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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. I say the same thing every time. At some point it ought to happen.
  2. Ain't it? Ahhh. Okay. Well, that's still a bit longer than I'd like. I wasn't expecting, nor wanting, the game to reveal everything in the first hour, but... Holy shit, the setting has been so absurdly uninteresting, I just can't keep going. It's like they were trying to parody MMORPGs, but accidentally made an unironic MMORPG, boring fetch quests and all. It's one thing to start slow, it's another to have absolutely nothing for like 10 hours lol. Not this time, Armagon. I know this game inside and out. I won't lose anybody. Right, I understand. Well, it's certainly better than the old name listed in the Serenes Berwick pages. Maoza wolf. What even is a maoza?
  3. May I ask what it means? Something to do with wolves at all?
  4. Fuck it, here we go. This is going to be a chill Berwick Saga run, which means I'm going to Ironman it kinda I guess and reset as little as possible, mostly to avoid the hassle of it. I hope I don't end up with the konnigswolfe. Or however that thing is spelled. Serenes only has the old name listed.
  5. Well, I think this is as far as I go in CrossCode. This boss is way too much, and I refuse to go back and do more bland fetch quests to earn the money I'd need to purchase more gear. Plus, I've read that the story only starts going somewhere at some point after getting all the elements, and up to that point it's just trite MMORPG nonsense. I value my time at least a little bit, I'm not going to spend 20 hours on a game I don't enjoy because perhaps it gets interesting at the 21th hour. Soooooo fuck it, I think I'll play Berwick Saga again. Maybe. Unless something else comes up.
  6. Unfortunately... Yeah, that's true. I don't want games to remain static through their entirety, but a strong start is going to do wonders for me. The promise of it getting good eventually just isn't enough, personally. Wait... So is the elemental thing those orbs that put my balls on fire? That came out wrong, but you get what I mean. For the record, I left it at the one boss that absorbs a bunch of critters and gains ice powers for no reason whatsoever.
  7. Hm. Fair point. I suppose at this point it's just my personal opinion that the typical RPG combat system is extremely boring blinding me. I really do not enjoy RPG combat. It's so uninteresting to me. Even the most boring FE is at least a bit more engaging than that to me. That's another thing that my favorite RPGs have in common, actually. They all spice up combat in some way or another.
  8. Yeah, you know what. Screw this. I'll give it another shot tomorrow. Ah, sorry. Missed this post. Well... yeah, I suppose that's a fair point. I'd still say that there's more thought process involved in any strategy game, even one that's really easy, than in the act of grinding in a RPG, which just requires you mash the A button forever to get through menus. The one where Mario is bald. I love that movie.
  9. Ahahah, I died again. Fun boss. I am this close to starting my sixth run of Serie de LagrimaAnillo: Saga de Berwick: Crónicas de Lazberia: Capitulo 174.
  10. Ten years of boss. Aaaaaaargh. So it seems. Not my fault everyone's taste is shit but mine. Shit, sorry. That was poor phrasing on my part. Didn't mean for it to come across that way. I suppose what I wanted to say is, I can understand that reason more, personally. But no, seriously, I never meant to say that you're wrong to enjoy grinding or anything. It's perfectly fine. I mean, heck, I'm in no position to criticize anyone, I spent way too long on those boss medals in Bloodstained...
  11. @Armagon How much longer till the elemental whatever? Yeah, of course, I forgot this. This is a bit moe of a legitimate reason. I'd be fine with grinding in games, I mean, watching the numbers go up is fun. I still have a FE8 save file with almost everyone maxed out in the creature campaign from way back when, I loved doing that. But it should never, ever be a mandatory thing. Okay, that. That looks like the best game ever made.
  12. I think the difference between the two is that you need to do some thinking to devise a proper strategy (well, in a good strategy game, at least). You need to study the field, the enemies, your own assets, etc. And when you get a good plan going, it's satisfying, because you've found a solution to a challenge. You've cracked the code, so to speak. Grinding in RPGs just has you pressing A through menus for an hour straight just to be able to pass the wall of stats. It's little more than factory work, from my perspective. A test of endurance and patience, and nothing else. Not really much of an achievement when the only investment you put into it is time. It's repetitive, boring, and oftentimes just a trick the devs use to hide the fact that the game isn't that long. I'm absolute piss bollocks at explaining myself, but I hope I was able to properly explain my reasoning. Well, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. I disagree, but hey, it's not like you enjoying grinding is personally hurting me or anything, haha.
  13. Yeah, I can see how chapter 10 would be more difficult. In FE12's harder difficulties dracozooming isn't an option either due to the sniper and the shaver mages, but reclassing Wendell to draco does trivialize Elrean. A character that was supposed to rejoin just... hasn't. And she's needed to recruit another guy without too much hassle. I believe it's because her brother is dead. The dialogue changed accordingly, but it still implies that she'll join anyway. My theory is that the alternate event that happens if her brother is dead is glitched and doesn't make her rejoin. I'll have to wait till the creator sees it, and hopefully he'll fix it. Otherwise... Eh. Maybe I'll just keep going tomorrow. I didn't intend on using her anyway. What!? Oh, that's it. Henceforth, I shall not breathe. Starting now!
  14. Well, damn. I ran into a pretty big bug in Lonely Mirror and I'd like to wait a bit to see if the creator sees my report. And I really don't feel like playing CrossCode. ...TF2 it is, I guess. Can't go wrong with some TF2. Right... Well, a little easier at times than FE12 H1 does not sound good to me personally, but eh. Maybe one day I'll give it a shot. Maybe not, but I need to produce reasons to be angry at Three Houses. Even if it's from thin air.
  15. Yes, because 3H is a great game that does nothing wrong. Unite the fanbase it did.
  16. I beat all of them. It required... minimal grinding. Little enough that the more-fun-than-average combat system kept me going through it. Meanwhile Ruben: plays Bloodstained for 40 hours longer than he could've because he wanted pixelated medals.
  17. Hey, that's not too bad. I like Derrick. Don't really know the others, of course, but it's nice to see Kajaran's face. Oof. ...You know, come to think of it, I never did play book 2. I only played book 1, got bored out of my mind and assumed book 2 would be similarly piss easy. What are your thoughts on it? To be honest, at some points I'd argue Kris stealing lines is a good thing. For instance, instead of Marth being an uncultured swine that knows absolutely nothing about his continent, it's Kris that gets the history lessons, which makes a lot more sense because they're just a nobody from some backwater village in Altea. There's only really two or three scenes where he really steals someone else's thunder. It's bad, but not as bad as some people say it is. ...I will agree that the hats are kinda dumb, but I love them still. Wait... you like grinding? I mean, i'ts okay if you do, just... I don't get it. Grinding is literally just a waste of time so the devs get to claim their game lasts longer than it really does. If you don't mind me asking, where's the appeal in that?
  18. Right... Yeah, I don't think I thought to try that. I don't think, at least. My memories of this game are pretty sparse. I just remember finding it pretty boring and easy except for the Magus fight. But hey, it must've done something right, because I played almost the entire game. I don't think I did a single sidequest, but hey. It's more than Final Fantasy 6. That one I hardly played at all before I got bored.
  19. Well, I don't think I even knew what that is at the time. Or now. Sooo yeah, I didn't.
  20. In my defense, I will say that I played Chrono Trigger many years ago. Actually, I kinda had the opposite problem: the game was super easy, I breezed through it... Until the final boss, who had like 10 phases, and I lost only because I ran out of healing items. At that point, I would've had to go grind for money to buy more healing and for levels to last longer. Instead, I said "fuck it" and never touched the game again. Besides, grinding isn't my only problem with RPGs. Boring, repetitive combat is another, and Chrono Trigger definitely suffered from this, as I recall. Oh, man. That's terrible. Hang in there...
  21. The problem is that equipment kinda costs money. A shitton of money. I was broke from just buying a set of basic-ass bronze armor. I probably would have to grind for money if not for experience, which effectively amounts to the same result. I mean, I guess I could do quests for money instead, but the quests so far have been such bland fetch quests that I really would rather not, honestly. What's with you guys's recommendations and the promise of games becoming good in X hours? Well, I'll try to keep myself going at least until I unlock the element system, but let me be brutally honest here: right now, every aspect of this game are all boring me to tears. The story is boring, the gameplay is boring, the music is boring - Heck, even the graphics are boring. Personally speaking, of course. There is absolutely nothing about CrossCode right now that is making me feel engaged at all. And, well, from my rants about FE9, you should know I consider a game being boring even worse than a game being bad. Sooo yeah. Ruben off to hate on everyone else's favorite games once more. Oops. That's why my favorite RPGs are games like Live a Live, Mother 3, Lisa: The Painful and Omori - games where grinding is either minimal or just plain nonexistent, while super popular RPGs like Chrono Trigger, Pokemon and Final Fantasy did absolutely nothing for me. I believe a youtuber by the name of NitroRad said it best:
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