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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. I'm doing a really fun prison escape chapter now. Or, well, it would be fun if I wasn't the stupidest, most brainless shitstain in the whole fucking universe. I keep fucking up in the dumbest ways and it's pissing me off. ...Fuck it, I'll go play some TF2 and I'll deal with this later. The map isn't even that tough, I'm just dumb and angry.
  2. Well, well, well. At least this hack had the decency to warn me, unlike a certain man whose name starts with a K. Right, I get it. I... I think.
  3. It was a good idea to wait on the Lonely Mirror. It took him a couple of days, but the creator fixed the problem I was having. Excellent, now I can continue without regrets. This is the funniest shit. Goddamn you, guys. Actually, she's just enraged. It's a bit different. ...There is, however, a depression status in the game. It raises your defense way high, but it lowers your attack to peanuts. Unironically, the emotions system in Omori is one of the things that made me actually enjoy the combat. It's so unique. It's so boring and unbalanced. Well... No, but you can yell at the Earth until you make it angry. How dare you make me Id. ...Whatever that means. What are you even talking about!? I am currently dead.
  4. You can read a sad poem to planet Earth and make it sad. Omori is a really funny game sometimes.
  5. Ruben when a RPG wastes his time with a title screen instead of playing the credits immediately after booting up Yeah, I get that, but it's one thing to have a questionable twister scene with two indisputably adult characters, and it's another to have it with a "technically 1000 years old" child and... Literally just a child, no excuses. ...then again, twister is marketed as a game for kids in real life, so... What the fuck do I know. tl;dr The world is awful, let's just beat up the planet. Oh. Well, now I feel a bit bad about the overly harsh tone I employed there lol.
  6. Kinda their fault when they deliberately had the two characters that look 12 (heck, one of them just is) play it in a blatantly sexual manner. They could've done the same joke with Kobayashi and Tohru and it would've been... Comfortable to watch, at least. But no, it had to be the little girls, complete with camera close ups and all. I mean, c'mon. I really don't think it's that unreasonable to be put off by the loli shenanigans in Kobayashi. Which is a shame, I genuinely digged the concept of the MC and her relationship with the titular dragon maid from the clips I saw... But man, some of the parts with the kids are so fucking disgusting. Downloads are too slow. The plot of the RPG must exist in my brain even before I discover it, otherwise I'll hate the game forever.
  7. Huh... Well, you have good taste in maps, as proven by your affinity for 12-1. I think I'll take you at your word, and give Book 2 a shot soon-ish. It's going to feel weird, with all of my favorites gone, but... Eh, Matthis is still there. ...Yeah, I have to agree with you there. In my lunatic run that map was... well, it was unpleasant.
  8. Man, looking back, I was surprisingly thorough with this file. I didn't max out every stat for everyone, but I did at least cap the offensive stats of everyone except Marisa, Colm, Tana, Vanessa, Ross and Neimi. You can tell it's a really old file because it has shit like druid Ewan, warrior Garcia, great knight Kyle and Forde, sage Artur for some reason and... ...Wait, paladin Amelia? Why? What the fuck, Ruben from the Past?! Anyway, 3-Main Berwick over. Couple of panics in a few places, but overall, that went pretty damn well. Enemy-phasing them with Excalibur consistently trivializes them even in lunatic, it's hilarious. ...Okay, that does sound wonderful in FE3. Gotta say, though, the shard being in a chest does not convince me. That just seems like it'd end up like chapter 10 - you beat the map, then you have Marth tediously run a lap around the map collecting the treasure. Except instead of a lap, it's just a little jog to the other end of the map and back. At least in FE12 the shard goes to you. Plus, I bet FE3 doesn't have the Sable Knights randomly showing up in a volcano with their heavy-ass jackets right after the Avatar and Jagen were done complaining about the heat. That never fails to crack me up.
  9. Eh, I can't complain. I believe I've mentioned it before, but way back when I was still relatively new to the franchise, I poured enough hours into the FE8 postgame to max out almost every playable character. Still have the file, in fact. Lemme check... ...OH MY GOD 124 HOURS But hey. Worth it. Thanks for your support.
  10. I really would like to know why Serenes does this "sorry you're blocked, images are illegal now" thing sometimes Oh wow, I'd never seen that happen before. For some reason, one of the thieves in 3-Main hid in the temple, so Agvan was unable to sit on the seize point. Nothing too remarkable happened afterwards, however. The thief moved the following turn and Agvan assumed his usual position. Another image I can't post because of the bug Also, this image is bringing me some awful memories. O O F Well, the Code of Sooks is more like the Code of Sucks, then, because the Code of Ruben says get to the point in 30 hours or less. Berwick Saga is once again an exception, much like when it comes to anime.
  11. That's because Omori actually knows how to get to the point. Sorry, I can't stand RPGs, okay? Even my favorite one is not entirely safe from their flaws. Just mostly. You should know better, Sooks. I am a grumpy person. Even by normal standards, that's still 60 hours. I still hate him. How?
  12. Haha I spent 24 hours on Omori and even as much as I loved it I started to feel the burn out really quick when I got sidetracked by sidequests. I'm just hopeless with this genre... Glad the story acknowledges it, at least. ...Uuuh, roughly 150 hours into the series. Yeah, I get that feeling too. It's a bit weird. But ultimately, playtime is just a meaningless number. Opinionated Ruben* And since Ruben's opinions are always right, Good Ruben*
  13. I hate him anyway. True, that's quite tr-- 40 HOURS OF LEAVING THE GAME ON THE PAUSE MENU!? ...Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhh...
  14. Well. At least it's one of the innocuous scenes, and not... y'know, shit like the twister scene. Hey, I just wanted to briefly interject to say That is all, carry on with your positivity. Holy shit I hadn't even realized. Goodness, 75 hours of RPG gameplay... I'm glad I quit while the going was good. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww who's a cute boy.
  15. Let's get some anime for your reading comprehension, too. At least it's not the loli.
  16. 11-1 is gonna be fun. Again. I've never really used the kid for anything that isn't thief utility. I can try, what do I have to lose?
  17. Bigger ouch of Czene. I found out the hard way that losing the fight in Maham's house in chapter 2-main is lethal. Didn't even get a grave because she was just a guest unit at the time. Urgh... Perceval feeds on the blood of his peers.
  18. Well, that was a disaster. Thankfully, Adel and Leon were badasses and captured Hamilton, so Axel's ransom only ended up costing me 100 denarii. Still angry about that repairstone, though...
  19. I turned it around. Take your animes and stick 'em where the sun don't shine.
  20. Christine can't land a 67% but she can land two 25% and miraculously kill the porter before he can reach the ballista. Okay. I'm not even going to question it, at this point.
  21. Why!? Why, why, why!? Why is it that the second I pronounce the word "ironman" the forces of the universe immediately begin to conspire to set me up for the most absurd fucking falls?! I'm in the training mission. You know, the one that's not supposed to be that bad? Well, Axel is crippled, the repairstone escaped, the bolts are almost to the ballista, Izerna is in danger and everyone is getting hit by everything and landing no blows of their own. I'm losing this mission. What the hell!? Five runs of this game, and for what!? I mean, you already have reason for one...
  22. Oh. He actually listened to me. Right after I made my last post, he got hit by two 47% from Ward and a 50% fom Volo. Thanks, man! You're the best. Also fun fact: The house with Maham inside in chapter 2 doesn't work like all the other houses in Berwick Saga. You actually have to kill him to get the pajuta grass from him, as opposed to just survive the fight. Oh, and you die if you lose the fight against him, unlike every other search house where you just get booted with 1 HP and lose the item. Guess how I discovered that. I'll give you a clue: In my first five runs, I sent Axel to two-shot Maham. This time, I decided to instead get Volo and let Czene handle the houses. Man, I love this game. Every run I discover something new about it. Hah, screw you Armagon, Zalius didn't kill anyone. I'll pick it back up just so I can drop it again.
  23. Zalius, could you do me a favor and stop being the toughest enemy in the game? Thank you. You broke the rules, Armagon. I haven't died yet.
  24. It was a mistake to send Volo alone against Zalius. What I'm saying is that you're going to die and I'll send you anime, Armagon.
  25. Okay, this though, this is 100% impossible. It would require that Perceval reaches 99% hitrates to begin with. That is just not the way of Missival.
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