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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Pfft. Don't party just yet. I've been through worse. This lamer has nothing on the librarian.
  2. The penultime boss has a hip swirling idle animation. Well, I give up. There's no defending that. Bloodstained's anime, after all.
  3. Gotta say, everything I heard was right. The story in this hack is surprisingly good. Mad props to the creator, he beat a few official FEs. Well, but that's not important right now. The time has come to beat up a traitor and finish Bloodstained.
  4. It wasn't very fun, but it was followed by a defense map where I routed all but one enemy, so... eh. Yeah, except Izuka was a weakling who died in one round. This guy was a pain in the ass to kill.
  5. Well, that was a godawful map. Had me chasing an extremely powerful boss that exactly two units could damage without dying (one of them had a 51% hitrate on him, too) that was warping all over the map. Not only that, every time he warped, he summoned monsters, and when he reached his final destination, he began to summon infinite (at least I assume they were infinite) magic-using monsters, half of which had luna, so I coulnd't even stop them with my res tank. Had to RNG abuse a 51% hit so that the chapter wouldn't devolve into an Advance Wars slugfest. Eugh... Well, at any rate, that's the first map I've disliked so far in this hack. It's not the best I've ever played, but other than this shit, it's been all right. Fun enough.
  6. Unbelievable. This hack is humanizing the dark cult, and it's doing it better than... pretty much every game other than TRS - and even then, it's up there. Well. My hat's off to this person. I gotta tell him next time I post in his hack's thread.
  7. Oh, shit! Someone has just released a full translation of Sword of Heaven and Earth on FEUniverse! For those who don't know, SoHaE is a Japanese hack of FE7. Unlike most of the more infamous Japanese hacks, this is a very down to earth, if somewhat basic, hack that feels kinda like a better FE6. I've played it a few times over the years and I always quite enjoyed it. Now I get to see what the story is like, too! That's awesome. Looks like I know what I'll be playing after Bloodstained / Dark Lord and the Maiden of Light.
  8. I live in northern Spain. Might still suck, but hopefully I won't fry to death. Either way, thanks for worrying 'bout me! I will but first you must admit Berwick Saga good Thanks, mate!
  9. Nice. This hack has a swamp map. It's about as pleasant as you'd imagine. Also Oh yeah? What are they? I knew it. I knew that game was evil. It's literally the garbage bag of the franchise, as confirmed by Anna in a random house in this fanmade hack.
  10. Imagine you make an account on Serenesforest, and all you manage to accomplish is set your profile picture to a stock image of a muffin, set your favorite FE to the game that isn't even FE and then get hacked. Alas, poor Bastani... we hardly knew ye.
  11. Time for dinner. Tomorrow I'll finish Bloodstained and maybe I'll try and find the remaining two rooms I've left till 100% map completion, since I'm so close. Maybe find the remaining hairstyles I haven't unlocked, too. Either way, it's definitely ending tomorrow.
  12. It's been 40 hours. I finally FINALLY found Mr. "I've never been to Spain" again. He said right before using the waystone he remembered a waterfall he once saw for some reason and ended up in the castle's actual waterfall. Then Miriam said "you want me to kick you?" and I have no comments to make about that. Now I have to find him in the oriental lab area. Hopefully that'll take less long. Seriously, I sweeped the entire fucking water area (which is enormous) before I gave up, looked it up and realized he was in the one room I had missed. Joy.
  13. Holy shit, and I thought he sounded angry when he said "return what you borrowed." Hahahaha... Jesus, I think dying might've been a better fate for the poor guy.
  14. YEEEEEEEEEESSS I beat the librarian. Almost 3 hours I spent on it, but I finally beat the fucking librarian. God, what a great fight that was. Honestly, probably my favorite boss in the game. That was super fucking good.
  15. I keep dying to the librarian when he has 1000 HP left. Ahhh, how excellent. I feared this game wouldn't be able to replicate the feeling of Bloodless and Andrealphus in the lategame. How wrong I was... For your sake, I hope it doesn't turn out to be a disappointment, because I can see you're not gonna even consider buying it a single minute after launch.
  17. Well, still, I hope you stay. Our tastes may differ, but it's still nice to have you around.
  18. Okay, so for a moment there I thought I kinda had it under control. Then the librarian molested me. Seriously, I have no other words to describe it. He just sort of hugged me, did... something and I instantly died. Jesus. C'mon, man, you had one tiny argument with someone. I don't think anyone wants you gone at all. At least I know I don't!
  19. Oh, yeah. I'd forgotten. Still pretty damn shitty that, instead of fixing the problem, they force you to waste a day or two (I'm assuming it doesn't take more) waiting for repairs... or, y'know, buy a new set. Come to think about it, it's literally the same principle as gachas: you can do it for free, sure, but it's so inconvenient that some people will be tempted to fork over some dough. Now I have to wonder if they didn't do it on purpose.
  20. The best parallel universe is the one in which one of the three houses crumbles down on Claude's ugly head and it's only Fire Emblem: Two Houses. Also, OD is insane, and unlike Iga, he moves about a ton, so I can't just cheese him with the gun. Help.
  21. I am not very proud of how I beat Iga. I cheesed it with diamond bullets and the shield shard. ...And still he got me a couple times because he's that broken. Sheesh. I'm pretty sure he can be summoned again, so I can give him an honorable shot after I beat the game. Just for shits and giggles, I doubt I'd be able to beat him lol. And now, on to the librarian. Iga's shard will be quite useful there, even if I could only upgrade it to level 3 because I can't prepare apple juice.
  22. When it comes to Joycons, you have to accept they're going to break and that you'll have to give Nintendo moneys to repair / replace them. Or, you know, you can get a pro controller, and if a game requires joycons, you tell the game to go fuck itself.
  23. Okay, fuck the librarian. I'll go beat up the developer instead. Mostly because I've heard he's harder and I only have diamond bullets for one of them.
  24. Damnit, the brand of headsets that I used to buy is no longer being made. What a shame, I liked these headsets, and I'm pretty picky when it comes to these things. Anyway, I've bought a bunch of diamond bullets to beat up OD with. I deal a little over 100 damage with them, so I need to hit him 100 times to beat him. Which means I don't have enough. Great. This guy is insane.
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