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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. JUSTICE REEIIGNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNSSS-- What!? Unbelievable... I bet he doesn't even have a funny laugh like Arthur. Seriously, every time he guarded someone and went HA-HA-HA-HA HAAAAAAAAAAA I laughed my ass off. Hey, I kinda like that design. Incredible. Who is she?
  2. Okay, so I grabbed some headset that my mother had lying around. The sound quality is not terrible and it works. Only problem is that it weighs three tons, but... eh. I'll live until the new one arrives.
  3. No, this time I was just being sarcastic. Rubenio-sama-chan-kun. You can marry Izana. Izana best waifu.
  4. You know, you say "finally" but I feel like I do it every second post.
  5. 06 suggested that maybe Sooks is Corrin, so I did the only reasonable thing and referenced the fact that he can now marry Gunter. Mostly because I'm still amazed the game lets you do that.
  6. Now you can play with an old man's ball before marrying him @Sooks
  7. Well, it's not my style, like all of Xenoblade, but it is pretty good. Literal flame armor is a pretty cool idea. Good. He's a complete joke of a character. Use him.
  8. It's only one year old. Disappointing. Oh, well, here's hoping the next turns out better. I've been eyeing the Razer BlackShark V2, which seems pretty good for what my needs and budget are. Only problem is, it will arrive on thursday. But, eh, worst case scenario, I can switch to my older headsets. The sound quality is... headache inducing, but at least they fucking work. Use the bad character. Whoever it is.
  9. So my headset is falling apart. It's been having issues for a long time, but it's definitely gotten worse. I have to throw my head all over the place and fiddle with the cable just to get both sides to work for 5 seconds. It's horrible. Probably time to get some new headsets.
  10. Oh my fucking God, can I please stop making the stupidest fucking mistakes 10 turns into every single map? Please? It was a bit of a slow day, yeah. Sooks, more like Glues.
  11. Top 10 saddest characters in fiction 2- This woman 1- Waluigi-- Quality over quantity Oh wait Honestly though, that's over two games per year on average. Quite impressive, if I do say so myself. Shame about the amount that are officially translated, though...
  12. Yeah, 10/10 is usually reserved for games that you enjoyed so much you're unable of being critical about. Which more often than not leads to fights with people who disagree. I've given 10/10 to both Berwick Saga and Awakening lol
  13. Why does the 13 year old have a gun Says me, who gave a 12 year old an axe to lop off heads with
  14. Oh, thank God. Finally. I beat chapter 29 of the Lonely Mirror. Jesus, that was so hard. Not bad, exactly, but... Damn, these enemies could really stand to have their stats lowered just a tiny bit when the fliers one-round the ship I have to protect. I don't see how it'd be possible to protect it without warping it inland. Why does the 4 year old have a gun
  15. Hey, quit calling me out like that. I wouldn't encourage people to drop out of college. I'm told having a degree is important to not die of hunger out in the streets. But... Well, I became so much happier after leaving. Of course, in my case it was a whole bunch of things. I hated the degree I'd picked (frigging economics, what the hell was I thinking), I lived in a student housing full of people that I couldn't get along with, I could hardly sleep because they messed around until like 3-4 AM every single day, my room was so tiny I could hardly fit inside and it smelled like shit if I didn't keep the window open at all times (and no, it wasn't me, I shower daily - or well, tried to, BECAUSE I DIDN'T FIT INSIDE THE SHOWER EITHER - it was the place being hot garbage), the food was bad, the furniture broke all the time, the guy in charge of the place was a greedy, lazy prick that did nothing to fix any of the issues with his place and on top of it all attempted to demand that we paid the full year's worth even if someone were to leave early... Sorry for the rant. What I'm trying to say is, it wasn't just college in my case. All of those things together led me to quit just three months in. I'm assuming your situation isn't quite so... unideal. I will consider it.
  16. Not gonna lie, that's been bugging me ever since people first started talking about this series. But hey, at least they didn't give the brigands Spanish names for once, so I guess we shouldn't complain.
  17. Okay, this is starting to scare me. I can't beat this map. The enemies are super tough and there's a million of them. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if this is another hack that has dropped the ball right at the end... I don't want to think that, I've really enjoyed this hack. Maybe I should just call it a day.
  18. I need a game without RNG after I beat Lonely Mirror. The creator didn't even do anything to the RNG, it's still just classic true hit, but the luck I've had with this hack in particular is astounding. Jesus fucking Christ.
  19. Why the stutter? Being me isn't that bad. Now all you need to do is find a game to hate to the point of obsession and you'll be set.
  20. Back in high school I always went out of my way to pair up with the worst students in class. They got to be lazy bums, and I got to do shit my way, at my own pace, without anybody's interference. The deal worked out, everyone was happy, and the teachers weren't dumb, they knew who was the one who actually did anything there. The problem is that I reached college with no teamwork abilities whatsoever, and when I was made to actually work with a proper team on an actually big-ish project, I kind of flipped out and ended up becoming the lazy bum myself. Then I quit because it was all driving me to depression. Thankfully, I've gotten better at it since. Of course, the fact that I hated what I studied at college did not help at all. Yeah, that's not a bad deal.
  21. Well, I appreciate the concept, if nothing else. Food is good. Yeah, probably would pay off to be responsible. Yes, basically. I do feel it's a bit weird to call 5 the bad threshold when it's exactly in the middle, but otherwise, I agree with these.
  22. Smash Bros Ultimate, more like JRPG Bros Ultimate. But at least Smash doesn't take 50 hours to get to the goddamned point
  23. I have no hope of my pick getting in Smash, so... sure, Adol for Smash. Why not, it's not like I'm going to care either way. Might as well make everyone else in the thread happy.
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