him as speed first, power second but here he's just... nothing first lol I won't lie, even in FE12 this is one map I almost always warpskip. I was trying to remember if Merric at least mentioned her in his one scene in the game back in Khadein. All in all, yeah that one's basically guide bait lol Kempf's spirit possesses Medeus "STUPID BITCHES" My boy. Might not've had an axe here, but he was still the Supreme Warlord of Grust. Godspeed. It truly was their game. Meißen Gaming Sounds like a fair assessment. One of these days I might even be bothered to give it a fair shot. Only one more game and things finally get good! Heh, so I do. Good news, too - I found them! Act 1: Luv Act 2: Mawage Act 3: Divors
  14. Thanks. I truly do feel the weight of the years. Holy shit, New Age Morshu... Thanks! Hail existence indeed. Fair. That works. Didn't see this before, but to be honest? I'm not that worried. Triple As, big budget titles, yes, they're probably headed for an utterly crappy state. And the mobile industry is already there lol. But it's much easier to get a game out there than a movie. Indies are a widespread thing now, not to mention going back to past games is very easy thanks to emulation and piracy, as much as the companies hate it. So, all things considered, I think there'll be plenty of good games left. It's just high budget crap that'll have to be avoided. And I guess there's also Nintendo. They make good games when they're not trying to exploit people's nostalgia and/or FOMO to sell them a glorified ROM. Gracias.
  15. Hahah, don't worry, folks. I really don't mind these things too much. That being said, thanks. Appreciate it. Of course, my heart's not made of stone, so just because I don't care much for birthdays doesn't mean I'm not touched by such a kind gesture as this. Thanks, funny anime man.
  16. I offhandedly mentioned to my friends that yesterday was my birthday and they got me a cake behind me back. A cake they asked me about and I picked out, but it was for a 52 year old aunt one of them had that was turning 53. As a peerless tactician of many battles and even some victories, I completely failed to realize the connection between this and my prior comment. It felt nice. Sorry, Arzette. I can't give save slots! Come back when you're a little, MMMM I kinda like Scat better. Also my favorite Cath is Smug Cath.
  17. Mighty convenient when the holy book that can say no wrong just so happens to state that the status quo is real cool. Women divine right to the kitchen, or something. Almost like it's all riddles written by men and used by other men to consolidate their power. Clearly they should've just called him Scat. Yes Yes he is I'm so glad other people can see it too
  18. There's a jeigan. Literal jeigan, he's so blatantly just Jagen lol
  19. Sorry, Bow, I can't give credit! Come back when you're a little, MMMM richer! - John Nintendo probably
  20. Think I'll let you folks bite the bullet on Unicorn. It has not particularly piqued my interest.
  21. There's something interesting there. No starshards run. How would that go, I wonder? I love how much mileage you're getting out of that shot. Way back in the day I made a series of meme edits where Gharnef and Miloah fell in love, got married and then filed for divorce (the lawyer was Gotoh.) I'll be sure to post them if I am able to find them. All things considered, I don't think she or anyone else stood a chance of winning there. Let's not forget, Camus is straight up immortal.
  22. I mean, there's the Archanea chronicle where she's basically the only actual combat unit you get. Sort of. Honestly, I feel like the knight bros and the bishops do more than she does there. And then she gets beaten by an unarmed Camus in single combat. ...being Midia is suffering. Incredible. The mighty Dark Emperor, folks. He sacrificed his facial hair for it. Notice how his stache shrinks? Y'know, like in FE12 lol You shoud've hoarded it smh my head what if you need it in the final chapter
  23. Yeah then he probably was intended to be Marduk and FE7 decided "hurr durr that one guy from the A team." It's something that is still deeply, deeply ingrained in our brains. Cultural upbringing's one hell of a drug.
  24. The other way around, Mardok and Nimue were the wrong names used in CyL. Officially they had already been established to be Murdock and Niime. ...On the other hand... Yeah, you're completely right, Niime really probably was meant to be Nimue. The reference is quite fitting. As for Murdock, there's Marduk, but a Babylonian God is not the kind of reference I'd expect FE to make (even if 8-4 did go on to reference Marduk's weapon, Imhullu). All in all, FE7 is a game that made choices. Depends on what you think of Artur. Hah, true enough. Fates's localization is just plain weird. So many seemingly arbitrary name changes. If only. Yeaaaaah... C... CCC.... CCC...OON....RR...AAA... Hey go and argue about this with the folks over at the subreddit having a war over Celica lol Guinivere is pretty cool yeah. Too bad I've spent the better part of a year murdering her and Lilina and everyone else Fun fact: Kaga broke into the Engage mangaka's house and forced him at gunpoint to write the Ace Attorney arc.
  25. Ulster's the one I don't get at all. It's just completely different. ...Actually, doing a quick search, the original Scathach from Irish mithology was a woman and mentor to the hero Ulster. So I guess they just figured since he's a guy and OG Scathach was a woman, they had to give him a male name and just chose to give him the completely different name of a related mithological figure? And then Heroes went "nope lol" and undid it. How fickle this whole thing is... I know there's a lot of characters in the series but it's really rather amazing how they keep having problems with name reuse. There's so many names out there, just name someone Lieselotte already. The thing that sucks about Gwendolyn is that, had FE6 been officially localized, it would've been impossible for that to be her name - it doesn't even fit in the original game's interface. It's way too long. The fanslation had to implement the fanmade thin font just to be able to accomodate Heroes's shit. If a fanslation had done this of their own accord people would've lambasted them for the choice. That works as a Watsonian explanation, but the Doylist reason is obviously that he's a walking superhero reference, and Superman's big red S on his chest stands for his name. Admittedly the fact that his portrait cuts off just a bit too high for the H to be seen in most circumstances does more to ruin the effect than the name change, but with the name change the letter might as well not even be there at all lol Might be on to something there. That does add up. I mean there's obviously also Leif (Leaf), but the pattern kind of peters out after that. Ah, my bad. Misread one of the signs.
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