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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Nah, she did join, thankfully. She dies if a mage sneezes her way, but against physical enemies she's pretty great. Jikes... that looks terrible. I hope the situation is resolved as soon as possible...
  2. Oh hey, it's the greatest scene in videogames. More or less. Even without the buffs (because of course she loses them when she's recruitable), she still has better stats than everyone else in the team in every stat except speed. And she even heals! She's amazing. Of course. She's an... interesting character, let's just say.
  3. Great. Fuckin' A. The American anthem, man! Don't you see the stars and the stripes? Oh, no, y'see, bringing only males to chapter 26 and talking to her with the protag or the balding archer? That's only the beginning. I have to speak to her again in chapter 27, and then she joins, according to the guide. Jesus fucking Christ, did Kaga make this game...? I'm assuming I can kill her here. The guide specifies you can't kill a different unit who also shows up as an enemy, but says nothing for Amanda. And, honestly, it's impossible to proceed without killing her. These corridors are tight and I cannot tank her forever, she's way too powerful.
  4. Well, she died anticlimatically. This will, however, play for the enemy when I get her and start sending her at them. With her 2 speed and all. ...The problem now is, well, I had four guys in my main team, and her ridiculous recruitment requirements demanded that I only bring guys, so half of my forces are benchies. My sniper is having to frontline. It's the saddest thing ever.
  5. Welp, was nice knowing ya, Caden. Never mind, screw you Amanda. Fat brigand wins again. ...Holy shit though, imagine my panic when she showed no signs of stopping when I talked to her with the balding archer. Jikes...
  6. Oh, good God, she's coming. Sure, she only has 2 speed, boosted to a still pitiful 7 by her uber spear-esque weapon. But then she has 38 defense and 36 strength. And she's moving towards us. Balding archer, you better put all your abilities to the test. If you can't seduce her we're shit outta luck.
  7. It is always a weird feeling when someone necroposts a thread. It feels like they opened a time capsule.
  8. It's past noon where I live lol But hey, better late than never, as they say.
  9. Lonely Mirror has now done Thracia's chapter 20 but better, because even though everyone was scattered, they all had the opportunity to do things, unlike in the Thracian chapter where half the army just spends the whole map playing catch-up. Not bad. And now, it's time to bench all the women so I can recruit funny general woman. The game doesn't really give you clues, as far as I noticed (beyond her obsession with men making you go "hey maybe I should send only men after her", I guess), but the bastard is literally invincible, so I won't take any chances. And hey, on the bright side, this way I don't have to despair over who to bench so I can make room for the thief. Thankfully both thieves are male... Still fucking sucks, because... Oh my God I just realized I only have four male units on the main team apart from the lord. Holy shit, this is going to be horrible...
  10. Ah... I'm sorry. I really do complain too much about that game, don't I? I try to do it in an entertaining way, at least, but... Yeah, you're right, I could probably stand to calm down about it. Hah! Well, thanks. I do try. Nah. Think on the bright side. You'll have a future... He's fil-A with pride for his garbage food chain. ...at least I'm assuming that's what it is. Maybe I'm being prejudiced, but Chick Fil-A does not sound like the name for a gourmet restaurant. Also, I believe this post's energy calls for the American anthem. I don't think there's that many Vandal Hearts out there, so unless you were referring to TRS or just misread the name...
  11. Thanks for the confidence boost, guys. Now I can go to bed a happier man. You still have shit taste though Armagon
  12. Of course, of course. Love ya guys. But you have poor taste if you disagree with me. Pffft... I remember I enjoyed it quite a bit, but I dropped it halfway for... some reason I cannot remember. Perhaps I should pick it up again one of these days. I still have the totally legit copy I got at the time from my uncle at N... from my cousin at Sony.
  13. Heh, well, thanks! Got awfully emotional there for a sec, didn't I... Well, don't worry about me. It wasn't a great experience, but I do have a few fond memories. For instance, I played TRS for the first time at that place! That and Vandal Hearts. I think I was playing Vandal Hearts when one of them came in and commented on how old and boring the game looked. Psch... Oh, well.
  14. Well, at least it's better than when I went to college and lived in a student housing for a few months. Everyone there hated me because they thought I was an arrogant, irascible prick. ...I really hope I don't come across that way here. The day one of them got drunk enough to tell me to my face I cried myself to sleep. I mean, the guy felt bad the next day and came to apologize and say that they misunderstood, and from there things actually did get better with them. Until I started to get depressed because of college instead and just couldn't bear it anymore. I tell you guys, the first night after I quit college and returned to sleep in the comfort of my home instead of a place full of drunken students? One of the best nights of my life. I slept like a baby. ...Where was I going with this again...? B-Baka thread
  15. The thread is wrong. Hah! I guess so, yes. For fuck's sake, 06. I don't love her that way!
  16. I already gave you my answer. Bwahahahahahahahahahahah... Oh, c'mon, Sooks. That's too cruel...
  17. Ahahah... Well, I finished the course I was doing. I have all the time in the world to postpone the decision of what to do with my life from here on. That means I get to go to bed late!
  18. But that was entirely innocuous... O O F True tho.
  19. ...No. Depends, do I get kicked by a hot chick?
  20. True, TLP isn't a work of art. But my point is that it's better than Three Houses. Which it is, because a kick to the nuts would be better than Three Houses.
  21. Implying it exists in Three Houses. An army of wyverns is the most optimal strategy, for fuck's sake. The Last Pedy? I probably should call him Mr. You Can Do It, to be more clear.
  22. Anakin alone makes TLP better than Three Houses. What a great concept for a lord. Even to this day, he remains one of the most unique, useful and just plain fun lords I've seen in any hack and... really, official FE.
  23. So far, the worst part about Lonely Mirror is one of the songs. You see, for the most part it has just used music from all three GBAFEs - which is okay, not everyone is a composer, and ported songs tend to be iffy. However, in the latest map, it dropped something diferent: A GBAfied track from Three Houses. It sounds absolutely horrible, the port didn't do it any favors. What I'm trying to say is, the worst part about this hack is Three Houses. Fuck Three Houses. All the hacks I've ever played are better than it. Yes, that includes TLP.
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